rebirth of change

Chapter 1330 Traces of War

Chen Kangjie was still thinking about how to pave the way for meeting Lovech in Timisoara, but after he finished his trip to the south, he did not see Lovech.

After meeting with these reporters, Chen Kangjie and the others officially set off. Before setting off, each of them put on a small vest with the logo of the Red Cross Society printed on it.

Most of the reporters participating in this press conference chose to follow the Red Cross delegation into the war zone. This is a rare interview opportunity. With the Red Cross, safety can be relatively guaranteed. In addition, there is the eye-catching Chen Kangjie in the theater. Inside, the news sent back is both battlefield and entertainment news, both are correct.

The convoy was traveling along the road from Timisoara to Zrenjanin. Although there was a railway link between the two cities, not long after the war broke out, the railway transportation was suspended due to safety needs. The railway bridge over the river and the canal to the east was blown up, and the railway had to be completely interrupted.Even if it is a road, there are two roads connecting the two cities, one main road, which is equivalent to our domestic national road, which was newly built after World War II, and the other is similar to the domestic county road, which can only be regarded as an auxiliary road. It was there before the war.In order to force Lovech to surrender, the bridge on the main road crossing the river has also been blown up, making it impossible to get through. Only the rough auxiliary road can still be used. Chen Kangjie and the others entered by land, which is the way they walked.

Although it is rough, it is actually the road surface. In terms of terrain, this river is airtight, between plains and hills.On both sides of the road, there are quite a few villages. Due to the interruption of the railway and the main road, this originally lonely path became lively. There are still a lot of vehicles along the way, but most of them come from the southern country, and it is very easy to go to the southern country. few.

Chen Kangjie and Bradbury were riding in a Toyota off-road vehicle with the logo of the Red Cross Society. Looking at the exotic scenery along the way, they chatted in French in order to lighten their mood.

"Mr. Bradbury, have you been here before?" Chen Kangjie leaned back in the chair, facing the bumps of the wheels, and asked Bradbury casually.

"I have been to more than 1991 countries around the world, and half of them are in the African continent. I have only been to Macedonia in the Balkans, and that was in [-]." Bradbury replied with a smile.

At this time, the convoy has not yet entered the territory of the southern country, and what is seen outside the car window is a lively and busy scene. Farmers are driving tractors to the field, and young men in national costumes are galloping through the forest and grass on tall horses. In front of a small shop, a little old man with a mustache was basking in the sun and smoking a cigarette leisurely. He was staring at the car that suddenly appeared in front of him, as if he hoped that the people in the car would get off. Patronize his business.The old man should know the answer to why there are so many cars on the previously deserted road at the door, so there is no curiosity on his face.

It is precisely because there is no trace of dilapidation outside the car window that Bradbury can still laugh.

"Then you are better than me. This is my first time, and you have been to many more countries than me." Chen Kangjie said casually, looking at the peaceful village with cooking smoke in the distance on the right.

"What's so good? I was going to work, not to travel. Usually, whichever country we are going to, it means that there is a disaster in this country. This is unfortunate." Bradbury was sad. Suddenly Bradbury changed the subject and asked Chen Kangjie, "Long, do you know why there are more cars driving along the road and fewer cars going forward?"

Chen Kangjie withdrew his gaze, and was taken aback for a moment. Is this old man going to test himself?It's not clear, the people who come from there are all refugees fleeing the war, how can there be any people who are struggling to rush to the dangerous situation?Although the answer was very simple, Chen Kangjie didn't feel that it was Bradbury looking down on him or teasing him, as can be seen from his stern and ravine face.Therefore, Chen Kangjie answered politely.

Bradbury nodded, noncommittal, "Then why do NATO troops destroy railways and main roads?"

This question is also easy to see. Chen Kangjie replied: "It should be to prevent the southern government from obtaining the supplies they need from other countries, thereby reducing their living space."

"Then why didn't NATO destroy this road too?" Bradbury asked again.

Chen Kangjie didn't dare to think this question was easy. Yes, since the railways and main roads can be easily blown up, such backward county roads are no problem, but why leave this road?This question really made Chen Kangjie have to think about it.

He was at a loss for a while, but Chen Kangjie couldn't figure out why. Just when he was about to ask for advice humbly, it was these vehicles with large and small bags passing by who gave Chen Kangjie the answer. Chen Kangjie thought about it, "It should be For these people to escape from the southern country, right? The more people flee, the greater the pressure on the southern government, and the more NATO will be able to let go of their hands when they fight, isn't that right?"

Bradbury smiled faintly, and a gust of wind blew in through the car window, and the old man's hair was immediately messed up.He looked at Chen Kangjie kindly and said, "Your answer is generally not bad, but there are two points that you may not have considered."

Bradbury did not deny Chen Kangjie, and there was some relief in his tone, but he still pointed out that Chen Kangjie's answer had a lot of shortcomings.

"Which two points?" Chen Kangjie's interest was really aroused. He was always conceited and wanted to know where his loopholes were.

"The reason why NATO bombed the railways and main roads is the main reason you answered, but there is another point, that may be that the southern government troops are worried about sneaking out of the country through those two roads, especially those tanks, armored vehicles, missiles and so on. The reason why this backward road is left behind is that your answer is correct, but it is not complete. The bridges on this road cannot carry heavy equipment. They let these refugees leave. On the one hand, they do not want to bear the burden of the war. On the other hand, it is to increase the pressure on neighboring countries. Once there are too many refugees pouring into Timisoara, it will be a lot of pressure to solve the lives of these people. At that time, I am afraid that neighbors with good relations The National Council will help with Lovech’s work and urge him to accept the conditional surrender.” Bradbury’s French sounded quite comfortable indeed, but Chen Kangjie really didn’t expect the content of his answer, so he couldn’t help but A look of surprise.

Chen Kangjie's expression towards Bradbury changed subtly, becoming much more respectful.It seems that Jiang is still old and hot. This old man has traveled a lot and seen a lot of the world, especially in war-torn areas more than once, and his vision is no longer from a humanitarian perspective.This old man has thoughts in his head, but he doesn't usually show it, or his identity prevents him from showing it.

But why was Bradbury telling himself this?Chen Kangjie was a little confused again.After thinking for a long time, Chen Kangjie was still puzzled, but he didn't ask Bradbury directly.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie didn't ask himself why, Bradbury's eyes showed a trace of satisfaction, because even if Chen Kangjie asked, he would not answer.

Speaking of the reason, it is actually very simple and pure.After more than one contact and understanding, Bradbury knew that Chen Kangjie was a person who was more interested in politics and also a person with great ideas, so he had this relatively short conversation with him, which was to give Chen Kangjie some advice. , Let him think about the problem a little deeper and more comprehensively.

Needless to say, the advice of this wise old man really played a role in Chen Kangjie's later work.

Although the old road from Timişoara to Zrenjanin was a bit spare, fortunately there were no dangerous mountains or sharp bends. Chen Kangjie and the others crossed the border in a little over an hour and entered the southern territory.And after entering the country, the South also sent officials from the Red Cross Society and a small group of soldiers with live ammunition to greet them.

Chen Kangjie did not get out of the car, but after Bradbury got out of the car to say hello to them, the convoy continued on its way.

It may be because it is relatively close to the border. Chen Kangjie saw that there is no big difference between the southern side and the border side. There is no trace of war on both sides of the road. The village is intact and the crops in the farmland are still growing well. , even Chen Kangjie could see individual farmers working in the fields, as if the country was still peaceful and serene.Only when I saw those two rows of mighty soldiers standing on top of military trucks with rifles on their backs and helmets, did I really realize that this country is indeed not peaceful.

Chen Kangjie wanted to see the scene brought by the war, but in fact it didn't take long for him to see it clearly.Precision-guided bombs and aerial bombs are not cheap things. Even if NATO countries are very rich, there is no need for planes to fight mosquitoes.Since there was basically no ground war in the entire Ikori war, it was carried out around the city. Almost all the strategic and key targets in the southern country were located next to the urban areas and cities. How could NATO bomb the countryside? This is not When Japanese fascists invaded China.

Even if the southern country is not a modern industrial power, it is basically urbanized, and the proportion of urban population is very high. In 1982, the country's urban population stood at 50.00%, not to mention 17 years after today?For such a country, NATO only needs to aim its bombing at the city, and both military and civilian targets are in the city.

When Chen Kangjie and the others got close to Zrenjanin, the scars of the war were clearly visible.The first thing that impressed Chen Kangjie was a small power plant on the outskirts of the city. The tall chimney looked like a cigarette butt standing upright. Like soot, the wreckage was scattered around the base in a grayish-yellow patch.In the three-story factory building, one wall has collapsed, and bricks are piled up in the corner in a disorderly manner. Standing on the road, you can see that the blue-painted generator set has a big hole, and there are burnt black spots around it. Smudges, revealing a large hole on the cement roof of the factory building that supported it and did not collapse.

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