Just after Prabowo's convoy passed Cilaza, the fierce battle between Zheng Jun and the others began.Being able to let go, these ex-Republicans who were full of anger gave the army of the Thousand Islands who were pursuing them a good taste. Zheng Jun and the others lay in ambush on the other side of a small river in advance, and the more than 100 people who pursued them Before the vanguard climbed to the river bank, they were caught off guard by the impenetrable bullets, and rolled into the creek one by one. The originally clear river was instantly dyed bright red. More than 100 people disappeared in 3 minutes, and only four survived by chance.

Zheng Jun's sudden display of power gave the opponent a great shock, and they didn't dare to chase after them blatantly. They all became cautious, squatting down to observe after taking two steps.

Such a sudden battle, Zheng Jun can't do without one.A surprise attack once can have unexpected effects, and if they come again, they may be surrounded by hanging.

However, those who come out of the special forces have a much more flexible way of fighting.Among the equipment carried by Zheng Jun and the others, in addition to grenades, there are also landmines.Now that the opponent has become a frightened bird, and being cautious, Zheng Jun and the others took advantage of the opportunity to lay a lot of booby traps when they retreated. To be killed is to be bombed.Seeing pieces of corpses and blood flying around, or falling on leaves, or floating on grass branches, has a great negative psychological impact on people.People who were already cautious are now more cautious.

This was Zheng Jun's deliberate tactic. They had to detour to Pulangado and Purbajarin, so they were determined not to confront the enemy on both sides. Only by keeping the pursuers at a certain distance can they advance conveniently.

Prabowo received the battle information over there in the car at the first time, and his heart beat a little.But another call from Simon Santoso made him lose room for hesitation.

Simon Santoso told him that the people inside were planning to transfer, and if he couldn't arrive in time, he could only let them leave.Because even if he takes an attack, he is not sure of victory.

Thinking of having his own father, mother and children at home, Prabowo had no time to think about it. He could only bring his close subordinates to kill him at home. He himself brought 200 personal guards with him. He transferred one of the remaining two battalions. In his opinion, the 600 troops are more than enough, and they also brought an amx-13 light tank, two amx-vci armored vehicles, and even the only Hughes stationed in Zilaza All 300c helicopters were transferred by him.

"Jie Shao, the enemy's helicopter".

In fact, without Pang Hui's reminder, the sound of the humming propellers reached his ears before the helicopter approached.

Chen Kangjie stood in the middle of the garden, neither avoiding nor dodging. He raised his head generously and looked at the two people on the helicopter. The 300c type is a light helicopter that can only carry two people. It is mostly used for reconnaissance and civilian use, and less for combat missions. Although thousands of helicopters have been sold around the world, it is different from another famous ah helicopter produced by Hughes. The -64 Longbow Apache gunship is presumably less famous.

Chen Kangjie mischievously waved his hand to the people inside the helicopter as a greeting, but said to Pang Hui: "Shoot it down in a while, this kind of light helicopter should be easy to fight, right?".

"It's not difficult. A machine gun can solve it, or a sniper rifle. There are two auxiliary fuel tanks under the cabin. If you hit one, it's over," Pang Hui replied, admiring the hovering helicopter with squinted eyes.

After circling twice above the head, perhaps seeing the situation clearly, the helicopter turned around and flew back.

The helicopter in charge of reconnaissance will report the situation to Prabowo who is sitting in the command vehicle behind.When Prabowo heard that there were really not many people in the villa, only a few gunmen on the roof, he immediately felt relieved, and rushed up from the main road. The amx-13 light tank flaunted its might. Standing in the front, there are two armored vehicles behind, followed by a group of cronies led by Prabowo and hundreds of infantry.

The amx-13 light tank didn't stop at the gate of the villa, but directly opened the gate with a "clang" and rushed in.It's like a martial arts master in charge of smashing the field, supercilious.

Followed by the two armored vehicles, one left and one right followed and lined up on both sides of the tank, forming a posture of the Three Musketeers.

Across a swimming pool, Chen Kangjie was standing opposite the tank, motionless. On the balcony on the second floor behind him, Chopari, his wife and grandson were also standing straight. The difference was that they were all tied up. Don't worry, you will be pushed down at any time.Helicopters continued to hover over the sky.

Accompanied by the sound of "woo woo woo", the muzzle of the tank was lowered and aimed at Chen Kangjie, as if a shell would be fired at any moment, blowing Chen Kangjie into a pulp.

However, Chen Kangjie had cards in his hand, so he didn't panic at all.He wanted to delay the preparation for his subordinates, and he also wanted to draw Prabowo out and kill him with one shot.

Half a minute later, Prabowo, dressed in military uniform and with a full beard, appeared behind the tank. In front of him, four sergeants acted as shields to block him tightly.However, Prabowo is quite tall, and the four people can't cover him tightly.

"General, you won't be so timid, come out and talk?" Chen Kangjie shouted to the opposite side.

"Who the hell are you?" Prabowo asked loudly in English, revealing himself, because Chen Kangjie spoke English, and he also used English.

"Someone persuaded you to defect, as long as you are willing, not only will you not lose your rights today, but you can also serve as the Minister of Defense," Chen Kangjie said with a mouth full of lies.

"Oh, it turned out that Habib was the one who sent you here, that's why?"

In Prabowo's mind, only Habib would give up the position of Minister of Defense if he is in power. He lacks senior generals in the army.If Kanla is in power, that position will definitely not be given up. If he is not in the right place, he will give it to other subordinates, and it will not be Prabowo's turn.

"Of course it's for this," Chen Kangjie nodded and replied.

"If it's that simple, why bother my family? Just talk to me," Prabowo said with a gloomy expression.

"This is something that can't be helped. If you don't have a bargaining chip, will you talk to us? Presumably not. Even if we talk, will there be any results? Probably not. As a last resort, we can only make a bad decision," Chen Kangjie Spreading his hands, he talked eloquently, completely ignoring the muzzle and the holes in front of him.

Pang Hui and Tan Jun, who had retreated into the building, had their hearts raised in their throats.Chen Kangjie was in a dangerous situation with no protection in full view.At first Chen Kangjie asked them to return and they refused to do it, but Chen Kangjie asked them who was faster than him, he could escape like lightning, and which of them could.The result can only be speechless, in terms of speed and agility, none of them can compare to Chen Kangjie.

Under the curtain, Dong Mingshu and ** were carrying the latest American m*1 four-barrel rocket launcher on their shoulders, staring outside without blinking, sweating profusely on their foreheads.

On the second floor, there are four M16-type 3mm grenade launchers hanging under the M40, which have been loaded with 40mmSR grenade, and the direction is aimed at two armored vehicles.In terms of firepower, apart from the cannons on the opponent's tanks, Chen Kangjie's heavy firepower is no worse than the opponent's.But now the muzzle of the tank has been lowered, and there is no threat to them behind.

At every window, several guns were pointed outside, and they were all waiting for Chen Kangjie's order to move.But the other party only saw Chen Kangjie alone, and Prabowo's family members were taken as hostages behind to act as a human wall. Although there were many people, they couldn't let go.What's more, only a hundred or so of the nearly 600 people on the other side came in, and the others were blocked outside.

"Then I'm willing to have a good talk with you now, no matter whether we agree or not, I won't embarrass you, can you let go of my family?" Prabowo followed Chen Kangjie's wishes.

"Your Excellency, why can't I see your sincerity? I am not afraid of facing so many of you alone. Are you hiding behind, as if you want to have a serious talk? No matter what, at least we have to keep our attitude Take it out", Chen Kangjie wanted Prabowo to show it anyway.

Infected by Chen Kangjie's awe-inspiring and fearless aura, Prabowo felt that he was a bit cowardly hiding so much, with so many subordinates watching him.

"Okay", Prabowo showed his military spirit and walked out from the side of the tank, but the human wall in front of him was still walking in front of him, ready to block bullets for him at any time.

Chen Kangjie watched Prabowo come out slowly, with the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing an unpredictable smile.

All of a sudden, Chen Kangjie took two lightning steps forward, leaped forward, and dived into the swimming pool in front of him like a dolphin.At the same time, several shells and countless bullets were shot out of the villa intensively.

With a few loud bangs, the tank had just fired a shell from above the swimming pool, and it was blown out of a big hole together with the two armored vehicles.At such a short distance, all the armor-piercing rockets and grenades hit the target.The force of the explosion lifted two machine gunners from the armored vehicle into the air.

Prabowo and the four human shields were shot into a hornet's nest by countless large-caliber machine gun bullets.This kind of bullet can definitely be shot through if two people stand side by side, not to mention the countless submachine gun bullets directly forming a lightning bolt in the air, and he can't escape at all if he wants to escape.Prabowo didn't figure out who killed him until his death, which is a typical death.

(Many thanks to Yishao for the five hundred votes yesterday, thank you very much for your encouragement, I promised you to update and I did)

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