rebirth of change

Chapter 1343 The Premise of Cooperation

Ivan's penis was squeezed out by Chen Kangjie repeatedly.He had to admit that Chen Kangjie's analysis was in place. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have come to Nanguo himself.

Although Ivan's rank is not low now, but in the Russian political arena, frankly speaking, he is not considered a figure.Ranking ahead of Ivan, there are too many people who are qualified to succeed him. The prime minister, deputy prime minister, chairman of the State Duma, minister of defense, minister of foreign affairs...these all have advantages over him.Normally, it is rare for a country's political power to be inherited by professionals in the intelligence field, which is determined by the particularity of intelligence personnel.In short, I am afraid that few people in Russia know Ivan's name. In our words, there is no mass base.How could such an unknown person have the chance to take over?Unless a miracle happens.

In our understanding, intelligence personnel can only play "conspiracies and tricks", and they don't know the right way, let alone strategy. As for developing the economy and improving people's livelihood, let's not mention it. Who would think of finding an agent to solve these things?Also, since intelligence personnel usually live in the "darkness", people tend to think that they have problems with their personality and temper, and belong to that kind of shady person. If such a person leads the country, wouldn't it be a big mess?

There was some kind of strong desire surging in Ivan's heart, but he was not arrogant enough to think that he could win the favor of everyone.Therefore, even though Ivan had the urge to be unwilling to be lonely, and to a certain extent, he put it into practice and worked hard to win it, he didn't casually confide in others.Reason told him that was not realistic and the chances were slim.

But Chen Kangjie's words brought him excitement and made him feel suddenly relieved.

Chen Kangjie's words were like a "life-saving straw" and a guiding light, bringing hope and possible expectations to Ivan.No matter whether Chen Kangjie is bragging or making empty cannons, if he can say it like this, it is impossible to say that he really has some wonderful tricks.

"If you can help me realize my dream, then I will cooperate with you." Ivan is really not an indecisive person, he is quite courageous.I just tossed a few times in my mind, and said resolutely after making up my mind.

If he, Ivan, is the kind of slow-moving, procrastinating, looking forward and backward, how can he be called a political strongman?The reason why a strongman is a strongman is that he has courage and courage at critical moments, and dares to make decisions when he determines the direction. He is full of pride and resolute.

Chen Kangjie smiled heartily, and gracefully stretched out his right hand.Seeing Kang Jie's move, Ivan stretched out his big hand and held Chen Kangjie tightly.Ivan's palm is really full of strength, giving people a firm and steadfast feeling.Although Chen Kangjie's palm is a little smaller than Ivan's, Ivan can also clearly feel the continuous impact of force from Chen Kangjie's fingers, and that force is even stronger than Ivan himself.

Sure enough, he is powerful, and he seems to be a great man, and he is completely different from the gentle and gentle appearance on the outside, Ivan thought to himself in his heart.

With this handshake, the two have reached the premise of cooperation, but the details of the cooperation have not been involved at all.

"Mr. Ivan, I hope our cooperation is long-term, not for a short-term thing. You should know that it is not worth spending such a large amount of money for a simple item, and that position is not just worth it. This price." Seeing that Ivan had something to say, Chen Kangjie interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "Don't worry, we won't do anything that would harm the interests of the country. I know you are an ambitious person. I also know that you are a patriot, so I have never thought of you so badly, if you are really that kind of person, I will not ask you to cooperate."

Ivan nodded again and again. Apart from being grateful, his face was puzzled and dignified. His eyes were shining with gold. He wanted to speak just now because he wanted to affirm his principles. He is a person who sticks to the bottom line of principles.

"Long, you are such a person who gives me confusion and shock all the time. But I appreciate you and what you said later. I really want to realize my political ideals, but I will never betray my country."

Chen Kangjie pointed to Iwan, and then pointed to himself, "You and I are the same kind of people. Only when two honest people work together can this kind of cooperation last. If you cooperate with a villain, you must guard against being attacked everywhere." .Of course, I don't have any political ambitions now. You know, I'm not a political person. My rule is that as long as it is good for our two countries, we have to do it. What do you think of this rule? Sample?"

"Okay, very good. I promise you, as long as it is beneficial to your two countries, I will never shirk it. Now our two countries are in a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, which is only mutual benefit and win-win. Why should I refuse? "Ivan said loudly and with great ambition.

Chen Kangjie is more rational than Iwan now, Iwan was aroused by Chen Kangjie, and he, Chen Kangjie, kept calm, "Mr. Iwan, I have to say something first, maybe you are now out of excitement and impulsiveness, But what I want to tell you is that we don’t need to think about what will happen 20 years from now. Frankly speaking, we have no idea what the world will look like 20 years from now, and we don’t even know if you are still in power, just like today 20 years ago, No one expected that the Soviet Union, like Jufeng, would collapse. I know that politicians have a relatively long-term vision. Maybe in the process of future cooperation, you will think, will China be a threat to you if it becomes stronger? ? Of course, it is undeniable that a small number of people in China may also think to some extent, will Russia be a threat to us? In fact, these are unfounded worries. From the perspective of national mentality, more than 90.00% of the people in China are If you don’t regard Russia as a potential threat, just take me personally, I don’t think so. Taking a step back, there is a real possibility of disputes between our two countries in a few decades, and that is a matter for people who come later. Yes, I can’t control it. In the 60s, our two countries had conflicts. In fact, we can all see that before and after the conflict, we cooperated most of the time. In human history, struggle is always It's just a meteor passing by, and cooperation and development are bright and eternal. Therefore, I hope that when you think about problems in the future, you can look at your eyes more. It will be more real. Lenin is great, and Stalin is also great, but they have no way to predict and Prevent the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but even if the Soviet Union disintegrated, history has not denied their greatness. In the history of our country, there is a man named Ying Zheng, who is the famous Qin Shihuang. His biggest dream is that the Great Qin Empire he created can last forever. Gu, his descendants will be emperors for generations, but he thinks too far ahead, he has only been dead for more than 20 years, and the country that the Ying clan has worked hard for hundreds of years has collapsed and changed hands, which is quite sad."

This passage was considered by Chen Kangjie a long time ago. Once the two can really reach a cooperation intention, they should say it in advance anyway.

Chen Kangjie is a reborn person. He quite understands that in the period of history before his rebirth, although China and Russia had close relations and in-depth cooperation, the Russians always took precautions against us, for fear that we would endanger them if we were too powerful. security and territorial integrity.Because of this, there are always some grievances in the joint cooperation. For example, when we buy weapons from Russia, they always take precautions and never sell us the best, and even sell us more than they sell to Russia. The neighbors in South Asia are still a little behind.For example, when we buy oil from Russia, they are always not so forthright. They are worried that after our energy problem is solved, the economy will develop faster and the national strength will be stronger, so they directly regard energy as a bargaining chip to check and balance us.

Knowing this, Chen Kangjie had no choice but to say this in advance, hoping to influence Ivan's political thinking.Of course, a person's political thinking is not so easy to influence, and Chen Kangjie actually has no idea whether it will be effective, but if it has a little influence, it is also good.Anyway, his real chips haven't been released yet.

Contemplating, Ivan fell into deep thought. He never thought that Chen Kangjie would say such a long paragraph of persuasive words, which once again subverted his understanding of Chen Kangjie.

In Chen Kangjie's words, Ivan really didn't agree with some opinions, especially before he said this.But now he had to think carefully, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, feeling that this young man had not only seen through his heart, but also his mind.But slowly savoring those words, I feel that there is some truth.Ivan couldn't understand, this guy is obviously not a political figure, and he is still so young, how could he think of these things?

Thinking about it, Ivan thought of Chen Kangjie's achievements.Needless to say, this guy is a ghost, and he could write a million-word novel before middle school, so what is impossible?A person who has achieved impressive results in all the fields he is involved in, besides saying that he is a ghost and has the ability of gods and ghosts, what else can he say about him?

Chen Kangjie sat quietly without disturbing Ivan's thinking.But he didn't look on the sidelines either. Instead, he fixed his eyes on every possible change in Ivan's expression.What a person says may be against his will, but his eyes and facial expressions will definitely have a real reaction, it depends on whether you can capture it.

Every ray of light in Ivan's eyes, every twitch of his eyelids, and every inch of squirm on his cheeks were all clearly and visibly integrated into Chen Kangjie's gaze.

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