No matter whether it feels good or not, Chen Kangjie can't retreat at this time. Under the guidance of Shastro Ami, he got into the car behind, Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jian sat with him, Pang Hui, Dong Mingshu and ** Then get on the jeep ahead.

Under the illumination of the headlights of the cars, the convoy headed towards the city.The sun has completely set below the sea level, and the vast night has been pulled down in all directions, and the sky above is full of stars, and the galaxy is brilliant.In addition to those sophisticated instruments, there is actually another easiest way to measure the air quality of a place, and that is to look up at the starry sky at night.If it is clean and the stars and moon are bright, it means that the air quality is good. If it is gray and chaotic, it is the opposite.

Bandarzi, a small city with more than 10 people, is shrouded in the shadowy night. When entering the city, it feels a huge contrast with Penang.If it is in Penang, the whole city must be brightly lit, crowded and lively at this time.But here is deserted, there are few pedestrians on the side of the street, only some children are chasing and chasing carefree.Moreover, there are no street lights in most parts of the city, and the road surface can only be barely seen clearly by the dim light of people eating with their doors open.

The children who were playing were not afraid at all when they saw the convoy guarding with guns, and greeted the "soldiers" in the car with bright smiles in local dialect.He even chased the car for a long time before stopping.

The convoy made seven turns and turns on the narrow street, and finally stopped in front of a big white house with four colonnades at the door. Along the way, there was only one dim street lamp that could lighten the traffic in front of the door. The gray concrete road was dimly lit for hundreds of meters.From the environmental point of view, this should be the center of Bandaqi. The road surface is clean. Although there are some holes and bullet holes on the walls of the houses, the masonry houses are still intact, and they are different from the houses we passed before. , there are "modern buildings" with a height of six stories, and the foyer of this mansion seems to be three stories high.More importantly, this place is heavily guarded. Under each lamppost, there are two or three people carrying guns on their backs. There is a row of soldiers straddling the left and right sides of the gate of the mansion, and one A machine gun.

Shastro Ami got out of the car first from the co-pilot and helped Chen Kangjie and the others open the rear door. Xiong Ziqiang on the right got out of the car and stood at the door, while Tan Jun opened the door and stood guard on the other side.

As soon as Chen Kangjie's body was half exposed, Hassan Luodi, who was wearing a suit, came out from the open door.

"Mr. Chen, hello, we meet again." When Hassan Rodi stretched out his hand to Chen Kangjie, there was a bright smile on his face, which made people feel how happy and excited he was to see Chen Kangjie Like a thing.

"Mr. Luo Di, hello," Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand to meet him expressionlessly.

"Mr. Chen, didn't you say you arrived at sunset? Why did you arrive only after it was completely dark?" Hassan Luodi asked with concern as if nothing had happened.

"Mr. Luo Di, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was delayed." Shastro Ami bowed his head guiltily and came forward to admit his mistake.

"What? How can it be like this? Mr. Chen is our distinguished guest, why is this unreasonable, you, you, go to the Disciplinary Department to receive the whip punishment", Hassan Luodi shouted angrily with a hideous face.

"Mr. Luo Di, it's not a big deal, it's a trivial matter, forget it", Chen Kangjie persuaded from the side, he came for profit, but not for resentment, he didn't want to make trouble because of such a trivial matter.

"Hmph, if Mr. Chen hadn't interceded for you, he would have punished you according to the military law. Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and prepare dinner, donkey, didn't you see that the guests haven't eaten yet?", Hassan Roddy sold He saved face for Chen Kangjie, but his words were still hard to hear. From this, it can be seen that he is usually strict and attaches great importance to Chen Kangjie.

"Mr. Chen, please, drink tea inside. There are too many mundane affairs recently. Otherwise, I should go to the beach to pick you up in person. Just now the front commander came to report on work." After Shastro Ami left, Hassan Luo Di turned from anger to joy, and invited Chen Kangjie in with extra courtesy.

This is a courtyard with only two entrances. The front building is three stories high, the back building is two stories high, and there are a row of small rooms on both sides.On the left of the first floor of the back building is a conference living room, on the right are some staff offices, and there is a dining room behind the living room.

Hassan Dilo led Chen Kangjie and the others to the living room to rest first, and then to wash the dust after dinner.There are two rows of sofa chairs facing each other in the east-west direction of the living room, each side can seat seven or eight people, and the south side is two separate sofas.Chen Kangjie and Hassan Luodi are now sitting on two separate sofas to the south, and the accompanying personnel of both parties are sitting on both sides.

Neither Hassan Dilo nor Chen Kangjie talked about work-related matters, but instead revolved around Chen Kangjie's arduous journey along the way, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed.

Only 5 minutes later, the food and drinks were ready in the restaurant, and Shastro Ami came over and invited them to sit down.

Chen Kangjie was also polite. With Luo Di's support, he strode towards the restaurant. Xiong Ziqiang and the others were also asked to eat together.

"Mr. Chen, due to religious constraints, I can only provide you with these foods. I don't know if you can adapt." After sitting down at the table, Hassan Rodi said cautiously.

Chen Kangjie saw that the table was full of seafood, including fish, shrimp and crab.Usually we often describe luxury food as delicacies from mountains and seas. Although there are no delicacies from mountains and seas here, the table is full of seafood.Why is Rody still so self-effacing?After thinking about it, Chen Kangjie understood that they were considered Muslims, and thought that Chen Kangjie and the others could not adapt to Muslim eating habits.The adjutant was Ali Shastro Ami. This Ali is a name that usually appears in typical Muslim names.

"Mr. Luo Di, can Muslims eat fish, shrimp and crab?" Chen Kangjie asked curiously.

"According to the revelation of Allah in the Qur'an: the animals and food in the sea are legal for you and can be enjoyed by you and travelers. Some disciples asked the Prophet Muhammad whether they can eat fish and animals in the water. He replied: 'If the water is clean (it can be used for purifying prayers), then the fish in the water should also be legal food.' So we can eat these things in the sea, and we live by the sea, these are the easiest If we can’t eat seafood, then we will be very troublesome, not every Muslim gathering area has a lot of sheep,” Hassan Rodi explained to Chen Kangjie seriously.

"Then what are your taboos?" Chen Kangjie had little contact with Muslims before, and some things are not clear yet.

"This, it's hard to say, every place will be different according to the time and place. The "Koran" mentioned in principle "pigs, blood, wine, self-dead animals, animals slaughtered without reciting the name of Allah", and others There are not exactly the same fixes", Hassan Rowdy succinctly explains.

"Oh, got it, the food looks tastier, I think we can totally get used to it".

"Then you are welcome, please, Mr. Chen please."

A meal is over in half an hour. The food is good, but Chen Kangjie and the others have already dried several fish at sea. They are not hungry at this time, and there is no wine on the table, so it is difficult to eat Chinese food like in China. Or eat slowly like western food.

After the meal, after drinking a cup of tea, Hassan Luodi invited Chen Kangjie to his temporary office on the second floor for a private chat.

Hassan Rodi first introduced to Chen Kangjie the struggles he had taken and the progress he had made after returning to Bandazi, and at the same time explained the problems they encountered.

Before receiving the support of Chen Kangjie, the Bandaqi Independence Army could only operate in the Serre Mountains. Although the range could stretch for hundreds of kilometers from Shigeli to Tapatuan, they could only hide in Tibet, and had to face The unique Sumen tiger in the mountains is in a very difficult situation.However, after receiving the support of Chen Kangjie, a steady stream of supplies were smuggled in from Shigeli and Tapadan. Not only did their environment greatly improve, they were also able to sneak in secrets from Alun, Zhalang, Mirawu, Brown Kejielun and other places. recruit people.

Just before the country of the Thousand Islands was hit by the financial crisis and became chaotic, their power in the Serre Mountains and its surrounding areas had grown very strong, and it was precisely because of this strength that they were able to launch the offensive two months ago In one fell swoop, they captured Bandazi and the entire area to the west of Sershan, and even fled to Lake Toba and Luo River Swamp to destroy the communication line of the government army going west, and fought two blocking battles.But after all, the strength of the government army is much stronger than them, and they were reluctantly compressed to the west of Lansha and Tapatuan, relying on the geographical advantages of Sershan to establish a defensive position.

"If it weren't for the unstable political situation of the central government, we might have been kicked out of the town. At present, we are facing two major problems. One is the shortage of supplies. I have only now discovered that the war consumes a lot of food and ammunition. , we are all lacking. When the local officials and government troops were driven out by us, they took away a lot of supplies. Secondly, it is international recognition. We have not been recognized by the international community because we do not have When it comes to recognition, those freighters that used to come and go to Bandazi are not coming now, and more importantly, we cannot put pressure on the central government without international recognition, and now we are in a very serious situation," said Hassan Rodi. In the end, his bloodshot eyes were full of worry and melancholy. He enjoyed the feeling of giving orders now, but he didn't want to be driven out of that life of exile here.

After Hassan Roddy finished speaking, Chen Kangjie was silent for a while without speaking.He was weighing the veracity of what Roddy said and thinking about possible coping strategies.

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