Chen Kangjie was able to return smoothly, but Zheng Jun was not. Their sneak attack on Pragado was quite successful. Not only did they kill and injure many people, they also blew up the largest oil depot here in one fell swoop. It took the fire brigade sixteen hours to bring the fire under control. As for the oil, it was completely destroyed.

The sneak attack on Pragado really made the government authorities of Cilaza flustered, creating loose conditions for Zheng Jun and the others to bypass here.

However, it was also their consistent large-scale efforts that made Purbajalin strengthen its vigilance and defense in the local area.The number of people here is not too large, only about [-] troops, but Zheng Jun and the others have suffered a lot from these people's preparedness, and they broke through by fighting tough battles.Not only were many people killed and injured during the battle, but the speed and progress of the action were also greatly delayed.

Zheng Jun had no choice, he had to pass through Purbajalin desperately, otherwise, once the pursuers arrived, they would not even think about leaving when their ammunition was greatly consumed.

When Xiong Ziqiang contacted Zheng Jun, they had just passed Purbajarin and were heading south.

Hearing that Chen Kangjie and the others had completed the task, Zheng Jun was very happy and wanted to relax mentally.However, he rejected Chen Kangjie's suggestion to send someone to respond, and he told Xiong Ziqiang that they could escape smoothly.

In fact, the journey home for this small army led by Zheng Jun is still very arduous and far away. He himself can't guarantee that he will be able to return home smoothly, so why bother to involve others?Therefore, he comforted Xiong Ziqiang in turn, that is, to let Chen Kangjie retreat with peace of mind, while he led the assembled Yang Dazhuang and others to fight alone.

Their sudden turn was far beyond the enemy's expectations.From a horizontal perspective, Zheng Jun and the others attacked Pulangado and Puerbagalin consecutively, so the inertial thinking made the enemy think that their next goal was Wonosobo in the east.In fact, after several battles, Zheng Jun and the others suffered heavy casualties, and there was no momentum to attack, not to mention the need to run for dozens of miles. Hard as hell.

What's more, this time I entered the country of Thousand Islands, not to seize the land, let alone occupy the city, and it was too late to escape. How could there be that person who ran away to Wonosobo dozens of miles away? Chen Kangjie arranged this strategy. It's just trying to confuse the audience and divert the enemy's sight and direction under the situation that the other party doesn't understand the inside story.

After Zheng Jun joined Yang Dazhuang's men, there were more than 100 people, but there were no more than 60 soldiers who fought again, and the rest were either dead or injured, and some of them had to be drawn and carried.These sixty or so people shouldered the great task of breaking the enemy and rushing to kill them, so they could no longer be injured.

Twenty miles south of Purbajarin is Highway No. 9 that traverses the middle of Megawa Island. Usually this highway is relatively busy, but due to the financial crisis and the outbreak of riots on the island, coupled with the continuous There was a fierce conflict between the garrison and unidentified armed forces. The traffic flow on this highway has been greatly reduced today. Wonosobo and Pragado have blocked the highway from both sides, and only security forces vehicles are allowed to pass.

This was originally very beneficial to Zheng Jun and the others, but it was also beneficial to the other party.Although it was too late to detect that Zheng Jun and the others suddenly went straight south, the enemy immediately sent people from Pulangado along Highway 9 to help and intercept them in detail.There were no vehicles on the road, and the speed was very fast. As soon as Zheng Jun and the others passed under a culvert, the enemy's reinforcements arrived just in time.

As a last resort, on the way to escape, Zheng Jun and the others carried out another anti-pursuit operation.

Zheng Jun and the others fought all the way and retreated southward. Because there were many wounded and corpses of comrades-in-arms to be taken away, coupled with serious physical exhaustion, they moved slowly.However, the further to the south, the bigger the woods, making it difficult for the pursuit troops to take advantage of it.Moreover, Zheng Jun usually trains the soldiers several times more rigorously than ordinary troops of the Thousand Islands Kingdom, and the difference in combat experience and combat quality is even greater. Therefore, the enemy did not get any advantage. Almost every few hundred meters of pursuit, They'll leave a body or two behind.

On the south of Highway No. 3, there is another JL.National Highway [-]. Zheng Jun and the others have to cross this road if they want to get to the seaside. And just across the lot they want to cross, there is Chilaza on the left , Jia Bumian on the right.Fortunately, this area is farther from Zhilaza and closer to Jiabumian, but there is no regular army stationed in Jiabumian, only some second-rate police forces.

The distance from Highway No. 3 to Jl. National Highway [-] is about [-] miles. In order to avoid being intercepted and surrounded by the enemy, Zheng Jun and the others dare not stay for a moment, and they have to grit their teeth no matter how hard or tired they are.

At this time, the coats of many of them were no longer complete, not to mention those who were injured in the gun battle, those who were not injured, their clothes were also pulled out one by one by the thorns in the forest, and the black military leather boots were already very old. It is difficult to see the original color, either covered with mud or covered with dust.

After more than an hour, Zheng Jun and the others came to the embankment of jl.national No. 3 highway, and the police force sent by Jia Bumian also blocked them here.These people's combat effectiveness is very poor, and their equipment is not good, but their advantage is that they are waiting for work at leisure, unlike Zheng Jun and the others who have already been running for dozens of kilometers on the road.

"Da Zhuang, you lead people to protect the wounded and cross the road on the right side. After crossing the road, there will be a swamp. The enemy can't catch up. Go to the beach as soon as possible." Seeing seven police cars and nearly 30 people parked on the road In the police force, Zheng Jun gave Yang Dazhuang an order out of breath.

"Sir, why don't you protect them and let me deal with these stinky policemen," Yang Dazhuang grabbed Zheng Jun's arm and said hurriedly.

"This is an order, hurry up and execute it," Zheng Jun pushed Yang Dazhuang's arm away, and said in a cold voice.

Soldiers take it as their bounden duty to execute orders, no matter how unwilling Yang Dazhuang was, he could only push down resentfully and lead people away from the side.Zheng Jun, on the other hand, will lead 20 people to launch an attack on these policemen, thinking of supporting them and diverting the audience.In fact, Zheng Jun didn't let Yang Dazhuang go head-on, not because he was worried about his ability, but because they were running out of ammunition at this time.The grenades had been used up long ago, and there were less than five bullets left in each of the guns.If Yang Dazhuang were to lead someone to fight, according to his brave style, maybe he would run out of bullets in one encounter.Therefore, Zheng Jun had to come by himself and find a way to destroy the enemy with limited bullets.

As soon as Zheng Jun's gunshots rang out, Yang Dazhuang and the others, who were 300 meters away, began to evacuate across the road. Zheng Jun and the others changed the firearms in their hands from bursts to single shots, which was convenient for saving bullets.

These second-rate police units are indeed not very experienced in fighting. When four people were killed by headshots, they could only hide behind the car and fight back.

Not far away, Zheng Jun could already hear the gunshots of the pursuing troops.There was not much time for them to delay, and only after a quick breakthrough, rushing across the road and entering the swamp, they had a chance of escape.

"Whether we want to or not, we have to charge. Everyone, check your bullets and make sure you know what to do. If you want to go back alive, you can only go forward." Zheng Jun's face was heavy. I saw worry in my eyes.

The comrades-in-arms also knew the meaning of Zheng Jun's words, and each of them showed no cowardice, but filled with an aura of death, silently checking the guns and tightening the bulletproof vest.

Under the tempering of blood and fire, these soldiers have already forgotten their fear, and they also know that fear is useless.This is the greatest honor of a true soldier. No matter what the cause of the fight is, no matter who he is fighting for, if he is cowardly in the face of the garbage army of a small barbarian country, it will be a great shame.

Zheng Jun was the first to stand up from the ground where he was lying on his stomach, and ran forward, running and firing guns all the way, without missing a single shot.Standing up can better see the enemy's body, so as long as the bullet is fired, the enemy will be injured or killed.

Under the leadership of Zheng Jun, a tragic assault attack that seemed to be tantamount to suicide began, and the other soldiers followed Zheng Jun and rushed forward without fear.When they hit the enemy, the enemy's bullets also "swish" towards them, and Zheng Jun was at the front, so he felt a little bit of a target. Soon he was shot twice in the chest and once in the thigh. With a flick, the running body fell instantly.

Zheng Jun and the other four fell down, but the others did not stay. They should not stay at this time. Once the battle stagnates, the losses will be even greater. Only by fighting like a tiger can they all be taken down.

It was the first time for those police forces to participate in such a bloody and cruel battle, and it was the first time they saw such a brave army. Therefore, when Zheng Jun and the others charged, these people became timid.Their monthly income is not very rich, and they don't need to risk their lives at all. If it weren't for the orders from the higher levels, they would not be willing to come to this muddy water. This is entirely a matter of the army and has nothing to do with them.

In less than 20 seconds, the soldiers of the Republic rushed onto the road. Half of the police were killed, and seven others were seriously injured. Four of them were injured in hand-to-hand combat, and the remaining few were timid. Just run away.

The elite division, who ran out of bullets, did not pursue those timid deserters, turned around to help Zheng Jun and other wounded, and hurriedly embarked on their own escape road.

When the reinforcements who had been chasing from behind arrived, standing on the road and looking at the densely planted swamp, they were also sighing.If they also chased them in, let alone whether they could catch up with Zheng Jun and the others, it would even matter whether they could evacuate from inside.This place is often flooded by sea water, the silt is deep, and the aquatic plants are lush. If you accidentally sink in, it will be hard for gods to save.

After Zheng Jun and the others returned, they all looked like beggars, covered in filth and filth, their clothes torn and ragged, and many of them were scarred.Moreover, Dou Aiping led people to search in a rubber boat from Purino Bay to rescue them. Otherwise, the wounded people would not be able to get out of this ten-mile-wide swamp.

(I wish Lihua a happy birthday, there will be today every year, and there will be a present every year).

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