rebirth of change

Chapter 1157 Rivals in Love

The place where the dance party will be held is in the student activity center of the school. This is a red brick building with four floors. The first floor is an entirely empty venue that can accommodate more than 800 people. Each floor above It was separated into two large rooms with complete facilities, and the school's legal organizations and societies can use it by applying in advance.In other words, this activity center can hold seven events at the same time, such as gala, dance, seminar, debate, lecture, symposium, commendation meeting and so on.

In fact, this building has a lot to do with Chen Kangjie. It was just completed a year ago, and the equipment installation cost 400 million yuan. The money was all charitable funds donated by Chen Kangjie.At the gate of the activity center, Chen Kangjie saw the plaque of the Huatang Foundation, which mentioned the amount of the donation. This was specially made by the school to commend the achievements of the Huatang Foundation, so that teachers and students of the school can clearly and remember it.

"It's quite luxurious. The school really cares about it. It has specially set up such a centralized place. It's good. You can come around at night if you have nothing to do. You can participate in any good activities." Chen Kangjie admired the advanced decoration and furnishings inside, exclaimed.

"That is, in Mingzhu's colleges and universities, only our school has it. However, not all activities can be unimpeded. For example, our dance tonight, only students from our department and those who accept our invitation can." The girl named Ding Mingxia on Fan Xuexi's left said proudly.

After Fan Xuexi's introduction, Chen Kangjie met her two roommates, the taller one named Ding Mingxia and the shorter one named Kou Min.The three of them live in a dormitory and belong to the same department, so they have a very good relationship.

"Then I'm well-done, hehe," Chen Kangjie said with a faint smile.

"By the way, Chen...Chen Wen, can you dance?" Kou Min took Fan Xuexi's hand, turned his head and asked Chen Kangjie who was half a step behind.

Perhaps after chatting along the way, the two girls just felt that Chen Kangjie's "look" was a bit shabby, and they quite approved of his conversation.In addition, they have a special relationship with their good friends, so they no longer take an indifferent attitude towards him.

"Me? Hehe, I'm not very good at it, I'm half-baked," Chen Kangjie said modestly.

In fact, even if Chen Kangjie wasn't a professional, at least he was no worse than an ordinary student.He learned tango when he was filming "True Lies". It was the part where Schwarzenegger and the others danced. Chen Kangjie demonstrated it.What's more, I have learned shuffling with Su Jiaming for a while, so I am no stranger to hip-hop.

"I thought you would, and you can teach us later." Kou Min seemed a little disappointed.

Fan Xuexi sneered and glanced at Chen Kangjie, praising Chen Kangjie's acting skills.Then she became clear again, who is Chen Kangjie?If you don't have that little acting skills, how can you be an international director.

When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived, many students had already arrived in Hall [-] on the second floor reserved by the Department of Foreign Languages. Four students from the Student Union were on duty at the open gate to maintain order and at the same time identify the participants.Chen Kangjie did not have any certificates from Fudan University, but since he was invited by three girls, he was able to enter it smoothly.

The venue for their event is quite large, with a large circular stage in the middle, about 250 centimeters higher than the surrounding area, with an area of ​​at least [-] square meters, and dense lighting equipment hanging above the stage.Around the stage, dozens of round tables were placed irregularly, and around each round table were four to seven or eight chairs.That is the grandstand. After a simple analysis, I feel that there is no problem in accommodating at least [-] people.

Although this activity is sponsored by the Department of Foreign Languages, but because it is to welcome advanced students from Japan, it is mainly for students majoring in Japanese. According to the wishes of the department leaders, organizing and participating in such activities will help you practice your foreign language. level and understand each other's culture.Therefore, students majoring in German, French, etc. who do not speak well will generally not come.There are only 120 students in the school's Japanese major, so this venue is sufficient.

Although the dance party has not yet started, more than 100 people have already arrived, and they are chatting around the tables in groups, and there are several organization staff busy back and forth on the stage.

The tables and chairs closer to the stage were full of people, and Chen Kangjie didn't want to go too far inside, so he found a random place near the gate and sat down.Fan Xuexi was going to communicate with the organization staff, while Kou Min and Ding Mingxia were going to say hello to familiar classmates.Only Chen Kangjie can watch this seat for five people.

Chen Kangjie didn't think it would be boring to be alone, he used to look at other people's behavior characteristics for entertainment.In this closed space, it is easy to distinguish the Chinese students from the Japanese advanced students. In terms of appearance, there is almost no difference between them, and the language can be inaudible, but the difference in behavior is very obvious.The kind of people who like to bow when they see people, and bow more seriously, must be Japanese.Chinese students either don't bow, or they are perfunctory. After all, there is a big difference in etiquette between Chinese and Japanese people.

Since it was a ball tonight, all the young people who came here were dressed up to attend.Of course, the so-called dresses are not all the kind of tuxedo and evening dress.At the current stage of development in China, that step has not yet been reached.However, compared to the water, the clothing of Japanese students should look more formal. Many boys wear black suits. Domestic students are affected by economic conditions and culture. Not many boys wear suits. Most of them are just shirts and trousers, and some are still Jeans and a T-shirt.Girls mainly wear dresses, and the white color has an absolute advantage. However, a few girls even wore kimonos with "obi" grandly, which is very eye-catching, especially for domestic boys. Take a few more glances.

At [-]:[-], Kou Min and Ding Mingxia came back, they were entrusted by Fan Xuexi, they could not leave Chen Kangjie too cold.The two also took some drinks and snacks in their hands, which were provided by the organizer for free.

At this time, almost all the seats were filled, and the dance was about to begin.

"Did you just go to contact today's dance partner?" Chen Kangjie smiled and asked the two beauties who had just returned to the team.

"That's secondary, the main thing is to find a few Japanese to practice and test the results," Kou Min said.

"Japanese boys are not as handsome as I imagined, but they are really polite and considerate," Ding Mingxia said in a low voice and Gu Pan.

"Hehe, these are all learned from our ancestors," Chen Kangjie smiled, "But I really admire them for being able to keep them longer than us."

While speaking, the surrounding lights dimmed, and the center of the stage lit up. Fan Xuexi, who was dressed in a long dress, stood there, and the dance began.However, any domestic event cannot escape a paradigm, that is, leadership speeches.It seems that if the leader does not speak, he does not pay attention.

Standing in the center of the stage with a microphone in his hand, the dean of the department dressed plainly talked about the friendship between China and Japan, and then raised the visit of these Japanese youths and the holding of this event to a special level.

After the head of the department went down, the tall and handsome chairman of the student union stood on the stage and expressed his welcome on behalf of the young people in China with flashy language.

After the two of them have finished speaking, the real content of the event will follow.

First, five men and five women performed a collective opening dance of "One Water Friendship", which opened the prelude of the dance in a way of singing and welcoming.

The rehearsal time for this dance should not be too short. Although there are no too difficult dance moves, they all dance with high spirits. Coupled with the dynamic music and flashing lights, it is very similar.

"The hosting is good, dignified and elegant, and I can speak Japanese very well." Just as the students were dancing to their heart's content, Fan Xuexi ran to Chen Kangjie's table with her skirts in hand and sat down for a break.Chen Kangjie approached her slightly, smelled the faint fragrance she exuded, and praised her obsessively.

Fan Xuexi was very happy to be praised by Chen Kangjie.Not only because it was a compliment from his sweetheart, but also because of Chen Kangjie's identity.

"Hehe, thank you, I know you are praising me on purpose, but I am still very happy. Actually, my Japanese is not very good, and the lines are all written and memorized in advance." Fan Xuexi took out a few small cards while talking.

"This is a kind of exercise, and this kind of exercise can't be learned in textbooks." Chen Kangjie couldn't help smiling at Fan Xuexi's cuteness, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It was a bit reluctant for a freshman to host this kind of activity.

"Xuexi is the general selected by the student union chairman, and she is said to have the most temperament," Kou Min interjected.

"I want you to talk too much, I do it out of honor to the school," Fan Xuexi blushed, and explained after annoyed Kou Minjiao.

The sentence that Kou Min inserted had some meaning, and Fan Xuexi was worried that Chen Kangjie might have misunderstood it.And Chen Kangjie just smiled lightly, he didn't feel threatened in any way, this was his innate self-confidence.It's just that he didn't have no ideas at all, at least he paid attention to this so-called student leader.

In fact, people have noticed him for a long time. Ever since he walked in with Fan Xuexi, Guo Xiaodong, the chairman of the foreign language student union, has been eyeing Chen Kangjie.He likes Fan Xuexi, which is known by many people in the department, but Fan Xuexi always keeps a certain distance from boys, even he is no exception.That's why he tried his best to use the power in his hands to create as many opportunities to work with Fan Xuexi as possible. Now that she suddenly brought a strange boy to the dance, how could he not care.

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