rebirth of change

Chapter 1112 Something Has Changed

The international speculators had a head-on confrontation with Hong Kong, and they were disgraced and embarrassed. They lost several handfuls of rice instead of stealing chickens.The money they lost was not all the money of private investors, but also the money of many government agencies. The money belonged to all citizens.

They can afford the money lost by private institutions, but the money lost by public institutions is not so easy to settle.If it’s less, it’s easy to explain, but if it’s too much, someone has to stand up and take responsibility.

Just like the loss of the Federal Reserve, President KLD will not take responsibility, and the heads of the agencies below will not be willing to take the blame and lose their political lives.

How to do it?Those cunning and clever people who hold power have thought of a way, which is to get a sum of money in before the end of the year, and write off the numbers on the books as much as possible.

Where does the money come from? You need to choose a place carefully. Don’t pick another Hong Kong, which will make things worse.

In the end, it was a great honor for the country of Thousand Islands to be selected.

It seems most reasonable to choose the country of a thousand islands.The country was affected by the financial shock some time ago, but it has not yet reached the level of injury. As a country with a population of over [-] million, there is still a strong accumulation of wealth.This country, like other Southeast Asian countries, has a lot of loopholes in the supervision and development of the financial sector, and the aftermath of the financial crisis has not yet passed. At this time, it is appropriate to focus on it to make up for its own losses. But that's all.

The geographical location and national conditions of the country of Thousand Islands are also relatively special. There are a lot of religious and ethnic issues in the country, especially there are many rich Chinese living here, and the relationship with China has always been good. Therefore, attacking here is also against China. A little revenge.

With the backing of the motherland and Chen Kangjie, Hong Kong overcame the difficulties, while the isolated country of a thousand islands was not so lucky. Under the careful planning and joint attack of the opponent, from Monday, June [-]st to June [-]th On the [-]st, their one-week trading period collapsed, the country's currency plummeted, and the stock market plummeted like a waterfall. Speculators placed heavy bets in advance on the purchase of stock index futures for delivery in June.Make a fortune out of this to make up for yourself.

Economic problems are often closely linked with social problems.Once an economic disaster occurs, the most sensitive response is the government. Under normal circumstances, it means that the government will immediately face huge criticism and step down.In modern history, there are many examples of governments stepping down due to economic decline.

When he saw the financial decline of the Thousand Islands Country, Chen Kangjie immediately realized the problem. He had made good preparations before, and his purpose was to deal with the social problems brought about by it, especially involving the lives and safety of Chinese people. In this way, what does it have to do with him if others beat him to death.

When the financial crisis broke out, the opposition had plotted various means and methods to criticize the government, and this time the more violent and disastrous financial shock pushed the country's economy to the brink of collapse.The opposition immediately seized the opportunity, intending to plot to get the government out of power through tandem and denunciation.They have a solid foundation in the masses. The occurrence of the financial crisis has seriously exposed the serious polarization between the rich and the poor in the country, and the lives of the people have immediately become more difficult. Therefore, many of them support it.

Where can those in power step down so easily, and where can they hand over everything so easily.The country of Thousand Islands is controlled by the political strongman, the Huto family, who has the advantage of being the country's president and the supreme commander of the armed forces. His family's power firmly controls the country's government departments, key positions in the military and the economy. Many national enterprises in the field.It is reported that their family's wealth is at least 150 billion US dollars.

Huto's eldest daughter, Siti, owns a transportation company and a thermal power plant, as well as shares in the Bank of Central Asia. His eldest son, Xue Di, is the largest shareholder of the country's largest automobile group.The second son Bamban, the business scope of his holding companies involves television, banking, hotels, petrochemicals, transportation and communications.The second daughter, Kaditi, whose business scope covers banking and construction, won the contract to build the bridge from Sumatra to Malaysia.The youngest son, Hu Duomo, is engaged in automobile manufacturing, oil and gas development, etc., and owns shares in cigarette factories and some domestic airlines. **Hutamei, whose company is responsible for the reclamation of the coast of the country's capital.It is worth mentioning that Huto's son-in-law, the commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Forces, Lieutenant General Prabowo, who once served as the commander of the Special Forces, is not only a powerful general in the army, but more importantly, he is ruthless and ambitious , it can be said that the anti-Chinese incident in the country has a constant connection with him, and the reborn Chen Kangjie is clear about this.The ecology of this family makes it absolutely impossible for people to know at a glance that there is no ** in it.

So, to put it bluntly, if the government is to step down, it is to overthrow the rule of the Hutto family.However, Hatto, who came to power through a coup and ruled the country for nearly 30 years, will not hand over power because of pressure. On the contrary, his infiltration forces have also learned about the ideas and arrangements of his competitors.

Since entering the university, Chen Kangjie has always behaved well. At least he did not skip classes casually. He even directed the counterattack in Hong Kong, and he only missed school for one day.However, the situation in the Thousand Islands really affected his nerves. The money there was not very attractive to him. The key point was that the ensuing riots would cause tens of thousands of Chinese to be involved and suffer a tragic end.

It can be said that Chen Kangjie has made arrangements and preparations as much as possible. Even if he can study on campus with peace of mind, someone will help him deal with it.It's just that other people don't understand the nature of this tragedy as well as he does. It's even unknown whether they believe 100% that such a major event will happen.

Human life is no small matter, human life is greater than the sky.In the classroom, in the dormitory, and in the library, Chen Kangjie still couldn't feel completely at ease. Therefore, he decided to find a time to go there in person.

On June [-], Zheng Jun sent an important message to Chen Kangjie.Not long after Chen Kangjie left Christmas Island, Zheng Jun sent an investigation team to sneak into the capital of the Thousand Islands in disguise for investigation.

"Jie Shao, you made the person we care about change."


"Prabowo's subordinates have behaved abnormally recently. They not only contacted, but also bought a large number of hooligans, hooligans, underworld organizations and extremist forces to carry out preparatory activities, and they will soon cause trouble," Zheng Jun said solemnly on the phone.

Since Chen Kangjie knew that Prabowo was closely related to the anti-Chinese incident, the person who arranged for information investigation would list him as a key investigation target. If there was another target, it would be the president and Huto himself. .Ouyang Zhenhua arranged for the people in charge of commercial projects there to provide assistance through buying.

"Have you got a specific time?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"There is no way to be sure about this for the time being. Those land hooligans and underworld people who were bribed were required to obey orders. According to our judgment, the time is not far away. Their activities have become more frequent and intensive in the past two days," Zheng Jun said.

"Are there any other discoveries?".

"Not for the time being... By the way, it is very important that they planned to target other factions of Muslims before, but there is a clear trend of targeting Chinese people, and we have found a lot of secret investigations targeting Chinese people." , Zheng Jun thought for a while, and supplemented the report.

"This is the key point. You are arranged on Christmas Island just to meet the needs of this time, and to pay close attention to every move of Prabowo and the country's president," Chen Kangjie said with an angry look.

"Jie Shao... I don't know if I should ask something." Zheng Jun hesitated in curiosity, but in the end curiosity prevailed.

"If you have any questions, you can ask." Chen Kangjie was very calm.

"You... how did you expect such a bad thing to happen so early in advance?" Although Chen Kangjie encouraged him to ask, Zheng Jun was still a little hesitant and unnatural. After all, Chen Kangjie said nothing boss.

"Well, it's very simple. Social problems are caused by economic problems. When you care about economic problems and the social structure of the country, it's not difficult to come to such a conclusion after a little research. I'm just here It’s just a matter of being careful.” Chen Kangjie seemed to have guessed Zheng Jun’s doubts, and found an excuse that could be explained very smoothly.

"Oh, that's it. It seems that those of us who are soldiers are really not suitable for politics."

After the phone call with Zheng Jun, Chen Kangjie immediately called Ouyang Zhenhua.He needs to give Ouyang Zhenhua some explanations and instructions.

The content of Chen Kangjie's urging is very simple, that is, to make those project units in the country of thousands of islands ready to accept asylum Chinese, especially the security department, must be fully motivated. From this moment on, they will enter the emergency State, always alert and pay attention to changes in the surrounding social environment.There is no distinction in the scope of acceptance, no matter what nationality, no matter where they come from, as long as the ethnicity is Chinese, it cannot be omitted.

"Master Jie, what if you get hit?" After listening to Chen Kangjie's instructions, Ouyang Zhenhua asked a little more.

"Then what else can we do? Is it possible to fight back? Of course it is a counterattack. Otherwise, why prepare them with self-defense weapons? You tell them, if people do not attack me, I will not attack them. If they attack me, they will definitely fight back. If something happens, the top will So, as long as they don’t go outside to fight back, it’s fine. If they suffer casualties, they will be given ten times the treatment of domestic regular soldiers. Although they leave the barracks, they must not lose the temperament and prestige of the Chinese Communists,” Chen Kangjie said sonorously Said.

"Okay, I know exactly what to do." Ouyang Zhenhua was infected by Chen Kangjie's aura, and his heart became boiling.

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