rebirth of change

Chapter 1182 Assassinate Roddy

As soon as Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang finished talking about the matter, Shastro Ami came to invite them to the dinner set up by Hassan Roddy.

I don't know if it was because Chen Kangjie and the others ate "satay" in the street in the afternoon, but in the evening, Hassan Luodi actually prepared a roasted whole lamb as a treat.

"Mr. Chen, there are very few sheep here. It is very rare to eat a whole roasted lamb." Hassan Rody cut a piece of lamb leg with a shiny knife and put it on the dinner plate He said flatteringly when he handed it to Chen Kangjie.

"Mr. Luo Di, there is actually no need to do this. We looked around today and found that your conditions are still very difficult. Too much waste is not good." Chen Kangjie said calmly.

"Hehe, it's just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha. Speaking of which, these are all yours. If it weren't for your strong support, we still have nothing now." Hassan Luodi said with a hearty smile. When he laughed, his yellow beard curled up. Yes, very funny.

"Since I say that, I'm not being polite." After speaking, Chen Kangjie inserted the crispy yellow leg of lamb into his mouth with a knife and fork, and began to chew.Since ordinary Muslims can't drink alcohol, Hassan Rodi only provided some drinks, otherwise, it would be perfect to have some wine for such a roasted whole lamb that is crispy and crispy.

Between toasting and hospitality, they ate a meal for more than an hour. Not only Chen Kangjie was rude, but even Xiong Ziqiang and the others were rude.

After dinner, Hassan Roddy found another excuse to invite Chen Kangjie to his office to "chat", the purpose of which was nothing more than to ask for greater assistance by complaining.

"Mr. Luo Di, we are close partners, so we just opened the sky and said openly, how do you plan to overcome the first difficulties you mentioned and realize your political ideals, and how can I help you?", listening After finishing Hassan Luodi's words, Chen Kangjie asked calmly after a short while.

He was throwing stones to ask for directions. He would first look at Hassan Roddy's "plan" before prescribing the right medicine.

"Actually, I haven't made up my mind yet. I would like to take this opportunity to have you here, and I would like to hear your suggestions. As you said, we are partners. Perhaps the ideas from your perspective will be more powerful." ", but they didn't take the bait, and attacked Zi Zhidun with Zi Zhi's spear, throwing the problem to Chen Kangjie again.

"Hehe, but I didn't think about these issues before. I always thought that it would be enough to provide some financial support. You used to be a diplomat, and you are very experienced in struggle and diplomacy. Why did I only come here for a day and just take the school exam? My question is so profound?" Chen Kangjie burst out laughing, and flinched away, and even blocked Hassan Luodi with one sentence, making it impossible for him to avoid it.

"Hehe", Hassan Roddy held a cup of coffee, smiled awkwardly and reluctantly, "Then I will say something immature, after all, I became a diplomat more than 20 years ago", took a sip After drinking coffee, he moistened his throat and continued, "Before we were not good enough, so we mainly practiced and strengthened our internal strength. Now our armed forces have grown to several thousand people, and we have also occupied several cities in Bandaqi and its surrounding areas. It is a small town, but compared with the powerful central government, it is still weak. Moreover, as we have a little base area and a certain number of armed forces, we must have international support. The purpose of our quarrel for a long time is also to It has been recognized internationally. Therefore, on the one hand, we must continue to strengthen our strength and resist the pressure from the government forces and the central government. A legal identity..." After talking for a long time, what Hassan Rodi said was generalized content, and no specific strategy was mentioned, let alone the role of the US government.

"Well, the method is very good, it should be feasible, and I absolutely support it." Chen Kangjie's solemnity seemed to agree, and he nodded repeatedly.

You, Hassan Rody, are playing tricks, Chen Kangjie thought, then I will play tricks too, let's see who can't handle it first.

"Oh, but these two aspects require a lot of investment," Hassan Roddy said with a deep sigh.

"Building a country is always difficult, and there is a long way to go. Take your time. I believe that your tenacious will can overcome all difficulties. If it is so easy to build a country, then at least [-] more member states can be added to the United Nations." Chen Kangjie seemed sincere Sincerely encouraged.

Hassan Roddy's eyes flashed a glimmer of darkness, and he found that Chen Kangjie was not as forthright and direct as before.According to his speculation, after he finished speaking, Chen Kangjie would definitely ask how much he needed, and then he would open his mouth, and Chen Kangjie would bargain again, and finally got a relatively attractive figure.However, Chen Kangjie didn't play his cards according to common sense, and didn't accept that at all.

For this kind of person who is always uncertain, it is impossible not to force him. You can only force him to a corner or to the edge of a cliff. At that time, he will stop swaying left and right and choose a firm path to go on.

"I also believe that we can win. When the time comes, we Bandazi people will never forget your full support and profound friendship." Hassan Rodi took over the conversation.

He is reminding Chen Kangjie, or something is tempting him, let him not forget that he still has interests here, and he has already invested so much money. Those money can only be wasted, and the development of so-called oil and gas resources is out of his hands.

Chen Kangjie didn't accept this at all, as if he had forgotten his own interests, and said affectionately, "Today I saw that the people here are very simple and honest, and I also believe that what I give will be rewarded." Their approval, anyway, no matter how you look at it, you don’t think the people here are cunning, greedy and forgetful.”

"Of course, of course," Hassan Roddy, who had a ghost in his heart, agreed embarrassingly.

"By the way, Mr. Luo Di, I'm leaving tomorrow. The main purpose of coming this time is to understand your progress. It seems that you have made great progress, so I am very relieved," Chen Kangjie said suddenly.

"Ah! Mr. Chen, are you leaving now?" Chen Kangjie's farewell surprised Hassan Luodi. He didn't achieve any serious business, so why did he pat his ass and leave.

"Of course, I have other things to do. The purpose of this trip has been achieved. If I continue to stay here, it will affect you. At this critical moment, I know that each of you has a lot of things to deal with , why should I continue to make trouble, thank you for your hospitality these two days," Chen Kangjie said solemnly.

"This, this, okay then", Hassan Roddy seemed very embarrassed and reluctant.

Waking up the next morning, after breakfast, Chen Kangjie and Hassan Luodi made a simple farewell.Of course, Chen Kangjie was all pretending, but Hassan Roddy showed his true feelings.

Last night, Hassan Roddy had been thinking about whether to directly ask Chen Kangjie for more assistance.But later, I suppressed myself and gave up for the time being.After he had dealt with Chen Kangjie several times, especially this time, he had a premonition that he would take the initiative, and Chen Kangjie would definitely open his mouth. As a former diplomat, he naturally understood that once such a situation formed, he would You will fall into passivity, your room for maneuver will become smaller, and you will even be controlled by others.

And the more important point is that Hassan Roddy doesn't know that the American representative who contacted him has been killed, and he is still waiting for the reply from the American side. Since there is still this "brighter and smoother road", then There is no need to rush to please Chen Kangjie and soften in front of him.

Ali Shastro Ami, who greeted them, was in charge of sending them to the seaside this time, and only returned after seeing them board the boat and go away.

The boat came to a halt after twenty nautical miles past Wey Island.Not long after, another fishing boat approached them from the west. After the two boats were close together, Chen Kangjie jumped on the boat that appeared out of nowhere, and the previous owner of the boat was elated after receiving a generous reward. The boat sailed towards his hometown in Penang.

"Jie Shao, our big ship is still fifty nautical miles to the west, why don't we send you back to the big ship first," said Yang Dazhuang in casual clothes, pointing to the endless sea to the west.

The team that came to support from Christmas Island this time was led by the brave Yang Dazhuang. They got the news last night that they were going to welcome Chen Kangjie here.

"Okay, I'm going to change clothes anyway," Chen Kangjie replied against the whistling sea breeze.

More than two hours later, Chen Kangjie and the others boarded a medium-sized freighter flying the Australian flag. From the appearance, this freighter was no different from an ordinary freighter, and there were even some containers on the deck.The crew members also look like ordinary people, but there are a lot of the most advanced American equipment in the cabin.As long as these equipment are taken out, these crew members can immediately form an excellent special forces unit.

In the cabin, Chen Kangjie called Xiong Ziqiang and the others together for a meeting.

"Brother Qiang, I've thought about it, you guys have to work hard this time, I hope you will lead the team to carry out this mission," Chen Kangjie said solemnly after walking back and forth in the cabin twice.

"What's the hard work, I believe that everyone is very happy to have some activities. If there is anything that needs to be done, just talk about it," Xiong Ziqiang said with a calm smile.

"Jie Shao, do we have a share too?" Pang Hui seemed very excited.

"Of course I have a share." Chen Kangjie smiled and glanced at Pang Hui, "Don't you all hope that I will not get involved in danger? I will not go this time. You will check and choose equipment after a while. I have two requirements." , First, you can only speak English during the whole process, and second, you can’t expose yourself. If you can let John Jimmy and the others do what they can, you are mainly assisting.”

"Jie Shao, what is the mission?" Dong Mingshu asked eagerly.

"Assassination of Hassan Roddy".

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