rebirth of change

Chapter 1324 History Classic

Since Chen Kangjie is the ambassador of the Olympic bid for this trip to Greece, he hopes that all the conversations will be as much as possible around the Olympics, so as to play a role in promoting the Olympics.However, to be honest, neither the host Nayotis nor the audience at the scene or in front of the TV are most concerned about the Olympics.Fortunately, this program is not a live broadcast, but a recorded situation, so it was paused several times in the middle.

Compared with the sacred Olympics, these people are most interested in Chen Kangjie's career and private life.Not only the foreign friends were concerned, even the four ladies sitting in the row with Chen Kangjie, even if they felt a little lost, were also curious about these questions about Chen Kangjie.

Every time Chen Kangjie called a timeout, it was for this reason. For example, Nayotis actually asked Chen Kangjie if he really went to Qianzhou Technology and Business University?What major do you study?What kind of classmates do you like to be good friends with?Do you have a girlfriend you like in school?Even if Chen Kangjie wanted to answer these questions, it shouldn't be on such an occasion. It's too personal. It can be said that these questions are Chen Kangjie's **, and it is impossible for him to answer them on TV.Therefore, it can only be called a timeout, and these problems will be cut off.

To the delight of the Greek fans, Chen Kangjie solemnly told everyone that he will definitely appear on the Athens Olympic Games on time.Nayotis asked Chen Kangjie if he had considered going to Athens to hold a concert?Chen Kangjie's answer is that he has no plans to hold a concert at present, so whether he will choose Athens is still uncertain.

Chen Kangjie has just been appointed as the charity ambassador of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, which is also a topic of interest to everyone.Regarding these aspects, since Chen Kangjie is about to go to the southern country, he did not avoid others' curiosity. He is very happy to tell everyone that he will soon participate in the condolence activities organized by the International Red Society in the southern country, as the chief executive of the International Red Society Charity Ambassador. This is a claim that he is going to enter the southern country with a high profile.

Chen Kangjie and the others recorded the show for only 45 minutes for more than two hours.After recording the show, Chen Kangjie met the requirements of the audience and the host for group photos and autographs.It can be said that these Greek fans are lucky. Chen Kangjie is so reasonable and casual, and tries his best to meet their requirements. There are two young Greek girls who left bright red spots on Chen Kangjie's face when he was not paying attention. lip prints.

The train extends westward along the coastline of the Saronic Gulf. After leaving the city of Athens, you can see the blue sea on the left, and the quaint houses and lush forests on the right. After the train arrives in Piraeus, even if It has entered the Peloponnese Peninsula, on the outskirts of Piraeus, if you look far away, you can see the sea on both sides of the train coast, the Corinthian Gulf to the north, and the Saronic Gulf to the south, although they are separated Very close, only separated by a narrow land, the Gulf of Saronicos is integrated with the Aegean Sea, and the Gulf of Corinthia, which links the Mediterranean Sea, is more like a large lake surrounded by the Greek Peninsula and the Peloponnese Peninsula. .

From Piraeus to Olympia, there are two railway lines. The northern line goes north along the coastline of Corinthia Bay after leaving Piraeus, passing Rutnagi, Patras, Peel Goss, finally reaching Olympic Olympia.The southern line passes through the central part of the Peloponnese Peninsula, passes through Argos, Megalopolis, and then goes north after Diavolich, and finally reaches Olympia.

According to the arrangement, when Chen Kangjie and the others went, they took the northern line, and when they came back, they came back from the south line. Then they could stop by the Mycenae archaeological site and other places. The Mycenae archaeological site is near Argos.

The train was speeding on the ancient Peloponnesian Peninsula. Chen Kangjie looked at Mount Kyllini, and what he thought of was the immortal ancient war book "History of the Peloponnesian War". A war between the Delian League led by Sparta and the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta.The war lasted from 431 BC to 404 BC, during which the two sides ceased fighting several times, and finally Sparta won.This war ended the classical era in Athens and the democratic era in Greece, changing the Greek state strongly.Almost all Greek city-states participated in this war, and its battlefield almost involved the entire Greek world at that time.In modern research, some people also call this war the "Ancient World War". It can be said that this war has affected the entire human society.This war was of great significance not only to ancient Greece but also to history itself, and it was the first historical fact to be recorded scientifically and historically.Thucydides' record ends in the winter of 411 BC.After Thucydides, Xenophon continued Thucydides' work in his History of Greece, recording events after 411 BC.Before coming to Greece, Chen Kangjie read the 1960 edition of "History of the Peloponnesian War" from the Commercial Press from the library as supplementary materials.

"... When the Thebans found themselves in the trap, they formed their ranks and fought back the enemy from all sides. They repulsed two or three attacks of the Plataeans. But the men who attacked shouted loudly, Women and slaves screamed from the roofs, and stones and tiles were thrown at them; meanwhile, it rained heavily throughout the night. At last the Thebes lost their nerve and turned and fled out of the city..." Stare Looking at the unchanging Mount Killini with an altitude of 76 meters, Chen Kangjie began to groan to himself.These historical descriptions fully reflect the cruelty of ancient wars.Of course, wars are cruel, and there is no way to be elegant and civilized.

"Long, what are you reading? Why can't I understand?" Palaiocostas, who was sitting in the same private room as Chen Kangjie, asked curiously when he saw Chen Kangjie groaning silently with a dignified expression.

Chen Kangjie read Chinese, which of course the foreigner couldn't understand.The railway from Athens to Olympia is basically mostly tourists, so there are boxes on the tourist train, and a box can seat four people, which looks very spacious. Sitting in the same room with Chen Kangjie are Xiong Ziqiang and the two secret service personnel, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu were sitting next door with Mao Xianping.

"This is the description of Thucydides in the "History of the Peloponnesian War" I just read. For you Greeks, has everyone read this book?" After Chen Kangjie explained, he asked road.

"No, no, most people know this book, but not many people have read it. It is an ancient classic. Young people nowadays don't like it very much. If they didn't study history in college, many people would not know it. Read this book." Palaiocostas' answer surprised Chen Kangjie.

"Why don't you like reading such a great history book?"

"Hehe, today's society is already dominated by fast food culture. These books need to be carefully studied, which takes a lot of effort. What's more, there are too many classics in ancient Greece. How can I read every one of them?" Pala Jocostas replied with a helpless yet proud smile.

"Yes, Aesop's Fables, Mythology, Homer, Hesiod's Works and Days and Theogony, Ovid's Metamorphoses, Sappho's masterpiece To Anactoria, Aeschylus' Oresteia, The Beggar, The Persians, The Seven Generals Against Thebes, and Prometheus, Sophok Ruth's "Medea", "Trojan Women", Aristophanes' "Babylonians", "Clouds", "Birds", "Knights", "Acanais", Plato's "Utopia", "Dialogue Records", "Literary Dialogue Collection", Aristotle's "Tools", "Logic", "Physics", "Metaphysics", "Politics", "Ethics", "Poetics", "Rhetoric" and a large number of Socrates' philosophical works are really not easy to read." Chen Kangjie said with emotion.

Palaiocostas looked at Chen Kangjie in surprise, and said after a while: "Wow, I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable, I really can't help but admire you, you basically finished all our classical works , many of our local people should not be as comprehensive as you said, have you read all these books?"

"How is it possible? I just read a few books." Chen Kangjie said modestly.Before Chen Kangjie came to Greece, he was familiar with such works as "Utopia" and "Aesop's Fables", but he had never read any of them. The reason why it is familiar is because it is repeatedly mentioned in history textbooks.

"Hehe, you are so humble." Palaiocostas didn't think that Chen Kangjie was telling the truth, thinking that Chen Kangjie was not a proud person in character, so he said casually, "Your country is also an ancient civilization. Historic classics? Did you read them all when you were young?"

This question from Palaiocostas really stumped Chen Kangjie. This is not to say that Chen Kangjie didn’t know ancient Chinese historical masterpieces. He could count many, many, such as "Book of Songs" ("Guofeng" "Ya" and "Song"), "Li Sao", "Nine Songs", "Nine Chapters", "Tian Wen", "Nine Debates", "Zhou Yi", "Shang Shu", "Spring and Autumn", "Zuo Zhuan", " Mandarin, The Analects, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Warring States Policy, Book of Rites, Nineteen Ancient Poems, Peacock Flies Southeast, Salt and Iron Theory, Hanshu, "Historical Records", "Three Kingdoms", "Sou Shen Ji", "Poetry", "Wen Xin Diao Long", "Yang Chun Bai Xue", "Quan Song Ci"... etc., there are too many, and the four major classics are basically written every day. Anyone who has gone to school knows it.The point is that Chinese people seldom read these classic works. Even if they are college students who belong to the intellectual sequence, if they choose three books from here, not one of a hundred college students may have read them.This is similar to the fact that the Greeks did not read much of their classical works.

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