rebirth of change

Chapter 1165 Inner confrontation

This day was very tiring and fulfilling. Fan Xuexi has never wandered around like this for a whole day since she came to Mingzhu. She also bought a lot of gifts, all of which were given to her by Chen Kangjie. Yes, Chen Kangjie paid for it, mostly clothes and some trinkets.

Fan Xuexi knew that Chen Kangjie was "big money", so he didn't mind him spending money. Perhaps he had a faint feeling that it was right for this boyfriend who wasn't a boyfriend to spend some money. In the past, he always brought some gifts when he went out anyway.

After shopping, the two with sore feet found a private restaurant to have a meal of Huaiyang cuisine.

After finishing the feast, it was already past ten o'clock at night, and this time is the time when the night of the metropolis of the Pearl is bright.Looking at the quiet small garden outside the restaurant, Chen Kangjie was a little tangled and hesitant, while Fan Xuexi was also a little uneasy holding a glass of water.

A full day of activity is over, now it's time for the next step.What Chen Kangjie struggled with and hesitated was whether to ask her not to go back to school.To tell the truth, Chen Kangjie's heart was full of excitement after the two spent a day together in such a relaxed way. Fan Xuexi's softness, liveliness, beauty and warmth really attracted him even further.When she smiles happily and turns around in front of him, when she gently leans on his shoulders, when she puts on a new dress and tries her best to show her graceful and graceful beauty to herself, Chen Kangjie will always have an inexplicable feeling impulse.

Fan Xuexi is like an elegant orchid now, Gu Pan can always make people feel his gentleness and fragrance when he smiles lightly, like mountains and flowing water, fresh and pleasant to the ear.Sometimes it is like a rich and colorful peony, fiery red, making people irresistible, like a glowing red sun, making people feel hot and dry.

From the perspective of the development of the times and the actual relationship between men and women, Chen Kangjie should keep her.This is not only a kind of tenderness and need for love, but also a practice of emotional sublimation and the most direct measure to strengthen the relationship between the two parties.Entering the 90s, the liberation of society and culture has completely shaken the old idea of ​​intimacy between men and women. In adult relationships, it is common for men and women to have intimate relationships, and not many people I don't think it's proper.

Chen Kangjie believed that if she made a request in a tactful manner, she would not refuse. This is not entirely because of her confidence in her own charm. If it is an ordinary person, Chen Kangjie believes that her identity is enough to make many people fall in her arms.Then he didn't use this standard to judge her, but more based on the emotional grasp of the years of acquaintance and acquaintance.Both of them understood that as early as junior high school, the strong love had already appeared.Later, although we were separated in two places, this kind of emotion did not become unfamiliar due to the expansion of geographical distance, but became more sincere and full of expectations.

Chen Kangjie still remembered that when he first entered college, he called Fan Xuexi, and only when he heard his voice, she began to sob. The lost voice was full of sadness and fear about the uncertain future.Yesterday, after confirming that it was Chen Kangjie who came to see her, she lost her composure and shed tears, and threw herself into his arms regardless of her ladylike image.All this proves that if Chen Kangjie needs it, she should surrender herself.

However, Chen Kangjie really hesitated and struggled, he couldn't make decisions completely according to his own likes and dislikes and sexual impulses.Chen Kangjie has never thought that he is a very dedicated person, but he will not go to the other side of being very sentimental.A philandering young man can only take care of his own needs and not consider the feelings of others. In this kind of person's way of life, as long as he can win, it is a victory, even if the result will bring tears and blood to the other party. No hesitation.And Chen Kangjie has not yet reached that point, and it will be very difficult to reach that point in the future. Confucius said that "do what you say first and then follow it" is a gentleman, but if Chen Kangjie really does what you say first, then you are not a gentleman.

Although Chen Kangjie is usually a free and unrestrained person, but when it comes to this kind of love between men and women, he has always upheld a cautious attitude of "being happy but not lewd".In the beginning with Lin Ling, it was the ignorant and fearless after drunk.But now he is sober, he doesn't know what will happen if it really happens and Fan Xuexi knows that he can't be the only one, will he be sad or beg for mercy, or accept it happily?He is not sure about these things, the two have never talked about these things positively. "Don't worry about what others don't know, but worry about what others don't know." Chen Kangjie is now stuck with this problem.

Fan Xuexi saw Chen Kangjie staring out the window without blinking, and vaguely guessed what he was thinking.Everyone is not a child. When we were in the dormitory, there were "night parties" at night. Most of the girls talked about these topics, especially girls who had boyfriends or were about to have boyfriends.Fan Xuexi has heard the so-called sophisticated experience analysis of her roommates in the dormitory more than once-the so-called "if a boyfriend asks out and doesn't take the initiative to send it back at a very late hour, it is basically "conspiring against the law" in his heart.Everyone knows what the so-called "conspiracy to commit crimes" means. Moreover, two girls in their dormitory have boldly admitted that they are not virgins.

Gradually, Fan Xuexi's cheeks turned red and felt hot, and her slender legs wearing sandals felt a little restless, and she always felt uneasy no matter how she put them on.And in her heart, she was even more thumping. She expected Chen Kangjie to really ask her to stay, but she always felt that she was not ready yet.

Fan Xuexi had no hesitation in dedicating himself to Chen Kangjie. He was not afraid of the act itself, but curious and satisfied.However, there was one question she hadn't made up her mind to.

She knew clearly that apart from her, Deng Min also deeply liked Chen Kangjie, and Chen Kangjie did not hide that he also had a crush on Deng Min.The two good friends also secretly competed for quite a long time, and it was not until more than a year after Chen Kangjie transferred to another school that this silent competition subsided.When visiting the park today, Chen Kangjie told her clearly that he would go to Jinling to visit Deng Min next week. Hearing this news, she was a little jealous from the bottom of her heart, but she couldn't object.

For quite a long time, Fan Xuexi felt a kind of struggle and hesitation in her heart. Rather than saying that she was not sure whether she should give up her love for Chen Kangjie, it would be better to say that she was not sure whether she could share a man with others.Perhaps in the consciousness of some star-chasing girls, this is not a problem at all. They will feel that as long as the man they dream of can accept them, then the world will fall and the earth will collapse.

But Fan Xuexi couldn't, she wasn't that kind of groupie, when she fell in love with Chen Kangjie, he hadn't "become famous", he was just an ordinary smart and handsome boy.The emotions based on this basis are much purer and more sincere, and at the same time, it also requires a more rational judgment on the ending, and a more long-term consideration of the problem, especially for girls who are themselves smart, it will not be really simple Pursuing "only want to have once, not forever", instead of just ignoring it because of the heat of the brain, that is the behavior of a stupid girl. Fan Xuexi has always claimed to be a smart girl. Not good enough for Chen Kangjie.

Ever since getting along with Chen Kangjie, Fan Xuexi felt that her actions and behaviors were fairly correct and wise.At least, she didn't make trouble or ignore other girls because Chen Kangjie also liked other girls in her heart. She knew very well that if she really did that, it would be impossible for them to sit face to face so cordially today. Chen Kangjie's Personality is not very able to tolerate girls with "shrew" tendencies. This is due to his personality and his career. Not only will such girls not bring him help, but they will cause great trouble and instability. factor.

This kind of hesitation and wandering is still fighting each other in her heart today, she needs to think about it for a while, and then make a deliberate decision.Based on this, she is both looking forward to and nervous, curious and worried.

In a short period of time, both of them were thinking intensely, and various thoughts came and went.

"Have you finished your drink? Eh, your face is so red?" Sensing that Fan Xuexi had finished, Chen Kangjie turned his head, only to see two big red apples hanging on her face.

Chen Kangjie thought over and over again, the brief silence calmed him down, and he decided to wait. The first time he came to see her, he would rush to seduce her like that, which would make her feel that there was something wrong with her character, at least not completely. A gentleman, even if it has nothing to do with being a gentleman or not being a gentleman.

It should be your own, after all, you can't run away. If it's really not your own, you shouldn't inflict harm in the name of love.While calming down, Chen Kangjie also decided to find a way to drive away that cynical boy from Japan. That kind of person can do anything, and is much more threatening than those admirers in China. I don't want Fan Xuexi to be under the dangerous wall.

Being asked so abruptly by Chen Kangjie, Fan Xuexi was taken aback for a moment, and became even more shy. She thought that Chen Kangjie had seen through her mind, and her face became even more blushing and hotter. "Is there? Maybe it's because it's a little hot inside. Bar".

"Hot? Well, the summer in Mingzhu is really hot, and my shirt is soaked today." If Chen Kangjie didn't see through it just now, Chen Kangjie, who has been here for a long time, has really noticed it now. Fan Xuexi dare not look at him. His eyes have betrayed It's just that Chen Kangjie pretended not to know in order not to embarrass her more.

"Then let's go out and let the wind blow outside to cool off. Next... do you have any other plans?" Fan Xuexi wanted to make herself look normal as much as possible, but she was already throbbing and didn't withdraw immediately.

"It's so late, what else can be arranged, let's go, I'll take you back to school," Chen Kangjie looked at his watch and stood up and said.

Chen Kangjie's words were a little bit beyond Fan Xuexi's expectations, like a pot of cold water pouring on her heart, after she calmed down, she was a little disappointed, thinking to herself, am I not pretty enough today?Isn't that attractive enough for her?

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