rebirth of change

Chapter 1205 Beheading

For the time being, Calabi cannot count on the tank regiment he asked for to quell civil unrest.It is impossible for China to sell weapons to them at this critical point, and international influence has to be scrupled.Moreover, the time is too late. The signing of the contract, the preparation of the goods, and the transportation all take a lot of time. At the earliest, Karabi and the others will have to wait until 1999 to get the goods. Time will continue to drag backwards.

In order to increase Calabi's leverage in convincing his father, Chen Kangjie secretly told him that if necessary, he could help contact the elite mercenaries who would be responsible for the infiltration and beheading operations.

The mercenaries that Chen Kangjie mentioned were of course Zheng Jun and the others on Christmas Island.Since returning from the "tragic victory" of the Thousand Islands Kingdom last time, a group of new personnel have been added to the army. These "recruits" are all selected from the security guards of those projects in the Thousand Islands Kingdom.

Chen Kangjie has always believed that combat effectiveness can only be best improved in actual combat, and training and acting can never replace actual combat. This is why the strength of the Chinese army has always been criticized by the outside world. Everyone says that this army with the largest number of people is much more Haven't fought a war for years.Some people even joked that if the guns fired on the battlefield, some people would pee their pants.Subjectively, Chen Kangjie is unwilling to believe such jokes, but objectively, he believes that such "tragedies" will definitely happen.

So Chen Kangjie hoped that his direct troops could go to the African jungle to exercise.To deal with those third-rate armies, when the troops exercise their combat effectiveness, they can also reduce the necessary casualties.

When Chen Kangjie told Zheng Jun his thoughts, he immediately agreed with him.Zheng Jun, who has fully recovered, has been training with the soldiers all day long. This kind of training is indeed a bit boring. When encountering passionate things, Zheng Jun can't control himself. The real soldier's favorite place to stay is the battlefield , definitely not an office or a training ground.

It's a pity that, as the person in charge of the overall situation, Chen Kangjie didn't want Zheng Jun to do it himself. If he did it himself, sooner or later there would be big troubles.

Just after Karabi and the others gave up their territory in the southeast, both Babu and Buganda saw the benefits.However, Babu himself can't go away, and his troops can't be transferred at all. He can't give up the large territories in the north and east and the rear base area. Well, if the Buganda army that helped him control the rear retreats, he will be doomed. The "government army" will swarm towards this narrow area, and he will have no room for maneuver. If he flees to another country, he will be punished. It may be a multi-faceted attack, and the gain outweighs the loss.

So it can only be that the government forces in Buganda "reluctantly" were entrusted by Babu to take over this strategic territory.

Government forces in Buganda are not the same as the Babu's.Although Babu's army is a "rebel army", it is still a Japanese army, and the government army in Buganda is an out-and-out invading army.In the east and north, there are Babu's troops mixed in, this kind of aggressiveness is not too obvious, and the resistance of the local people is not so strong.But when this army of more than 3 people marched to the southeast of Zha alone, the situation was completely different.

The local people can easily determine their foreign military status from the language. In addition, the Buganda army is not a civilized and mighty army, so it is easy to have a big friction with the local people.With the emergence of friction, the Buganda army did not adopt a policy of appeasement to calm the emotions of the local people, but instead resorted to bloody suppression.This makes the contradiction more intensified, thus falling into a more serious vicious circle.

Frankly speaking, the choice of this strategy is rather cruel. In any case, thousands of ordinary people will pay a high price for it.When making suggestions, due to the short time, Chen Kangjie really didn't consider this point. Karabi himself thought of it, but he didn't say it.

Karabi’s understanding of the Buganda people is far better than that of Chen Kangjie. At that time, when the two were deducing, they both felt that the possibility of the Buganda army stationing in this area was as high as 80.00%. Da's army was able to drive to Anguila's doorstep, creating stress and insecurity for Anguila.Chen Kangjie predicted that with the advance of the Buganda army, many locals would flee into Anguilla, which would put Dias under greater pressure.Especially when Karabi sent someone pretending to be a Buganda soldier to attack the border guards in Anguilla.

Karabi's prediction was a little deeper. He knew that the Buganda army was not good, and would definitely create unacceptable cruel incidents there.And this is exactly the result he wants more. When these brutal massacres happen, not only will Buganda be convicted of aggression, but the reputation and image of Babu will also be damaged.In this way, Babu's viability in the country will be greatly reduced, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Calabi did not speak out about his prediction because he was worried that Chen Kangjie would object.At the beginning, Chen Kangjie was worried that they would not accept his opinion, but later there was this reverse gap.

In history, all heroic political leaders were ruthless, and no one was merciful when it came to sacrificing the people. In their view, as long as they can achieve their goals, sacrificing a little bit of ordinary people is completely justified and should be done. .Bai Qi is such a person, Cao Cao is such a person, even the chairman can't get rid of this shadow.The advanced political concept of "the people are the most important, the country is the second, and the monarch is the least" often lacks viability in reality, and is often challenged and abandoned.

The effect of Chen Kangjie's method is indeed quite obvious. Not long after the Buganda army entered the area, tens of thousands of refugees began to flee to Anguilla every day. Anguilla's border guards and the Buganda government Small-scale firefights also took place one after another, and the number of dead people increased from a few to dozens. The border area suddenly became tense. Dias continued to dispatch troops from the coast to the east. On the one hand, he wanted to control the refugees. On the other hand, it is necessary to prevent wars that may occur in the border areas at any time.

Now Dias is starting to regret it.When Calabi came to beg him, if he could show some practical sincerity and not make such small calculations, then the situation would not be so bad.At least after he dispatched troops, the battle was carried out within the territory of Zha, and the basic military consumption of Zha had to be resolved, and if not, he could make a fortune. Karabi and his son even owed him a big favor, and the man from the east Long, if he really has strong financial resources behind him, then maintaining a good relationship with him is beneficial and harmless.

Unfortunately, from the bottom of his heart, Dias doesn't really believe that Chen Kangjie has such great strength.In his subconscious mind, how could a star have such great financial power?It was nothing more than a gimmick found by Calabi.If it weren't for this kind of judgment, Dias wouldn't be so cold towards Chen Kangjie no matter what.In today's world, rich people are 100% guests wherever they go. No one will be rude to the rich, because money can control almost all social operations, including politics and military affairs.

It's all right now, not only has the war developed to our doorstep, but we also have to bear the endless troubles brought by hundreds of thousands of refugees.He won't give them food and drink, and he can't afford it, but he doesn't dare to do anything to them, he can't kill them, and he can't drive them back.What Dias is most worried about is that once the war continues to the country, he will be in more trouble. Under the stimulus of the war, the domestic reconciliation agreement that has just been reached for more than a year may break down again, and the opposition will attack him for not leading the country. Otherwise, how could it have brought about war with foreign races in such a short time after coming to power?

Kabila and the others are quite good at seizing the opportunity.Just when Buganda's tens of thousands of troops were delayed in the southeast, Luba Ntember, Charles Mange and Karabi organized several effective offensives against Babu, and Babu was defeated. He kept complaining, and shrank his offensive posture into a defensive one.At this point in time, if the Buganda government army approached from the southeast to the west, it could almost reach the central area of ​​Zha. If they really did this, Karabi and the others would really have nothing to do except return to defense. choose.

But the Buganda army is worried. They have exchanged fire with Anguilla's army several times. They are worried that they will be blocked by Anguilla's army from behind after they go deep into the hinterland of Zha. disaster.

Without counting on the reinforcements that had already entered the territory, Babu could only continue to ask for help from Buganda, and when Buganda promised to increase its military strength by another 200, [-] "mercenaries" led by Yang Dali also arrived. Zha Guo.

According to Karabi's needs and the secret consensus reached by Chen Kangjie and Karabi, Karabi will be responsible for all affairs of their "mercenary" team in Zha, including military operations, but in the specific implementation process, they will There is a lot of autonomy.

Seeing that this group of so-called "mercenaries" were all Chinese faces, Calabi seemed to understand something, but he didn't say anything.

Yang Dali and the others didn't come here to fight the enemy face to face, that would be a bit overkill.Their purpose is twofold, one is to implement beheading tactics against Babu, and the other is to implement beheading tactics against Buganda's supreme commander stationed in the southeast of Zha.As far as its difficulty is concerned, it is not small, not big.

After spending more than a week familiarizing themselves with the local conditions, they went into battle.

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