rebirth of change

Chapter 1187 Continue Tomorrow

"Long, what do you mean by that?" After a long silence, Calabi asked softly, and he didn't call him "Mr. Chen" formally, but called him by his English stage name affectionately.

"Hehe, what I mean is actually very clear. If you want to restore and rebuild quickly, it doesn't mean that those projects are not important, but that you must have big projects to support them. Only with big projects can there be huge investments. Only with huge investment, the government will have huge profits. Otherwise, you can only maintain the operation of the government, not to mention changing the people's living standards. If the people's living standards cannot be improved, the regime will not be stable." Chen Kangjie stretched his smile, Said slowly.

"Are you referring to our mineral resource development?" Karabi asked directly.

"That's it. Only large-scale development of mineral resources will generate large-scale project investment." Chen Kangjie nodded solemnly. This is his real investment purpose.

"Mr. Chen, let me explain," Fridolin Musoka stood up and said, "the reason why there is no content about resource extraction in the proposed investment project is because other projects are easy to use, and on the other hand It is because there are three conditions that limit the immaturity of resource exploitation at this time."

"I would like to hear the details," Chen Kangjie sat upright with his usual expression on his face.

Fridolin Musocca walked up to the map, picked up the explainer stick and tapped the map to explain: "First, as Mr. Karabi mentioned just now, the traffic damage is serious, and our country's copper and cobalt mines are rich. The area is near Kolwezi and Elizabethville in the southeast. This area has no water transport capacity and can only rely on railways and roads. We can see on the map that this area is located in the Mitumba Mountains The Katanga Plateau at the southern foot of the Katanga Plateau has an average altitude of more than 1000 meters, which makes it very expensive to use roads to transport mineral products from here. It is most suitable to use railways. However, this main artery railway has been damaged in many places. Second, the armed conflicts that occurred in 45 and [-] were concentrated in this area, and the relevant production facilities were almost destroyed. To gain wealth to increase strength, some important nodes were even blown up when they retreated. To restore the mining and processing capabilities in this area, the investment should be at least [-] billion US dollars, which is a temporary estimate. Third..." , When it was the third time, Musoka looked at the president sitting opposite him and stopped talking.

Chen Kangjie followed Musoka's gaze and looked at the burly and magnanimous president. Perhaps he couldn't bear Chen Kangjie's scorching gaze. Mr. President beckoned Musoka to return to his seat, "Let me talk about the third point." ..." President Karabi paused for a while before continuing: "In the past, the state-owned enterprises in our country were basically all in the hands of President Monto's family. Under the destruction of the people, those state-owned enterprises no longer exist. , even two copper mining areas and a tungsten mining area in the southeast were controlled by his relatives at that time. Therefore, we hope that the mining of mineral resources in the southeast can bring considerable benefits to the government. To be honest, our financial Income is very scarce, if we give up the biggest source of support, let alone whether all political factions will agree, as far as we are concerned, there is no way to maintain the future operation.”

"Oh", Chen Kangjie nodded thoughtfully, and after a long time, there are two real obstacles. One is that they are worried that Chen Kangjie does not have enough funds, so they don't take out the big head; Like the taboo, they want to monopolize it.In fact, Chen Kangjie never thought of eating this piece of fat all by himself, it was almost impossible, let alone Karabi and the others quit, even if he really agreed, Chen Kangjie would not believe it.

Take cobalt ore as an example, cobalt concentrate with co≥8% can be sold for 4500 US dollars per ton in ten years, while the cobalt ore in Zhaguo has at least 9000 million tons, and its value alone is 4000 billion US dollars. The price is not that high, it is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and the same is true for copper mines. A good copper mine can be sold for more than 7500 yuan per ton in ten years. Zhaguo has [-] million tons of copper mines, which is several How could they give up trillions of yuan worth of wealth?

"Frankly speaking, I understand your needs. Indeed, the mining and transportation of mineral resources is a project with a huge investment, and at the same time, this piece can bring you great wealth...".

"Mr. Chen, it is reasonable to say that you have helped us more than one billion U.S. dollars for free. We should give you a considerable return. This is a consensus among the few of us, but the two places of Kolwezi and Elizabeth The exploitation of mineral resources is too important, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is related to our national destiny. Besides, the investment is huge and requires a good overall coordination." The president interrupted Chen Kangjie's words, speaking slowly but firmly Said.

Chen Kangjie smiled. This father and son seemed to be a bad face and a bad face. One let him ask for anything, and the other set up obstacles. It was really difficult for them.Chen Kangjie would not regard this situation as someone else's ingratitude or prevarication, it is completely understandable.

Although the kindness of dripping water is reciprocated by the spring, there is a limit to it. People can't just give you everything just because you, Chen Kangjie, are kind to others. It's really unrealistic and impossible.Taking into account Chen Kangjie's emotional factors, he knows how to deal with it in a tactful way, which is considered very good.

"Mr. President, how about this? Speaking of it, we are also a family. I regard your son as my friend. In addition, to put it bluntly, I have also contributed a lot to the acquisition of your regime. I will make unreasonable demands because of my contribution, and I don’t want this regime to be short-term. It doesn’t meet my needs either emotionally or in terms of interests. Therefore, we can completely put aside our suspicions and be honest Let’s talk, in a word, do you need to restore the production of resources in these two places? I believe the answer is yes, and it will not be left abandoned. So, who do you think is better to engage in cooperation? Western governments? A big western company? Or do you independently develop it yourself?" Chen Kangjie said with deep affection and intonation, everyone saw sincerity in his eyes, and calmness in his behavior.

"It's almost impossible for us to develop independently. We don't have that much financial resources and technical support. If we really have to make a choice, it's naturally best to cooperate with you, but... just like you said, because Your special status, on the contrary, makes us a little reluctant." Chen Kangjie's frankness deeply won the trust of the president who is over fifty years old, so he also gave Chen Kangjie a confession, but she also has worries of.

"Thank you. I am very relieved that you can say that. I think we can look at and discuss this kind of cooperation from an equal point of view. To be honest, I am interested in all the projects you mentioned earlier. , Moreover, I never thought that these projects would be completed solely by our side. I think it is more in line with our bilateral interests to cooperate in the form of joint ventures. If the new government cannot provide funds, then it can provide resources. We will provide the funds, and the final proceeds will be shared by both parties, what do you think?" Chen Kangjie said slowly, full of air.

"Shared by both parties?" Before that, none of them thought that Chen Kangjie would propose such a cooperation strategy. They all thought that after Chen Kangjie took out the billion dollars, he would at least ask for a mining area independently, so as to achieve more than ten times Who knew that Chen Kangjie would be so open-minded, even Calabi, who had the most dealings with him and encouraged Chen Kangjie to open his mouth, never thought of it. His moved cheeks squirmed, and he stared at Chen Kangjie with shining eyes and asked.

"Yes, it is shared by both parties. Only when everyone benefits, the cooperation will last. To say a popular and popular saying in the world, we must be a strategic partnership." Nodding and answering.

"Mr. Chen, it's inappropriate for me to ask, do you really have so much money to invest?" Richard Manget, Minister of the Interior, Security, Decentralization and Traditional Affairs who spoke for the first time in the negotiation interjected and asked.

"As far as we know, your annual income is only about three or four billion U.S. dollars. Where do you get such a large amount of money to invest?" Luba Ntember, Minister of National Defense and Former Combatants, added.

After the two powerful ministers finished asking, Karabi and his father stared at Chen Kangjie with piercing eyes. They wanted to know this answer even more.

"Haha, hahaha", Chen Kangjie laughed, "Of course I won't be the direct investor. I'm actually playing the role of threading the needle. If we can determine the direction of the big cooperation, someone will come to talk to you later. For specific cooperation matters. My more work direction is still in the entertainment industry, how else can I ask you to help me keep it a secret? You...don’t doubt the effectiveness of my words, right?” Chen Kangjie saw each one in a daze Seemingly understanding, he changed his tone and asked.

"A middleman? Then... this..." Musor muttered, obviously having doubts.

But Calabi with a small beard and a stern face reacted, and said solemnly, "No, I don't doubt it. I remember when I was talking to you about asking for help, it was the two of us who talked about it. Keep your promise, I have no reason to doubt the effectiveness of your words, maybe there are some stories behind you that we don't know, but that will not affect my trust in you."

Chen Kangjie smiled at Karabi in satisfaction, "Trust is more precious than gold, and friendship can overshadow all illusions. Let me directly say that funds are not a problem. As long as you dare to think, I can guarantee the amount of funds. I can introduce Several companies come to do development, and the field of cooperation is not limited to the field of resource development. Other fields related to people's livelihood and manufacturing can also be involved. They can even help repair railways, develop ports, and build hydropower stations. It is said that Jindu's downstream There are seven large waterfalls on the Zhahe River, forming a huge water drop. If these water resources are developed, not only can the transportation volume of the waterway be expanded, but also the power demand of your country can be met.”

At this time, the people present knew that Chen Kangjie's preparations exceeded their expectations, and he even thought about the development of hydropower stations, and this was something that the five senior officials had never thought of. If several large cascade hydropower stations could be formed in the north, So it is of great significance to improve the local poverty and economic development environment, solve local social conflicts and improve the quality of life of the people.

Except for Chen Kangjie, everyone else had the illusion that he was going to take care of all the reconstruction of the country. This is really an unbelievable amount of money. Everyone was somewhat excited and speculated that he could really bring So much financial strength?If everything is included, it will not only be a matter of billions of dollars, at least the investment will reach tens of billions of dollars, and the annual benefits to the government will be unimaginable. If it can be done, it will not be long. China can quickly become a wealthy country in West Africa.

Chen Kangjie's big handwriting is really easy to make people's hearts surge. Just when everyone was in high spirits, Calabi, who trusted Chen Kangjie the most, said cautiously, "It's very late today, I think we can continue tomorrow."

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