rebirth of change

Chapter 1169 Everyone is unhappy

Looking at Damushu's distress, Chen Kangjie only had a smile on his lips. This kind of people who are used to being arrogant, just want to teach him some lessons, so that he will not think that he can run rampant in China with his foreign identity and money. Wuji, his sense of pride and arrogance, Chen Kangjie must knock it down from the treetops to the soil of the roots.

After this incident, Da Mushu has lost all face and is very embarrassing. Presumably, even if he is not driven away, he will not have face in China anymore. Wherever he goes back and forth is his right way.

Fan Xuexi was full of astonishment, dumbfounded with astonishment, he really couldn't understand how the self-proclaimed Japanese changed from a proud son of heaven to a prisoner in the blink of an eye, and in broad daylight, there was no cloth to cover him. Body, become a clown figure for everyone to watch.

The crowd moved away, and the two bound people were unceremoniously pushed into the police car. A clear siren sounded, and the two police cars drove away in shock.

The instructor really went all out. Before he came, he didn't expect that he would arrest an international student, let alone someone who had been to the police station that day. Hit him with a punch, and it makes him furious and furious.

That guy was so strong that he almost knocked out his teeth with a punch, and his mouth was broken.The instructor didn't know that if Dong Mingshu hadn't delivered them meals last night, which affected their strength, at least two of his teeth would have been lost with this punch.In the end, relying on the deterrent effect of the large number of people and the drawing of guns, these two devils were subdued. According to common sense, they should give the suspect a little respect and would not take them out naked. However, under anger, he I can't manage that much anymore.

In terms of anger, Da Mushu was truly inexplicably angry.He really couldn't figure out how this shit turned around. The day before yesterday, he went to the police station to ask the police to severely punish the person who caused the injury to his foot. It's only been two days, and he was still respectful to himself that day. The nodding and bowing policeman actually wanted to arrest him in turn, and even boasted that he was hiding drugs.

How could he not be angry at such absurd accusation, but in the end he was outnumbered and could only be humiliated and restrained.What made him even more baffled was that those stinky policemen actually found a pack of drugs in his drawer. How could there be such a strange thing in the world?When did that bag of things run into your drawer?These incomprehensible questions made Da Mushu's mind "buzzing" all the time.

And this guy who was assigned to him by the family and claimed to be a master, usually boasted that it would be no problem to beat one to five, but what happened?All he saw was that the two of them took him down, knocked over the chair and pinned him to the floor like a dead dog, unable to move.What made him even more unbearable was that these disrespectful guys didn't consider him a "disabled person" at all, had no mercy, dragged him out of the house regardless of his pain, and allowed so many people to treat him He practiced "visiting", and Damushu really had an irrepressible humiliation and shame.

Chen Kangjie didn't care about the ending that Da Mushu would face later, he took Fan Xuexi to watch a movie, left Mingzhu after having lunch.

It took Fan Xuexi a long time to regain consciousness. All the way, she kept asking Chen Kangjie what was going on, and how he knew that the police were coming to arrest him.

In desperation, Chen Kangjie could only say quietly, "The purpose is to protect you. At the dance that day, I heard that guy was plotting against you. This kind of person, get out as soon as possible, so I can rest assured."

When Fan Xuexi was sweet in her heart, she laughed and scolded Chen Kangjie for being too domineering.As for Chen Kangjie's ability to understand Japanese, he didn't find it strange at all. He knew that Chen Kangjie was learning Japanese when he was in high school.This kind of little secret is not only known to him, but also to classmates and friends who have a close relationship with Chen Kangjie.

"Your foreign language learning ability is really surprising and impressive. I really want to see what is going on in your mind. You told me before that you were learning Japanese, and I chose this major when I was choosing a major. As a result, I Learning every day, still not as effective as you, are you still letting people live?".

"Don't scare me. If you scare me, I will become numb with fear. Don't one day you secretly give me an ax from behind my head. Then I will be really sad, and I will be more wronged than Dou E." Chen Kangjie drove Jokingly dealt with it.

Visiting Fan Xuexi in Mingzhu this time has taken the relationship between the two of them a big step forward. Although there is no deviance, at least the estrangement of the past two or three years has been completely healed, and a new type of ambiguous relationship has been formed. .For example, during the two days of playing alone with Fan Xuexi, the two would hold hands, arm in arm, and sometimes Chen Kangjie would put his hand on Fan Xuexi's shoulders.

This kind of inseparable getting along will always make people's hearts flutter, and it will always bring people a kind of excitement and a little nervousness. Chen Kangjie finds it fresh, while Fan Xuexi's heart is full of ups and downs. She had the happiest, most comfortable and most comfortable two days since she was governor, and she truly and indirectly experienced the feeling of being in the sweetness of love.It is said to be indirect, because both of them have the intention of love and the emotion of admiration, and even have the illusion that the two parties are already close lovers from time to time, but in fact, they have not crossed the threshold in terms of behavior and words. I feel unclear.

The moment Chen Kangjie turned and left under the shade of the tree at the school gate, Fan Xuexi's nose was sour, and a sense of loss filled his heart, and the corners of his eyes instantly filled with warm tears.

A few days after Chen Kangjie returned to school, he learned from Yu Xing that the big wooden tree had been deported back to the country. The police could only say that he was hiding drugs, and there was no evidence of drug trafficking or drug use. The fingerprints on the packaging bag are still certain, because there are only the fingerprints of Da Mushu on it.

Chen Kangjie still has contact with Yu Xing, the reason is that he called and asked Yu Xing to find a way to get back his drugs.Chen Kangjie promised to return the drugs to him, but he didn't say that he would hand them over to him. This made Yu Xing choke heavily on the spot, dumbfounded.

Yu Xing told him that the reason Da Mushu quickly decided to only give the punishment of repatriation was because the people from the Japanese Consulate in Mingzhu came forward on the day he was arrested, otherwise Da Mushu would have spent a short period of time in prison.Under diplomatic pressure, the police could only deal with it quickly and in a low-key manner. As for the instructor, his work was in vain.It is a credit to him that he seized the drugs, but he was complained by a foreign party, accusing him of disrespecting human rights and bringing the suspect before the crowd without clothing, which affected the image of the country.In this way, the instructor was depressed for a long time.

At the same time, the Qianzhou police carried out a large-scale inspection and rectification campaign of "civilized law enforcement and law enforcement" in the province. It lasted for a month. To vigorously rectify the current problems in the law enforcement field, all localities must settle down to find the problems, and then implement and rectify them. We must ensure the integrity and discipline of the law enforcement team.This can be regarded as a response to Chen Jundong's arrest and exposure.

Chen Kangjie is very clear about this kind of sporty surprise action. It is often thunderous and rainy, and the effect is not at all, but don't have high hopes.In domestic social management, it may be influenced by the traditional "rule of man" culture and political system. Choose how the movement advances.Because of this, all kinds of messy slogans can be seen in the media almost every day 360 days a year. Anyway, these slogans sound good and can bring comfort to the common people for a day or two. When the movement is over, When the common people find that their lives have not changed much, new fields and new movements have come rushing forward.

However, this incident also gave Chen Kangjie a deep understanding of our system, that is, once in, it is really difficult to get out, and those who are serious in the system have iron rice bowls.The director of Wanjiang Police Station was dismissed, and two police officers were punished, but they are still police officers and have not been expelled from the civil service.Yao Shaoqiang was punished even more severely than them, because he was arrested for false accusation and abetting. Of course, Yao Yaowu was the most unworthy one.

Although everyone didn't say much, but when the incident happened, the savvy person knew that he would be implicated. If not, his son would not be arrested for such a small matter, it was simply a secret signal.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for news to spread that he was about to be transferred to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference.According to regulations, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference has no fixed rank, and is often determined by the rank of the previous position.However, most of the people who have retired from the officialdom to the Standing Committee of the CPPCC are at the deputy department level. The level is not low, but the power is really not that big, and it is no different from pensions.

Yao Yaowu was very unwilling. He knew very well what it meant to go to the CPPCC, which meant that his official career was over.But even if he was not reconciled, he couldn't find anyone he hated, so who could be blamed?They were all brought by his precious son, and this has something to do with the education of their husband and wife.As the saying goes, the son does not teach the fault of the father, otherwise how could it be said in "University" that "cultivate one's self, regulate one's family, govern the country and the world"?Self-cultivation and Qi family are the first and second. If you can't self-cultivate yourself and Qi family, it will be difficult to govern the country, let alone level the world.

Chen Kangjie played a big role in these things, but now he has become less involved in the process and results.He appreciates the words of Ziyou, a student of Confucius: "If you count on the king, you will be humiliated; if you have friends, you will be combed." That is to say, if you persuade your superiors too much, you will be insulted, and if you persuade your friends too much, you will be insulted. , will be alienated.Even though there are too many things in the society that he doesn't like, Chen Kangjie, who is becoming more and more mature, should understand that too much finger-pointing is really annoying.

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