rebirth of change

Chapter 1186 The pursuit is a bit shallow

Liu Deyi has always been a little nervous and excited. Chen Kangjie went to the President's Office to discuss business, but he was the only one with him, which made him feel that the burden was a bit heavy.However, being able to sit down and discuss business with the president of a country and its high-level officials was something he could not have imagined in the past, so his nerves were always stimulated.

After setting up the battle in the ultra-luxury presidential office, Liu Deyi's tension suddenly intensified.His original role was to make detailed records and then return the recorded content to Ouyang Zhenhua, but he faced a big problem, or Chen Kangjie had always ignored this problem, that is, their conversations were all in French.Liu Deyi has studied in the United States, so English is not a problem, but French is old.

After Chen Kangjie finished exchanging greetings with the other party, he also came to his senses when he found that Liu Deyi was still standing aside like a osmanthus.

"Yi Shao, sit next to me, you can just listen to it, and I will repeat the important part to you." Chen Kangjie waved to Liu Deyi.

At this moment, Liu Deyi wished that there would be a hole in the ground to drill into, but unfortunately there was none, there was a thick layer of clean and bright marble slabs on the soft floor.The assistant asked the boss to act as an interpreter, which he thought was the first time in the business world.

Since it was a negotiation, the people on the left and right did not sit together for the sake of benefit discourse, but were divided into two sides like a figure-eight.On Chen Kangjie's side, there are only him and Liu Deyi, and on the other side, there are "strong soldiers and strong horses", Karabi, his son and three ministers.

There was only a small mahogany table between Chen Kangjie and President Karabi, on which coffee and some fruits were placed. As Karabi only had the rank of colonel and was the deputy chief of staff of the army, he sat at the end.Of course, as the president's most valued son, no one would ignore him.

Once seated, Calabi stood up and opened a large curtain on the opposite wall, revealing a huge map of ten square meters, which seemed to make people feel that it was not a business meeting, but more like a military meeting.

"Mr. Chen, let me first give you an introduction to our country's geographical conditions, current traffic conditions, and resource endowments in various places. When you have a clear idea, we will discuss cooperation based on these," Calabi said. Pick up a slender explaining stick from the bottom of the map and speak on the map.

In fact, Chen Kangjie knew the general situation of Zhaguo. If he wanted to do business here, it was impossible not to do some homework.Of course, he was very interested in listening to Calabi's explanation. After all, the information obtained from the materials may be distorted, especially since many of the materials were before the war. After several years of war, many of them should not have had time to be updated.

Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand and nodded, and Calabi began to explain, "Our country is vast in the east and narrow in the west. The narrowest place is at the mouth of the sea. Although we are connected to the ocean, the coastline is less than 40 kilometers away. The port There is only one, which is here, Boma at the mouth of the Zha River. There are four railways in the country, and only one can function as a major artery. Wei Qi, all the way to Elizabethville. However, due to the damage caused by the war, the Kasai River Bridge near Elibo collapsed, and the Tengkai Tunnel passing through Niwendui Wula Mountain also collapsed. This is to prevent government forces from occupying Elizabethville. The measures taken..." Calabi started from the transportation facilities and continued to talk about the current industrial and commercial manufacturing situation, which is very detailed.

As an important military official, logically speaking, he shouldn't know so much. These should be the affairs of the president and civilian ministers.But it's easy to understand if he thinks about it. If he doesn't understand the society and economy of the country, how can he take over and truly control the power of a country?

Through Calabi's explanation, Chen Kangjie knew that the situation in Zhaguo was indeed not optimistic. Not only the railway was interrupted, the road was damaged, but there were only three airports that could be used normally. Apart from the Ndolo Airport in the capital, it was Stanleyville Airport. and Elizabethville Airport.Electricity is in short supply, and industrial manufacturing is degraded. Leopoldville previously had three small car processing factories. In 91, they could still process 16000 cars. However, this year, they did not even have [-] cars. The degree of degeneration and weakness is evident. .

After two and a half hours, the parched Calabi finally finished speaking.While he was explaining, Minister of Territorial Consolidation, Urban Construction, Housing, Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction Fridolin Musoka kept flipping through the folders and notebooks in front of him to check the information Calabi said one by one.From this, Chen Kangjie deduced that, strictly speaking, the Minister of Reconstruction should be a member of Calabi, otherwise, this kind of introduction would be enough for him, why use a deputy chief of staff to do it for him?It was also because of Chen Kangjie's special status that the people present were Karabi who knew him best, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

After Calabi finished speaking, the cooperation discussion could not continue. It was lunch time, and the specific content of the discussion could only be involved in the afternoon.

During the lunch break, Liu Deyi nervously followed Chen Kangjie into his room.

"Yi Shao, is there something uncomfortable?" Chen Kangjie asked with concern with a smile.

"Jie Shao, I think... I... I'm a little incompetent, and I asked you to do the translation instead. I'm sorry," Liu De said with his head down anxiously.

When Calabi was explaining in the morning, Chen Kangjie not only listened intently, but also kept translating the content to Liu Deyi to let him understand.

"Haha, there's no such thing as incompetent or incompetent. No one is omnipotent. It's all technical, and it's easy to make up for it. The key is to work hard and be flexible," Chen Kangjie said with a hearty smile.

"I will definitely do things seriously, and I won't let you down." The longer Liu Deyi gets along with Chen Kangjie, the deeper Liu Deyi's admiration for him is. Chen Kangjie's admiration has landed and has taken root, which is a five-body admiration of being impressed by his ability, talent and character.Even now he doesn't regard Chen Kangjie as an entertainer, but regards him more as a wise and promising boss.

"That's good, by the way, when will the charity event you arranged start?".

"This can start at any time. The film crew of Feiyang Entertainment is on standby in Dar es Salaam. According to the arrangement, you will visit the primary school in the small town of Gisala, visit the orphanage in Dar es Salaam, and visit the Reed Ancient River. The San Luce Game Reserve promotes animal protection. Of course, in addition to some interaction with the children, it is a donation. The setting is that you donate 50 US dollars to the local children's welfare home, not from equipment and repairs. In the courtyard, donate 50 US dollars to the Animal Protection Association to strengthen their research on ecological protection. At the same time, I also prepared a batch of stationery and toys for you to give to the children. Considering that your time is relatively tight, there are only so many for the time being," mentioned Liu Deyi can speak fluently about his job.

"Well, yes, I think we can increase some activities in Zha, so that people will not be surprised when they find out that I have come to Zha," Chen Kangjie added after a little hesitation.

"Well, then I will contact and coordinate with the relevant departments on their side. By the way, I will call the film crew to come over and shoot some films, which will be provided to the media at that time."

"Hehe, you are all in the presidential palace, so it's not easy to contact the department," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

Liu Deyi froze his head and thought about it, this is not a problem at all.

When Liu Deyi returned from contacting the propaganda team in Dar es Salaam, the formal negotiations in the afternoon began. The other party was interested in that they even arranged a translator for Liu Deyi to help him translate French into English.Therefore, among the people in the field, he became the most special one, which made him blush for a long time before he recovered.

"Mr. Chen, you have understood the basic situation in the morning. Let's see where you want to invest? As long as sovereignty and national dignity are not involved, we will fully cooperate." As soon as he sat down, Karabi's father was friendly The straight to the point.

"Mr. President, Mr. Ministers, I have a wide range of interests in the field of investment, but what I am interested in is not necessarily what you have prepared. So, can you tell me which projects you have prepared so that we can We can talk about specific projects, and it will be relatively easy to reach a consensus." Because of Calabi's "advance through retreat", Chen Kangjie is a little more humble and more stable.

What Chen Kangjie said was reasonable. After the president exchanged glances with several of his main aides, he patted the sofa and said, "Musoka, tell me!".

The Minister of Reconstruction straightened his sitting posture, took out a blue folder from the black leather bag next to him and opened it, "From the perspective of solving people's livelihood and making it easy to cut in, we have prepared several types of projects. First, our country's forest There are abundant resources, and wood processing is also traditional, so we can set up wood processing zones in the northern city of Benba and Jindu in the east. They are located in the middle reaches of the Zha River and the other is in the upper reaches. The lumber goes down the river to Leopoldville or the port city of Boma. Second, Stanleyville had several cornmeal mills and sugar mills that were at a standstill and we would welcome a capital injection, again Put into production, which can greatly alleviate the market shortage problem. The third is the automobile processing plant, cement plant and textile factory in the capital Leopoldville. These three are the real processing industries of the capital. Now only the textile factory has recovered a little Production capacity, automobile processing plants and cement plants have not started construction. If we can increase investment in this area, we can not only occupy the national market, but also occupy the surrounding countries such as Anguila, Jiabang, and Chineia. Fourth, We also welcome the establishment of manufacturing enterprises for electrical appliances, shoes, chemicals, etc. in our country. The location can be chosen in Leopoldville or the eastern city of Bukavu. In Bukavu, the products produced can radiate at least four countries... We calculated that if all these projects can be implemented, it will take two to three billion US dollars."

At the beginning, Chen Kangjie was still very interested, but the more the minister said, the more Chen Kangjie’s face became darker. It didn’t mean that the projects he said were not good or could not make money. For example, if there were cement factories and simple automobile or agricultural vehicle processing plants here, It must be able to make money. There are more than 2 million people in the surrounding area, and many countries have to be rebuilt. The profits are objective, but compared with Chen Kangjie’s previous assistance to them, the profits from these outputs are not worth mentioning. .

"Excuse me, are these projects your plans? Will an investment of two to three billion yuan solve your problems? As a medium-sized country that urgently needs to be rebuilt and revitalized, it's not just such a shallow pursuit, right?" Chen Kangjie tidied up his Mood, asked lightly.There was a hint of teasing in his tone.

After Chen Kangjie's voice fell, Calabi and the others looked at each other. They really couldn't figure out what Chen Kangjie wanted to express, but everyone could hear his teasing.

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