rebirth of change

Chapter 1178 Peeping

That night, Chen Kangjie didn't give Hassan Roddy any results. He understood that Roddy's complaint was seeking more support from him. However, at this important time point, Chen Kangjie needed to be cautious and not make promises or make decisions at will.

Hassan Luodi thought that Chen Kangjie was tired and uncomfortable after sitting for a whole day, so he persuaded and comforted him. Chen Kangjie also used this as an excuse to temporarily delay the matter.

That night, Chen Kangjie and the others were arranged to live in a house not far from Hassan Rodi's mansion.While eating and chatting, they learned that the mansion was previously the residence of the government's Mayor Bandazi, and it was also the mayor's office.After the Bandazi Independence Army occupied it, Hassan Rodi designated it for his own use, and by the way, it became the central command organization of the Bandazi Independence Army.

"Master Jie, there are many armed men patrolling around." When Chen Kangjie was sitting on a chair in his room thinking, Xiong Ziqiang gently pushed the door in and sat beside Chen Kangjie and said.

"No problem?" Chen Kangjie asked, pointing to the four walls of the room he was in.

"No problem, I checked, and there is no monitoring or surveillance equipment," Xiong Ziqiang said, scanning Chen Kangjie's fingers.

"It's fine if you don't have it, don't care about them, what do you think of this place?".

"Here? What do you think?" Xiong Ziqiang was a little uncertain what Chen Kangjie was going to ask him, but Chen Kangjie just nodded, and he could only hesitate to say, "I think we can look at the situation first, after all we just Come on, don't know anything yet."

Chen Kangjie raised his brows and nodded in agreement, "Well, yes, let's take a look first, but I'm sorry for Samidov and the others, they have to stay in the wilderness for a while."

"I think there should be no problem for them. During the previous training, we stayed in the field for a maximum of one week. Compared with it, the night here is not cold, which is not bad."

That night, Chen Kangjie tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep.He was thinking about establishing a solid relationship with Hassan Roddy and how to resolve his problems.

The first part of the difficulty that Hassan Roddy faces is relatively easy to solve. The so-called shortage of supplies can be solved as long as you have money. Even if the situation here is unstable, ordinary merchant ships dare not come, but as long as you drive Even if the price is high, there are still some people who are willing to take risks and make high profits.Weapons and ammunition can be purchased through the black market, and there is no problem going ashore. Hassan Rody and the others have at least a few hundred kilometers of coastline.

The real difficulty is in the second part, international recognition.If they are not recognized by the international community, then they are out-and-out rogues, evildoers who will not succeed in cultivation, and under the strong power of the government army, they will only face collapse sooner or later.Only when they are recognized by the international community, or by a part of the international community, can they hope to transfer international pressure to the central government, so that they have more room for maneuver and room for action.If this part of the work is not done well, they will not be able to become an independent country.

But this part is extremely complicated and requires a lot of money.Especially in today's world where the discourse power of international public opinion is controlled by the Western society, in order to be recognized by the international community, it is actually necessary to obtain the sympathy and recognition of the Western society. Otherwise, even if some small countries recognize it, the meaning will not be too great.

Chen Kangjie has never been involved in such a major event that affects the division of other countries before, and it can be said that he has no experience at all.Moreover, he does not have public power resources, and it is really difficult to propose an effective measure in terms of feasibility and maturity by relying solely on personal strength.Even though he has a strong international influence and is an international celebrity, the problem is that it is absolutely impossible for him to speak out about this kind of thing. If he really speaks out, let alone whether the Americans will give him If you don't like shit, maybe high-level domestic leaders will raise objections, at least for the time being, this does not meet the domestic political and diplomatic needs.

Another problem is that Chen Kangjie imprisoned himself. In his memory, the Bandaqi Independence Army was not recognized by the international community, so they never realized their dream of building a nation, at least not until he was reborn. The government that surrendered, the central government of the Thousand Islands, only gave this region a certain degree of autonomy.This kind of self-imprisonment made Chen Kangjie unable to let go of his thoughts.

Since he couldn't fall asleep, Chen Kangjie simply got up and sat up gently, took out a pack of cigarettes that Xiong Ziqiang threw on the chair, and lit it.

"Young Master Jie, what's the matter? I can't sleep. Is it because the environment here is relatively poor?" When he heard the noise, he slept next to Chen Kangjie, and Xiong Ziqiang, who was only separated by a glass door, also got up. Under the bed was Chen Kangjie, and asked.

"I can't sleep, it has nothing to do with the environment, and my mind is a little messy." Chen Kangjie took a deep breath, exhaling a smoke ring that swirled in the moonlight.

"Then let me sit with you."

Chen Kangjie snuffed out the remaining half of the cigarette butt. He wasn't addicted to cigarettes yet. He would only smoke one when he was bored. "Sitting is boring. Let's go for a walk and blow some air."

"Master Jie, do you want to investigate that person?" Xiong Ziqiang thought that Chen Kangjie had other purposes, so he pouted in the direction where Hassan Luodi lived.

Chen Kangjie didn't think so at first, but after being reminded by Xiong Ziqiang, Chen Kangjie became interested.This kind of desire to spy on others secretly is very attractive, not to mention that Chen Kangjie also thinks that checking Hassan Rody can deepen his understanding of him, and it may be very helpful for him to make a decision.

"Then you wait for me, I'll wake up the others," Xiong Ziqiang stood up.

"No, no need, just the two of us, the less people there, the better, and a little snoring is useful." Chen Kangjie pulled Xiong Ziqiang back.

Xiong Ziqiang thought for a while, and felt that what Chen Kangjie said was reasonable.

The two changed their clothes and equipment again, and walked out the door silently under the moonlight above their heads like ghosts.

When they crossed the rope from the second floor to the roof of another building separated by an alley, they found that several armed men who were responsible for protecting their safety had squatted in the corner and dozed off with their guns in their hands.

In terms of time, it was just after midnight, but the whole small town of Bandaqi was already quiet, and people who lacked the influence of prosperous business went to bed and slept peacefully. Standing on the roof, Chen Kangjie and the others could not see many lights, and the whole city was shrouded in darkness. Only the bright moon and stars in the night sky watched them, serving as guiding lights for the two of them to move.

Evening activities are not a problem for Xiong Ziqiang and Chen Kangjie. One has received rigorous training, and the other is as light as a swallow and has high strength.Climb a tree or climb a wall and cross an alley, both of them are easy to poop.When they hunched over a section of the fence and jumped on a pile of sand and stones, judging from their location, they had already arrived at the back of Hassan Rodi's mansion.

Xiong Ziqiang poked his head out from the corner and saw four armed men with guns at the back door, two of them were smoking, swimming and chatting, and they were about to walk towards the place where they were squatting.

Xiong Ziqiang poked Chen Kangjie once, and pointed to the wall above his head.With a tacit understanding, Chen Kangjie stepped on Xiong Ziqiang's knee, easily picked up and grabbed the top of the three-meter-high brick wall, and quickly climbed up.Then he stretched out his hand to grab Xiong Ziqiang, and abruptly lifted his strong body.

The two were about to jump into the backyard, when suddenly, Chen Kangjie saw several large oil drums placed under the place they were going to jump off. If they jumped down, no matter how lightly they jumped, the tin oil drums would make noise.What's more serious is that someone came out of the toilet opposite the oil barrel.

In desperation, Chen Kangjie pushed with his left hand, and he also fell down.The two of them lay flat on the fence that was only [-] centimeters wide, and at this moment, the two patrollers who were talking and laughing happened to patrol to the place where they just jumped off.

Fortunately, a white cloud happened to pass by at this time, blocking the bright moonlight.If you don't pay special attention, it is impossible for someone to find two people lying on the wall.

Hearing the footsteps below them, Xiong Ziqiang and Chen Kangjie on the wall felt a little nervous.Xiong Ziqiang was worried that if he was discovered, it would bring danger to Chen Kangjie. At this time, he regretted being so reckless to accompany Chen Kangjie to do such a dangerous thing. This kind of thing should only be done by him.Chen Kangjie did not consider this aspect. What he was worried about was that if Hassan Roddy found out that he was spying on him secretly, it would undoubtedly affect the relationship between the two parties, and even lead to the breakdown of the previous cooperation foundation, so that what he had paid would become Useless work.

Fortunately, no matter whether it was patrolling or coming out of the toilet, they were not found.

After keenly hearing the sound of footsteps going away, Chen Kangjie touched Xiong Ziqiang twice with the sole of his foot, and then slid down slowly while leaning on the wall with both hands.Xiong Ziqiang lay back and moved a little distance, avoiding the oil barrels, then followed Chen Kangjie's example and slid down.

This yard should be the backyard of Hassan Roddy, and there are some fuel and supplies piled up inside. Chen Kangjie gently lifted a piece of tarpaulin on the right hand side, and found that the piles inside turned out to be iron boxes of bullet boxes, which were about the same size in terms of scale. There are nearly 1500 boxes, and based on the calculation of 15 rounds per box, there are [-] rounds of ammunition here.

At this moment, there was the sound of clattering leather shoes in the building, and not long after, the light in a room on the second floor was turned on.Chen Kangjie looked up, and found that the lit room happened to be the study of Hassan Roddy that he had entered.But they were more than ten meters away from the base of the wall, and they couldn't hear the sound in the room on the second floor at all, nor could they see what was going on inside.

If you want to grasp it, you can only climb to his window, but the smooth wall has no grips for climbing at all. Moreover, after a little observation, you will find two problems, so which window has no window sill? , unable to support the body, and the other is that even if you really try to get there, not only will you fall down if you push the window from the inside, but it will also be easy to be found from the outside, because the body will block the light stolen from the window. People on patrol can see the figure on the window at a glance.

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