rebirth of change

Chapter 1123 The situation has changed

"***, if I knew this was the case, I wouldn't have sent Yang Dazhuang and the others to do unnecessary things." After Simon Santoso finished calling, Chen Kangjie complained to himself first.

"Jie Shao, back then you didn't know you would meet an old friend here," Xiong Ziqiang responded with a wry smile.

"Yeah, I didn't know it would be so bizarre. I met Chopari here, and he happened to be Prabowo's father. It's really unpredictable," Chen Kangjie sighed.

"Jie Shao, what about the detainees?" Wang Tao asked.

Chen Kangjie didn't answer his words right away, but raised his head and squinted his eyes to look at the sun. After a while, he exhaled a long breath, and said with some pain in his difficulty: "These people can't live, you should take responsibility."

From the moment he met Chopari, Chen Kangjie knew in his heart that these so-called hostages would not survive today, unless Prabowo really didn't come, then they might still have some hope.

The reason is simple, Chen Kangjie must protect himself.Chopari knew him, and those soldiers had also seen them. They were not from their own country, and such a big flaw could easily push them into the abyss.As long as the vines are carefully investigated afterwards, it may be exposed together with Christmas Island.

Chen Kangjie can't let himself and these brothers be under the dangerous wall.The decision was cruel and inhuman, but when the sun was shining just now, the famous saying "kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself" penetrated into Chen Kangjie's heart along the sunlight.Therefore, no matter how embarrassing, how despicable and shameless, he must make such a decision, and the benevolence of a woman will cause endless troubles.

"Children...don't keep them?" Wang Tao has fought wars and killed people, but he has never executed prisoners, especially innocent children.

It was really difficult for Chen Kangjie to utter the words "don't leave". He felt that if he made such a decision again, the gods would be angry and his conscience would condemn himself.So he kept his mouth shut and didn't say a word, but his eyes looked straight at Wang Tao like lightning.This wordless way is likewise an order.

"I understand," Wang Tao lowered his head unnaturally.

"Contact Brother Zheng and tell him about the situation here. Prabowo will arrive in half an hour. Let them pinpoint the time to get rid of those people, and then cooperate internally and externally to solve Prabowo as soon as possible. It's other people." Chen Kangjie didn't blame Wang Tao, he understood that as a soldier, killing innocent people is actually a contempt for the honor of soldiers.So he didn't bother anymore, but turned to the business.

"Our side should also arrange it. We can't have so many people staying in the villa, especially those Chinese. They need to be resettled," Xiong Ziqiang said.

"Yes, just keep 100 people inside, and the people from the two sides go to the two sides to find suitable places to ambush. In such a critical period, even if Prabowo does not bring a large army, the guard force will not be weak, so be careful." Chen Kangjie nodded.

"Jie Shao, do you want to inform the helicopter that they are ready to respond? Is the retreat location the beach behind? If so, I would like to send ten people there to prepare first," Wang Tao raised his head and asked.

"Yes, you go to prepare and arrange, and you must have a clear grasp of the surrounding terrain and situation," Chen Kangjie agreed.

"By the way, we have to tell Yang Dazhuang and Dou Aiping to evacuate quickly. They are far away, and we can't take care of them at that time." Xiong Ziqiang pulled Wang Tao back.

"Dou Aiping has already withdrawn. Da Zhuang can join us before leaving. If they go with all their strength, they will come here in a short time," Wang Tao replied.

Yang Dazhuang was the most depressed person in this operation. They found a way to get an oil tanker, and drove the oil tanker in the middle of the bridge, and were ready to ignite it at any time, but they were transferred back with a phone call. It caused them to do a lot of useless work, with no effect at all.

When Zheng Jun received the news, he had retreated more than 9 kilometers to the north and climbed two mountains in the jungle.This is helpless, the opponent has suddenly increased their manpower several times, not only making their previous tactics unable to be implemented, but also being chased unilaterally, and some of them have no power to fight back.The blood in front of them inspired the other party to chase after them, and the goal of diverting their attention was achieved, but the pressure also increased several times.

Chen Kangjie asked him to get rid of the opponent at the right time. Such an order made Zheng Jun dumbfounded.They had been in motion all the time and had no chance to explain their predicament to Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie had no idea that they were facing ten times as many enemies now.

After moving northeastward for more than two kilometers, Zheng Jun was able to rest at the foot of the outer mountain of Selamat Volcano, and had a brief conversation with Chen Kangjie.

"Jie Shao, we won't be able to make it back in half an hour. There are thousands of people behind us, and there is no chance for us to turn around. There are too many people, and we can't solve it."

"What, thousands of people? Isn't there only 200 people?" Chen Kangjie was also shocked by such news.

"At first there were two hundred people, but later they added three infantry battalions. We are already 24 kilometers away from you. Now we have two dead and three wounded," Zheng Jun said panting.

"Then what should we do?" Chen Kangjie seemed a little panicked.

"Jie Shao, retreat, we won't come back, the risk is too great," Zheng Jun suggested.

"No, absolutely not, how can I let go of such a good opportunity", Chen Kangjie categorically rejected Zheng Jun's kind suggestion.

"But even if Prabowo comes, the number of people will not be small. It is impossible for him not to know that it caused such a big commotion. The enemy commander on my side definitely reported the situation," Zheng Jun said anxiously.

"Wait," Chen Kangjie said into the microphone, and asked Dong Mingshu to spread a map of MW Island on the desktop in front of him.

Chen Kangjie walked around the map with his right finger, tapped twice, took a deep breath, and said to the microphone with a firm expression, "Well, let's adjust our tactics now. I will fight this battle, but your task Biggest and hardest."

"Jie Shao, tell me," Zheng Jun was straightforward.

"I have 300 people here, and I have no problem dealing with 500 people. I have already convinced Prabowo that I only have 50 people here, so even if he comes, he probably won't bring more than 500 people. If the tactics are used well, he can Taken. However, you will do the important job of diverting sight. After 10 minutes, free your hands and feet to deal a heavy blow to your pursuers. Then move southeast to Prangado, where there is a large oil depot. Blow it up, After that, you can go around to Purbajarin, which is equivalent to leading the enemy to the east. If this is the case, even if I attack from my side, there will be no reinforcements in a short time. The enemy most likely thinks that you will go to Wonoso in the east Bo, you can use the opportunity to quickly turn south and cross two roads to enter the sea at Penu Bay. There are dense rivers here, and vehicles cannot come here. I believe that your speed must be faster than them. I will let the helicopter wait for you here." , Chen Kangjie quickly found a tactic that could complete the task.

It's just that in Chen Kangjie's idea, Zheng Jun and the others are close to death.Not counting the thousands of chasing troops behind, there are also garrisons in the two small towns of Pulangado and Purbajarin. Moreover, the enemy can use Highway No. 100 to transport troops. It can be said that the 95 of them will eventually deal with At least twenty times his own strength, the difficulty can be imagined.What's more, in order not to be surrounded, he had to stay in a mobile battle all the time, which consumed a lot of energy, and the key was not to leave his companions behind. Zheng Jun simply calculated that the distance was at least [-] kilometers along the way.

There is another very important difficulty here, and that is the grasp of time.Zheng Jun and the others couldn't fight earlier than Chen Kangjie, let alone much later than him.If he escaped early and couldn't hold back most of the enemies, Chen Kangjie would be in danger. If Chen Kangjie evacuated and he was still in the hinterland of Megawa Island, they might not be able to get out.

Zheng Jun, who has been a professional soldier for many years, quickly figured out the importance of it, but he did not reject Chen Kangjie's suggestion.He conceded that the proposal was the most viable option under the circumstances unless they both dropped it.

"There is no need for the helicopter. The target of the helicopter is too big under the pursuit of a large group of troops. I will let Dou Aiping and the others return to the merchant ship to drop some small boats here. Yang Dazhuang and the others can also go south to join us. When the time comes, we will go together. The helicopter Let's leave it to you, you are close to the coastline, you can retreat quickly," Zheng Jun said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, I will do as you said, and you are responsible outside." Chen Kangjie knew Zheng Jun's kindness in his heart, he was not hypocritical, and he didn't have time to be hypocritical at this time, "Brother Zheng, take care, you must come back safely." Finally, It was rare for Chen Kangjie to say something emotionally.

The phone call between Chen Kangjie and Zheng Jun made the atmosphere in the hall of the villa extremely tense. Xiong Ziqiang, Wang Tao, Pang Hui, Dong Mingshu, and Tan Jun all stared at Chen Kangjie solemnly.

"The situation has changed. The deployment just now needs to be adjusted. Extend the people on both sides to the road and continue to distribute on both sides. After the enemy enters, the battle will start regardless of everything. On the one hand, we need a quick battle. Be more intense, Zhi Lazha doesn’t know how to send people to support that side. Brother Tao, you are in charge of the left side outside, Brother Qiang, you are in charge of the right side, and I am in charge of the inside. Arrange snipers on the roof and on the tree at the door. Use all the heavy firepower, and if Prabowo appears, kill him first," Chen Kangjie rolled up the map and returned it to Dong Mingshu after finishing speaking.

"Jie Shao, why don't you retreat to the seaside first and leave it to Pang Hui," Xiong Ziqiang suggested.

"Stop rambling, by the way, let's evacuate those Chinese to the beach first, they can't stay," Chen Kangjie waved his hands impatiently, no matter how dangerous it was, he couldn't be a deserter at this time.

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