rebirth of change

Chapter 1207 Leased Land

Chen Kangjie didn't seem overly surprised or astonished that Hassan Roddy was able to guess his approximate identity.He is very calm. If Hassan Roddy can't even analyze this point, then it can only mean that he is not worthy of support.Moreover, Chen Kangjie has no intention of keeping the secret forever, it is unrealistic, and one day, they still have to face each other with their real identities, otherwise, the cooperation will encounter an identity bottleneck, and there is no way to proceed smoothly.

"Are you worried about China?" Chen Kangjie asked calmly.

"It has to be so." Hassan Roddy nodded, "In this region, China is a big country, and sooner or later it will become a world power. Relatively speaking, Bandaqi is only a small place. If China strengthens its Without Bandazi's political presence and military presence, our autonomy may not be guaranteed."

Hassan Roddy is quite honest and straightforward.Speaking of it, his worries are not unreasonable, but they also have practical significance.

Chen Kangjie originally planned to discuss this aspect with Hassan Roddy in the future. Since he mentioned it today, there is no place for delaying and beating around the bush.Naturally, he wouldn't take an aggressive approach to Hassan Roddy in this regard, as there would be gaps in the basis for the cooperation he would get.On the contrary, Chen Kangjie had to find a way to weaken Hassan Rody's worries. Only when he let go of his guard, could the two sides achieve the effect of sincere unity.

"One thing I want to make clear is that I only represent myself and I do not represent any government. I have no direct relationship with the Chinese government. To be honest, as a businessman, I am more concerned about economic interests. I believe that economic Interests are more important than anything else, and they are all realistic and effective. For quite a long time, China will not have any relationship with you, except of course, normal diplomatic relations." Chen Kangjie said calmly and calmly, seeming to be very confident. Emboldened.

"Really? You are not someone sent by the Chinese government?" Hassan Rody felt a little unbelievable and puzzled.

"What do you think? Frankly speaking, if I were a member of the Chinese government, I wouldn't give you so much money. The Chinese country is not rich enough to throw money everywhere without asking the results. What do you think? If it were you, would you provide hundreds of millions of dollars in financial assistance so abruptly?" Chen Kangjie said with self-deprecation.

Hassan Roddy pondered for a while, "It makes sense, they really won't be so generous to small forces like us."

"It's just that let's say it again. In fact, if I am really someone sent by the Chinese country, it will be beneficial to you and not harmful. Don't forget that the Chinese country is one of the permanent members. Without influence, they still have a lot of say in the United Nations and in the surrounding diplomatic fields. It will be of great benefit to you to have them play a role in this area. As you are now, you really shouldn’t think about it. The question of my own role in the future, after all, I haven’t got anything yet, and everything is still illusory. If it were me, in comparison, I would prefer to sell a part of the benefits in exchange for the ideal grand plan. This is a big and small one. The question is like doing business, are you willing to lose 1 yuan to gain 1000 million yuan, or do you want to have no loss but no gain? I believe this is a very simple multiple-choice question." Chen Kangjie said forcefully.

Chen Kangjie's new argument brought Hassan Roddy a big shock. Some time ago, he only considered this relationship from the perspective of loss, but if China is involved, his rights and influence will be constrained , and even act according to the face of China.He really didn't think about the huge benefits from it, and he didn't even think about it. If he didn't have political power, it would be impossible to look at other people's faces.

Hassan Roddy thought of the contact with the Americans, yes, if the Americans really supported him, wouldn't they show generosity in vain?Want nothing, need nothing?That is impossible and does not conform to the consistent pragmatic style of Americans.Sadly, I had high hopes for them, but I almost lost my life later. From this point of view, the reputation of China is much better, and they who claim to be a state of etiquette will not be so excessive and despicable .

In fact, in international relations, there is no such thing as excessive or despicable, and everything is determined by interests.As long as the possible benefits are large enough, there are people who will do even the most egregious and despicable things.To be otherwise is pedantic and stupid.The difference is that it is a question of whether the means are clever or not. Some people will do the despicable things beautifully, while others will be low-level and dirty by the things that are taken for granted.

"Hey, if China is willing to give me strong support in this regard, of course it will be the best." After a while, Hassan Roddy sighed leisurely, as if he still felt a little regretful and helpless.

"Mr. Luo Di, in fact, there is no need to be depressed. I will explain that you can seek support in this regard." Chen Kangjie said mysteriously.

"Can I seek support in this regard?" Hassan Roddy couldn't believe his ears.

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie smiled inscrutablely, and did not answer his question directly, "Okay, let's not talk too far, let's draft our cooperation plan carefully!"

The two returned to the sofa and sat down face to face. Chen Kangjie still had to write down some evidence for Hassan Roddy, which was a guarantee for his future income. Only in this way, Chen Kangjie would continue to help him vigorously.

Hassan Luodi held the paper and pen, thinking about what to do, he knew that after this stroke, his nose would be in the hands of Chen Kangjie in the future.

"Mr. Luo Di, it is still difficult to write?" Chen Kangjie was a little displeased.

"I'm just thinking about what words to use." Hassan Rody didn't look up, twisted the black pen in his hand, and replied while staring at the white manuscript paper in front of him.

"In fact, we are just normal economic and trade cooperation. What's wrong with writing this? After you take power, don't you need to introduce strategic partners to invest in the oil industry? It's just that you found investors in advance and gave them authorization. , This kind of right is not a free transfer, and you will be paid every year according to the amount of mining. It’s just that you need to reduce this fee, after all, we have paid in advance.” Chen Kangjie crossed his legs, leisurely pointing way.

When Chen Kangjie said this, Hassan Roddy was a little bit stunned.According to what Chen Kangjie said, it is really a good explanation. Although he has given up a lot of autonomy, it does not look too ugly. It can be interpreted as a financing behavior planned in advance, and it can be obtained by other people. A good confession came out.

Hassan Roddy's frowning brows melted away immediately, and he picked up his pen and started to write.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Luo Di, let me make a little suggestion," Chen Kangjie called out temporarily.

"Any other suggestions? Mr. Chen, you can just say it." Hassan Luodi, who felt that Chen Kangjie would not be a lion, was relieved and asked boldly.

"In order to help your economy recover, Mingtong Investment Company also hopes to participate in the construction of infrastructure in the future, especially the port. Therefore, I hope to build a large port in the small coastal town of Simawei." This is Chen Kangjie's plan. of a plan.

If it is said that the Lion City guards the east gate of the Strait of Malacca, then Simawei is holding the west exit of the Strait of Malacca, but it has not been built into a modern port, and the facilities in all aspects are still very backward.At present, here is a small town with only 2 to [-] people.

Chen Kangjie has set his sights on this place for a long time. As long as he is willing to invest money, this place can be built into an advanced deep-water port in three years. As long as the port is a few kilometers to the west, the water depth outside the port can reach more than [-] meters. And as long as it goes not far to the west, it is the Andaman Sea with a water depth of more than hundreds of meters. Not only can it meet the needs of large cargo ships, even submarines can dive directly out of the ocean from here.From a strategic point of view, this place can not only hold the Strait of Malacca, but also point to the Indian Ocean. If this place can really be won, the future role will be fantastic.

Hassan Roddy was a little confused. This is obviously a good thing, why would the other party regard it as a condition?So far, although Bandaqi is surrounded by the sea on three sides, it does not have a large modern port.

"Mr. Chen, this is a good thing, but... is this a voluntary help in the construction?" Hassan Luodi still didn't believe in the pie in the sky, so he asked tentatively.

"Haha", Chen Kangjie laughed, "Of course not, we hope to lease this place, which is considered a major investment project, you know, the shipping industry is developing rapidly, we think that if there is a large transit port here, It will be very profitable."

"Lease?" Hassan Roddy was very sensitive to these two words, and immediately became alert.

"Yes, lease." Chen Kangjie replied firmly, "Using your land, after all, you have to give a certain return. This is a complete exchange of equivalent value. You can collect rent every year, and we also get a transit place to park. .”

"What kind of lease method are you going to use?" Hassan Roddy thought it would not be as simple as what Chen Kangjie said, so he asked cautiously.

"The 1000-kilometer-long coastline from Simawei to the west has a depth of 100 kilometers inland, totaling [-] square kilometers. As far as I know, this area is a messy beach with no use. We are willing to pay [-] million U.S. dollars per year In order to recover the investment cost stably, I hope to give a lease term of [-] years, what do you think? Within the lease term, the sovereignty belongs to you, and the right to use and manage belongs to us.” Chen Kangjie said solemnly.

The reason why Chen Kangjie didn't say this request when he first started working with Hassan Luodi was because he was worried that he might have concerns.The timing is so good now, of course he won't let it go.

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