rebirth of change

Chapter 1166 I have a way

Disappointed, he sent Fan Xuexi to the school gate. On the way back, Chen Kangjie called Yu Xing. During the call, Yu Xing told Chen Kangjie that he had already prepared what he wanted. Returning the jade to Zhao is no child's play.

As soon as Chen Kangjie arrived at the door of the hotel where he was staying, Yu Xing sent someone to deliver the things to him, putting them in a small file bag.Chen Kangjie picked up the item, and the delivery man left without any communication with him.

"Master Jie, what's in the bag?" Back in the room, Dong Mingshu questioned the small bag Chen Kangjie handed him.

"Drugs", Chen Kangjie replied solemnly.

"Drugs? Young Master Jie, what are you doing with this thing? Could it be that that person was a drug dealer?" Hearing that it was such a sensitive thing, Tan Jun immediately became excited, and there was a trace of worry and nervousness in his raised voice.

"Drug trafficking? Fortunately, you can figure it out. It's a member of the National Security Bureau. This thing is borrowed and has to be returned." Chen Kangjie sat down on the sofa by the window, propped his legs and raised his head and said in a good tone There is a hint of ridicule in the look.

"Master Jie, what do you use this thing for?" Pang Hui sat beside Chen Kangjie and asked with a playful smile.

"Great use", Chen Kangjie glanced at Pang Hui, then at Dong Mingshu, "Do you know where that kid lives?".

It was Dong Mingshu who went to school with Chen Kangjie yesterday. He knew what happened best, so today he did not follow Chen Kangjie secretly, but accepted the assignment to investigate. Chen Kangjie wanted to understand the situation of that big tree in the country.

Dong Mingshu and the others worked as security guards at Qianzhou Technology and Business University, and they have been immersed in the university for so long. They are very good at how to deal with people in the university, so they went to inquire about this little information. It's not a difficult thing.

"Understood, on the fifth floor of Building A in the second dormitory area, there are three people living in it, all from their group, but one of them doesn't look like a student. I tracked it down, and it looks like a practicing family. This guy has only been in Mingzhu for a week, but he hasn't lived in the dormitory for three days, but where he went, the time is too short to find out. There is only one thing, he doesn't have a particularly harmonious relationship with the Japanese students who entered the school at the same time. I have a better relationship with three or five people inside, and based on preliminary understanding, it is because he spends a lot of money and spends generously..." Dong Mingshu stood up straight and narrated.

"Come on, it's almost done, just know which dormitory he lives in. By the way, will he live in the dormitory tonight?" Chen Kangjie interrupted Dong Mingshu's narration with a wave of his hand, and asked about the part he was concerned about.

"Should be. He was injured last night and couldn't walk. He lived in the dormitory last night. Today he was lying in the dormitory and watching TV programs during the day." Dong Mingshu was not sure, but his tone was quite certain.

"That's fine, so I entrust you and Brother Tan to do something tonight." Chen Kangjie patted his thigh with his right hand.

"Mr. Jie, do you want to put these drugs in their dormitory, and then frame them for drug trafficking?" Pang Hui's brain is still very good at this kind of pranking, and he guessed Chen Kangjie's intention after turning around. , and also said it.

"Brother Hui is the one who knows me." Chen Kangjie looked at Pang Hui on the left with a satisfied smile. It's ugly, I'm expelling harm for the people, and I was originally a righteous party, so why are you calling it evil."

Chen Kangjie's "righteous words" and Pang Hui's bared teeth made the other three laugh.Jie Shao is like this. Many things are often clearly not upright, but they are always explained by him with righteous words. However, after he finishes explaining, he can always feel that the truth is the same.Anyway, his mouth can say anything, dead things can be said to be alive, and dark things can be said to be white.

"Jie Shao, it's not difficult to put the drugs in, but it's difficult to do it... the ironclad evidence." Tan Jun forcefully put away his smile and said in detail. He originally wanted to say, "It's difficult to successfully frame the frame." , but seeing Chen Kangjie's Ling Lie eyes, he temporarily changed his rhetoric.

"Huh? What's the difficulty?" Chen Kangjie asked with interest.

"If you just put the drugs in, how can you ensure that everyone gets the stolen goods? Moreover, how can you prove that the drugs belong to that person? He can definitely find someone to top the tank. If the top of the tank is Japanese nationality, then it is very The punishment that may be accepted is only deportation, which will not hurt the original." Tan Jun asked two questions in a row.

"Everyone got the stolen goods, we can call the police, or ask someone from the police station to investigate, which is more convenient and convenient." Chen Kangjie obviously thought about the first question, but he really thought about the second question, hesitantly He hesitated and said, "How do you know that the drug belongs to that person? Do you need a personal certificate?".

"It's hard to find witnesses. I believe it's impossible for people in their dormitory to come forward and identify him for no reason. It's almost impossible. Why should they help us?" ** One sentence negates Chen Kangjie's soliloquy.

"Hey, look, can this be done. Since this package was obtained from the anti-drug brigade, there should be no fingerprints on the plastic bag. We can put the fingerprints of that big tree on it. In that case, no one will There is also physical evidence to prove that this thing belongs to him." Dong Mingshu pondered for a while and said with a thought.

"Well, this method is good, this method is good, yes, but, how did you get his fingerprints on such a thing? You can't force him to press it on it." Chen Kangjie said excitedly, and another trouble popped up.

"I have a solution for this," Dong Mingshu continued with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

. ... ..

That night, when it was approaching twelve o'clock, a food delivery man came to the International Student Apartment in Building A of the second dormitory area of ​​Fudan University, which was already dead of night.Since all the people living upstairs are foreign students, the control is relatively free. Girls can come in at will. As long as they don't look like social ruffians, they will basically not be blocked downstairs. What's more, the guy at the moment The guard guard was holding a Gu Long martial arts novel and was reading it with gusto.

The delivery man was dressed in a uniform with a small waist bag and a sports hat. It was hard to see his face unless he was looking up from the bottom.I saw him holding a dinner plate with his hands in white gloves, and there were several kinds of food on it, all of which were famous light specialties in Mingzhu.In the right hand under the dinner plate was a small plastic bag, in which were two vacuum-packed breads produced by local Mingzhu manufacturers.

I saw the waiter walking up the stairs calmly. When he reached the fifth floor, he stopped, then turned right, and followed the long Mingjie corridor to the door of the 503 dormitory.The waiter stopped in his tracks, looked left and right, saw no one was there, held the plate with his left hand, and freed his right hand to knock three times on the door of the dormitory.

With a "squeak", the door was pulled open. From the opened door, one can see that there is a small suite inside. The space directly opposite the door is a small living room. There is a person lying on a chair with his back to the door staring at the TV in front of him. , Singing unintelligible ugly songs "humming haha" in his mouth, there are a group of girls singing and dancing on TV.

"What's the matter?" The door opener, wearing casual sweatpants and a short crew cut, asked sullenly. His close-fitting black vest was tightly stretched by the muscles inside, and his eyes were sharp.

The takeaway waiter didn't quite understand what this person asked, but he still answered according to the logic of the conversation, "I deliver takeaway, you ordered takeaway." with his own plate.

"You got the wrong place, we didn't order food." He opened the door and said harshly. He was very impatient and wanted to close the door after speaking.

The waiter stretched out his right foot to touch the corner of the door quickly, and said anxiously and nervously, "What you ordered, you ordered by phone, you have to pay for it", regardless of what the person said.

The waiter's words alarmed the self-entertaining TV watcher inside. He turned his head and had a few conversations with the door opener, and the strong man who opened the door let the waiter in.

The waiter walked to the TV and smiled at the boy who was leisurely watching TV. The boy was wearing pajamas, and his right foot on the soft chair in front of him was wrapped in a white cloth.

The boy beckoned to the waiter, then pointed to the plate in front of him.The waiter brought the master he was carrying in front of him, and a burst of tangy fragrance rushed into the boy's nose.

"Yoxi, yoxi, we ordered it, keep it", the boy was very satisfied, but he spoke in Japanese, the waiter didn't quite understand it, but the meaning was obvious.

The waiter smiled and handed the plate to the burly man who had been standing by the side after opening the door. After the burly man took it with both hands, the waiter flatteringly handed the bread to the boy in front of him.

The boy didn't refuse, and stretched out his right hand to take it.

The strong man took the dinner plate and put it on the small table on the left, took out two hundred yuan from his pocket and stuffed it to the waiter, then waved his hand, meaning that he could leave without change.

The waiter happily took the money and stuffed it in his small waist pocket, and took two steps toward the door, as if remembering something, then turned around with a smile to the sitting boy, and pointed at his hand. He pointed to the door and said, "This is not yours, but someone else's."

The boy didn't seem to understand what he meant, he had already taken out the bread inside, and he threw the plastic bag containing the bread to his right hand, "What did you say?".

The waiter seemed a little anxious, and repeated the words tightly, with even more clear gestures.

This time the sitting boy understood, but he didn't return it. Instead, he tore open the bread as if nothing had happened, and took a big bite proudly.

The waiter turned around in a hurry, with a sad face, just in time, the strong man next to him handed him another 50 yuan, and waved his hand contemptuously.

Seeing the 50 yuan, the waiter immediately smiled and bowed twice before leaving from the boy's right hand side. On the way, he inadvertently picked up the plastic bag that was still on the ground and took it out. It seemed that the service was very thoughtful.

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