rebirth of change

Chapter 1342 How to Collaborate

"Long, you just said that you didn't threaten me at all?" Ivan suddenly remembered the first half of Chen Kangjie's speech, and asked with interest after turning around.

"Yes, there was no threat at all. I was thinking about a question after Zrenjanin was informed by Samidov that you had arrived in the southern country." Chen Kangjie showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"What's the question?" Ivan asked impatiently.

"I was thinking, why do we think of our purpose as a 'zero-sum game'? Like if you win, I lose, or if I win, you lose. Isn't that a bit weird? Why can't we create a win-win situation?" Chen Kangjie said calmly.

Ivan frowned slightly, his pupils constricted, "You mean we unite?"

"Mr. Ivan, do you think there is a better way than our union?" Chen Kangjie asked calmly, neither humble nor overbearing, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

Ivan fell into deep thought. Before that, he really hadn't thought about this possibility.According to ordinary people, it is impossible to share this with others. This is not an ordinary thing, not to mention that China and Russia are close neighbors. It seems that it is also dominated by Russia.If the top military technology is shared with China, wouldn't it create a threat to itself?How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch?Ivan and other Russian bigwigs never thought about being on an equal footing with China.

In the eyes of many people in later generations, the relationship between China and Russia is very close, especially after entering the 21st century, various cooperations are very extensive.However, many people do not know that in these cooperations, the Russians have a superiority mentality.

The formation of this superiority psychology does not happen overnight.If the time is pushed forward, it may start from the end of the Qing Dynasty.Since 1840, China has been the target of bullying and slaughter by the West. Of course, Russia, the largest neighboring country, is also among them. They have annexed millions of square kilometers of China. Since then, Russia has I look down on China in my heart.At the beginning of the [-]th century, when we were still fighting among warlords, Russia had almost completed the process of industrialization, and this psychological advantage was further increased.After the victory of the revolution, we established a new independent country, but this did not get rid of the influence of our northern neighbors. On the contrary, their influence has penetrated into our various fields.Not to mention that our ruling party was established under the guidance and help of others. Even after we took power, we learned from others in industry, military, ideology and culture, agriculture, education, and architecture. , a large number of Russian scientific and technical personnel provide guidance and assistance in our country.In their eyes, we are little brothers.We finally waited for reform and development, our economy developed, and the other side’s huge national building disintegrated, and we were no longer a superpower. We thought that the two sides would be equal, but we begged others to buy weapons and energy.

All in all, the process of history has always made the Russians feel that we are not only easy to bully, but also want more from them than they need from us.Therefore, this superiority psychology is deeply rooted in the hearts of their citizens.Even if our economic aggregate surpasses them, even if the living standard of many of our people surpasses them, it will not be possible to change this psychological superiority concept in a short period of time. Until Chen Kangjie was reborn, Russia People's contempt for us is still deeply rooted to a certain extent.

In fact, before Samidov found and reported the situation, Chen Kangjie never thought of sharing it with Ivan. In order to tie Samidov and the others, he even said his own concessions.You can look back and lie on the bed and think, you can't just give up in vain, not only can't give up, but you must "maximize your benefits" as much as possible.

Chen Kangjie knew that marrying into a head-on competition with Ivan, in fact, he did not have a [-]% chance of winning. After all, they might send troops. This was more important to the Lovech government than anything else, even more important than Chen Kangjie supporting him with billions of dollars. important.This is not to say that Russia sent troops only to obtain certain objects, that would be too small for them, taking such a big risk, they want to consolidate their own geopolitical security scope, this is a national security strategy issue.On the other hand, Chen Kangjie, he can’t produce these things, and neither can China, which is far away. Our national influence and strategic projection ability can’t reach such a long distance. The main reason is that we can’t destroy the Favorable current international security and peace environment.

But if Chen Kangjie and Ivan cooperate, then this matter will be settled, and the Americans will have nothing to do.That's why Chen Kangjie was so careless when Shao Yi told him that he didn't have an appointment with Lovech.

"Tell me specifically, how can we cooperate?" If Ivan hadn't met Chen Kangjie, Ivan would have scoffed at such a proposal and dismissed it.

Eating alone has always been a tradition of our Russians, sharing the fruits with you?Good idea.Hum, have you ever seen a polar bear share its prey with other animals?

But after chatting with Chen Kangjie for a while, Ivan's mind changed.

I don't know why, this guy hasn't shown any real strength yet, why did he show weakness first?

Ivan has already decided that Chen Kangjie is a difficult opponent. He doesn't know how many "moths" Chen Kangjie has. He is young, but the city is so deep that people can't see through it at all. It is different from newspapers and magazines. It's like two different people.At least sitting with a leader in the intelligence community like him, he is not at all afraid and full of confidence.Ivan himself felt that if Chen Kangjie fought with him with all his strength, he might not win [-]% of the time.

This made Ivan have to think carefully about the way to deal with Chen Kangjie. On the one hand, he may fail, and on the other hand, he must win. It is just a common victory.Among these two choices, the rational Ivan did not act on his will.

"Mr. Ivan, I can understand that you are willing to cooperate with me, right?" Chen Kangjie was really not humble at all, and asked directly.

"If the conditions are really right, it's not impossible." Ivan didn't finish his words, implying that it depends on what benefits you can bring me.

A smile appeared on Chen Kangjie's face again, "Hehe, that's...Mr. Ivan, the only thing I can give you is to wish you the best."

"What?" This time, Ivan was not surprised, but outright horrified. Chen Kangjie's words stunned him, his mouth was wide enough to fit a goose egg, and his eyes were filled with incredulous expressions.

"Didn't I say that your ambition is more than that? If we can cooperate, maybe I can wish you the ideal in your heart." Chen Kangjie glanced at Ivan's surprised face, and said slowly and solemnly. No jokes or sarcasm intended.

"" Yiwan Qiqi Ai Ai, still not slowing down for a while, the impact of Chen Kangjie's words to him was too strong, he felt that his heart was as pure as jade revealed in front of Chen Kangjie.

"Calm down, calm down, it just shows that I understand you." Chen Kangjie calmed down with a gentle voice.

After a while, Ivan calmed down after a few turmoil in his heart, "Long, you should know that our country is different from Australia. It is impossible for me to stand up for election, and it is impossible for you to appear in my office." At the election party, how can you say that you can have such great energy?"

Ivan hadn't been dazed yet, and after he calmed down, he began to communicate with Chen Kangjie cautiously.

This had to be cautious, because Chen Kangjie's words had too much impact.I don't know how big the impact is, and it's a bit "deviant" and "Arabian Nights".

"I can't tell, Mr. Ivan knows something about me." Seeing Ivan mentioning his "feat" of helping Lawrence in Australia, Chen Kangjie laughed, but his smile didn't last long, and soon The smoke cleared, becoming solemn, "I know you are different, but you are somewhat similar to us."

"How do you understand?"

"It's easy to understand. In our country, if you want to be in power, you have to rely on strength. Of course, the premise of strength is ability. For now, the upward path in our country is mainly based on political achievements, which can develop the economy, create wealth and improve people's livelihood. , as long as you have this ability, and if you have no problem with your personal integrity, then the upward channel will be greatly opened. Although your country has not yet proposed a strategic plan for economic development, you are probably clear about the domestic situation, and the people's livelihood has not been improved. Improvement, decline in the combat effectiveness of the army, poor economic development, and lack of financial resources in the hands of the government. These are the biggest difficulties you face, that is, your support among the people is actually not very high, if you don’t rely on iron fists , ruling is hard to say... There are many clues to analyze these difficulties, but in summary, it is very simple, just one thing, you have no money, if you can solve this problem, I don't believe that the channel of ascent is not as wide and open as yours... ...As far as I know, Mr. President is not in good health, and I am afraid that he is already looking for someone to take over from him." In the end, Chen Kangjie couldn't help sighing like a little old man.

Chen Kangjie's sigh made Ivan's mind flutter. As the first brother of the intelligence agency, why didn't he know that the president's health was not good?It is said that heart bypass surgery will be performed in the second half of this year. If it is done well, it can last for two years. If it is not done well, it will give way this year.

No matter how much love you have, if your health is failing, you have to get out of the way after all. It is impossible for everyone to stand by and wait.

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