After listening to Chen Kangjie's explanation, Hassan Luodi's face was gloomy, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching, feeling a little twitching.

Chen Kangjie understood why Hassan Roddy would have such a reaction, it was really human.If it is a joint operation, then there is nothing wrong with directly leasing out all the management rights and use rights. The time is still as long as 100 years, which obviously has the meaning of losing power and humiliating the country. country.Just like a century ago, Hong Kong was signed an agreement to lease it to Britain for 99 years, which is really not glorious.

Chen Kangjie didn't give any further explanations, nor did he offer comfort to Hassan Rody. Regarding this issue, he still had to let him digest it first.Moreover, Chen Kangjie gave a room for bargaining.

After a while, Hassan Rody weighed things up and said deeply: "Mr. Chen, I'm afraid I can't agree to this condition. I can't be the master. Giving up such a large piece of land is something that traitors would do." things."

"Mr. Luo Di, I don't think this has anything to do with treason. If a revolution wants to win, there must be some sacrifices. You don't care about those sacrifices, so why not sacrifice a little bit of wasteland. What's more, these wastelands can maximize their value. If you can agree, this money can be paid in advance in one lump sum, which is equivalent to being able to hold With a huge amount of one billion US dollars, think about it, how many things can you do with so much money? In my opinion, that is a one-to-one equivalent exchange. Besides, so far, that piece of land is not It belongs to you, and it still belongs to the country of the thousand islands. If you can’t win, it will always belong to the country of the thousand islands. To put it bluntly, what has it to do with you? Use other people’s land in exchange for the great benefits you need , why not? Could it be that this account cannot be settled?" Chen Kangjie said calmly and relaxed.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Hassan Roddy pondered again.During the communication with Chen Kangjie, he was basically led away, and his thinking was also guided by Chen Kangjie.Every time Chen Kangjie throws out a new idea, it can affect Hassan Roddy's established thinking, and he has to make a new balance.

"Mr. Chen, can't we use something else instead?" Hassan Roddy asked resentfully.

"Really not." Chen Kangjie's answer was simple and crisp, "You are very clear that although we are a partnership on the same line, there must also be an exchange of interests. This is beyond doubt, and there is no need for the two of us to I’m deceiving myself and others on this. All along, I don’t think that the exchange of interests is a bad thing. In today’s world, pure benevolence and justice between groups do not exist. The relationship together is strong, and the vitality of the bond of interest is stronger. Before that, we have reached an agreement on the exploitation of local oil and gas resources, and that priority has been given to us. I think you will not deny this, you and I both know , for your cause, we have already spent almost [-] million US dollars, which is definitely not a small amount. Now you want to get more additional aid, so naturally you have to make new compromises in other aspects, otherwise no one is an idiot .Then what do you think you can offer besides oil and gas resources? Market? Technology? Population? Or something else? On the contrary, I think that leasing out a piece of land and getting a large amount of aid will be more conducive to convincing other colleagues You have exchanged a worthless piece of coastline for a huge sum of one billion US dollars, in other words, you have exchanged high officials, rich salary and ideal dignity for everyone, why not do it?" In order to be able to persuade Hassan Roddy accepted this request, and Chen Kangjie didn't beat around the bush, but pointed to the core of the problem, completely dissecting the problem.

"The problem is that the time is too long, 100 years... who knows what will happen in 100 years? This time will bring bad imagination to many people," said Hassan Roddy struggling.

"As you said, no one knows what will happen in 100 years, so why should we worry about what will happen in 100 years?" Chen Kangjie responded freely.

What Chen Kangjie said is very simple, but for Hassan Luodi, this is a huge pressure, he can't take it lightly, otherwise, if not done well, even if his career is successful, this problem alone is very likely to put him From national hero down to despicable traitor.As a political figure, this aspect is absolutely valued, unless it is really forced.

"Mr. Chen, I can't promise you this question for the time being. Please allow me to discuss it with my colleagues."

"Hehe, this is not a problem at all. It should be better if there is a team to discuss it. I believe the consensus reached by the collective will be more convincing. Well, let's leave this issue for now, and you will live in this hotel , long-distance calls or satellite calls can be provided free of charge, shall we talk again tomorrow? I can stay here for two days, after two days, even if we have to meet, it will probably be next year." Chen Kangjie agreed easily, but , In Chen Kangjie's plain words, there is a very important message hidden, that is, he will only be given one more day, either to succeed, or to continue the discussion next year.

But can Hassan Roddy survive until next year?It's simply a huge question mark. If they can't get strong help from outside forces, in the words of Hassan Roddy, they will finish their game within half a year. There are no chips left, so what are you talking about?

The grandeur and calmness embodied by Chen Kangjie also conveyed another meaning, that is, the nearly [-] million US dollars invested in the front, he can ignore it, if there is no subsequent profit, these investments will be regarded as normal investment losses.This is a slightly contradictory comparison with his previous statement that [-] million US dollars is not a small amount.

After Hassan Roddy returned to his room, he locked himself in the room alone and pondered for two hours.The next step was to use the communication tools provided by Chen Kangjie and the others to repeatedly communicate with several of his subordinates. In fact, Hassan Rody first tested their reactions. If they strongly refused, then he might really retreat.The unexpected result was that none of his important subordinates firmly denied it.Those people are more realistic than Hassan Roddy. Compared with having nothing, selling a little land is nothing at all.Even if it counts, it was Hassan Rodi who left his handwriting, not them, and they can enjoy the benefits without considering taking political risks for it.

These people also think of Hassan Roddy as simple. Will the person who can be the leader be such a simple and easy person?

After discussing with his subordinates and obtaining a general goal, Hassan Luodi spent a sleepless night and thought carefully all night. The next day, he washed his face in a hurry, ate a simple breakfast, and went to talk to Chen Kangjie again.Chen Kangjie was really short on time, and he, Hassan Luodi, didn't have much time. He had to rush back quickly, and there must be encouraging news.

"Wow, Mr. Luo Di, why are you so anxious?" Seeing Hassan Luo Di's deep dark circles, Chen Kangjie pretended to be surprised.In fact, he concluded yesterday that Hassan Roddy must not be able to sleep.What's more, the owner behind this hotel is Chen Kangjie, and he is in control of Hassan Rody's every move.

"How can I not be anxious, fortunately, fortunately, I persuaded my partners and agreed to lease the piece of land you mentioned, but the price is a bit lower, everyone thinks, 3000 million US dollars a year More appropriate." Hassan Roddy took all the credit for himself.

"3000 million? Hahaha, Mr. Luo Di, are you kidding? We thought our bid was very reasonable, but you tripled it, ha ha." Chen Kangjie said with a smile, but the meaning in the words was not the slightest bit I mean happy, but there is some banter.

"The price of the land itself is not fixed. The key is to see what it is used for. I believe that if you really build a large port here, the annual income will be several times that of the rent. 3000 million is easy for everyone to accept. You know, I am carrying a huge political risk!" Hassan Rody's face was haggard, but his energy was not bad at all, on the contrary, he was a little full of energy.

"The income will not be low, but do you think it is so easy to build a large port? The investment is very huge, and it is not an exaggeration to say that a few billion dollars is not an exaggeration. Besides, having such a port, does it help to promote the development of the surrounding areas?" Is there no benefit to economic development? So, I am not a hypocritical person. I will be more straightforward and save our precious time. I will add a little, and you will subtract a little. If it is 2000 million, if it is successful, then we will settle it immediately. If it does not work, it will be for us Our friendship and possible cooperation in the oil and gas field, we can lend you another 5000 million US dollars, that's all, you can figure it out!" Chen Kangjie said confidently.He just didn't allow Hassan Roddy any room for bargaining.

Chen Kangjie was [-]% sure that Hassan Luodi would agree, because this was the result of their one-night discussion. Chen Kangjie prescribes the right medicine. Is there any reason not to cure the disease with the medicine?

Sure enough, after pretending to make a difficult choice, Hassan Roddy finally agreed "reluctantly".The following is the drafting of the cooperation text. For the sake of solid evidence, the agreement was written by Hassan Roddy.

What Chen Kangjie was doing was a gamble with no known outcome. Historically, Bandazi's revolutionary struggle did not win.But Chen Kangjie decided to take a gamble, anyway, he had easy money.What he invested was 20 billion U.S. dollars in cash. If he lost, it would all be in vain. If he won, he would not only obtain the right to exploit the rich oil and gas resources in this area, but also a piece of land with a very important strategic location.The so-called risk is directly proportional to the return.

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