rebirth of change

Chapter 1176 Something is wrong

Chen Kangjie was really sick to his stomach. Under the action of salt, those fish slices had turned from translucent to bright red, which looked really unappetizing.Chinese people generally seldom eat raw meat, especially seafood.Chen Kangjie has eaten Japanese sushi, and there are some fresh fish and shrimps in it that are eaten raw, but at least there are all other seasonings and ingredients to match, and the dining environment is comfortable, and the chef seems to make it more delicate.As for the bowl in front of him, except for the thinner fish fillets, there is nothing exquisite about it.

However, under the aggressive eyes of everyone, Chen Kangjie had no way to retreat. Could it be that he really ignored other people's kindness?I just said without hesitation that there is no problem.More importantly, Chen Kangjie's seasickness became more and more serious. It seemed that a lot of blood had rushed into his head, sticky and dizzy. He was very top-heavy.

No matter what, the masculinity cannot be lost.After staring at the food in his hand for a while, Chen Kangjie finally closed his eyes and grabbed two pieces of fish and stuffed them into his mouth.After chewing, I didn't feel that bad. I didn't feel anything except salty and a fishy smell that choked my nose.

"Eat all of these." Seeing Chen Kangjie struggling to eat, the owner of the ship went to the cockpit to set sail.

Looking at the more than a catty of fish in front of him, Chen Kangjie was a little speechless.But now that he has started, there is nothing difficult to stop him, he gritted his teeth, ate the fish fillets in big mouthfuls, and drank a big mouthful of water after two mouthfuls.By the time he wiped out the bowl of fish meat, he had already drank three bottles of mineral water.

Chen Kangjie burped his stomach, and ate a lot, all of which were eaten raw. Even though the amount was not particularly difficult, Chen Kangjie still couldn't bear it psychologically.

"Mr. Jie, how is it? Is it better? Are you still dizzy?", patting Chen Kangjie on the back, Xiong Ziqiang asked with concern.

When Xiong Ziqiang asked this question, Chen Kangjie realized that he didn't eat raw fish to be hungry, but to treat seasickness.He shook his head, walked a few steps, and smiled with satisfaction, "Hey, this thing really works, I don't feel dizzy, and my head feels much more comfortable."

"Hehe, it's good if it works."

"Come, come, come, fish, fish", Chen Kangjie was so happy, he immediately became lively, and even wanted to fish and eat by himself.

Chen Kangjie is interested in fishing, and the others are of course willing to cooperate.It's just that the boat was driving too fast, or Chen Kangjie's fishing skills were really bad. He threw down the fishing rod and didn't catch a single fish for half an hour.

Later, the owner helped to adjust the size and proportion of the bait, and instructed Chen Kangjie to sit on the side of the boat. After 10 minutes, he caught a small fish weighing half a catty, and it was not the kind that the owner just caught. .

"Eating more fresh sea fish can effectively prevent seasickness, but you can't eat it again. It's not good to eat too much raw in a day." The owner helped Chen Kangjie take the golden thread fish off the hook, "If If you want to catch better fish, you can use this fish as bait."

With Chen Kangjie's approval, the fish was made into four pieces of bait by the ship owner, hung on the hook and thrown into the sea.And Chen Kangjie took an armchair, wore sunglasses, and sat by the side of the boat under the scorching sun. He didn't look like he was rushing, but rather went out to sea for fun.

After leisurely for a long time, when Chen Kangjie's calf was burning hot from the sun, the fishhook was finally bitten.Chen Kangjie stood up excitedly. This was his first time fishing in the sea, so he naturally hoped to gain something.After a while of pulling and tugging, a dark flat flounder was finally pulled onto the deck.This fish weighs four to five catties and is not small. The owner said that this fish is called "the robber in the sea", and it is very cruel and gluttonous. .Chen Kangjie looked carefully and found that the mouth of the fish pierced by the hook had sharp teeth.

Since he was so lucky, Chen Kangjie planned to eat this fish.But this fish can no longer be eaten raw, he just ate one.The shipowner did not light a fire for them on board, but took out an aluminum alloy basin like a pot and put it flat on the deck.

"Cut the fish into slices and put them on it. It can be fully grown." The ship owner pointed to the basin, and then he took out some ingredients. It seems that the ship owner often solves the problem of eating in this way when he is at sea. .

Chen Kangjie and the others got busy according to the ship owner's instructions.The flesh of flounder is very white, and it looks like tofu from a distance.When the fish was cleaned and cut into thin white slices, the shiny basin exposed to the scorching sun was already very hot. When the fish fillets were mixed with seasonings, you could hear "ZiZiZi" There is a faint sound, and white smoke can quickly rise from the top of the meat slices.

"This method is really economical and environmentally friendly." Chen Kangjie, who became a chef, couldn't help admiring when he put the fish fillets.

Tan Jun wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It can only be done under the scorching sun of the tropics. Not to mention the aluminum alloy material, even this plywood has been scorched by the sun, and it will be cooked in a short time." .

"Don't tell me, such a hot sun is really unbearable. Brother Hui, please, get two cans of drinks in the incubator." Cans of cooler drinks to extinguish the fire.

According to common sense, it takes 15 minutes to eat, so that the meat reaches the most cooked level.But squatting by the pot and smelling the tangy aroma, Chen Kangjie moved his index finger, even if he just ate a raw fish, his appetite was whetted.I couldn't wait to pick up a piece with chopsticks and stuff it into my mouth.

"Oh, Zi, don't say it, it smells like barbecue, it's very fresh, and the fishy smell is not so strong." Chen Kangjie's mouth was scalded, and after chewing a mouthful, he was hooked.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was intoxicated eating, the others didn't bother to wait any longer, and they all did it themselves, and quickly ate a fish fillet that was grilled. After eating, some people were still sucking their fingers. endless.

Chen Kangjie volunteered to lift the fishing rod and started fishing again.

However, the route they took was across the western entrance of the Strait of Malacca, and there were frequent ships of all kinds. The ship passed by.In such a busy waterway, there are obviously not as many fish as in some quiet sea areas. The lively fish are scared away by the roaring motor of the ship. Usually, the fishermen in Penang go to the northwest direction, where the fish are more Many, if Wang Dong said, he would have to bypass the Sumen Island to get a good harvest.So Chen Kangjie only caught four fish all afternoon, but they all "roasted" them in the same way to enjoy.

Although Chen Kangjie's harvest is not particularly great in fishing, this way of walking all the way does add a lot of fun to the original boring itinerary. It not only solves the problem of seasickness, but also has a lot of fun along the way Almost.

In the interesting entertainment, Chen Kangjie and the others spent the hottest time of the day. As the red sun went west, the people who wore them could already see the coastline of Bandaqi far away.

There is a saying on land that "looking at the mountains and running to death" is even more so on the sea. Although the coastline can be seen from a long way away, Chen Kangjie and the others waited for two hours, until only half of the sun was still hanging on the sea level. When it was time, they landed.The Indian Ocean under the afterglow is really beautiful, a large golden area, boundless, as if this sea is paved with golden leaves by God.

The fishing boat docked, and the owner stayed on board to wait.The "purpose" of Chen Kangjie and the others coming here this time is to discuss business. Even if the situation in this area is unstable, the locals still have to eat and drink. Doing business at this time must be hugely profitable.The shipowner also sent them here after hearing about this reason.

Stepping ashore and entering the territory of Bandaqi, I feel that this place is quite beautiful, with dense coconut groves, verdant shrubs, and fragrant melons and fruits.It's a pity that because of the turmoil, a sense of bleakness came over us.Originally, Bandaqi Port was not a small port, but now it is deserted, there are no ships docking, and the road leading to the port is deserted, basically there is no car, only occasionally seen on the side of the road Several women in long skirts walked into the city carrying bananas picked from the forest.

"Jie Shao, why is no one coming to pick us up? Captain, have you misremembered the appointment time?" After walking for a long time panting, Pang Hui put his hands on his hips before seeing Hassan Luodi's person. asked breathlessly.

Chen Kangjie frowned deeply at this time, he didn't expect Hassan Luodi to be so rude and arrogant that he didn't send anyone to send a car.He was very upset, he took Lao Tzu's money, but now he pretended to be deaf and dumb, so neglected, wouldn't it mean crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?Did he think he could leave himself alone now?At the same time, Chen Kangjie was a little worried. He rationally analyzed that Hassan Roddy shouldn't get rid of him, the God of Wealth. The idiot also knew that he would need a lot of money to make things happen. Could it be that something happened?

"It's impossible to remember wrongly, the appointment is today's sunset time," Xiong Ziqiang moved to Chen Kangjie's side and replied, telling Chen Kangjie that there was no way he would make a mistake on such a big matter.

At this moment, two jeeps with lights on led a black car to drive towards them. From a distance, a man in camouflage uniform with a gun in his hand could be seen standing on the two jeeps.

Xiong Ziqiang and the others immediately set up a formation, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu were in front, Tan Jun and ** were on the left and right, and he was guarding Chen Kangjie.

The convoy "creaked" to a stop five or six meters away from them, and a soldier with a pistol on his waist jumped out of the first jeep gracefully, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Chen Long?".

"Yes, you are?" Chen Kangjie replied loudly.

"I'm Mr. Roddy's adjutant, Ali Shastro Ami. Mr. Roddy sent me to pick you up. I'm sorry, but I'm here now because of some delays," the visitor said respectfully.

Although there is no flaw in the attitude of the other party, and it also explained that it was him who came late.But Chen Kangjie still felt that something was wrong, and a dull feeling lingered in his chest.

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