"Forcing him? How?" Calabi was a little confused.

"I have a solution, but I don't know if your father will support it," Chen Kangjie said, pacing in front of Calabi.

When Chen Kangjie said that, Karabi became even more puzzled.He could feel the seriousness of this matter from Chen Kangjie's behavior, coupled with his understanding of Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie's method should not be too "elegant", otherwise, Chen Kangjie would not be so serious about it.

"Talk about it first. If it is really feasible, I will be responsible for convincing my father."

"First of all, I want to emphasize one thing. Only you and I know the method I came up with. No matter how you try to persuade your father, it has nothing to do with me. Don't mention me. This is our gentleman's agreement." Before telling the method , Chen Kangjie emphasized emphatically.

Calabi was a little apprehensive, but he still gritted his teeth and readily agreed to Chen Kangjie's proposal.

"My method is like this...".

After listening to Chen Kangjie's method, Calabi was shocked at first, and then he had a serious discussion with Chen Kangjie for more than two hours.You ask me to answer, I ask you to answer, both of them have made in-depth exchanges on the aspects they care about and possible situations.

"Okay", Calabi stood up from the sofa with determination, "Just do what you said, and I will convince my father how to implement it." Then he looked at Chen Kangjie emotionally, "Unexpectedly, I let you It cost money."

"Who is with whom between us, at least relatively speaking, the requirements are much less than Dias, should you say that I am stingy? Or should I say that you are easy to satisfy? Hehe", Chen Kangjie couldn't help being satisfied after finishing speaking laughed.

Infected by Chen Kangjie's ease, Karabi also laughed, "I am more easily satisfied, but you are not stingy at all, but you are very generous, and we owe you a big favor."

"Correct me, it's either you or you, hehe, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be lying in muddy water," Chen Kangjie corrected Karabi's words.

"Thank you, thank you," Carabi's voice was hoarse with excitement, "You are my best friend, and I will never forget you no matter what."


After talking with Chen Kangjie, Calabi went back to the small building where he lived to pack his luggage, and he wanted to leave with Chen Kangjie.When Dias got the report, he was completely surprised for a minute. He didn't understand what the two of them were doing.Why did you slap your ass and leave after seeing him head-on once?None of these results have been achieved yet.

But Dias is also very human, he didn't stop him, and of course he didn't come forward to see him off. He just sent his secretary to comfort him and say good things.It means that the two of them are still allies, and you can still ask for help if you need it. When he recovers, he will definitely participate in the peace process of Zhaguo and so on.

Calabi let it go, not courteous, angry, or arrogant, and responded politely to everything.

Dias also asked Chen Kangjie to visit Anguila more often if he was free, and he would be enthusiastic to accompany him next time, etc.Dias was originally just out of politeness, but he never thought that the prophecy would be prophesied in advance. When Chen Kangjie came to Anguila again, Dias was indeed extremely enthusiastic, and it was completely a courtesy of a guest of honor. meet.

After leaving Sao Paulo Anda, Calabi returned to Leopoldville, and Chen Kangjie went to Christmas Island in several places.

Calabi, who returned to Leopoldville, first had a four-hour private meeting with his father, and then the Minister of Defense and several other important cabinet members were summoned for a secret meeting. The government army "has adjusted the deployment of military struggle on a large scale.

One of the most obvious adjustments is that the "government forces" stationed in Kolwezi and Elizabethville moved north across the board to strengthen the defensive and offensive forces in the central region, and all the defense and security in the southeastern region were released.

The second is to adopt a full-line harassment posture in the middle and lower reaches of the Lualaba River, especially in Stanleyville. While stepping up the construction of bridges, while bombarding the opposite position, it feels like they will soon take a counterattack and wipe out the situation in one fell swoop. The vast area of ​​​​Hedong.

The third is that except for the necessary garrison troops left in the capital area, the rest of the armed forces are all sent to the front line, which makes people feel that they are desperate and the soldiers are pressing the border.

In this process, Chen Kangjie only directly provided 69 million US dollars in help, all of which were used to purchase ammunition and food.In addition, he also provided 2 million U.S. dollars in indirect aid, all of which will be spent in China. This was additionally proposed by Karabi, mainly for the purchase of [-]-[-] main battle tanks that are about to be retired in China.

The Type 69-2 main battle tank was improved on the basis of the Type 69 medium tank. It was designed in 1981 and put into mass production in 1982.The main improvement items of the tank are the installation of a 100mm rifled gun, equipped with tungsten-headed armor-piercing projectiles, armor-piercing projectiles, and grenades. The shells used are common to the shells of the Soviet T-55 tank; a simple fire control system with automatic metering is installed; planetary side reducer ;Hydraulically assisted main clutch control and steering control device; automatic fire extinguishing system; collective and individual combined three-proof device; hot smoke screen release device; 889 radio station; rubber side shielding skirt; , quick-opening safety doors, etc. The later production models also improved a new type of sight that includes a laser rangefinder and a sight in one, and projectile smoke launchers are installed on the front of both sides of the turret, and there are fences around the outside of the turret. type shielding.

Technically speaking, this tank is a bit outdated. Compared with most main battle tanks in the West with a weight of 35 tons, it is also relatively small and has weak protection capabilities.However, as the main export-oriented military product, the market for this tank is not bad. Iraq alone purchased more than 2000 vehicles, which can equip almost ten tank divisions.

Being able to have such a good sales volume shows that this tank also has its very important advantages, especially for medium-sized countries with not very strong armed forces.First, it is cheap. You can buy almost four of these tanks for one tank from Western countries, which is very affordable.Second, it is light in weight, relatively flexible, and suitable for bridges and roads in most countries.Third, it has a strong adaptability to the battlefield environment, whether it is a desert, a plateau or a jungle, it can adapt and exert its superior performance.Fourth, in the subsequent improvements, the combat performance has been continuously improved. For example, in the export to a certain country in South Asia, night vision equipment was installed, making it an advantage in conflicts with neighboring countries, especially in night battles. .

When he was in China last time, Calabi visited this weapon, and he was fascinated at that time.Since then, he has wanted to build such a relatively powerful armored force. With only one 1mm anti-aircraft machine gun installed on the top of the turret on the tank, and one on the right side of the gun at the same time The shaft-mounted 12.7mm side-by-side machine gun and a 1mm front machine gun installed in front of the driver's right can give it an advantage in dealing with infantry-based regional conflicts.

It is true that Calabi has a long-term perspective, and Chen Kangjie can't help admiring this.He granted this request for three reasons.The first one is that Chen Kangjie knows that Calabi will take over the power if there is no accident. This is a very important premise. If this is lost, the rest of the reasons will be a bit difficult to convince him.The second is that the money is spent in the country, and the waste water does not flow to outsiders.The money spent can be regarded as Chen Kangjie's indirect contribution to national defense. In addition to eliminating and disposing of a batch of equipment, the army can also use the money to buy newer models.The third is that Chen Kangjie hopes that the future of the country will be stable. Not only will there be no internal strife, but there must also be no external intrusion. Only in this way will his investment have a stable and considerable return.

In Calabi's plan, the money is only enough to buy 69 tanks, including four 2-[-]b command tanks, which is the size of a tank regiment, compared to those that move several tank divisions For a big country, it looks very weak.It's just that if these things are placed in Zha, they can look down on neighboring countries. Around it, there is no country that has formed such a well-organized tank force, even Anquila. A small number of armored combat vehicles are obviously weaker in terms of combat effectiveness.

In order to be able to get things quickly, half of the 108 tanks will be new products, and the other half will be stock products used by the domestic army, as long as some extra ammunition is provided.

Of course, Chen Kangjie's solution could not be limited to this. He would not really suggest that the Karabis and his sons start a decisive battle with Babu. Taking a step back, even if he suggested such a suggestion, the Karabis and his sons would not adopt it.That's too risky, the odds of winning are only half, and no one would take that kind of rude advice.

The core point of this method is to open the southeast gate of Zhaguo, allowing Babu and Buganda's army to drive straight in without any scruples.

Although this area is a mountainous area, Chen Kangjie and Calabi still believe that as long as there is no large army stationed here, it will be very attractive to the enemy. After all, the country's richest mineral production area is located in this location.It is precisely because of this that Chen Kangjie has to pay other additional prices accordingly. Once the hostile forces enter this area, they will definitely not easily withdraw, and in the end it will even increase the degree of destruction here. In that case, when Chen Kangjie takes over, he will have to pay even more. Big cost too.

Just to force Dias out, some sacrifices are inevitable.This area has a lot of borders with Anguila's eastern land.The entry of hostile forces will not only make Dias feel directly threatened, but the influx of refugees is also unbearable.At that time, I am not afraid that he will not stand up.

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