Asano is like a galloping wild horse, full of momentum, with light steps, and the shining Japanese sword raised high, like the flying mane of the horse, flying and jumping away.

Asano ran five meters, but Tan Jun still didn't move, he just narrowed his eyes and stared brightly ahead.The momentum is as calm as a pool of stagnant water, without ripples.

Seeing that Tan Jun didn't intend to make any effort, Asano smiled.He wouldn't understand that Tan Jun was acting on his behalf and didn't take him seriously.From Asano's point of view, the person on the opposite side has been shocked by his wild aura, and dare not move, just waiting to be slaughtered by him at will.

Thinking that he failed to please him twice in a row under that big boy, Asano felt very angry.However, he also has self-knowledge, knowing that he is not the opponent of the young man who seems to be drinking too much.

A samurai, no matter how much he cares about his reputation, knows the truth of picking the softest when pinching a persimmon.The dignity and honor of a samurai are originally built on the basis of individual persimmons. Only by defeating one enemy after another can they achieve extraordinary achievements and obtain sufficient benefits.If you fight with people who are superior to you every time, you will become a stepping stone for others, and your own failure or life will only make others extraordinary.

Asano knew that he couldn't beat Chen Kangjie, so he simply returned his lingering sense of humiliation on Tan Jun.As long as he can solve Tan Jun in twos and threes, he is still a warrior with superb martial arts skills and can be reused.

It's just that the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny.The reality that Asano is facing may not be described as skinny, it is just a chopstick, thin and short.

Just when Asano was about to arrive in front of him wearing clogs, Tan Jun stretched out his left hand to his right in a calm manner, and tightly held the half-foot-long handle of the knife with both hands...

People standing on the sidelines all turned their eyes to the center of the field, and Chen Kangjie was no exception.Moreover, Chen Kangjie and Okamoto's footholds were all the same, and their eyes were almost all on Tan Jun.

If Chen Kangjie's focus is on Tan Jun, then it's easy to understand, he is concerned about Tan Jun's safety, and wants to see what tactics he uses to avoid defeat and win by surprise, because he understands the opponent's strength.

And the other party also paid attention to Tan Jun, obviously gloating about his misfortune.They don't know how much Tan Jun weighs, but they can also see from Tan Junfei's physical skills that his skills are not deep, because his movements are so common that anyone who has practiced for a year or two can There was no big problem, and in their view, Tan Jun's knife-holding posture was not scientific or formal at all, and he might be beaten everywhere.They speculated that Tan Jun's blood would splatter on the spot within three strokes.

Chen Kangjie couldn't see Tan Jun's positive expression, Tan Jun turned his back to Chen Kangjie and the others.However, Chen Kangjie noticed a detail, that is, after Tan Jun held the knife in both hands, the sole of his right foot was secretly exerting force.

When Xiong Ziqiang and the others were somewhat nervous, Chen Kangjie felt relieved, with a faint smile on his face. He already understood how Tan Jun would defeat the enemy.

Sure enough, as Chen Kangjie had imagined, Asano rushed to Tan Jun, and the long knife he raised high was slashed down, without fancy. In order to increase the deterrence and momentum, Asano was still saying "ah " shouted loudly, as if giving instructions to himself.

Fool, do you really think that a loud voice can scare people?

It must also be admitted that Asano's knife looks neat and neat, without those fancy movements.However, its power should not be underestimated. Not only is it fast and powerful, but it also has certain changes. Make halfway adjustments.Of course, if the long knife has been swung to an angle where you can look straight at the opponent and the opponent has not taken countermeasures, then there is no need to change, the lightning speed, and then it is too late to deal with it, and there will only be blood and tears.

When Asano started to swing the knife one meter away, Tan Jun didn't move at all, and Samidov's backs and spines were sweating.What's going on here?People have knives on their necks and still don't make a move?Isn't that passive hacking?With this knife, an arm can be removed without dividing the head.Hey, Master Jie made a mistake, why did he choose Tan Jun to play?Isn't this asking him to die!

But in a split second, Samidov and the others were shocked, and Okamoto and the others were also surprised, because Tan Jun only used one move to solve the battle.

Just when Asano was looking at the position with the long knife and chopping knife, Tan Jun moved, and the movement was not muddy at all, as crisp and neat as if he had rehearsed many times.When he kicked his right foot on the ground, his upper body bent down.Originally, this was an evasive posture, but when Tan Jun evaded, he had already hidden a huge killing move.

Asano raised his knife and slashed down, but Tan Jun did not retreat but advanced, and rushed towards Asano's chest.Asano thought that Tan Jun was going to attack his chest, and was thinking about how to change his tactics to deal with it, but Tan Jun, like a flexible green snake, not only did not attack Asano's chest, but slid from his left armpit go out.

When Asano wanted to change his move and split the long knife in his hand to the right side, giving Tan Jun a back blossom, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Asano didn't take back the knife, but under the severe pain, he didn't change his moves, just cut straight down.

Asano held the knife in both hands and pointed at the ground in front of him. There was no one in front of him, and Tan Jun stood by his side.Asano turned his head and looked at Tan Jun suspiciously, feeling a lot of incomprehension and unwillingness, but Tan Jun didn't give him any explanation, just glanced at him, and stopped looking at him.

Asano turned his head back dully again, and looked down at his abdomen in pain.

At this time, Asano's abdomen had been cut horizontally with a huge gash about a foot long, and blood was dripping down his crotch.In an instant, Asano's complexion turned from red to blue, and then from blue to white.His expression was frightened at first, and finally despaired again. He knew that he had no way out.

Asano felt that his body was a little weak, he really wanted to gather his strength again, but the strength he would normally send out was like a gossamer, he couldn't lift it no matter how he gathered it, instead he was sucked away by the air little by little, never to come back.

Asano retracted the long knife little by little, leaning on his feet, he could already feel that if there was no more fulcrum, his weak body would fall down at any time.

As the blood flowed, Asano finally couldn't stand still. First, his legs trembled a little, his upper body swayed, and his eyes narrowed slightly in a coma. He really wanted to see the enemies in front of him again, but he couldn't see them clearly. look.

Suddenly, Asano's knees bent forward, and while his upper body was leaning back, his stomach protruded forward, and a fountain of blood spurted out from his stomach, splashing one meter away. It flowed all over the ground, and immediately filled the air with the smell of fresh blood.

With a "bang", the long knife in Asano's hand fell to the ground, and his body also slid to the ground in a terrifying twisted posture.

Asano's eyes were not completely closed, and his white eyeballs still told others his unwillingness and unyielding, but the large and small intestines brought out of the body with the spurting of blood showed that he was dead and could not survive .

Others did not know that Chen Kangjie didn't know, but he could see anyway, the power of Tan Jun's knife was no less than that of Asano, and he adopted a clever method in the middle, and he didn't cut directly at Asano with a single knife. On the stomach, but a long row across.

If he used chopping, then Asano would not be hurt so badly.Anyone who has seen a butcher cut meat knows that the butcher only chops when facing bones. The soft meat cannot be chopped, and the wound will be very small. Only by cutting and scratching can the goal be achieved. The longer it is, the deeper the mouth will be.

The Dongyang sword in Tan Jun's hand is more than one meter long and extremely sharp.At this time, the long knife in Tan Jun's hand began to bleed from the root of the knife, which means that the knife he cut was from the root to the top. Such a long distance and such a sharp Dongyang knife can at least be used in Asano. It is not difficult to open the intestines on the stomach to a depth of more than one inch, or even two inches.

Until Asano fell down, Tan Jun drove back. He didn't climb the steps, but stood in front of Chen Kangjie's feet with a horizontal knife. He didn't know if he needed to make a move. He fights, he fights, Master Jie tells him to retreat, he retreats...

Each of Xiong Ziqiang and the others looked at Tan Jun with admiration, and Samidov and the others were even more amazed. Everyone did not expect that his not very strong body could have such explosive power. Without dew, he could kill the enemy with a single blow, and it was such a cruel and terrifying way of death.

Chen Kangjie no longer had the heart to appreciate Asano's tragic situation, it no longer belonged to the category he cared about, since they were engaged in this business, they should have the consciousness and preparation to sacrifice at any time.

Chen Kangjie looked at the three of Okamoto from the air, and Matsui, who was sitting cross-legged as motionless as a mountain, had also stood up.The faces of the three people were full of resentment and fierceness.

It's no wonder they are full of resentment, this is their home field, and they thought it would be easy to deal with the opponent's little guy, but who would have thought that after only one face-to-face, they lost a general on their side, and they died so humiliatingly, I feel It's just too ironic to rush over to die.

As for the fierce look on the face, it is easier to understand, it is revenge, no matter what you want to revenge, you must kill all these people of unknown origin here, so as to alleviate their only hatred.Even though they lost one person before Asano, they have hated since then.It's just that it didn't happen right in front of your eyes after all, and the impact wasn't that strong.Killing their people in such a calm manner in front of their faces now, is it tolerable or unbearable...

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