rebirth of change

Chapter 1329 Insinuation

"Long, hello, I'm Cole Lezern, a reporter from "Free Youth Daily". What I want to ask is that Michael Jackson wrote an anti-war song "we are the world". We all know that you are a You are a talented music creator and a very talented film director, during this trip to the south, will you also be inspired to write a classic anti-war song? Or make an anti-war movie?" These The reporters probably knew that Chen Kangjie's English was good, so they asked questions in English and directly omitted the translation process. On the contrary, Bradbury needed translators to whisper in their ears.

"Hehe, thank you for your question. It seems that you guys still care about and understand me." Chen Kangjie said with a smile, "However, I would like to remind you that "We are the world" is not a true anti-crime song. War song, of course, he can use it as an anti-war song. This song was written in 1985, and Michael Jackson collaborated with Lionel Richie. Its purpose is to fight the famine in South Africa. In the large-scale charity event "America Aid Africa" ​​in solidarity with donations to the hungry in Africa, 45 singers led by Michael sang together. I have to admit that Michael is a great singer with great humanitarian feelings. In addition to this song, he also Deduced some other works that focus on human beings and peace. Frankly speaking, I admire his talent very much. You ask me if I will take this opportunity to write an anti-war song or anti-war movie? Maybe I don’t have his ability .However, if some people or some things touched me and touched me, the possibility of this is not ruled out. When I mention this, I will say a few more words. In my opinion, there may be no real meaning Anti-war songs, because war is definitely not something that can be stopped or changed by one or two pieces of music. It is the politicians who really control the occurrence and process of the war, and these politicians may not be as easily swayed and influenced by music as you and me. Otherwise, they are not politicians. Although music itself cannot prevent wars, music can indeed cultivate people's hearts. Songs that care about world affairs can enhance our humanitarian feelings, make us pay more attention to life, and pay more attention to happiness and happiness. Peace. I hope I can produce such a work. It’s just that peace requires the efforts of each of us.”

"Long, in fact, you have produced many such works. Your music and movies, your fighting spirit on the field and the magical stories described in the book have all moved us." The person who asked the question At this point, the yellow-skinned male reporter glanced at the blank Bradbury, then quickly switched to the main topic, "Excuse me, let me introduce. I am a reporter from Xinhua News Agency in Bucharest. I can meet my fellow villagers here. It's really a happy and satisfying thing, my question is, this trip to the southern country is full of dangers, after all, the war there is still going on, at this juncture, you have the courage to enter the war zone, what prompted you?"

"Seeing you makes my heart warm." Chen Kangjie first said a digression, "Actually, I have already mentioned the reason and purpose of the question you asked, so there is no need to repeat it here. I only care about you. I would like to add some security issues. When it comes to security issues, I think it is still very guaranteed. This time I did not act alone, but along the way with the International Red Cross organization led by Mr. Bradbury. Just now Bradbury Mr. Debury has already said that the warring parties welcome us to enter the war zone. For this reason, NATO has also stated that it will control the scope of the bombing. For us, this is actually enough. In the past history, The International Red Cross has entered the war zone more than once, and many times the war has not weakened their compassion, and sometimes even the staff of the Red Cross suffered tragic casualties. They have such courage, have Such a fearless spirit is worth learning and admiring. Therefore, since I have served as the goodwill ambassador of the organization, I can't shrink back, and I can't behave too badly. From another point of view, actually go in and give The care and condolences are not limited to me alone. Behind me, there are thousands of supporters all over the world. I am just their representative. Isn’t there a saying in our culture, It's called 'Although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go', so I don't have the slightest fear."

Although Chen Kangjie said that there is no need to repeat it, he still said a lot.On the surface, his answer seemed unremarkable, but to those who cared, at least he expressed both soft and hard meanings.The soft aspect is the affirmation of NATO commanders. Through affirmation, they can implement their commitments.On the other hand, Chen Kangjie also faintly showed his tough side, that is, he has countless fans. If he is hurt in the southern country, then the person who inflicted the harm will be opposed by the whole world.

So far, Chen Kangjie has answered three questions, and then there is only one chance to ask questions.Bradbury, who was sitting on the sidelines, was not affected by the reporters ignoring him. He knew that Chen Kangjie was much more famous than him, and he also knew that the reporters were much more interested in Chen Kangjie than in him. Otherwise, they would not have asked Chen Kangjie to be their goodwill ambassador.

The reporters rushed to ask the three questions just now, perhaps out of repayment or some purpose, and Bradbury assigned the last question to a female reporter from the Associated Press.

"Thank you Mr. Bradbury, thank you Long, I am Jack Doerr from the Associated Press, we all know that Long is a person who is widely liked around the world. I believe that there should be many people who like you in the Southland People. My question is, do you have any plans to meet high-level figures in the Southland this time? If you have such an opportunity, will you do their work? Let this hateful war end as soon as possible." Jack Du This question of Paul sounds a bit blunt and provocative, and he has preconceived it. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that the Americans are the main participants in this war.

Jack Doerr's question was not only for Chen Kangjie, but also for Bradbury, so Chen Kangjie asked him to answer it first.

After listening to the translation, Bradbury leaned forward solemnly, pursed his lips, and then said into the microphone, "So far, the South has not told us that we have the opportunity to meet with their senior government officials, usually , our International Red Cross will not do things to mediate wars, and we have no such qualifications. To do such work, we should play the role of the United Nations. It is a pity that this war took place without the authorization of the United Nations. , so, I think there is nothing we can do. What we can do is to provide as much help as possible to the people there. Of course, we have always been against war. Unfortunately, as long said, war The initiative is in the hands of politicians from various countries."

Bradbury's answers were correct, unmistakable, and befitting of him.

After Bradbury finished answering, all the reporters turned their attention to Chen Kangjie, expecting him to say a few words.

Chen Kangjie coughed twice to ease his emotions. He had to organize his words well, after all, this question was too targeted.

"You are equivalent to two questions. Mr. Bradbury has already said the first half, and I have indeed not received any instructions for such an arrangement. There is a saying in our country called 'a slap can't make a sound', In other words, if we want to applaud, we need our two hands to act together. War seems to be the same. It is impossible for one side to cause a war. After all, it is impossible for someone to beat himself. Multi-party. On the surface, the war is the tragic result of the conflict of interests between two or more parties. Maybe that’s why this gentleman asked this question. I hope we can lobby the South to stop the war if we have the opportunity. However, this There is a problem in it, that is, the logic is somewhat confused. In my opinion, wars are divided into two types, just and unjust. Those who are familiar with history may know that a century ago, a war occurred on the northeastern territory of our country. In the Russo-Japanese War, both sides of the war were fighting unjust wars, because their purpose was to compete for the territory and interests of a third party, that is, to compete for interests in China. In this kind of war, as long as one party is willing to give in or surrender, the war will It is logical to stop. Half a century ago, another anti-Japanese war that was part of the world's anti-fascist war took place on the vast land of our country. In that inhuman catastrophe, we suffered heavy losses. Let's look back at this period of history, If someone wants to mediate this war, who should they turn to? They can only turn to the Japanese. Only when they withdraw, surrender, and compensate for the war losses can the war stop completely. The mediator can never come to China in a whimsical way. Let’s talk? That’s absurd. We are the victims and the one being imposed. Do we want us to give up all the land? Do we want us to perish? This is impossible, we can’t do it, we can only resist to the end, Because we are waging a just war, and Japan is waging an unjust war. Only when the unjust side stops and withdraws, and justice is given to the unjust side, can the war be stopped. In the end, everyone knows the result. The fascist camp has won a total victory."

It can be said that Chen Kangjie did not answer Jack Doerr's question directly at all, but he expressed the meaning clearly and clearly by giving examples.The only difference is that the Americans are engaged in aggression and unjust wars.

It is actually risky for Chen Kangjie to say so openly. This is an insinuating criticism of the United States and NATO.But he can't control that much anymore. This is his opinion. On the other hand, in order to gain points when meeting with Lovech, he has to speak for Nanguo.Otherwise, whether Lovech will see him or not is still a big unknown. Maybe it is possible to refuse him to enter the southern country.

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