rebirth of change

Chapter 1170 1 bowl of water level

When Chen Kangjie returns to school, he mainly does two things. One is to take the semester exams of various subjects, and the other is to prepare for summer visits.

University exams are not like middle schools, they don’t set aside two or three days for the exams, but the lecturers of each subject are responsible for the specific arrangement and implementation, and they often use the last class of the semester to do this.

At the end of the semester, the entire campus is filled with the strongest learning atmosphere. In order to get credits and get the best grades, the usually sloppy people will also launch the most violent sprint at this time, and the daily class notes will be dug out I have repeatedly figured out that for the convenience of others, the teachers of some courses will also outline the key points of the exam, which will become the main target of the students.

In short, in the past two weeks, the school's club activities have been greatly reduced, and many clubs have even closed all activities for a semester more than half a month in advance.The library is overcrowded. If you go to the study rooms late, you will not be able to occupy a seat. In order to satisfy everyone's enthusiasm for active learning, the school has almost all the classrooms with lights on and open.The usually bustling pool, the pine forest and the square were deserted at this moment.For those couples who are inseparable, they have become much more civilized and polite during this period. Except for eating together, and then holding hands to go to the classroom or library, all other actions have stopped.Even in the cafeteria, you can still see some students holding books in their hands. It really feels like forgetting about things and studying hard.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't really appreciate this kind of impromptu sudden study movement, but thinking about it is also human nature, and recalling the difference in the style of study before and after rebirth, there has really been an earth-shaking change.

Before rebirth, although semester exams were still very important, students would be a little nervous and make a surprise attack at the end of the semester, but the enthusiasm was much weaker after all. At that time, many students would rather take exams. Cheating and adopting other means will not seriously spend time on preparation.In comparison now, no matter what, the learning atmosphere has improved by leaps and bounds, among which the change in the quality structure of teachers and students has played a fundamental role.The school's scholarship system and being listed as a key university have greatly improved the quality of students, especially those students who received scholarships to study, they are basically conscientious. People have played a very good leading role in improving the students' style of study.

Of course, the school has also contributed to the introduction and training of many high-level teachers.There is a saying that "famous teachers produce high-quality apprentices". If the theoretical level and teaching level of the teachers themselves are relatively high, then it will inevitably encourage students to work hard and cherish this rare learning opportunity.There are some professors who are also very personal. They are very serious in class and have strict requirements on students, but they relax when it comes to exams.

In addition to elective courses, among the 24 exams that Chen Kangjie needs to take, there are actually six courses that do not require examination papers. For example, in the philosophy class, the teacher only needs the students to write an article on philosophical thinking and submit it. Let the students do a 1-minute performance to reflect the psychological phenomenon specified by the teacher.Even in the professional course of international business English, the teacher did not take a written test, but asked the students to give a business speech in English.As far as Chen Kangjie’s personal opinion is concerned, he feels that this test method can test the students’ knowledge and level better than a simple written test. At least the English learned at this time needs to be practical, so this requires that the students have no problem with pronunciation, and even more so. Students need to stand up boldly and get rid of the introversion and fear in everyone's heart. In external communication occasions, this may be more important than how much English knowledge they have mastered. At least the part that dares to express is already their own. up.

Although the task of the exam is heavy, Chen Kangjie is the most leisurely one.When everyone was still struggling with advanced functions, he was flipping through the introduction materials of Africa.In those exams, except for the two essays that he needed to write, he had to deal with them seriously, and there was no sign of him reviewing the rest.

Tan Jian was the first to express his doubts about this, "I have a lot of materials to review, why are you so leisurely, telling you to go to self-study, but you say you want to sleep."

Chen Kangjie smiled leisurely, and told him relaxedly, "You usually don't work hard, and you are so busy at the end, aren't you tired? I have already mastered the basics of knowledge, why are you still working hard with you?".

"Fuck, I never see you working harder than me."

"Haha, that's because you can't see it. I was watching and listening to all directions in class, but you were immersed in taking notes, or you were dozing off."

"Is it wrong for me to take notes? Are you right? Is there any reason for this?" Tan Jian was very annoyed.

But Chen Kangjie laughed, and half-seriously teased: "Learning without thinking will lead to death, thinking without learning will lead to peril, peril, it is faint without gain, peril, it is dangerous and uneasy, learning requires thinking, and learning can help you." If you think, then what you learn will be thorough; if you can learn after thinking, then what you think will be solid.

Chen Kangjie's explanation of the two "Zi Yue" made Tan Jian confused.These two classic old sayings are catchy to almost anyone who has gone to middle school, but very few people understand their essence and can implement them.Although Chen Kangjie relied on his strong memory to get the upper hand in learning, he had to tell his good friend clearly that he was learning and using it flexibly.Although it is said that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, but blindly memorizing by rote is totally unacceptable.

After pondering for a while, Tan Jiancai recovered, and said angrily, "Why don't I know, but our exam does not allow us to overthink, what can I do?"

Speaking of this, Chen Kangjie was really speechless.Indeed, as Tan Jian said, since we were in elementary school, examinations have become our top priority, and teachers hardly care about how many associations and thoughts you have.Parents, teachers, and students have always cared about the score, which is the only criterion to measure whether a student is hardworking. It has to be said that this is the tragedy of our education system. No wonder it has been difficult for us to win the "Nobel Prize", which represents the highest international academic honor. "Award", many critics say that we can't get the award because of Western prejudice, but is this really the case?Not many people really think about why our education system cannot produce masters.When the 21st century is about to enter, some people of insight have already realized this problem and strongly called for the improvement of quality education, and the education authorities also expressed that they will take measures step by step.However, Chen Kangjie knew that those so-called measures would not have any effect at all.

This is a complex question worth pondering.

Recently, those three uncles all went out to study, and only Chen Kangjie was left in the dormitory at night. This quiet gap was the time for him to discuss work with Liu Deyi and Ouyang Zhenhua.

Liu Deyi has been very busy recently, and he will go out with Chen Kangjie again for a long time to come, there are many things he needs to arrange.Regardless of the fact that this trip has nothing to do with entertainment, it stands to reason that Liu Deyi wouldn't have much to do, but he suggested to Chen Kangjie that he could use this opportunity to create some meaning.In addition to filming the mv, it is best to engage in some charitable activities, such as visiting some children, visiting some orphanages, making some donations, etc., which can greatly increase Chen Kangjie's good reputation.

When Liu Deyi made this suggestion, Chen Kangjie didn't object, and left it to him to arrange everything. In this way, Liu Deyi had the feeling of being a real assistant.Since he wanted to do good things outside, Chen Kangjie told Liu Deyi that the "Pakistan Railway" in South Asia should focus on arrangements.Chen Kangjie only remembered this country of brothers who had been helping each other with all his money, so he hoped to take this opportunity to travel, to see this country that was still very backward but very loving, and to give some help within his ability.

It's just that when Liu Deyi was making arrangements, Chen Kangjie told him that if the expenditure is less than one million US dollars, he can find the long fund. If the amount is higher than this, it is unnecessary, and he can find Ouyang Zhenhua.The reason why Chen Kangjie made such an exhortation is that he has an expectation that when he arrives in Batie, he may "repay each other", and if it is done through the long fund managed by Rachel, it may not be possible to do it all at once. Empty that foundation.That foundation is meant to be a steady stream of water, and there is no special action money.

What Chen Kangjie didn't expect was that going out this time caused a lot of trouble. Not only was he in a mess, but he almost lost his life.

In a blink of an eye, another weekend came. According to the plan, he was going to Jinling to visit Deng Min.

It's just that this trip is expected, no surprises.Deng Min got the news from Fan Xuexi in advance, and made preparations a long time ago. When Chen Kangjie went, he not only waited for him in the dormitory solemnly, but also finished all the things that should be done in study in advance.

Just like meeting Fan Xuexi, these two old acquaintances who had known each other since elementary school had a great time for two days and visited famous scenic spots in Jinling, such as the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty, Zhongshan, and the area known as the "Six Dynasties Smokey Moon Area, full of gold and powder". The Qinhuai River, known as "the place" and so on.Like Fan Xuexi, the two also spent half a day shopping and bought a lot of gifts.

Perhaps there is a lesson learned from the past, and the two of them did not deviate from each other in their happiness and sweetness. In fact, even if they had such thoughts, it would be very difficult for them to have any deviant behavior.That girl Fan Xuexi called several times a day, she had nothing to do on the surface, chatted with Chen Kangjie during the day, and called Deng Min at night.In fact, that girl is a kind of blatant and blatant supervision. Under this kind of almost strict stalking, even if the two people had a little hot seedlings, they were extinguished by that girl. It is really depressing and dumbfounding.

But that's good too, a bowl of water is flat, no one is under pressure, otherwise, things will be troublesome.Getting entangled between two women is more difficult than walking on stilts.

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