Perhaps this should be the first time Chinese Communists have participated in combat missions in Africa after World War II.In the past, we sent too many batches of peacekeeping troops to this area, but most of them were engineers, responsible for the repair of major infrastructure, and some of them were medical personnel. Even the engineering troops for demining rarely set foot here.

Of course, Yang Dali and the others were no longer in the regular army and could not represent the real republicans. Moreover, their actions could not be publicized, they could only be carried out in secret.

When Yang Dali and the others were carrying out secret missions in West Africa, Chen Kangjie also came to the Lion City. The purpose of his visit to the Lion City was to meet Hassan Roddy.

After experiencing an "assassination", Hassan Rodi suddenly found that the situation he was facing became serious.The government forces have intensified their approach, and every day the government forces are advancing the defense line, and the fighting has basically never stopped for a day.The worse situation is that the Yankees have spoken harshly to them, saying that they will block and sanction them, and are pushing for a resolution of the United Nations in this regard.

The Americans didn't mention a single word about the disappearance of their diplomats. They did a thorough investigation in private, but they couldn't find out who was responsible for the disappearance of their diplomats. The team led by Hassan Roddy Daqi is suspected, but the government army of the Thousand Islands Kingdom is more likely.After all, they are the party that really does not want the Americans to contact the Bandazi forces, and they have a strong motive to "commit crimes".

It was just because of a stupid act that the Americans blamed the Bandazi separatist forces.

Just a week after Hassan Roddy was attacked, a car bomb attack occurred at the U.S. Consulate in the Thousand Islands, killing a local employee and injuring three diplomats. The walls of the embassy were severely damaged. Three cars on the side of the road were completely destroyed.After investigations by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Thousand Islands and the US FBI, it was determined that this incident was the work of the Bandaqi separatist armed forces.To this end, the United States also sent planes to bomb the forward position of Bandazi in Sershan in retaliation.

This kind of effect is what the government of the country of Thousand Islands is willing to see. With the participation of the United States, it will be able to curb the growth of Hassan Roddy's power.The Americans did not mention the disappearance of the diplomats. It was a last resort. They were already in conflict with Hassan Roddy, and they could not let the country of the Thousand Islands think that they were two-faced. swallowed.

Through this series of contradictions, Hassan Roddy has no doubt that the attack he received was done by the Americans.According to the evidence at the time, he was only skeptical. After all, the SEALs did not take action so casually. With the United States already choosing sides, he was very sure that he was assassinated jointly by the two governments.

In order to be able to meet Chen Kangjie in the Lion City, Hassan Luodi really broke through layers of blockades, disguised and concealed, and finally took the same route that Chen Kangjie took to Banda Qi, under the cover of fishermen, from Penang Landed in the city, and came to the Lion City.

Choosing the Lion City is the safest place that Chen Kangjie thinks is the most dangerous.The Americans have a military base in the Lion City, which can be said to belong to the sphere of influence of the United States, and the more so, Chen Kangjie believes that the Americans would never have thought that Hassan Roddy would come here.

In the top-floor suite of the Mengting Hotel in Lion City, which has just been put into use, Hassan Lodi, disguised as a Nanyang businessman, is sitting in front of Chen Kangjie, a "Nanyang overseas Chinese".

"Mr. Luo Di, I see that you are in good spirits and hale and hearty. You should be doing well recently." Seeing Hassan Luo Di's face as heavy as snow, haggard and vicissitudes, Chen Kangjie deliberately spoke ironically and joked that it was revenge for his two-faced and three-faced sabotage.

"Mr. Chen, I'm not like what you said. I'm scalp numb right now, I'm struggling, I'm at a loss, and I'm in danger." Hassan Luodi sighed and said dejectedly.

"Oh? How could this be? When I went last time, you guys were still thriving and thriving. Some time ago, I went to the South American jungle for a tour, and I didn't pay attention to your recent situation. What happened?" Chen Kangjie pretended to be stunned. road.

Hassan Luodi's head was dull for a while, and then he gave Chen Kangjie a general overview of what happened in the past month or so.Chen Kangjie was naturally aware of those things, but seeing Hassan Luodi's serious expression, he could only chuckle in his heart and didn't dare to show it.Chen Kangjie secretly slandered, whoever made you kid face Qin Muchu deserved the reward.

Of course, Hassan Roddy cleverly concealed the fact that the US sent people to contact them, and Chen Kangjie knew it well and didn't point it out.

"Oh, so it looks like this. From this point of view, you are really in trouble! Why did the Americans join in to deal with you?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Hey, when did they support a just cause? Not to mention us, even South Africa's apartheid policy was suppressed by them for so many years out of the need of the Cold War. Today, the African National Congress in power is still defined by them as terrorism organization, otherwise the president of mdl wouldn’t be released after a year.” Hassan Roddy was obviously very disappointed with America’s self-proclaiming of saying one thing and doing another. He compares himself with himself and regards himself as someone who won the Nobel Peace Prize like Mandela.

Chen Kangjie understood what Hassan Roddy said.In the struggle against apartheid led by mdl, not only did they not get the support of Americans and Europeans, but they were classified as terrorism because they often launched armed resistance.In the Western world, only the Prime Minister of Canada spoke out of morality and expressed his support for the ANC.The reason for this situation is that the Americans want to win over the local white regime to help curb the penetration of Soviet forces in southern Africa, and at the same time curb the friendly entry of China in southern Africa.It was not until after the end of the cold war, under the pressure of international public opinion and the support of justice from many countries in the world, that mdl was unconditionally released. After mdl was released, he visited many countries, including China, and received 1000 million US dollars in aid from the Chinese government. After he took office, the major diplomatic action he took was to quickly establish diplomatic relations with China.However, even if he won the subsequent general election and became president, his monitoring by the US government did not come to an end until 08.From this perspective, Chen Kangjie knew more information than Hassan Roddy.

"I agree with you, so what are you going to do next?" Chen Kangjie asked quietly.

"Mr. Chen, we urgently need your help. Otherwise, we won't be able to hold on for half a year." Hassan Roddy said a little excitedly.

Chen Kangjie stood up with a wave of his hand, walked to the French window and looked at the sail-dotted Strait of Malacca, "If the Americans hadn't gotten involved, then I would have a chance of helping you. Now that they have intervened, you know their strength and influence." Even if I try my best to help you, you will not be able to pass the diplomatic hurdle.”

Chen Kangjie did this intentionally, but it was true to a certain extent.It is very difficult for Chen Kangjie to intervene in this kind of diplomatic game between countries.At the beginning, when he carried out the attack method of stealing the beam and changing the post, he really did not expect that the movement from the two parties would be so big and radical.Of course, when he said this, he didn't mean to give up his interests in Bandazi, but to seek greater benefits through this.

At present, Hassan Roddy feels a little desperate. If he is not forced at this time, there will be no such good opportunities in the future.

"Mr. Chen, you can't let it go at this time, otherwise, your previous efforts will be in vain. As long as you are willing to help, we still have hope and opportunity, the people of Bandaqi I won't give up so easily." Hassan Roddy was almost begging.

"But I don't even have much confidence in myself. The past efforts may be in vain. This is a matter of risk control. If I invest a large sum of money and you still fail in the end, then I will Isn't the loss even more severe, in terms of business, this is something I have to consider." Chen Kangjie still clung to this barrier.

Hassan Luodi was really driven into a hurry by Chen Kangjie, and his raised voice became hoarse and eager, "Mr. Chen, I know this is a big risk, but the risk and benefit are directly proportional. If we If you can win, the reward you will get will be tens or hundreds of times! Why don't you think about the future benefits?" Hassan Luodi took the initiative to lure Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie turned around, stared at Hassan Luodi for a while, and then smiled softly, "It really moved me, but...we have always talked without evidence, do you think we should write What to order?"

"This..." Hassan Roddy frowned and hesitated. He knew that the agreement that needed to be written down would probably not be a good agreement. Ten out of ten, sovereignty or national interests would be sold. Well, there are really not many exchange terms that Hassan Roddy can offer.He was struggling with fierce calculations and contradictions in his heart. On the one hand, he suffered a humiliating failure and became a laughing stock of history.It seems that there is no best choice, but it seems that there is a best choice in front, and it is ready to be obtained.

"Are you worried about losing power and humiliating the country?" Chen Kangjie asked softly.

"I have to worry about this. You are from China. It stands to reason that China shouldn't do too much, but..."

"How do you know I'm from China?" Chen Kangjie interrupted and asked.

"There are several countries that have the conditions and willingness to involve their forces here, but judging from your appearance, you can limit them to China and Japan. In the past, I was not sure, but now it is very clear. You will not come from Japan. The Japanese will never dare to confront the Americans, especially in Asia. They want to see the faces of the Americans. Using the method of elimination, they can conclude that you must be Chinese." Hassan Luo Di said confidently.

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