The destructive operation to enter the Thousand Islands was finally over, but it was far from complete. Chen Kangjie and the others paid a heavy price.

At night, Chen Kangjie, who was dressed in casual clothes, greeted Zheng Jun and the others at the port. When he saw the vigorous and vigorous young men who went out, they were dying when they came back, and many of them would never wake up again. Chen Kangjie felt sad. come to mind.

The medical staff on the island walked past Chen Kangjie carrying corpses covered in white cloth or wounded still bleeding, and his mood was at its lowest point.Suddenly, he had a feeling of wanting to cry. Although a man did not flick his tears lightly, it did not reach the point of sadness.

Most of these young and strong people don't have much contact with Chen Kangjie, and they may not have the same ideal mind as Chen Kangjie.But they followed him and left their lives in a faraway land.Many people come here for money, and some people come here for the unfading military feelings.No matter what they are for, they are all heroes, people who make Chen Kangjie deeply grateful and guilty.

Materially, Chen Kangjie can give them and their families unlimited compensation, but every precious life lost will cause eternal pain to a group of people.Facing the dark and boundless night sky, for the first time, Chen Kangjie wondered whether it was worth doing all this.It is difficult for him to quickly find the answer for himself. This is not a simple arithmetic problem of more or less, but a deep emotional question of awe and emotion for life.

Zheng Jun, who was alive but injured in his thigh, was carried in front of Chen Kangjie.

"Brother Zheng, thank you for your hard work, thank you," Chen Kangjie leaned over and held Zheng Jun's right hand with a choked voice.

At this time, Chen Kangjie really didn't know what the most suitable words should be, he just wanted to express some of his feelings at this moment.

"Jie Shao, there is no need to be sad, no need to blame yourself, a man, especially a soldier, always has his special value, I don't regret everything I did with you." Zheng Jun's face was pale and bloodless, but his eyes still shone with stubbornness of light.With difficulty, he stretched out his left hand and patted Chen Kangjie's arm, comforting him in turn.

In fact, Zheng Jun felt the worst. Those who died or were injured were all his brothers, who were brought over by him and trained severely.They ate together, lived together, trained together, drank each other, scolded each other, and blocked each other's bullets. It was like a strong iron chain, tempered by fire.But now this chain is broken, some can be continued, and some can only become the scars of memories.

The friendship of soldiers is completely different from that of other brothers or friends. They may not be brothers but are better than brothers, and they may not be friends but are better than friends. They may not have talked with each other, but when facing danger and embarrassment, Each knows what the other needs, and is willing to provide everything to create each other, even life.

Chen Kangjie could only turn around and pat Zheng Jun, he was a little speechless.

Tonight, the sea breeze on the island is gentle, and the night is as quiet as a mirror. It is a good time to sleep peacefully.But Chen Kangjie walked back and forth on the beach for several hours, and he couldn't sleep.Xiong Ziqiang went to persuade him a few times, but he coaxed him back. For the first time, Chen Kangjie spoke to Xiong Ziqiang in an impolite tone: "Get out of the way, don't disturb me, can you let me be quiet?".

Xiong Ziqiang was naturally in a bad mood, as many of those people had known him before.It's just that he also understood Chen Kangjie and would not blame him.

Early the next morning, Chen Kangjie, who hadn't slept all night, came to Zheng Jun's office. No matter how sad he was, he had to pull himself together and manage the island's affairs on behalf of Zheng Jun, so that they could treat and recuperate in the hospital with peace of mind. , At the same time, the situation in the Thousand Islands Kingdom has not completely calmed down, so he also needs to worry about it.

On this day, the daily residents on the island did not hear the resounding reveille and the vigorous sound of training.The atmosphere on the island is suddenly different from the past. Not only are the streets deserted, but even the smiles of the people have faded for no apparent reason.

According to the work log left by Zheng Jun, he went through the work on the island, especially the duty of the military camp and the statistical check of the warehouse, before going to the hospital to visit the wounded who were being treated.At the same time, he had to arrange follow-up pension and burial work.

According to Zheng Jun's arrangement and the willingness of the soldiers to leave a suicide note before the expedition, their corpses must be transported to the country for burial.However, Chen Kangjie planned to build a small cemetery at the highest peak of the island, and bury some of the ashes of the dead here. On the one hand, they could be with their comrades forever, and on the other hand, there was a place for long-term worship.It can also be regarded as a place for the soldiers who survived on the island to remember their comrades in arms.

Ouyang Zhenhua called Chen Kangjie many times throughout the day yesterday, wanting to report to him the situation in the Thousand Islands Kingdom, but no one called Chen Kangjie.After many inquiries, the staff on duty told him that Chen Kangjie had gone to the front line, and Ouyang Zhenhua was so angry that he cursed on the phone.

He finally found Chen Kangjie by calling today, and he finally settled down after hanging for more than [-] hours.

"Stop complaining. It's meaningless to say that now. The troops on the island have suffered heavy losses." After answering the phone, Chen Kangjie sealed Ouyang Zhenhua's mouth first.

Someone reported to him about Ouyang Zhenhua's call last night, but he was very depressed, so he didn't call him back.He was in an annoyed mood, but he didn't want to be annoyed.

"Young Master Jie...this...", Ouyang Zhenhua was suffocated by Chen Kangjie's first words, and he didn't know what to say for a long time, and finally sighed and said: "Hey, okay, you It’s better than anything to come back safely.”

"Christmas Island may take more than half a year to recover. Dozens of people died, serious injuries and minor injuries exceeded [-], and the combat power lost one-third. You need to take care of it in the future." Chen Kangjie lit a cigarette, depressed Said.

"So many casualties? I heard from the news that there was a continuous fierce gun battle near Zhilaza. Nearly 900 people were killed in the Army of the Thousand Islands. Is it you?" Ouyang Zhenhua was surprised.

"It's us," Chen Kangjie replied flatly.

"Then I can understand the cruelty of the battle." Ouyang Zhenhua's voice also fell with his followers.

"Fortunately, we all wear bulletproof vests, otherwise, we would not be much better off. Most people have bullet holes in their bulletproof vests," Chen Kangjie said happily.

"Thanks, thanks," Ouyang Zhenhua sighed, "but the country of Thousand Islands doesn't know that you did it, they think it was done by the opposition army."

"What's the situation now?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"The situation has improved, but it is not optimistic. There are fewer riots on the streets. Today, violent protests and demonstrations took place in many cities. I am worried that President Huto will take risks, especially when Prabowo, his family and cronies are at the same time. In the case of being killed in battle, although this has dealt him a great blow and weakened his family's strength, it will also stimulate his nerves. If a civil war is triggered at this time, the situation in the country will slip into the abyss in an instant." Ouyang Zhenhua analyzed worriedly.

Historically, the country did not trigger a civil war, but the current situation has changed, and Chen Kangjie is not sure whether the situation will develop in the direction he wants.

"Does the international community have any comments?" Chen Kangjie continued to ask.

"No, the Western media, even the media in Southeast Asian countries, hardly reported the riots and political struggles in the country of Thousand Islands. Even the fierce fighting in Cilaza was only reported within the country. A radio station under the control of the government accused The opposition perpetrated this brutal massacre, and the country has blocked information."

"This is quite consistent," Chen Kangjie blurted out without thinking.

Before rebirth, the international media did not get any news about the tragedy that happened in the country of Thousand Islands at the beginning. Their blockade was very strict. Knowing that such a serious situation has occurred here, the international community has widely criticized and sanctioned the government of the Thousand Islands, thus hastening its downfall.

"Jie Shao, what match?" Ouyang Zhenhua didn't understand what Chen Kangjie meant.

"It's nothing, by the way, how is the situation on Bandaqi and Timor Island?" Chen Kangjie changed the subject immediately after being perfunctory.

"They have taken the money, but it may take time to organize. Their fierce fighting has not yet begun, but they have only stepped up harassment of local troops and government agencies."

"That's enough. You can find a way to spread the internal situation of the Thousand Islands Kingdom. You can use the power of the Internet. Didn't you arrange for the people over there to take pictures? Send out a large number of photos of those thugs. As for Zhilaza It can also be said that, according to the government’s official statement, it is said that it was done by the opposition, trying to bring in the international community. As for the Chinese, it is better to say that they are all refugees. The corruption of the Hutto family, whether it is true or not, immediately find an American reporter and bribe him to publish it. I don’t believe it. The situation is so chaotic. Hassan Dilo and the others have to act quickly to attract the international community. At the very least, he can gain some sympathy by adding a legal cloak to his separatist actions." Chen Kangjie did not panic because of the unsatisfactory situation. As a latecomer, he knew how to cause trouble, so he arranged it in an orderly manner.

"If Bandazi and Timor Island really break out, there will be no civil war. Not only will there be no fight, but the opposition will gather together to have greater strength to stabilize the domestic situation. Otherwise, they will There will be no benefits, as long as the situation on the MW Island calms down, our project and those tens of thousands of Chinese will be safe and sound." After being with Chen Kangjie for a long time, Ouyang Zhenhua has made great progress.

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