Chapter 130

At noon that day, Chen Kangjie took Xiong Ziqiang and Qian Degui to have lunch with his third brother.Seeing Chen Kangjie's six-eight big Mercedes, Chen Yuchang felt that his Santana was very shabby.

This year, for business convenience, Chen Yuchang bought two cars, a Santana and a jeep. The jeep is mainly driven by Chen Meng, and the car is more suitable for the road conditions in the districts and counties below.

In fact, it is very good for Chen Yuchang to be able to buy a Santana by himself. At this time, the Santana is a good car. Many county-level leaders have not yet taken the Santana, and they are still riding in old-fashioned jeeps.

The next day, Chen Kangjie was going to visit Ertang Town. In order to develop tourism in Liushuipan, there is a very serious problem that must be solved, and that is pollution.In Chen Kangjie's memory, the pollution in Liushuipan was quite serious, especially in towns far from the urban area, where there were many small coal kilns and coke plants, most of which were privately owned, without any environmental protection equipment. Several rivers flowing through Liushuipan are seriously polluted, and there is a river near the urban area that actually picks up sediment that can be used as coal, which shows how far it has reached.

When Chen Kangjie went to Ertang, He Baoguo knew about it. It had only been half a year since he mentioned it. He had never visited that remote town before, so he didn't know much about the situation there. Chen Kangjie was willing to go. He Baoguo thought there was no problem. It is to investigate for him, the mayor.

Chen Kangjie is going to Ertang, which is where he went before he was reborn. There are hundreds of small factories that burnt carbon, and dozens of small coal mines. Black 'color'.It is now 1990, and Chen Kangjie is going to test his memory. If the pollution is not as serious, then it may be too late to take measures. The way of pollution first and then treatment is too costly.

Qian Degui is very excited when he has a mission to leave the car, and he goes out with Chen Kangjie, eats well and lives well, no different from traveling.

After arriving at Ertang Town, Qian Degui parked his car next to the power plant.Two large state-owned coal mines have been built here, so power plants are needed as supporting facilities.

In the car just now, Chen Kangjie saw that there were not so many charred carbon factories on both sides of the road, only a few of which were glowing with flames. The section of road up to the river is about four or five kilometers long. It is extremely rugged and full of potholes. Mercedes-Benz cars can't go there. Generally, trucks, tractors and horse-drawn carriages can go there.

After getting out of the car, Chen Kangjie walked in front, Xiong Ziqiang and Qian Degui followed behind.This road is really bad, one foot deep, one foot shallow, full of dust, Chen Kangjie's black leather shoes turned into yellow leather shoes after walking a few hundred meters.From time to time, a tractor jolted past, and the driver usually looked at the three well-dressed strangers curiously. The closer to the river, the more polluted the air.

Gradually, Chen Kangjie and the others saw faint white smoke emitting from some watered coke incineration pits. The fire should have been extinguished, but the coke still had a certain degree of heat, so water vapor was evaporating.

The situation is much better than in Chen Kangjie's memory. There are only a dozen coke burning pits by the river, which is 90.00% less than the two or three hundred places in Chen Kangjie's memory. However, this section of the river is still heavily polluted , the river water is no longer clear. Chen Kangjie observed by the river for a while, but he didn't see any fish or shrimp. Judging from the color of the river water, there should be some small coal washing plants upstream, which directly discharge the coal washing water into the river. Otherwise, the dozen or so coke incineration plants would not have polluted the river that much.

Having roughly understood the situation, Chen Kangjie got up and planned to go back. Today he has to rush back to the city. It takes more than two hours to drive, and there is not even a decent guest house in Tang Town, so it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to stay. Besides, Even the godmother wouldn't agree, if that were the case, both Chen Kangjie and He Baoguo would have to be punished.

Walking and walking, when there was still one kilometer away from their parking place, three or four people came from the opposite side.It should be said that three people left, and one person was carried behind their backs.

Chen Kangjie knew the person on his back. He was said to be a local hooligan leader. Everyone called him Brother Fei. He was in his 30s.He is disabled, so he has to be carried by his younger brother wherever he goes.It stands to reason that such a disabled person would not be the leader, but Chen Kangjie heard from the locals that he used to be very vicious and hit hard. In the two surrounding towns, almost no one dared to provoke him. That leg was also with others a few years ago Those who were injured during the fight will become disabled if they cannot be cured.

After being disabled, his younger brother took the lead in almost all fights, but every time there was an accident, he stood up to fight. Because no one was killed and he was disabled, he was fined every time.This made him and the younger brothers below even more arrogant, especially against outsiders.Many small coal mines and coke plants around him have to pay him protection money, otherwise they will cause trouble.

The reason why Chen Kangjie knew so much was that they had animosity in the first place, and Chen Kangjie had been spat on by him once.

That time was when Chen Kangjie was in the second year of junior high school. He went to play at a classmate’s house here. Several half-grown children were going to play ball in the playground inside the power plant. When they met him on the road, the two younger brothers took turns carrying them. Passing by Chen Kangjie and the others When he was in the hospital, he spat at Chen Kangjie and scolded "Young man from other places, get out!" After scolding, he directed his younger brother to leave in a swaggering manner.Chen Kangjie's classmates were worried that Chen Kangjie's words would cause trouble, so they hurriedly dragged him away. This matter had been in Chen Kangjie's mind for a long time, but he didn't expect to meet him again today because of the narrow road.

But Chen Kangjie didn't intend to cause trouble today. First, he was here to investigate on behalf of He Baoguo. At this time, causing trouble will have an impact on He Baoguo. Second, after all, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake. He can survive here for more than ten years, which also shows that Has a certain strength.

Chen Kangjie wrote down the account and planned to ask him to settle it later, so when they turned each other, Chen Kangjie didn't show any anger, and even just glanced at him and his little brother, but unfortunately, Chen Kangjie didn't want to cause trouble, but he didn't do it, and history repeated itself again.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

Xiong Ziqiang did not expect that the other party would greet him in this way, but he did not speak recklessly, but approached Chen Kangjie, waiting for Chen Kangjie's instructions.

Chen Kangjie didn't speak, but just looked at his disgustingly disgusting face with disdain, with an unshaven beard and a fierce look.Chen Kangjie completely ignored him, as if he didn't hear him, turned around and continued to walk.

"Spit, outlander, what are you doing here?" Chen Kangjie was spat on, but Chen Kangjie has been practicing martial arts for several years, his skills have become more flexible, and he dodges. Seeing his 'masterpiece' being dodged by a child, Brother Fei, Asked arrogantly.

Chen Kangjie didn't answer, because Brother Fei had already been slapped down from his younger brother's back by Xiong Ziqiang, and the corner of his mouth was still stained with blood.

"You fucking dare to hit Brother Fei? You don't want to live anymore." Xiong Ziqiang's speed was too fast, and several younger brothers of Fei Brother were a little confused. Xiong Ziqiang rushed forward.

Brother Fei, who fell to the ground with his buttocks, didn't expect that outsiders would dare to attack him in his field, so he yelled viciously, "Fuck him to death, he fucked him".

Chen Kangjie and the three of them looked like foreigners, so he showed his disdain for foreigners and spit at Chen Kangjie.

But the little boy who rushed up with the dagger was very unlucky. He met Xiong Ziqiang from the special forces. That little brother was rolling all over the floor.

When Xiong Ziqiang made his move, Qian Degui ran to stand in front of Chen Kangjie, completely on guard, and put his hand into his coat. After the Soviet shooting incident, Chen Kangjie tried to find a way to find Huang Zhenhua to do it for his bodyguard when he came back. He obtained a gun license, and donated 1000 million yuan to the Provincial Public Security Bureau to purchase police equipment.Anyway, as long as he could spend money to get things done, Chen Kangjie would spend a lot of gold to clear the way. Compared with his own safety, that little money was nothing.

"F*ck, you won't be able to get out of Ertang alive, this is the first time I have experienced..." Seeing that his little brother's arm was removed with one move, Fei Ge was not only not discouraged, but even more rampant.

But before he finished speaking, he was slapped back by Xiong Ziqiang, and he was a little speechless.His remaining two little brothers were not so inconspicuous, they just stood in front of Brother Fei and protected him, they didn't utter insults, and they didn't rush forward so stupidly to avenge their brother or vent their anger for the boss.

"Really? Can't get out alive?" Chen Kangjie smiled and took two steps forward.

Seeing that the other party was not only not afraid, but also dared to step forward, Brother Fei became dumb, and his two little brothers shrank back half a step, almost sticking to Brother Fei, but their eyes were fixed on Chen Kangjie. He helped Brother Fei who was sitting on the ground, worried that he would be attacked by surprise, and even more worried that unnecessary actions would cause a bigger blow to the other party.

Xiong Ziqiang's clean and neat movements acted as a deterrent. As long as he is not blind, he knows that he can completely solve his half-way problems by himself.

"Continue to say it again, is it true that I can't leave alive? If I leave unscathed, what can you do to me?" Chen Kangjie was still smiling, but his heart was extremely angry.I don't provoke you, but you come out to provoke me again, do you really think that I am the ignorant and powerless kid before rebirth?The truth is that the old lady burns incense, and she thinks her life is long.

"Brother, speak slowly if you have something to say, our boss..." A younger brother was oppressed by Chen Kangjie's nameless anger, and planned to excuse his boss.

"Shut up, who the fuck is with your brother? Don't piss and take care of yourself, I asked him, not you", Chen Kangjie gave the closed-eyed pony a look, and roared sharply.

"Don't be too bullying, we are also..." Another younger brother planned to show off his tongue, but Chen Kangjie didn't give him any face.

"Don't talk about those threatening nonsense, I will settle accounts with you later, I ask your boss, is it true or can't we leave?" Chen Kangjiesu said with a cold face.

"Yes, that's what I said." Facing Chen Kangjie's every step of the way, Brother Fei can be regarded as the boss, and he can't be too cowardly in front of his little brother.

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