rebirth of change

Chapter 1410 Rogue Play

The black-clothed warrior on Okamoto's left who had never made a move or spoke took two steps forward vigorously, and jumped down without asking for instructions. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he stared at Tan Jun viciously and said, "You kill me!" If you kill my companion, I will kill you."

Tan Jun didn't reply to his words, nor did he look back at Chen Kangjie, and met his eyes calmly.

Before Chen Kangjie spoke, Tan Jun would not fight.Of course, Tan Jun wasn't afraid of him. Judging from the black clothes the other party was wearing, his skills should be on par with the dead ghost Asano, or even worse.

Before Chen Kangjie could speak, Wang Wei stepped forward, "Master Jie, I'll deal with this little devil."

Chen Kangjie hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

Wang Wei has always belonged to the unknown type, and he should be given a chance to perform today, otherwise his enthusiasm will be hit.Morale is easy to boost and should not be discouraged.

When Chen Kangjie nodded, Wang Wei jumped off the stage.

Wang Wei did not use Tan Jun's exit method, but propped up the edge of the steps with one hand in a well-behaved manner, and jumped down.It looks a little clumsy, looks no different from an ordinary person, and has no martial arts foundation at all.

Tan Jun handed the long knife in his hand to Wang Wei, nodded slightly at him, and then turned up the steps.However, he didn't stand beside Chen Kangjie, but stood on the extreme left side.

Wang Wei placed the long knife Tan Jun handed him back and forth between his left and right hands several times, as if he was looking for the feel of this Japanese knife, but judging from his frowning, it seemed that he didn't find the feeling, it was very useful Not used to the meaning of this kind of knife.

The other party originally wanted to ask Tan Jun to retaliate, but Tan Jun wanted to "back down", and he had no choice.

Seeing that Wang Wei always felt that the weapon in his hand was very uncomfortable, the other party was a little bit desperate.That's okay, first kill the ignorant kid in front of him, and then seek revenge on that enemy.

He saw hope from Wang Wei's behavior of not being used to Japanese knives. No matter how good his skill is, if the weapon in his hand is not in his hand, his skill and ability will be greatly reduced.Just like a gunner, maybe shooting guns is his specialty, and he is very accurate in ranging and finding directions, but if he is given a pistol, his skills may not be as good as a cook.

In previous war cases, such examples are not uncommon.Many artillery positions were attacked by the army, and the entire army was wiped out or beaten to death. It's not that their weapons are not advanced or powerful, but that the cannons they use have no deterrent effect on short-range rifles. the meaning of.Even if the artillery will be equipped with a proportion of individual weapons, especially in their daily training, the use of individual weapons is very low, making them unsatisfactory from the speed of raising the gun to the shooting accuracy, which makes it easy for the sneak attack side Frequent success.

In the eyes of the other party, Wang Wei may be a master at handling guns, but he should be a rookie in the use of knives. So far, he has not found the best way to hold knives.With such a skill, wouldn't he come out to die?

All kinds of painful lessons tell us that the consequences of underestimating the enemy are often very serious. As the saying goes, arrogant soldiers are bound to lose, and this is the truth.

Wang Wei can arouse the opponent's contempt. Although he has not yet had a head-on collision, he has already won half of the victory.An impetuous mind cannot accurately find opportunities.

Chen Kangjie was very satisfied with Wang Wei's paralyzed mentality as soon as he came on the court.

It's just that it's not that Chen Kangjie and the others are all smart people, and in fact, the other party is not all stupid.I don't know whether people discovered the clue from Wang Wei's careless behavior or whether Asano's accidental killing made him cautious.

"Watanabe, be careful, don't be careless, lest you get caught in the other party's way, Asano is a lesson from the past..." Okamoto didn't speak, and it was Matsui who reminded him.

Matsui's voice sounded gloomy and soft, giving people a feeling of lack of strength.This is very similar to his usual style, and it is difficult to impress people.

When Watanabe was complacent, Matsui's reminder surprised him.

That's right, that person just now was neither angry nor powerful, but Asano fell down in one round.The other party was really cunning and cunning, and he was almost deceived.If it wasn't for Matsui's reminder, he might really repeat the same mistakes.This is a life-and-death struggle, and there is no room for carelessness.

Wang Wei didn't understand Japanese, but Chen Kangjie did. Not only did he understand Japanese, but he also had good listening skills, and he really heard Matsui's reminder.

Chen Kangjie then informed Wang Wei of Matsui's reminder.

Wang Wei also understood that his little trick was seen through by the other party, and it seemed that he could only rely on head-to-head.

There is a joke about a mother mouse teaching her children to learn an extra foreign language.Its children are puzzled, but feel that learning a foreign language is a very tiring and hard work.The female mouse explained that it was once chased by a cat, and when the big cat chased him into a dead end with no way out, it hid in the trash can, trembling with fear.Suddenly it remembered that he could bark like a dog, so he had the mentality of giving it a try. As a result, when the cat heard the sound of a big dog barking from behind the trash can, it immediately ran away in fright.

This shows that a foreign language is not just a language tool, but sometimes life-saving knowledge and wisdom.If it wasn't for Chen Kangjie's ability to understand Japanese, Wang Wei would continue to pretend, and the result might be to be tricked by others.

Knowing that his forgery had been seen through, Wang Wei decided to adjust his combat strategy.Chen Kangjie can understand Japanese, but the other party can't understand Chinese. What's more, Chen Kangjie doesn't speak Mandarin, but Cantonese, which is almost a foreign language for most Chinese.

Wang Wei didn't continue to pretend to be crazy, it seemed that after a few times, he finally found the feeling of using the Toyo sword. I saw that he imitated the other party's appearance, and also held the long sword high, looking good.

Watanabe and Wang Wei looked at each other, and suddenly, the two attacked almost at the same time, just like two strong cheetahs attacking each other, with great momentum, fast speed, sturdy and powerful demeanor, it seems that they have accumulated strength to go all out tear each other apart.

Between the lightning and the flint, the two collided fiercely, just like the waves rolled up by the wind hit the rocks on the shore, and the waves splashed.Only a crisp sound of "kuang" was heard, the two long knives struck together, and as a few bright sparks flashed away, their positions were reversed.

No one was injured, and this attack was a temptation for both sides, and both parties exerted considerable strength.

Chen Kangjie could see clearly that this blow seemed to be evenly divided, but Wang Wei still won by half.Because when the two were about to collide, the long knife in his hand changed, it was no longer a high cut, but a diagonal cut from the upper right corner to the lower left corner.Due to the change of angle, Wang Wei is equivalent to occupying a small initiative, not only swinging away the long knife slashed by Watanabe, but also making the opponent become the one who bears the power.

Taking advantage of the numbness of the opponent's arm, Wang Wei, who was about to move away, swung his knife and slashed backward before turning around.

It is true that Watanabe's arms are a little numb. In terms of strength, he may not be as good as Wang Wei, but he may be superior in the use of knives.

Just when Wang Wei slashed back with a sharp knife, Watanabe played a roundabout, and the long knife in his hand collided with Wang Wei's knife again. With a sound of "dang", no one took advantage of this time, and it was evenly matched.

Wang Wei freed his right hand, put it on the back of the saber, and pushed forward violently, he wanted to force the opponent back.Not to be outdone, Watanabe also put a hand on the back of the sword.

The two are really entangled now, facing each other close to each other, and the distance between their faces is only one foot away.

Watanabe gritted his teeth and refused to give in, but after all, his strength was not as strong as Wang Wei's. The two faced each other for a while, and Watanabe showed signs of wavering.

At this time, Watanabe realized that his advantage was not in strength, but in skill. The waste of such a confrontation was extremely detrimental to him, so he wanted to bounce off the situation in order to give full play to his strengths.

After two rounds, Wang Wei knew that he could not knock down the opponent with his sword skills alone, so how could he allow Watanabe to bounce back calmly?Only when the two of them get entangled at close range can he have a chance.Although he took advantage of the first move just now, he knew about the second move. Watanabe's reaction speed was not so fast.

Watanabe suddenly swung forward with all his strength, and his body wanted to bounce back.Wang Wei seized this opportunity, not only withstood the opponent's sudden force, but also lifted his right foot and kicked it out, just hitting Watanabe's raised left ankle.

Feeling pain in his left ankle, Watanabe swung his knife in the air.However, as soon as he fell to the ground, Wang Wei approached and used the long knife as a sword, stabbing fiercely at Watanabe's chest.

Wang Wei came too fast, and Watanabe got a blow on his left ankle, which affected the convenience of movement. It was inconvenient to make a vigorous escape, so he had to stick the long knife down, block it in front of his chest, and dodge sideways Wang Wei's straight stab.

Wang Wei never thought that his "sword" could stab the opponent, he just wanted the opponent to return to defense.

As soon as Watanabe's long knife was inserted, Wang Wei's left hand broke away from the handle of the knife, clenched into a fist, and hit Watanabe's right rib.

Watanabe has never encountered this kind of style of play, and when he slashed with a knife, he even combined punches and kicks. This is simply a rogue.

Now for Wang Wei, it doesn't matter whether the rogue is a rogue or not, and it's not a knife show, it needs to be good-looking.Now it is a life-and-death struggle, just to knock down the opponent, as for the means, they can use all kinds of methods.

Watanabe is also very powerful. When Wang Wei's old fist was about to break his ribs, he resisted the pain in his ankle and spun clockwise twice in a row. Not only did he avoid Wang Wei's fist, but also made him stab The "sword" that was thrown out became useless.

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