rebirth of change

Chapter 1145 History Revisited

"This one can help, what about the second one?" After pondering for a while, Chen Kangjie calmed down a lot and continued.

"The second is to see if we can... support some research funds. Although our military expenditure has increased, we owe too much..." When it came to asking for money, Wei Liang felt ashamed again.

However, this Chen Kangjie is easy to understand. The army, which has been poor for decades, has too many places to spend money, and many of them are imminent.It will take at least four or five years before this situation will ease and the army will become more affluent.

"There should be no problem with this. I can talk to Brother Ouyang. If there is too much, we may not be able to help. After all, it mainly depends on the country, but the urgent need can be alleviated. I can't give you the specific amount right now. We will talk about it after we discuss it."

Chen Kangjie is rich, so he can fully support this project. However, he feels that the way of contribution has changed. Before, he offered to donate, but now the other party asks for it.The feeling of donating actively and passively is completely different.Therefore, he will not make up for what the other party lacks. Once this becomes a habit, he will have a lot of trouble.

When Chen Kangjie returned to school, the interviewing reporters had left for Beijing, only Chen Jundong and the three of them were still in the dormitory chatting enthusiastically about their feelings for the past two days.

Seeing Chen Kangjie come back, the three of them took the initiative to tell him the relevant details. From their expressions, we could see that apart from venting their excitement (you can't talk about it before it's broadcast), they were also somewhat showing off. It is said that I also worked together with a reporter from CCTV, and it was a great opportunity to meet the world.

"Do you know? We have been exhausted these two days, and we have been filming for hours. Chen Jundong took reporters to the police station for three unannounced visits and found many people. Their unannounced visit package is too good. Can’t find it, tsk tsk tsk, do those agents also use it?” Ge Zihao was very excited.

"Don't be too complacent, you have to know that the prime-time show is only ten minutes long, and most of the things you shoot will be cut out, and there are really very few left," Chen Kangjie reminded faintly Said.

"Damn, why don't you cut me out too? Yesterday I was well-dressed and handsome. It was hard to go back to TV. Today I called home and said, if I can't be seen on TV by then , won’t I be embarrassed?” Chen Wenjie said worriedly.

"You are just supporting roles. The main character is Chen Jundong. The interview with you is just to get some circumstantial evidence. Don't overwhelm the audience." Chen Kangjie said lazily on his bed, resting his head on his pillow.

"You...why do you pour cold water on us as soon as you come back?" Chen Wenjie couldn't bear Chen Kangjie's truth.

"Hehe, I'm guilty of telling the truth? Jundong, you guys went back to the police station, did you get what you wanted?" Chen Kangjie smiled calmly, and then asked Chen Jundong with concern.

"It should have been obtained. The reporter pretended to be my relative and took me to justice. I met some policemen and the director of the police station. The person who interrogated me that day also met one and got some words from him. They really Arrogant, almost took me down again," Chen Jundong recalled.

"This guy almost gave up. Later, the CCTV reporter next to him supported him so he didn't lose his face." Chen Wenjie immediately became interested, and added to Chen Jundong with a smile.

"You have never been treated like that. You know what the hell. I have a shadow. If I knew it, I wouldn't have told you. You still made fun of me." Chen Jundong blushed and became excited.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited, it's just a joke, that is to say to Chen Wen, we haven't publicized it outside", Ge Zihao patted Chen Jundong's shoulder to persuade him with a smile.

"What's the joke? Anyway, I persisted." Chen Jundong tilted his neck and said unconvinced.

"Actually, this is a good thing. If a small friction is captured by the reporter, then it will be a big gimmick, and it will further show the brutality and unreasonableness of the police. I believe it will not be long before someone will come to your door to apologize to you," Chen Kangjie said after a while.

At this moment, Chen Kangjie and his room door was knocked, Chen Wenjie went to open the door, and it was Tan Jian standing outside.

"Has Chen Wen come back?" Tan Jian asked eagerly.

"I just came back, and I was lying there." Chen Wenjie made way for Tan Jian.

Tan Jian rushed in eagerly, "Chen Wen, get up."

"What's the matter? Seeing you rushing, is there a beautiful woman chasing you?" Chen Kangjie said jokingly, lying on the bed without moving.

"If there are beautiful women chasing me, why should I come to you? Really, get up quickly, I have something to do with you." Tan Jian stretched out his hand to pull Chen Kangjie.

"It's all right, don't make any fuss, let's talk about it first." Chen Kangjie blocked Tan Jian's hand, propped up his waist and sat on the bed.

Tan Jian looked warily at the three of them, Chen Wenjie, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "We can only talk about this matter when we get out."

"Damn it, nothing good will happen. It's so mysterious. Could it be that you're going to be gay?" Chen Wenjie, who had been watching from the sidelines, interjected and teased.

"You're the one who's gay, but I'm really gay, so I'm looking for you, the one with tender skin and tender flesh." Because of Chen Kangjie, Tan Jian is also familiar with them, and often jokes, so he retorts.

"Don't be poor, just go if you have something to do." Chen Kangjie bent over to put on his shoes, grabbed Tan Jian by the collar and walked out.

When he came to the stairs outside the dormitory, Chen Kangjie stopped, "What's the matter, let's talk."

Tan Jian rubbed his left hand with his right hand unnaturally, as if he had something to say, but under Chen Kangjie's direct gaze, he finally hemmed and hawed out the purpose of coming, "Lend me some money".

"What did I think, how much?" Chen Kangjie said disapprovingly.

Tan Jian stretched out a finger slowly.

"One hundred?" After asking, Chen Kangjie reached into his trouser pocket, "You pulled me out for 100 yuan."

"What a hundred, you are lending me a thousand," Tan Jian said urgently.

"One thousand?" Chen Kangjie stopped what he was doing and asked curiously, "What are you borrowing 1000 yuan for? Food and living expenses are not that much."

"It's not living expenses, and it's not food," Tan Jian said, leaning on the handrail of the stairs, bowing his head.

"What is that? Seeing your sallow complexion and sunken eye sockets, could it be that you are sick?".

"No, not at all. I didn't sleep last night. I borrowed money to move the book." Tan Jian raised his head and said calmly, as if desperate.

"Damn, are you gambling? Hehe, where are you gambling? Take me to see too." Chen Kangjie suddenly became interested. Before rebirth, he and Tan Jian often gambled with their classmates.

Tan Jian has been able to gamble since he was a child, and he knows many gambling methods.Chen Kangjie was brought by him before his rebirth, and after one or two times, he often participated in it.Of course, the gambling capital is not too big, after all, all the participants are students.But the enthusiasm is not weak at all. He once kept the record of not sleeping for three days and three nights. In the end, he couldn’t bear it anymore. He went back to the dormitory and lay on the bed but couldn’t fall asleep. Chen Kangjie has only experienced the pain of wanting to sleep and being unable to sleep. Then once, it was with Tan Jian.Finally fell asleep and woke up after five hours, a bit like a person who is too hungry but can't eat too much.Anyway, that feeling is really uncomfortable and unforgettable.

So when Tan Jian mentioned gambling, Chen Kangjie's memories were clearly outlined again, expressing that he would follow.

"It's okay to go, but you have to lend me the money first, and I'll pay you back when I win it back." Tan Jian thought that Chen Kangjie would object if he said something to gamble, but he never thought it would end like this.

"Okay, no problem." Chen Kangjie was very straightforward, took out all the 1000 yuan in his pocket, gave 500 yuan to Tan Jian, and kept [-] yuan for himself.

"You are rich, and you can find thousands of dollars on your body at any time, let's go, let us two brothers go and have a big fight."

Chen Kangjie followed Tan Jian down the stairs, "You gambled all day today?".

"It started yesterday afternoon, and it was a win this morning, but because of greed, it all went back. It's really unlucky, I have to move back anyway." Tan Jian walked all the way, feeling aggrieved all the way.

In fact, gambling is like this, either you lose or you win, there is nothing to complain about, even if you complain, you can only blame yourself.But Chen Kangjie heard that Tan Jian complained more about luck than himself.

Walking out of the dormitory building, Chen Kangjie saw a notice posted on the notice board, and said he wanted to go over to have a look, "Hey, what is that?".

Tan Jian grabbed him, "There is nothing to see. It seems that the school is going to have a power outage. The 24-hour power supply is no longer available. Hurry up, hurry up, my hands are itchy now."

"Okay, okay, go, go, look at your anxious look, where are we going?".

"The fourth floor of ordinary apartment No. [-]", Tan Jian walked very fast, as if talking too much would affect the speed of action.

In the boys' apartment, boys can come in at will, and no one will ask.The two took three steps and said two steps, and climbed to the fourth floor of No. [-] ordinary apartment in twos and twos. When they reached the door of bedroom [-] on the far left, Tan Jian gently knocked on the door three times.

The door was quickly opened, but the scene surprised Chen Kangjie a little.

The room was full of smog, and the aisle between the beds was completely vacated, and only two tables were placed, and the tables were surrounded by students standing or sitting, many of them still had cigarettes in their mouths, and everyone's attention was concentrated On the cards on the table.Kind of like a small casino.Because it's the weekend, the school doesn't care about the situation in the dormitory at all, and the counselors and the security department generally don't come to the dormitory to check.

"It's all fried golden flowers, do you want to play?" Tan Jian asked Chen Kangjie.

"Play as soon as you come, but I'll take a look first."

"Then you come with me to see me, I'll play the table in the back," Tan Jian said, pushing aside the people who were blocking him, and walked to the back.

When Chen Kangjie followed Tan Jian to the door of the balcony, he found that there was still a table on the balcony, but there were only five people playing, which was also fried golden flowers.

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