rebirth of change

Chapter 1357 National Security Council Meeting

No matter how Chen Wenjie tried to persuade him, in the end Chen Kangjie declined because he was unwell, and stayed in the dormitory by himself, letting them protest.

Although the bombing of the embassy in China is already an uproar, the whole country knows it, the people are angry, and protests are surging.Every citizen of China is basically venting their anger and grievances, but in the international arena, it seems a little dull. For this kind of thing, the media of various countries will also report it. hang up.

In the field of diplomacy, there are voices of criticism.Although it is said that international law cannot be "tested" under the fist of strength, for many international diplomatic agencies and small and medium-sized countries, it is better to have international law than to have no international law. Not quite able to do whatever you want.If international law does not exist, then only small countries will suffer the most, and international institutions will only become tasteless, losing the meaning and value of their existence.

Of course, considering that the object of criticism is the United States, everyone has mastered the language skills. They can express their dissatisfaction without really offending the only superpower, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

The embassy of a permanent member country like China has been blown up, so what else can't be done?Those small countries are even more out of the question.

While the senior officials of the Chinese country issued criticisms, the stars who are public figures are not idle.The celebrities mentioned here are not the so-called "big names" in the mainland.

Due to social system and ideological and cultural reasons, the so-called "big names" in the mainland are still temporarily unavailable. Moreover, they have always been indifferent to politics, so even if such a big thing happened, they Basically, it is the same as usual, what to do, at most it is a few private discussions and complaints.Of course, I have to say that this is also related to our media environment. Even if these "big names" want to say something publicly, they don't have a suitable media window. Only after a few years, when the Internet media matures, can they show own image stage.

The stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan are different. The social environment and ideology they live in make them generally more concerned about public events, and they usually make their own voices. The media over there is more open.

Facing this juncture, those in power on the Formosa Island will not condone criticism. Yankees are also their masters, so how can they mess around?

Hong Kong is different. Two years after the reunification, the patriotic enthusiasm of all walks of life is high. Therefore, when the news of the tragedy came and the university students in the capital hadn’t moved, there were already protests in front of the US Consulate in Hong Kong. The patriotic students of the University of Hong Kong started.

After the patriotic students, celebrities from all walks of life came on stage one after another, expressing their indignation and patriotic stance one by one. For a while, the Chinese in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia took action. Although their demonstration scale was not as strong as in the big cities in the mainland, their influence was greater. It is still not to be underestimated. Coupled with the fuel of the media, all diplomatic agencies in the United States can only "thank customers behind closed doors". There are protesters and protesters at the door for 24 hours. Eggs and splashes of paint.

Generally speaking, large-scale protests and demonstrations have a negative effect on the economy, but there are exceptions in details. In the past two days, businesses selling the Stars and Stripes and the Five-Starred Red Flag have done very well, and their sales have soared.

The Star-Spangled Banner is naturally used to be burned, while the Five-Star Red Flag is used to be waved, and the treatment is very different.

Just when the top Chinese officials were feeling uncomfortable, the top officials in Washington were also closely analyzing the situation. They were always concerned about China's wave after wave of anti-American protests.

In the oval office of the white house , president kld is convening a national security council meeting attended by the vice president , secretary of state , secretary of defense , secretary of treasury , director of emergency preparedness , director of cia , chairman of the joint chiefs of staff , and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

"George Pai, let me introduce the temporary situation." The handsome President KLD leaned on the chair, frowning and said to the gray-haired director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

George Pai straightened himself up first, looked at President KLD's expression, and then glanced around at the colleagues who were working, and then said in a deep voice, "Mr. The bigger it is, the more than 100 cities have been affected..."

"We all know this, just get straight to the point." Kld interrupted George Pai.

Regarding China's protests, there have been numerous reports in the news media, and it is already a completely open situation, so naturally there is no need to repeat it.

"Well...according to what we know, their army hasn't changed much, but they have assembled urgently. All the personnel on vacation are required to return to the army quickly. The large military camps from south to north have been put on alert, and there have been no changes for the time being. Like... the air force, there are about [-] fighters that were urgently transferred from the midwest to the southeastern airport, but these are all old-fashioned second-generation fighters, and as far as we know, the air force's logistical support is not sufficient..." George Pai said eloquently.

The CIA is not in vain. As their imaginary enemy, the intelligence collection of China has never stopped.

"Is there anything wrong with their strategic missile force?" The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff asked eagerly, raising his eyebrows.

"This..." George Pai didn't answer the curious question from the Chairman of the Disabled People's Federation. After pondering for a while, he said hesitantly, "It seems that there is no special action, and no missile unit formed into a brigade was found. Make a mobilization... At least from the analysis of satellite pictures, all ICBM units are in business as usual... Because it is an extraordinary period, it is difficult for our intelligence personnel to approach and reconnaissance, and we can only make judgments through satellite pictures, especially The missile bases in North China and East China are even more quiet. It seems that the silos, launch vehicles, and supply vehicles are all the same as before..."

"Impossible, impossible, this is trying to cover up..."Sun Tzu's Art of War" says that what is false is true, and what is true is false. The air force has moved. It is impossible for a missile force with real combat effectiveness to not move at all. It is really unreasonable. ...It is impossible for the top leaders of China to be so clumsy." The Minister of Defense immediately said excitedly after hearing such an intelligence report.

Although the Minister of Defense is a civil servant, once he takes this position, he will inevitably pay attention to tactical thinking and strategic means, which is his job.

Although it is said that the CIA has "outstanding combat achievements" and extraordinary capabilities in the field of international intelligence, our secrecy work is not covered.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, our country has always attached great importance to the protection of confidentiality, otherwise, there would not be such departments as confidential bureaus or confidential rooms in government agencies.

After the reform and opening up, under the attraction of all kinds of temptations, although our leaks happened from time to time, but generally speaking, it is still very strict, and it is difficult for foreign institutions to know the core secrets.The CIA has misjudged China's intelligence more than once.

"Not necessarily. The ICBMs on the other side are almost all launched from silos. They have very few mobile launch vehicles. Only medium and short-range missiles use mobile launch vehicles. The silos cannot be moved, so they can only stay there, so... ...It is entirely possible for the Second Artillery to remain as it is." George Pai glanced at the Minister of Defense displeasedly, and encouraged him to defend himself.

As the director of the Intelligence Bureau, George Pai certainly didn't want others to accuse him of "mistakes" in his work. Besides, what he said was not unreasonable.

"Is there any news about Long?" President KLD avoided the verbal dispute between the two "generals" and changed the subject with a cold face.

"Yes, I can be sure that he was not among the three who died, and he was not among the injured. Basically, it can be judged that he has returned to China." George Pai was more certain about this question, and answered well Decisive.

"According to battlefield intelligence detection, a plane took off that night and flew eastward. Because we did not receive an order, we did not take measures against this plane. Moreover, we did not have authorization to enter the airspace of Central Asian countries... Long should have Right there on that plane," the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff added.

"Hey..." President Kld sighed deeply, "He actually ran away."

"Actually, it's not necessarily true. He hasn't shown up until today. This is not in line with his usual style." The vice president sitting next to KLD interjected.

KLD waved helplessly at the vice president, and turned to the female secretary of state, Bright, "Ms. Bright, how is the communication with them?"

Brett is a little fat, not tall, and wearing a professional dress. She has been sitting there frowning since the beginning of the meeting.

Hearing the president's question, Bright's sad expression gradually subsided, "Mr. President, the communication effect so far is not very good, and the other party does not accept our explanation at all... I am a little worried... This time the trouble is a bit big, The anti-American sentiment in China is unprecedentedly high, and the embassy and consulates are almost imprisoned by the people...Mr. President, with all due respect, is this really in our fundamental interests? China is a big country in the Far East, and we really want to fight with them Conflict? What can we gain? Although the national power of China can be consumed and their 20 years of rapid development can be wiped out, should we also consider our price..." Bright is not without worry Said.

After Brett finished speaking, the conference room fell into silence, and everyone was thinking about what she said.

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