rebirth of change

Chapter 1323 Participating in the Interview Chapter Item

Mao Xianping and several officials walked in front of the crowd. They accepted the tour guide service provided by the government. Chen Kangjie was a little behind. Before coming, he had done some homework. There are some people who understand, not to mention, there are two native Athenians by his side to help him introduce.As long as they are native Athenians, they are very familiar with the history and style of the Acropolis. This is a very important starting point in the historical education they have received since childhood.Just like ordinary people in the capital, they are familiar with the Forbidden City. Maybe they are not as eloquent as professional commentators, but if they come to explain, it may be more vivid. After all, living under the root of the imperial city, the ancestors will definitely leave behind a lot story.

"The carving decoration of the Parthenon Temple was undertaken by the famous architect and sculptor Phidias. From the portrait in the center of the west gable of the temple to the most striking stall decoration, you can appreciate the greatness of the master. The frieze is decorated with 92 white marble panels. Some fathers told us that there are 92 temple walls inscribed with various myths and stories between the columns. Unfortunately, we can’t see it now. There are serials describing the content of Greek mythology. Reliefs, the tense fights shown in the reliefs, the tearing between humans and monsters are vivid and lifelike. The mighty, elegant or idle postures of the gods run together skillfully, and the bending of the muscles, the fluttering of the battle robes, and the sadness and joy in the eyes all reveal It shows the sculptor's love for beauty and rational thinking about life..." Among the two secret service personnel, Palaiocostas, who has been communicating with Chen Kangjie in English, accompanied Chen Kangjie all the way to see the ruins that were originally unearthly handcrafted. road.

"What makes me feel even more regrettable is that I can't see the statue of Athena. I blame the Byzantine Empire for destroying it. Some sources say that the original 13-meter-high statue of Athena was made of gold and ivory. Is this true?" Wearing sunglasses, Chen Kangjie stepped on the marble steps and asked Palaiocostas casually.

"Hehe, how is that possible? The person who wrote this information must have never actually been to Athens. Think about it, if the 13-meter-high is made of gold and ivory, how much wealth would it be? Ancient Greece was not that rich, I think even the Tang Dynasty in your heyday would have difficulty doing such a thing.” Palaiocostas couldn’t help but smile at Chen Kangjie’s question, but he still had to answer Chen Kangjie’s question, “According to According to historical documents and archaeological discoveries, the statue of Athena carved by Phidias in more than 400 BC should be made of wood, but it was inlaid with a lot of gold and ivory. The reason why the enemies of the Byzantine Empire destroyed it may be related to those Gold and ivory go hand in hand."

"If you expose your wealth, you will be robbed. Maybe you Greeks have also summed up the experience and lessons of not revealing your wealth." Chen Kangjie was not unhappy because he was teased by Palaiocostas for the information he read from domestic pictorials. easy.

"That's right, so we try to avoid using gold in our later buildings." Palaiocostas nodded in admiration to Chen Kangjie.

"The name of Athens is said to be related to this girl?" Chen Kangjie asked again.

"Indeed, according to legend, Poseidon, the god of the sea, gave mankind a strong horse symbolizing war, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, gave mankind an olive tree with luxuriant foliage and fruit, which symbolizes peace. People yearn for peace and do not want war. The city belonged to the goddess Athena. From then on, she became the patron saint of Athens, from which Athens got its name. Later, people regarded Athens as "the city of love of peace." Palaiocostas is really a comparison A talkative person, he answered Chen Kangjie's questions in more detail.Of course, these issues are common sense that every Athenian must understand.

The area of ​​the Acropolis is still quite large, covering [-] square kilometers. Chen Kangjie and the others just took a look at some classic and historic places.Even so, it took almost a whole morning.

From another perspective, it is difficult for Chen Kangjie, who is public, to treat himself as a curious tourist, unless he visits here in a completely private capacity after changing his appearance.During the tour, reporters from the Greek state-run TV station followed and filmed. Tourists continued to recognize Chen Kangjie along the way. If it weren't for the police blocking them, Chen Kangjie and his tour would not have been able to go on at all.Even so, along the way, Chen Kangjie not only had to deal with the filming by reporters from the Greek state-run TV station, but also with tourists from all over the world holding their cameras.

Yesterday, Mao Xianping's depression caused by being reduced to Chen Kangjie's supporting role has recovered.After returning to the hotel where he was staying from the Greek Olympic Committee, the elated Mao Xianping had already forgotten the unhappiness caused at the airport into the Mediterranean Sea.He once again understood that it was Chen Kangjie who had such appeal and influence that the country would identify him as the chief Olympic bid ambassador. He can be regarded as the chief Olympic bid ambassador for the [-] Olympic Games.If he went to a foreign country and was unknown, what would he do?Only the more attention he receives, the more attention others will pay to publicize Beijing's bid to host the Olympic Games.Ever since I visited Mao Xianping at the Greek Olympic Committee, I felt the enthusiasm of Mao Xianping. This is what they need. During the meeting, the chairman of the Olympic Committee said that he will definitely support the bid for Beijing, at least not let Long follow along It's a waste of time.This is of course a joke. Whether you support the capital's bid is not simply based on Chen Kangjie's face, but it is also a manifestation of his attitude.

After visiting the Acropolis of Athens, Chen Kangjie and his party visited the Athens City Hall in the afternoon and were warmly received by the Mayor of Athens.When the staff introduced the members of the delegation, before they mentioned Chen Kangjie’s name, the mayor of Athens warmly shook hands with Chen Kangjie and hugged him. In his words, this person does not need to be introduced. If you don’t know him, Then the mayor is worthless.

Since it is to publicize to the outside world, the media is the best way. At present, we must pay special attention to TV media. Through TV, the content to be publicized can be informed to tens of millions of people.

In fact, the Greek local media have been paying attention to Chen Kangjie and his delegation since they got off the plane.Last night, the warm welcome scene that Chen Kangjie met at the Athens airport has been repeated on the screens of Greek National TV, TVB TV and Star TV.While Chen Kangjie and the others were visiting the Acropolis, the local newspaper "News" with the largest circulation and the mainstream newspapers "Daily", "Free Press", "Afternoon News" and other print media had released the news of his visit to Greece. It was sold on the front page, and it was accompanied by a handsome photo of him waving to the crowd in the car and a photo with the President of the Greek Olympic Committee.

At noon today, Mao Xianping first accepted a 3-minute interview with the Greek state-run TV station et10. In the evening, Chen Kangjie and his five Olympic bid ambassadors will also participate in a talk show organized by tv1. Introduce all aspects of Beijing's Olympic bid.

Apart from participating in press conferences and accepting a few exclusive interviews, this is the first time for Chen Kangjie to participate in a certain TV station's talk show.

The Greek state-run television station is the largest local television organization. Its television signals can not only cover the Greek Peninsula, the Peloponnese Peninsula, Crete and many islands in the Aegean Sea, but also spread to some neighboring countries in the north and east. .

The activity of Chen Kangjie and the others to accept this program was officially arranged. On the one hand, China hopes to expand the influence of foreign bid publicity through TV programs and start the first shot of foreign publicity. On the other hand, the Greek state-run TV station also hopes that Chen Kangjie can To increase their ratings and expand their coverage, they have studied how popular TV shows with Chen Kangjie will be.It's a hit and miss.It can be said bluntly that if there is no Chen Kangjie in the delegation, the local media will not pay such a high degree of attention. At most, they will only briefly mention it in some media, and there will be no large-scale reports.Since Chen Kangjie has already come, he will be safe when he comes, and he will cooperate with whatever is arranged by the higher-ups, no conditions, no airs.

The results of participating in this talk show are both good and bad. On the one hand, it naturally aroused the local people's eager support and expectation for Beijing's Olympic bid. In the program, the Olympic bid promotion film shot by Chen Kangjie was played. Chen Kangjie combined The content in the promotional film for the Olympic bid talks about the similarities between Chinese culture and Greek culture. Both of them have a long history and rich myths and legends, and they have influenced a large area of ​​the East and the West.Moreover, Chen Kangjie described the capital as a capital of humanities, openness, sports, friendship, food, and history, which attracted the famous local host Panayiotis and local youths who were lucky enough to participate in the recording of the talk show Shout out yearning, have the opportunity to go to the capital to travel and experience it.Because it was a positive external publicity, Chen Kangjie also followed a routine and irresponsibly told everyone that as long as they were willing to go, he was willing to be a tour guide, which caused constant screaming in the studio.This is just a scene, and it is impossible to implement it. These people cannot find Chen Kangjie to be a tour guide, and it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to actually do that.

The bad thing about Chen Kangjie and the others participating in this talk show is that Deng Ping and his four ladies were almost forgotten by the host and the audience, and each of them was very disappointed and embarrassed.The host Nayotis basically put the focus on Chen Kangjie except that he had a small talk with the four ladies at the beginning of the show.Nayotis knew that if he did not focus on Chen Kangjie, he would probably be scolded badly, and those TV viewers and the leaders of the TV station would not let him go.Besides, from a personal point of view, he really has no interest in other people who don't know him.

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