rebirth of change

Chapter 1129 Interim Interview

Chen Kangjie only took seven days off, but due to Zheng Jun's injury, he returned on the eighth day.

Due to sensitive incidents in the Thousand Islands, and large-scale attacks by local independent armed forces targeting government military and security agencies in Bandazi and Timor Islands, the entire Thousand Islands has entered a state of emergency.Chen Kangjie can no longer fly to the Lion City. His plane cannot pass through the airspace of the Thousand Islands, but this is not a problem for him. He first flies to Perth, and then from Perth to Hong Kong.The Australian Prime Minister has a special friendly relationship with Nash and Chen Kangjie of Western Australia, and there is no problem in diverting. However, due to time constraints, he also rejected Nash's invitation to stay in Perth for two days.

It was already afternoon when we returned to Hong Kong. Chen Kangjie was a little tired after several hours of connecting flights, but he still had to keep working.

"Jie Shao, according to your request, I have arranged for you to have a temporary interview with reporters from The New York Times and VisualF. They are media that have applied for interviews for you many times." In the car that picked him up, Liu Deyi immediately reported to work.

Liu Deyi did not go to Christmas Island this time, but was left in Hong Kong by Chen Kangjie.For the past few days, Liu Deyi didn't know where Chen Kangjie had gone or what he was doing. Although he was filled with infinite curiosity, he still kept his duty and didn't ask questions that shouldn't be asked.

"Okay, when?" Chen Kangjie nodded and asked.

"I don't know if your plane will be on time, so I postponed the time for half an hour. They should arrive in 25 minutes." Opening his notebook, Liu Deyi glanced at it and said.

"Okay, it's enough to take a bath for 10 minutes to relax. By the way, how is the situation in the "Titanic" movie?" Chen Kangjie twisted his neck, relaxed and continued to ask.

"The situation is good, but you can't participate in the promotion. It's really a pity. There are a large number of fans and movie fans at the premiere in many countries. They just want to meet you. But it's not bad. The quality of this movie makes their The pain of lovesickness has been sustenanced temporarily, and the box office is very good, even exceeding the expectations of many company executives. Now the box office has exceeded [-] million U.S. dollars, and President Fan and President Gordon did not expect it to be so good. In Japan, South Korea, The screenings in Hong Kong, Taiwan and many Southeast Asian countries have also started. Every screening of this movie is sold out, and the box office is increasing rapidly. Soon there will be an unattainable historical data released.” Speaking of this movie, Liu Deyi Excited expression.

After Liu Deyi finished speaking, the car stopped.Chen Kangjie will soon transfer to his own special plane to go back to the mainland, so he will not go into the city, but only accept a simple interview in a hotel suite near the airport and leave.

Chen Kangjie was escorted into the hotel by the bodyguards, and the general manager of the hotel was personally responsible for guiding him.This hotel is owned by Sir Li, so he was notified in advance.There were some polite waiters standing next to him, they didn't recognize Chen Kangjie, they just thought that a rich man was staying here.

"Is there anything else going on recently?" Chen Kangjie continued to walk along with a pair of big sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, chatting with Liu Deyi all the way.

"It's nothing special. It's just that the company has received a lot of advertising invitations recently, all of which are for you to act as a spokesperson and shoot commercials. The company entrusts me to handle them. I know you won't accept any more advertisements for the time being, so I declined them all. Domestic There are several places that invite you to participate in activities, such as the celebration party of the founding of the city and the state, or the lotus cultural festival, economic and trade expo, etc. I don’t know your decision, and I can’t contact you, so The invitation letter is temporarily held, and there is no reply. Their asking price is not low, and it is several million a day." Chen Kangjie walked very fast, from the lobby to the elevator, Liu Deyi almost trotted to keep up. Under the influence of the rhythm of his steps, he spoke The speed has been accelerated a lot.

"Good job, but in the future, this kind of invitation letter from the government, except for special ones, can be rejected. These officials, instead of trying to make progress on their own, are very good at using taxpayers' money to poach political achievements, thinking that they will organize some activities , please name celebrities, you can expand the local influence and bring benefits to the common people. In my opinion, it’s better to use the money to do something practical, what a bunch of rats.” Chen Kangjie really doesn’t care about those officials who are not pragmatic but only pragmatic Good impression, words are said with a sense of disgust.

"By the way, you...the University of Technology and Business you are studying now has also sent an invitation letter, asking you to attend the school's [-]th anniversary party." After entering the room and the hotel manager went out, Liu Deyi handed it to Chen Kangjie. red invitation card.

Chen Kangjie didn't expect the school to do this trick, so he was taken aback before accepting the invitation card.After a quick glance, the printing is exquisite, the language is very respectful, and the signature is the principal Yu Weimin's signature.

Smiling, Chen Kangjie threw the invitation card aside, "The reporter will come later, you can arrange it first, I will take a shower in the inner room first, so that I can feel better", and he walked towards the inner bedroom by himself after speaking.

After Chen Kangjie rinsed off in the inner room, took off his disguise, put on a new off-white casual suit from Armani, and came to the living room, the guests had already arrived. There were two Orientals and two Caucasians, one of whom was Chen Kangjie's. old friend.

Seeing Streisand, Chen Kangjie was a little surprised, "Hey, Yishao, didn't you say that there are only two institutions, why is Ms. Streisand from mbo also here?".

"Long, hello, nice to meet you, I've changed jobs, and now I'm working for The New York Times." Streisand didn't see the strange expression on Chen Kangjie's face, she stood up generously and held out her hand to shake him .

Streisand was able to jump from a local news organization to a major newspaper with national influence and even world influence like The New York Times, not only due to her personal excellence, but also to Chen Kangjie.If Streisand hadn't been the first to get the opportunity to interview Chen Kangjie, and subsequently revealed a lot of exclusive news about Chen Kangjie, the "New York Times" would not have paid attention to her existence.It was because he often got exclusive news about Chen Kangjie that she was poached.

It's just that this interview with Chen Kangjie has nothing to do with Streisand, and Chen Kangjie doesn't know about it at all, it was arranged purely out of his own special needs.But the "New York Times" doesn't think so. They must have received an answer because Streisand made the application, otherwise their three previous applications would have fallen into the sea.

"Oh, congratulations, congratulations, this gentleman should be your assistant, right? Hello." After shaking hands with Streisand, Chen Kangjie greeted a white man next to him.

"Long, hello, you are more handsome and elegant than what you see on TV." Streisand's assistant was also very good at talking, and complimented Chen Kangjie generously.

If Streisand and the others represent The New York Times, then the other two are sent by visualf.It can be said that the five people are all related. Streisand and Chen Kangjie knew each other, and they arranged it deliberately, so it would be easier for everyone to get along.

"Everyone, long's time is limited, so let me reiterate that you should not ask more than five questions on each side," Liu Deyi, who was in charge of the arrangement, carefully reminded before the official start.

The other party turned on the recording equipment and video and camera equipment, and the interview began immediately.

The first few questions are quite satisfactory, mainly around the movie "Titanic", Chen Kangjie's schooling and his work plan for the next stage.

In his answer, Chen Kangjie predicts that the box office of this tragic romance will be more than one billion US dollars, or even more.He has a solid answer to this answer, and the original movie has achieved a super good score of 11 billion US dollars.Regarding his study, Chen Kangjie did not evade, and reiterated that he was studying at Qianzhou Technology and Business University. As for why others and reporters could not find him, he only said that it was because he adopted a secret study method.For the next stage of work arrangement, Chen Kangjie said that he will make a new album during the summer vacation. He is currently polishing the songs. In order to increase the gimmick, he said that this album will try to add some songs in new languages.When the reporter asked what languages ​​the songs would be played in, Chen Kangjie just played tricks and didn't answer directly.

Next, the male reporter at the visualf station took the initiative to ask about the key points of arranging this reporter's interview.

"Long, you are also a Chinese. You have special influence in the Chinese world and are widely loved. Then I don't know if you have paid attention to our recent news about the racial persecution of Chinese in the country of Thousand Islands. ? How do you feel about this?".

The entire interview process was conducted in English, so Streisand and the others could also understand it. Their ears were pricked up, and they also wanted to know Chen Kangjie's opinion.If Chen Kangjie can say something unexpected, then their interview will be more valuable.

Although he was cheating, Chen Kangjie still couldn't help showing his true feelings, his eyes were reddened, and his voice became hoarse.

"I saw the news about it. I am very sad and sad... Our civilization is about to enter the new century, but such a tragedy happened in the country of a thousand islands. It is really embarrassing. If the Chinese were not involved , it is not convenient for me to comment on the internal affairs of other countries... This is an issue of racism, it is also an issue of human rights, and it is also an issue of fairness and justice. These Chinese are diligent and conscientious. Citizens, I believe that most of them love their country deeply and have made great contributions to the local area. However, they are treated and threatened in this way. I am deeply disappointed with the local government. Not only did they fail to protect themselves I don’t know what the interests of such a dictatorial government are, and I don’t know the difference between them and ancient tyrants? Even saying that it is similar to fascism, I don’t know. Exaggerated. I am also disappointed with the international community. Except for the Lion City government, none of the international community that has always flaunted justice stood up and said a word. The United States did not, Europe did not, the United Nations did not, and international human rights organizations did not. Neither is it in my motherland. It is really sad, very sad... Is it because these Chinese are not involved in their interests? Or is it because their awareness of civilization is weak? The awareness of democracy and human rights has faded? . . . . . . ".

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