rebirth of change

Chapter 1183 Acting in a Play

When Chen Kangjie suddenly said that he wanted to assassinate Luo Di, everyone in front of him was astonished. They all thought they had heard it wrong, and stared at Chen Kangjie dumbfounded. .

"Jie Shao, did I hear you right? Are you going to kill him?" After a while, Xiong Ziqiang asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, then I'm really crazy." Chen Kangjie laughed at himself, and then said solemnly: "It is true that we want to assassinate him, but we can't kill him. We are going to play a play. You are actors." , must be like ".

"Young master Jie, you said that we can only speak English when carrying out missions. Could it be that... you want to use alienation?" After carefully thinking about Chen Kangjie's words and the arrangement, Xiong Ziqiang seemed to have found a clue, and stared asked speculatively.

"Haha, haha", Chen Kangjie laughed loudly, "Miaojue, Brother Qiang is worthy of being Brother Qiang, it would be great if you could understand this, my purpose is very simple, to make Hassan Luodi think that all of this is Made by American seals, so everyone needs to be fully armed, wear masks, and use the equipment of American seals. If not, there is no need to come to Brother Yang and the others at all. The purpose of coming here is to borrow their things. Wait a while and arrange They will equip both groups of them and send them to the sea."

Chen Kangjie believed that as long as they acted well and acted similarly, Hassan Roddy would immediately suspect the intention of the US representative.If he felt that the Americans hoped to use this method to help the government of the Thousand Islands get rid of him, then the effect would be achieved.

The sea breeze was blowing, and the bright moon was in the sky. Chen Kangjie stood on the bow of the boat and looked into the distance.The sky above the head is like a big clean cover, and the bright stars are like diamonds dotted on it, and the bright moon is inlaid in the middle like jade gems.And the undulating sea is also boundless and vast. The sky and the sea seem so deep at this moment, which makes people feel that there are countless secrets hidden in it. No matter how humans search and study, it is impossible to get a glimpse of it after all.

Just when Chen Kangjie was intoxicated by the breadth and depth of the universe, the battle of Bandaqi started.

In order to make the whole attack more like the style of seals, after communication, coordination and deployment, Xiong Ziqiang and the others attacked fiercely and fought fiercely.

The attack direction of the whole battle is from north to south. John Jimmy and his real "seals" are standing in the front, Samidov and his team are at the left rear, and Pang Hui, Dong Mingshu and ** are at the right rear. The team forms a team. glyph.

In order to make the noise bigger, they deliberately let the free security armed forces find out on the periphery of Bandaqi, and then defeated them in one fell swoop.Doing this step has another effect, which is to let Hassan Roddy get a warning a little earlier, and then mobilize more people to protect him, so that he can be deterred, but he can't really kill him. If they are He quietly touched the periphery of Hassan Roddy's mansion, and if he couldn't kill him accurately, he didn't look like a seal.

Familiar with the situation in Banda Qi City and the location of the independent armed forces, they easily avoided the two forts and some heavy firepower after breaking through the periphery.Only those who had chosen to fight two encounters on the street came to the periphery of Hassan Rody's mansion.Making this kind of choice is also purposeful, not just to avoid casualties of one's own side, the key is to leave it to Hassan Roddy to think about why these "enemies" can accurately avoid the heavy fire from the periphery .

As long as Hassan Roddy has this kind of clever reverie, it will be traced back to the Americans.The only outsiders who have been to Bandaqi in the past two days are Chen Kangjie and the Americans, and the "smart" Hassan Roddy would never have thought that Chen Kangjie and the others would do it, because there is no motive for the crime. It wasn't Chen Kangjie's support. They are still living in exile in Stockholm. How can they have the strength to return to China to fight for power?If Chen Kangjie wanted to kill him, it would be better not to support him, or to do it in Stockholm.As long as Hassan Roddy ruled out Chen Kangjie, there would be nothing left for him to choose from.

Besides, the time Chen Kangjie chose was very coincidental. The Americans just left yesterday, and the soldiers who escorted them did not come back. This choice of time and timing is completely forcing Hassan Roddy's thinking towards what Chen Kangjie needs. , Unless he was really beaten to death or lost his memory, this superficial multiple-choice question is a single-choice question, and the answer is almost marked with a red line.

When John Jimmy and the others rushed to the street opposite the official residence, Hassan Roddy, who was terrified and confused, indeed quickly mobilized 100 people from the east and west strongholds to quickly support them.In order not to affect the normal order in the city, except for most of the troops of the Bandazi Independence Army deployed on the front line of Sershan, most of the other soldiers stationed in Bandazi are on the outskirts of the city.Stationed on the outskirts of the city, on the one hand, it is convenient for defense, and on the other hand, it is convenient to quickly deploy and drive out without being dumped.Therefore, apart from the forts set up at four key intersections in the city, there are a few security personnel and some patrol personnel who are in charge of Hassan Rody's daily security.

Now that someone has invaded Bandazi, and the direction he has identified is only towards him, Hassan Rody must of course mobilize personnel to defend, and then concentrate his efforts to wipe out the future enemies in the streets of Bandazi.

But Hassan Rody's thoughts can only be wishful thinking, how could Xiong Ziqiang and the others allow themselves to be surrounded?Before the encirclement troops could follow up from behind, they had already concentrated their firepower and launched a fierce attack.There is a saying in our domestic war thinking that "it is not only weapons that determine combat effectiveness". The implication is that the fighting quality of personnel is as important as fighting passion, or more important, which is why we attach great importance to an important aspect of ideological work. reason.

Combat quality These hastily established independent armed forces are already lacking a lot, not to mention that Xiong Ziqiang himself is better in terms of weapons and equipment. Not only do they wear night vision goggles and night scopes, bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets, but also the weapons in their hands Vitality is not on a level either.

When a burst of 40mm grenades was fired, the simple blockhouses blocking the front and sides of Hassan Rodi's mansion were immediately destroyed, and the soldiers behind were bounced high by the blast.Regardless of the number of opponents, there are also important defensive weapons such as heavy machine guns, but they can't be used at all. Before the machine gunner's gun is fired, they have already been headshot by the large-caliber sniper rifles on both sides.As for those soldiers with rifles, they are completely beaten in front of the m1995e60 machine gun that the US military only installed for special forces in 4.A shuttle hit the past, and a large area was immediately knocked down there.Chen Kangjie is not at the scene, if he is, he will definitely think of a classic movie line "fewer people bully more people".

The jeeps used by the Bandaqi Independence Army are also equipped with heavy machine guns, so it stands to reason that the firepower will not be too bad.But those jeeps just drove over from the east, and before they entered the range of 300 meters, they were completely taken away by Samidov and the others who had prepared in advance, and the burning car wreckage blocked the reinforcement equipment behind.

Speaking of which, it's also Hassan Rody's fault that they don't have armored vehicles and tanks. If they had, Pang Hui and his group would have a hard time.In order to deal with the government forces, Hassan Rodi and the others were only equipped with anti-tank rockets and anti-armor guns, and they were all deployed at the front.

Within 2 minutes, dozens of corpses lay in front of Hassan Rodi's mansion. The gate of the mansion was smashed to pieces, and almost all the windows in the front row were shattered by the explosion.After eliminating the active forces of the enemy who could threaten him, John Jimmy took the lead in rushing towards the strong courtyard of the mansion.And Pang Hui, the others and Samidov resisted the enemies coming from the north and west to support them from behind.

However, John Jimmy and the others were not able to enter the yard easily. Before they reached the gate, several bullets shot out of the window. Fortunately, they only hit the body armor, so there was no big problem.If it was to really kill Hassan Roddy, John Jimmy and the others should throw a few grenades into the house now, but they couldn't do that, but threw four tear gas into it.

Before the sound of coughing could be heard in the room, the four of them put on gas masks and rushed in aggressively.

Stimulated by a large amount of strong gas fumes, the armed personnel inside basically lost their ability to resist. They couldn't open their eyes and breathe smoothly. How could they resist?After John Jimmy and the others rushed in, they were not polite. They saw that as long as they were under 50 years old, they would all be killed. The method was extremely cruel.Perhaps Xiong Ziqiang and the others may not be able to do this kind of cruelty in person, but for these seals who have experienced cruelty, there is really nothing to be sympathetic to. Executing orders is their highest dogma.

After entering, they didn't search the building room by room, they just went to Hassan Roddy's office and fired machine guns randomly, and then set fire to it.Because Xiong Ziqiang had already issued an order to retreat.

In fact, as soon as the battle started, Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun had already touched the back door of Hassan Rodi's mansion.He speculated that if he couldn't resist, Hassan Roddy would not just sit and wait to die, but would slip out the back door and escape.

Sure enough, just as he saw that the defense on the street in front of the gate could not hold back and was about to be breached, Mr. Luo Di escaped from the back door under the protection of eight people, intending to run eastward.

Xiong Ziqiang chose that they all went out before shooting with Tan Jun, because he was afraid that if he shot too early, he would beat the group back, which would be troublesome and embarrassing.

Hassan Roddy was completely beaten and covered his head. Just as he stepped out of the door of the backyard and walked a few steps with his body bent, crackling bullets shot over, and the guards around him fell in a pool of blood one by one.It's just that he was lucky and was not hit. However, he didn't have the guts to resist at this time, and he didn't bother to check the injuries of those wounded. He only hoped that Allah would bless him and let him escape this catastrophe.Under the escort of the only remaining Shastro Ami, he desperately held his head and ran towards the end of the darkness.

After they ran a certain distance, Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun fired two rounds of bullets along their backs with machine guns.Hassan Rodi, who had become a frightened bird, was so frightened that he fell to the ground, and it was Shastro Ami who dragged him to escape the danger.

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