On May [-], the news of the Thousand Islands Country appeared on the visualf station and the domestic view, and a large number of pictures and some videos were distributed in it.In the picture, you can clearly see many locals chasing and beating the panic-stricken Chinese with all kinds of weapons. You can see that they smashed and burned many shops with Chinese signs in a cruel way.In one of the videos, a police car and a military vehicle can be seen passing by the scene of the accident. They didn't mean to stop and interfere at all, but drove away in a hurry.

These news are not only widely viewed, but also spread through the newly emerging QQ instant messaging tool.

All of a sudden, this news became a hot topic among young people.They vented their indignation by abusing online and in private, and then there were semi-organized protests and demonstrations.

In fact, the Chinese government has learned about some local conditions from the consulate in the Thousand Islands country more than two days ago, and also knows that racial persecution against Chinese is taking place there.However, due to the limitations of our diplomatic policy and diplomatic thinking, the government not only did not come forward, but even helped to block the news.

Now that the news couldn't be blocked, they immediately fell into an embarrassing situation.Speak up, it will offend neighboring countries, and it will also violate its own diplomatic thinking of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs.But if you really ignore it, you will violate domestic public opinion, appear weak, and be scolded and blamed.In a dilemma, it seems that there is a problem in which way to go.

A day later, tendentious reports also began to appear in the American media.Americans are very interesting. Since they advertise themselves as the most modern civilized and democratic country, they take a critical attitude towards all things that violate this principle. Some of them are concocted by the government out of political and other interests, but It must also be admitted that most Americans express their emotions freely.

In many cases, the government will provide the people with information that is beneficial to them, and they will block the opposite part.So people feel that the U.S. government is following American public opinion. In fact, they can influence public opinion through information control. This is the consistent brilliance of the U.S. government. <The other big organizations are all silent.A southern newspaper first made a report, and the content was similar to that on the visualf website.For a while, the visualf website received a lot of attention. As a reporter of exclusive information, its content was subsequently relayed by major TV media and newspapers, which made the Associated Press and Reuters agencies have to follow the news soon. His eyes turned to the country of a thousand islands.

Out of personal belief and conscience, ordinary people in the West instinctively expressed their anger and dissatisfaction when they saw such news. They all accused the government of the country of Thousand Islands for not fulfilling the minimum duty of protecting human rights, and were even criticized by Chen Kangjie for drafting the content. As a result, more and more people believe that the government was directly involved in the incident.

However, even if this matter has been widely spread, out of the consideration of their respective national interests, except for the neighboring Lion City government, other countries have not yet come forward to express their views, including the Chinese government. American government.

At the regular press conference of the U.S. State Department, the spokesperson was asked about his views on this matter. His answer was very simple and vague. He only said that the situation was still being understood and evaluated, and it was not convenient for him to comment.

Due to the presence of Chen Kangjie, Zheng Jun's injury did not create a power vacuum on Christmas Island, and everything was arranged in an orderly manner by Chen Kangjie.

Two days later, Zheng Jun showed up in his office in a wheelchair.His leg injury was dangerous but not serious. If he deviated a millimeter to the left, the bullet would not only break the blood vessels and arteries, but also injure the femoral head. If that were the case, Zheng Jun would be in trouble, and he might be disabled if he didn't lose his life.

Fortunately, none of that happened. The doctor told him that it only takes two months to fully recover. During this period, he only needs to rest more.

"Brother Zheng, why did you come out of the hospital? Didn't the doctor let you move around?" Chen Kangjie, who was buried in the materials, saw Zheng Jun pushed in by the guards, and said in surprise from behind the desk.

"Small skin trauma, it's not in the way, not so delicate, but Jie Shao, you have worked hard for me," Zheng Jun said with a smile, then he waved his hand back, and the guard turned and retreated lightly.

"I'm alive and well, there's no hard work, but you guys, hey, I still can't accept it when I think about it, you'd better go back to the hospital and get some rest." Chen Kangjie pushed Zheng Jun to the side of the bed, poured a cup of tea and handed it to him. .

"Jie Shao, I have business to tell you," Zheng Jun took the teacup, suppressed his smile, and said solemnly.

"If you have anything to say, you can just send someone to call me to the hospital."

"The smell of medicine inside is too strong, it's good to come out for a breath of fresh air. Jie Shao, you can't stay on the island for a long time, when do you plan to return?" Xiao Mu took a sip of tea and put the teacup beside him. On stage, Zheng Jun said.

"I really can't last too long, I plan to go back in a day or two, Brother Zheng... Are you planning to tell me who will temporarily replace you during your injury?", Chen Kangjie and He Han People, since Zheng Jun asked him when he would go back, he guessed that Zheng Jun was talking about this question eight or nine times out of ten.

"Jie Shao is wise, that's true. Whether Christmas Island is big or small, at least it is more complicated than managing a village, especially during this time period. It is impossible for me to work normally during this time, so, We must find someone to take over to avoid unnecessary confusion," Zheng Jun said seriously.

"That makes sense, Brother Zheng, do you have any candidates?" Since he was taking over Zheng Jun's job, Chen Kangjie had to respect his opinion, so he took the initiative to ask.

In fact, Chen Kangjie has been thinking about this issue for the past two days, but on the one hand, he has little contact with the officers and soldiers on the island, and he does not have a clear candidate in his mind.In addition, he also had to consider Zheng Jun's feelings. If he took the initiative to mention it, it might give Zheng Jun a bad feeling, so he was bored first.

Now that Zheng Jun didn't hesitate to run out of the hospital, he had to have a detailed chat with him about this issue.

"If it's just about training and managing the army, both Dou Aiping and Yang Dazhuang can barely do it. It's just that it's not just that. You should have seen it in the past two days. There are many other things. For example, replenishing ammunition, increasing the treatment of the wounded, from Purchasing daily necessities outside the island, burying sacrificed soldiers and pensions, maintaining the normal operation of the island, etc., so just the two of them is not enough," Zheng Jun said quietly, turning his body sideways, trying not to press on the wound as much as possible.

Zheng Jun nodded while talking about Chen Kangjie, and when he finished speaking, he didn't understand who he was going to choose, "Brother Zheng, who do you prefer?".

"Hehe, although you are the youngest, it is most suitable for you to do it. Unfortunately, this is not realistic," Zheng Jun said with a smile.

"Hehe, you really think highly of me. I was completely forced to do this. If it takes a little longer, I will end up at the end of the road," Chen Kangjie said modestly.

"Jie Shao, don't be so self-deprecating. If you are really a person who is easy to end, you will not achieve impressive achievements. I always believe that there are no weak soldiers under a strong general. If you do that, the people around you will be worse." Not going anywhere...."

"Wait, wait, brother Zheng, what's your plan? You don't want to poach me, do you?" Chen Kangjie grabbed the handle of Zheng Jun's wheelchair and stood up.

"Talking to you is fun, simple, I don't finish, Jie Shao will know what it means... Ouch!" Zheng Jun clapped his palms together eleven times easily, but he pulled the wound, grinning his teeth in pain .

"Brother Zheng, what's the matter? What's the matter? Let me take you to the hospital." Chen Kangjie knelt down, nervously concerned.

"It's okay, it's okay, I accidentally crushed it", Zheng Jun waved his hand, "Jie Shao, logically speaking, it shouldn't be, Ziqiang has always been by your side to protect... Ask him to leave you temporarily, maybe it will hurt you It is inconvenient to come, but under the current situation, he is the most suitable candidate. After following you for so many years, he should have learned a lot, and it will be more appropriate with the assistance of Yang Dazhuang and Dou Aiping. Two months later , I will return him to you."

"Actually, I won't be inconvenient if he's not here. Now I'm in school and don't usually have contact with the outside world. When I go back this time, I won't go abroad for two months. It's not a big problem. Since you appointed him to do this I have no opinion on this matter, but I have to talk to him," Chen Kangjie said thoughtfully.

In deep thought, Chen Kangjie understood that it was not true that Zheng Jun would not be able to handle things on the island without Xiong Ziqiang.It's just that he is planning ahead, in case something unexpected happens to him, this army will be commanded, otherwise, Zheng Jun will give instructions, and Yang Dazhuang and Dou Aiping will organize to handle those affairs.

Zheng Jun didn't explain the inner meaning, but Chen Kangjie could understand it.From a rational point of view, while Chen Kangjie admired Zheng Jun in his heart, he couldn't help but accept his opinion.

"Talk to him, I'll leave it to you. The doctor only gave me half an hour. I have to go back." Seeing that Chen Kangjie had agreed and that Zheng Jun had achieved his goal, he slipped away.

When Chen Kangjie talked with Xiong Ziqiang about Zheng Jun's suggestion, he disagreed at first, because Chen Kangjie's safety was more important than anything else.But when Chen Kangjie spoke out what Zheng Jun meant, he remained silent, accepting it by default.

Xiong Ziqiang knows that the construction of Christmas Island has cost Chen Kangjie a lot of effort and money, so in order to preserve this achievement, he has no choice but to stand up whether he likes it or not. His trust, he cannot live up to this trust.

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