rebirth of change

Chapter 1358 What is the purpose?

"I never thought of going to war with China." After a while, kld sat up straight, propping one hand on the noble conference table, his eyes swept around the faces of his subordinates and colleagues, and finally fell on Bright body, said in a deep voice.

"Indeed, it is indeed unwise to have a head-on conflict with China. We have fought against China half a century ago, and the price was painful. This time, we just want to test the bottom line of the other side's tolerance. We must ensure that we are globally It is imperative to continuously reduce China’s security space and development space. In the past 20 years, China’s development speed has been too fast, and its national strength has grown very rapidly, although their total amount is still smaller than ours. A lot. But if it develops at this speed, it will definitely be our biggest competitor in the foreseeable future. The Soviet Union has just fallen, and then a powerful empire emerges, which does not meet our needs. As long as we find With the bottom line of China's tolerance, we can further squeeze and contain them in a targeted manner, thus avoiding the possibility of war between the two sides." The assistant for national security affairs added steadily.

As an important staff member of the president, the president's major foreign policies are almost always drafted with the help of the assistant for national security affairs.Under normal circumstances, he will be one of the most trusted people of the president, and even a good friend of his own. Therefore, he is often the person who knows the president best and is also one of the people who have the most influence on the president.Almost all presidents don't have much of a secret here with their national security advisers.

"Mr. President, I would like to take the liberty of asking a question..." Brett raised his head and said hesitantly as if thinking of something.

"You want to ask a question about long?" Kld looked directly at Brett, a meaningful light flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, did you all know that Long would be at the embassy in South Korea at that time?" Bright asked directly without avoiding Kld's gaze.

Kld did not answer the Secretary of State's question directly, but turned his head away, and glanced at the faces of the Vice President and the Director of Central Intelligence.

The meaning of kld is very obvious, that is, it is not convenient for him to answer this question, and two people are needed to help.Although Brett was his subordinate, he was also a lady. He didn't want to lie. He respected his identity. At critical moments, someone should stand up and "rescue him".

The vice president and the CIA director looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other, and it was like, "Dude, explain."

Others also noticed the "ambiguity" of the two old men. No one here is a fuel-efficient lamp. How can they not understand what it means?

Although everyone here is a member of the National Security Council, not everyone can understand and participate in every major action.For example, the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia this time, the Minister of Finance, the Director of the Emergency Preparedness Bureau, and Secretary of State Bright were not so clear. They were not notified until after the incident happened.

If it is justifiable to say that such a big matter avoids the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Bureau of Emergency Preparedness, then it is a bit "excessive" for the Secretary of State to be kept in the dark.This matter is a military operation, and the relationship with the Minister of Finance and the Director of the Emergency Preparedness Bureau is not too great for the time being.However, this incident is also a major diplomatic act, and it was intentionally avoided. Bright felt very uncomfortable. Even though she received a message from the Vice President 10 minutes after the incident, in her opinion, It's also inappropriate, it's "bullying" for diplomatic work, how can she "wipe her ass" in the end, what reason and qualification do these men have to hide it from him?

The "humility" between the vice president and the director of the CIA is ultimately the director of the CIA "winning". He is a subordinate, and the CIA is under the jurisdiction of the vice president. Win"?

"Hmm..." The director of the Central Intelligence Agency twitched his face twice, organized his words with the help of pondering, and then said slowly, "Actually, we didn't know whether Long was in the embassy in South Africa at the time, according to the previous agreement and information , at that time, Long should have left Southland. We mainly received news that the Lovich government had transferred our things to the Chinese side. At that time, the Chinese Embassy in Southland was busy moving things. We It is judged that our country’s confidential objects have been transferred to the embassy. In order to prevent the strategic secrets that a large number of scientists and engineers spent more than ten years from falling into the hands of the enemy, they had to make a hasty bombing Decide."

The CIA director's rhetoric is quite fluent, and the positive meaning is well expressed, but it's a pity that Bright doesn't really believe it.

Perhaps seeing Bright's suspicious expression, the vice president glanced at KLD with a dignified expression. After thinking about it, he added a few words. This matter must be dealt with by the State Department. If she doesn't straighten out her emotions, I'm afraid will cause trouble.

"In an emergency, the presence or absence of Long is actually not the main factor we consider. In comparison, protecting our core secrets is related to national interests. This is fundamental and the primary starting point for our decision-making. Frankly speaking Even if we know that Long is in the embassy, ​​should we let it go? What if the core secrets are transferred? What should we do? Will we calmly support the development of hostile forces and thus threaten our national interests? Impossible." The vice president was tougher than the director of the CIA.

In American history, it seems that the vice president has always played a tough role.This is also easy to understand. A tough attitude is often more accepted and welcomed by the people. Even if there is a decision-making error, the president will be criticized anyway. Who calls him the top leader?

The president, on the other hand, is usually much more rational.The reason is that he has to face pressure from all sides, and he has to care about historical evaluations. History is often written about the "great achievements" of the president, and the vice president is rarely involved.Almost every action and decision made by the government requires him to take responsibility. Even if it is not he himself who makes the decision at the time, it is his subordinates. This requires the president of the United States not to play tricks on the national interest because of his temporary ability.

Although the vice president speaks righteously, he has the right foothold.However, his words still reflected the fact that they knew Long was there at the time, and perhaps the bombing of the embassy had a special connection with this.

If Chen Kangjie hadn't been reborn, then this matter would have nothing to do with him, and no one would know which onion or garlic he was.

Even when he first became famous, these high-ranking officials didn't think much of him.However, the occurrence of the riots in Los Angeles showed Chen Kangjie's "dangerousness". In that accident, his cohesiveness and destructive power were reflected. Not only China attaches great importance to it, but young people in the United States pay more attention to it.That incident greatly reduced President KLD's domestic prestige, which was equivalent to slapping him directly in the face.The final result was that Chen Kangjie was unscathed, but kld and the others wanted to "wipe their ass" for the messy ending. If they were not angry or depressed, no one would believe it if they were killed.

In fact, even if the CIA director and the vice president explained it this way, outsiders would not be able to figure out whether they wanted to destroy the state secrets obtained by the "enemy" or wanted revenge on Chen Kangjie. Anyway, there is no file to record it.

It was not until many years later that the current vice president vaguely mentioned in his memoirs that the purpose of this operation was to destroy Chen Kangjie himself under the banner of protecting state secrets.

You China can do my things, why can't I protect my own things through revenge?Even if a few important people were killed or injured, it was an "unintentional mistake". It can only be considered that his luck was not very good, and it was not intentional.

If you want to eliminate Chen Kangjie, you can use the form of assassination. With the ability of the CIA, it should be possible.But the behavior is different, it is a crime, and no one is willing to bear such a crime.If Chen Kangjie was assassinated to death, his reputation is so great, if it is revealed or investigated who instigated it, he will inevitably be accused by everyone and suffer disastrous consequences.

Using the name of protecting national interests is different. If the goal is really achieved, even if it will cause some dissatisfaction, it is difficult to find an excuse to attack. It cannot be said that it is wrong to firmly protect the core secrets of the state, right?Isn't that traitorous?Moreover, this is a collective behavior, not just one person has to take responsibility for selfish desires, it is also a collective responsibility, and everyone understands that the result of collective responsibility is often that there is no need to bear responsibility.

In addition, the southern country is still a war zone, and what the military launched is an act of war, so it is easy to shift their attention to a certain pilot and intelligence officer.

For example, now, the United States is adopting this method. They insist that it was an accidental bombing, and the reason for the follow-up is more "sufficient". Both the NATO headquarters and the US side said that the target of their bombing is actually the headquarters of the Southland Supply and Purchasing Bureau. Due to the use of old maps, the bomb was mistakenly dropped on the Chinese embassy in South Sudan.

Anyone with a little discernment knows that the "old map" is simply nonsense.First of all, as the most powerful intelligence agency in the world, it is impossible for the CIA to use maps from a few years ago; secondly, as one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, the location of the embassy of China, which is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, cannot be ignored in the records of the CIA .

Believe it or not, this is how Laomei explained it. There is no mention of the core secrets of the United States, let alone long, and no mention of core secrets. There is no actual evidence, and I don’t want to be labeled as "incompetent". , without mentioning "long", naturally I don't want the situation to expand.

Taking it for granted to find a reason like this also reflects the pride and arrogance of the United States. At least they are sure that China will not die with them.Although they cannot grasp the conclusions of the high-level meeting of the Chinese side for the time being, those so-called "China Connect" experts on China's international affairs have analyzed this conclusion from the characterization of the incident in our press release.

I also have to admit that these "China Connects" are not in vain, especially those from think tanks such as the RAND Corporation and the Brookings Institution.

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