rebirth of change

Chapter 1146 Got a Big Card

As soon as Tan Jian came in, he found a place to plug in. The table he was playing was the most crowded, and with him, there were eleven people.Of course, it is also the biggest gambler among the three tables, with a base of 20 yuan and a cap of [-] yuan. The final winner of each hand can be as little as dozens of yuan and as many as several hundred yuan.The other two tables are capped at ten yuan.

Chen Kangjie didn't play at the beginning, but observed first. Tan Jian went up and fought three times, losing all three.And this guy doesn't look at the cards every time to be bored. Basically, he doesn't realize that there are big cards to play when all three players raise their cards to call.But he was really unlucky, the biggest card was a pair of threes.

Eleven people playing Jinhua, holding a pair, basically leads to a dead end. Chen Kangjie even saw two times when someone had a pair of nines and a pair of jacks, and they immediately lost their cards.

Playing Fried Golden Flower is the same as Stud, which requires psychological tactics, and many people will adopt tactics of stealing chickens.However, under normal circumstances, in a situation with so many players, if the cards are really bad, stealing chickens is almost a dead end.There are so many people, there will always be someone who will get a good card, and the person who gets a good card cannot be scared away, unless it is a coincidence that they can get a hand, otherwise, people who often steal chickens will be very cautious in such a situation .Of course, counterfeiting is another matter.

During the observation process, Chen Kangjie was thinking about why everyone gathered in this dormitory. Aren't they afraid of affecting their studies?

It didn't take long for Chen Kangjie to understand.There were six people living in this dormitory, and four of them actually participated in it. Although the remaining two didn't play, they were not idle.They keep buying things for the gamblers on the field, mainly two things, cigarettes and instant noodles.And they actually have both of these things in their closets.In other words, those two people did not participate in the gambling, but used this occasion to do business.Not to mention, the business wasn't bad, and a few packs of cigarettes and three packs of instant noodles were sold in a short while.Most of the boys who can appear in the casino will smoke. Usually, the habit of smoking may not be too high, but at the gaming table, they basically smoke one after another. Jian has been holding a cigarette in his mouth, and he probably needs both effects.

"Hey, brother, it's boring to stand and watch, come down and play with two hands." Maybe Chen Kangjie looked bigger, when he saw Tan Jian got a pair of [-], someone was on his A pat on the back.

Chen Kangjie turned around, and it turned out that the person on the balcony called him. The person who called him looked young and was wearing sportswear, but he was very old, with a small beard on his upper and lower lips.

"I'm not very good at playing," Chen Kangjie pretended.

"Oh, it's very easy, just throw two dollars up and play two hands, it's that simple," said another boy who was shuffling the cards, smoking a cigarette.

"Come on, come on, come on, here's a seat for you, just a few of us, it's quiet, there are so many people there, do you just look like a bird?" The classmate who slapped Chen Kangjie moved his buttocks and moved the approaching Give him all the space at the door.

"Okay, then I'll learn." Chen Kangjie gave up his hesitation as if he couldn't resist persuasion, and sat down on the only vacant seat with half-push and half-satisfaction.

Chen Kangjie's luck was really bad today, he was dealt ten cards in a row, each one of which was stinky, and the 100 yuan was quickly refunded to [-].However, he was very cautious like a novice, picking up the cards to look at every hand, and throwing them away if he couldn't.Anyway, the loss is only one dollar.

With these ten cards, Chen Kangjie discovered that two of these five people were very fond of stealing chickens, and they were the two who persuaded Chen Kangjie, and the other three would play only if they had good cards.Naturally, Chen Kangjie seemed the least able to play, and he felt very unfamiliar.

"Brother, why don't you go up every time?" When No.11 was dealt the cards, the student who invited Chen Kangjie to participate seemed a little unhappy and asked Chen Kangjie.

"According to what you said, my cards are very bad every time. How can I play? You have read all the cards, and the highest is a pair." Chen Kangjie looked innocent.

"Then you don't need to throw away all the pairs. A pair is not a small card," said the other party displeased.

"We are fried golden flowers, and I will participate when I get the golden flower." Chen Kangjie's words made him look very innocent.

The others stopped persuading Chen Kangjie, and everyone smiled knowingly.They feel that they can't win much money from Chen Kangjie, but it's good to have someone to support and donate one yuan per hand.

The game continued.Chen Kangjie really wanted to make a comeback, but his luck was really bad. After dozens of hands, the biggest card he could get was a pair of nines, and the others, no matter what, had to be hit by a straight.In the end, after a few hours, Chen Kangjie contributed 99 yuan, but he didn't follow it. It was really a record, and even Chen Kangjie was a little annoyed.

In fact, Chen Kangjie doesn't care how much money he loses. As the saying goes, this amount of money is nothing to him.He can fight whatever he wants, just treat it as a good deed.It's just that, if that's the case, gambling on cards will lose its fun. The attraction of gambling on cards is that everyone wants to win, and they will try their best to win.If Chen Kangjie played casually, he would lose more. For him, it would be more uncomfortable and embarrassing.

"I have never seen anyone with worse luck than you. So far, you have never dealt a card." Chen Kangjie took out 100 yuan, and when only one dollar was left , Sitting across from him, another gambler who likes to steal chickens said sympathetically.

"Hey, I just took it as a lesson, and lost a piece of money for nothing." Chen Kangjie looked innocent and helpless.

The one on Chen Kangjie's right hand dealt the cards. After he dealt the cards, the first player in his hand didn't look at the cards and was bored for four dollars.The rule of Fried Gold Flower is, how bored the first player is, if the latter bets without looking at the cards, it cannot be lower than this number. times.Usually, the local rule is that if you bore one, you get two, if you bore two, you get five, if you bore three, you get eight, and if you bore four, you get ten. This is to show fairness to those who don't look at the cards.

The second player looked at the cards, and it seemed that the cards were not bad, so they followed up with ten yuan. Interestingly, the next third and fourth players also followed up with ten yuan.In this way, plus the base money, there will be 40 yuan on the table.

After the others followed, it was Chen Kangjie's turn.According to the inertia of dozens of times, Chen Kangjie should have picked up the cards to take a look, then dropped the cards in depression, letting everyone see his miserable situation, and then quit to make room for others to fight.

However, this time Chen Kangjie did not play the card according to common sense. Instead of taking the card, he stretched out his left hand and fumbled in his trouser pocket, turned out the trouser pocket, and got out four yuan in change.

"I have four yuan here, which is enough for one boredom, lest you say that I don't play every time, and I have to pass this round if I want to throw cards." Chen Kangjie said without any confidence, as if he was waiting to be slaughtered lamb.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie actually contributed an extra four yuan, others laughed, but they didn't say anything, and they didn't know what to say now. It's enough to let Chen Kangjie go, and it would be unreasonable to hit him.

Chen Kangjie paid ten yuan, and it was his subordinate's turn to deal the cards.This buddy picked up the cards, and put ten yuan in the middle with some embarrassment, and he followed.

According to the unique rules here, as long as there are still people who haven't looked at the cards, other people can't spend money to compare cards with each other. There are only two choices, either follow suit, or discard the cards and quit.

"This brother finally got bored once, and I am the first one to be bored, so I have to join in the show." The first person to put money picked up his three cards and glanced at them, threw ten yuan in, and lightly Said lightly, seemingly indifferent.

This pressure is passed down.Frying golden flowers is very interesting. In fact, both those who look at the cards and those who don't look at the cards have the same pressure and worries.People who don't look at the cards are worried that if the person who looks at the cards has a good card, then the money they get bored is tantamount to wasting money. If the cards are good, then you will be unlucky, after all, you have invested more than twice as much money as the opponent.

The result is often unpredictable, betting on guts, betting on observation, and even betting on acting skills, these things are finally combined with the size of the cards to determine the outcome.The one with the biggest card may not necessarily win. If the courage is not strong enough, it will be pinched away.

Someone in the back wants to spend ten yuan to buy a family's cards to watch. If their own cards are small, they will lose if they lose.But Chen Kangjie's cards hadn't been mentioned yet, and none of them could see other people's cards.

When some people were willing and some were not, they all paid ten yuan to follow, and when Chen Kangjie picked up the cards and threw them away, they could play their own.Dozens of previous ones were played like this.

But this time Chen Kangjie didn't play his cards according to common sense.Just when everyone thought he was going to follow the routine again, he just turned the cards over, first opened his eyes wide, and showed a surprised expression.Then he naturally showed a happy smile.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I got the big card. I can't throw it away this time, so I can play it to the end." Chen Kangjie took out a brand new hundred-yuan bill from his pocket with his right hand and placed it in the center of the table, and said stupidly.

Everyone was dumbfounded by Chen Kangjie's accident.Is there anyone who plays cards like this?He also said that he has got a big card and can play to the end.Looking at the [-]-yuan bills on the table, almost everyone had an idea, that is, this game is not for fun, combined with what Chen Kangjie said earlier, if you don’t take gold, you can’t spend money, it’s inferred that he at least has gold in his hand this time. Flowers, or even three identical leopards, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices.

One after another, five cards will be thrown down immediately, indicating withdrawal.However, the one on Chen Kangjie's left did not, and he added another ten yuan.

"Thank you, hehe, I'll give you another ten yuan, and I have eighty left." Chen Kangjie said while taking out another hundred, as if he really wanted to last forever.

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