rebirth of change

Chapter 1184 Set foot in Africa

Seeing Hassan Luodi in a state of embarrassment and fleeing away like hell, a smug smile overflowed from the corner of Xiong Ziqiang's mouth.When more people rushed to the rescue site, this group of ghostly fighters had quietly disappeared into the night, and they could only find corpses and messes all over the place in the strong smell of blood.Of course, there should be some survivors among them, and these survivors will play an important role in the supply of information.

Ten days later, when Hassan Rodi cleaned up the mess and wanted to contact Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie was already in Leopoldville, a large city in West Africa. This is the largest city in the country, with a population of more than 800 million , really bloated.However, there are only three million people living in the city, and more of them live in slums and nearby villages in the suburbs. Although there have been wars in the country that have lasted for many years, as the capital, Kinshasa has not been disturbed by the police much. However, the real big battles were not fought here, but in the eastern part of the country. The former president did not launch a street fight in the capital, but fled when the armed forces attacked Wanbahe.

The Lumumba Avenue connecting Ndolo Airport runs through the whole city. The scenery outside the car window is quite beautiful, with luxuriant green forests, full of flowers and shadows of trees everywhere;Coconut trees, mango trees, palm trees and baobab trees are full of green shade and fruitful, growing in rows and rows;All kinds of buildings are hidden in the green bushes, and the whole city is like a big garden. Against the backdrop of the blue sky and white clouds, it looks extraordinarily quiet and charming.It is hard to imagine that we are in a poor, backward and war-torn country.

Chen Kangjie and his group flew from Addis Ababa, South Africa, and then transferred from Addis Ababa.Zhaguo, which has just returned to calm, has only a few international routes, and there are no intercontinental routes. This is mainly due to the old domestic airport facilities, a small number of aircraft, and serious aging. The country has hardly purchased new aircraft in the past ten years, which is better. The plane of the former president was also taken away by the former president in exile in North Africa.

In order to express his welcome to Chen Kangjie, Karabi personally led the convoy to the airport to meet them, and boarded the car directly after leaving the terminal.

This is the first time for Chen Kangjie to set foot on this vast, fertile, mysterious and backward continent. Although he has seen a lot of things here on TV, he is still full of curiosity when he is on the scene.

Suddenly, Chen Kangjie found a six-story Chinese-style building between the gaps of several coconut trees on the roadside, with flying eaves and cliffs, and glazed glaze.This conjoined building has six floors in the middle and three floors on both sides. Exquisite colored lanterns are hung under the extended eaves, which makes Chen Kangjie feel fresh. I couldn't see it from above, and there were two military vehicles parked in front of the building.

"Mr. Calabi, is this...?" Chen Kangjie was very curious.

"Hehe, Mr. Chen, this is a hotel," Karabi, who was sitting beside him, bent down and looked out the window, replied with a smile.

"Opened by the Chinese?"

"No, this is the property of former President Monto. It has been sealed up by the government and is waiting for auction. There is a courtyard behind, with a covered bridge and a pool."

"Oh, it seems that this president is quite appreciative."

"He likes your Chinese culture very much. When he visited China many years ago, he went to Guangling and Gusu. After returning to China, he invested tens of millions of dollars to build a very pure Chinese garden in the northern Equatorial Province. It is said that the styles of your Gusu gardens and royal gardens are integrated into one. At that time, there were hundreds of craftsmen who came directly from your country of China.”

"Really? You are so clear!"

"Hehe, it's not that you are coming, so I paid more attention. If I didn't know you, I wouldn't be interested in those things," Carabi said with a flattering smile.

"Hehe, thanks for taking care of me." Chen Kangjie smiled and cupped his hands, and looked out of the car window again, "Before I came here, I always thought that Leopoldville would be very backward, and it must be devastated and depressed. Modern, not only the roads are wide, but you can see that there are row upon row of high-rise buildings on both sides.”

"Then you just came here," Calabi revealed a trace of worry in his eyes, "In this city, this avenue is similar to the June [-]th avenue we are going to turn up below. Other places, alas, Just like what you said, the country has just come to peace, and everything has to start from scratch, and the domestic economy, especially the industrial economy, has almost stagnated.”

"As long as there is a stable political environment, everything will be fine. It's a waste of time. I believe it will be prosperous and full of vitality in a short time," Chen Kangjie said comfortingly.

"Haha, if you have this confidence, I think our pressure will be much less." Chen Kangjie's encouragement turned Calabi's worries into joy.

The main purpose of Chen Kangjie's visit this time is to discuss specific cooperation.The current Zha country is in urgent need of funds, post-war reconstruction, production recovery, infrastructure improvement, solving people's livelihood problems, etc. All of these cannot be done without money.In the field of investment in Western society, the African market was not particularly optimistic at this time, especially in the areas with frequent wars in Central and West Africa. Therefore, for the Calabi and his sons who had just taken power, introducing funds became a very difficult task. The current top priority is that if the country's economy does not improve and the people at the bottom of society are still in dire straits, then their regime is actually in jeopardy.

Under this predicament, the first thing they thought of was Chen Kangjie, not only because Chen Kangjie had expressed that he would participate in their post-war reconstruction, but also because Chen Kangjie was rich.

In fact, there is one thing that Karabi can't understand. He knows that Chen Kangjie is a famous superstar, and it is easy to earn hundreds of millions of dollars a year, but since Chen Kangjie supported them with one billion dollars last time, he has A lingering shadow is where did he get the extra money?Due to the special relationship between the two parties, it was always inconvenient for him to ask, and he buried this doubt in his heart. This time, he planned to have a good chat with Chen Kangjie and learn more about him.At least he understood that Chen Kangjie was not just an entertainer as the outside media reported.

"Hehe, of course I have confidence, at least I have confidence in you," Chen Kangjie said with a smile pointing at Calabi.

When the convoy turned right and entered the June [-]th Street and drove forward for a while, it entered the core area of ​​Leopoldville, where the presidential palace, parliament, courts and many government departments are located. It can be said that This is not only the core of the city, but also the hub of the entire country.On the street, the security in this area is much tighter than other places. On Lumumba Avenue, although patrolling soldiers and military vehicles parked on the side of the road can be seen, they are relatively sparse.It's different here, not to mention the strict security, at least it's really three steps, one whistle, five steps and one post.There are obviously fewer pedestrians on the street, and there are even heavy machine guns erected at the gate of the presidential palace.

"After getting here, I feel that this place is not very peaceful." The presidential palace is Chen Kangjie's current destination. Since Karabi is in the car, and the convoy is also a car inside the presidential palace, naturally they will not be stopped and questioned at the door. , but seeing those black holes, Chen Kangjie was still a little worried.

This time, he hopes to win many large projects in the country's reconstruction process, especially infrastructure projects such as resource extraction and port construction.When investing, the primary guarantee is social stability. If there are many dangers, it will bring risks and even affect the progress of the investment project. This is what he does not want to see.

"Public security and society have calmed down, but, you know, just a few years of fighting, some factions have not yet fully joined, and there are more ethnic groups in the armed forces. It is always good to be cautious, and political internals are still not There are few problems that need to be sorted out slowly, and it is not so easy to solve immediately." After finishing speaking, the motorcade had already parked under the steps of the majestic president, and Karabi got out of the car first, and helped Chen Kangjie open the door.

Chen Kangjie collected his thoughts, stooped and stepped out of the car door. Karabi's father, the current President of Zhaguo, was already waiting on the steps.

Out of etiquette, Chen Kangjie straightened his clothes, and took the initiative to greet him. Mr. President didn't hold back, and walked down two steps to greet Chen Kangjie.

Karabi's father was a little different from him. Karabi was taller, handsome, and had a slightly smaller face.But his father was not like this. He was not tall, a little chubby, with a broad face. If it weren't for the short-sleeved gray suit collar shirt he wore with the seal and mark on the shoulder and jacket pocket, he would have looked more like a wealthy businessman.

"Mr. Chen, hello, I am very happy and honored that you can come to Leopoldville. By the way, we also have the opportunity to express our deep gratitude." It was easy to feel the layers of ravines in the palm of his hand. A smile spread across his face, revealing a mouthful of yellowed teeth.

"Mr. President, you are the hero of the country. I am also very happy to meet you," Chen Kangjie said politely.

"Please," the president let go of Chen Kangjie's hand, and gave him the middle path into the hall of the Presidential Palace, "If you hadn't said that you would keep your identity secret, there would be tens of thousands of people welcoming you on the street today. It's not about who you are, but what you've done to our country."

"Hehe, thank you, this is very good, but I would feel uncomfortable then." After speaking with a smile, Chen Kangjie paused, and waited for Calabi to stand side by side with him before walking into the hall of the presidential palace.

In the banquet hall of the Presidential Palace, a banquet has been prepared for the reception. In addition to the Karabi and his son, the accompanying people include the Minister of Defense and Ex-combatants Luba Entember; the Minister of the Interior, Security, Decentralization and Traditional Affairs Richard Mange and the newly appointed Minister of Territorial Remediation, Urban Construction, Housing, Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction Fridoline Mussoka are all close friends of the Karabi father and son. The first two terms were in charge of the army and security Intelligence and other powerful departments, the latter will play an important role in the reconstruction process.

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