rebirth of change

Chapter 1432 Industry Secrets

In the original history, the third brother was already married, and even the children were five or six years old.But in this life, due to Chen Kangjie's rebirth, everyone in the whole family has undergone tremendous changes.

In the previous life, the third brother didn't have any career and spent his whole life running around for a stable job to support his family.When he just graduated from middle school, his father took advantage of the convenience in his hands to get him a simple job as a temporary worker in the mine. Although the income was not very high, it was still passable in that small county.At that time, the third brother was rebellious and high-spirited. As soon as his job stabilized, his love was reaped, and his marriage was resolved early.

In this life, many objective conditions prevent him from ending his single life early, and his career alone is enough to keep him tied up most of the time.Moreover, the wealth is different, and the vision will naturally be much broader, and you will not choose to be shackled by tedious housework at a young age.

However, Chen Kangjie still believes that he has a way to let his elder brother end his noble life as soon as possible, and give the old man a thought of family continuation.

The parents' urgency was not as high for the sisters' marriage.This is determined by our thousands of years of patriarchy and family traditions.It doesn't matter if a daughter gets married early or late, anyway, sooner or later it will belong to the family, but the son is different. Marrying earlier can pass on the family incense earlier, which is something that almost every Chinese family attaches great importance to.

From a young age, this glorious and great task is still a little far away from Chen Kangjie, so there is no way, only my brother can do it.His conditions in all aspects are already suitable, and he is only short of finishing touches.

The paging station where the third brother started his business in his early years has been closed two years ago.Although the focus of his business is still sales, under Chen Kangjie's suggestion, the focus has completely changed to mobile phone sales and electrical appliance sales.

Now my brother's Sunshine paging station has become Sunshine Trading Co., Ltd. Its market layout has entered almost all first- and second-tier cities in China, and it is now in the process of extending to third- and fourth-tier cities. I believe it will not be a few years. It will become a giant sales enterprise.

The reason why Rising Sun Trading Co., Ltd. is able to develop so rapidly is due to the abundance of funds and the convenience and wisdom support provided by Chen Kangjie.

Since Chen Kangjie raised billions in cash from the European gambling market to his brothers and sisters in 1992, each of their businesses has been expanding rapidly.It is especially obvious that the eldest sister’s Renrenle Supermarket and the elder brother’s Rising Sun store, due to abundant funds and fast payment returns, almost all manufacturers are willing to cooperate with them, and the supply prices given are lower than those offered to others. .

I don't know whether Guomei and Shuning, the original two overlords in home appliance sales, can still rise under such strong pressure.In another time and space, Guomei is just about to leave the capital at this time, and wants to open its first branch in Jincheng, another neighboring municipality directly under the central government, thus officially opening the road of surging expansion to the whole country.

Although Chen Kangjie is not very concerned about the home appliance retail market now, he also believes that Guomei is unlikely to have a bright future. Jincheng, where it is going to enter, has already had a Sunshine Store, thousands of square meters, covering almost All home appliances and mobile phone products, business is booming.Even the capital city of Guomei had a Rising Sun store four years ago.

Chen Kangjie is happy to see that his company can take the lead in occupying the market. This is not just a manifestation of personal selfishness. Under the conditions of market economy, almost all operators are selfish, and there is nothing wrong with it.The key is that Chen Kangjie thinks that his company's first occupation of the market is a good thing for the entire home appliance industry and the mobile phone industry.

Why do you say that?That's because if Guomei and Shu Ning are popular in the market, it will be a tragedy not only for the home appliance industry, but also for ordinary people who generally cannot afford housing, especially in first-tier cities.

The home appliance sales industry and the real estate industry seem to have nothing to do with each other. How can they be related?On the surface, it seems that the relationship is not big, but the inner connection is deep.

This is also the reason why Chen Kangjie had studied those two big companies before his rebirth, otherwise he really didn't know.

Take Guomei as an example. At its peak, it opened more than 1000 chain stores across the country.In one year, the expansion rate reached more than 100 stores, and an average hypermarket opened in three days, which is scary enough to think about.The cost of opening an ordinary home appliance store is about 5000 million, mainly including store rent, decoration costs and purchases.Based on this estimate, Guomei should have invested 2000 billion yuan in its expansion in early 70.

Did Guomei have that much money at the time?Absolutely not.Home appliance sales are not a violent industry. How could it be possible to make such a huge profit in just two or three years?But the strange thing is that people spend billions of dollars every year to open a store.Where does the money come from?The answer is that it has all been passed on to the heads of all electrical appliance manufacturers.

After 2000, there has been a trend in the market that channels are king. In almost all traditional product industries, as long as they have mastered the sales channels, it is equivalent to choking the manufacturer's neck.

In fact, Guomei’s investment in opening a store is only a few hundred to eighty million, that is, renting a storefront and spending some money, and the rest of the parts are basically paid by the manufacturer.The products sold do not cost a penny, and all of them are distributed by the merchants. Even the decoration costs, the merchants have to share a part. Otherwise, their products will not have a good position. This is an advance fee for entry.

After 2000, under the tide of the market economy, almost all state-owned sales companies closed down and were replaced by various private sales stores.Just taking advantage of this huge change, Guomei and Shuning rose rapidly. On the one hand, they won the market with higher efficiency and lower prices, and on the other hand, they made manufacturers more and more dependent on them.As the source of the major manufacturers, if the supply of goods does not go to the two major stores, not to mention that their products will be completely unsalable, at least they will lose more than half of the market.The pressure of survival has made major manufacturers have to lower their noble heads in front of these two channels again and again.As far as Chen Kangjie knows, among all the first-tier brands, there is only one large and well-known air-conditioning company in the south that did not buy Guomei, but opened a specialty store with difficulty.Despite this, this well-known air-conditioning company has not closed the door to cooperation with Guomei.

In 600, Chen Kangjie once saw a piece of internal information that was not made public. At that time, Guomei had as much as [-] billion yuan in cash at any time.The money is all the deposits of major manufacturers, because the settlement of many manufacturers has been pushed to settle every six months, and the partners who cooperate closely are also pushed to settle after three months.In other words, the repayment of all products sold in the past three months to half a year is all in the hands of the seller.And the big manufacturers who advertise in various media are actually lingering on their last days.

This is a bit like drinking poison to quench thirst. If you don't cooperate with these two chain companies, you will die almost at any time. But if you cooperate with them, it will only be a temporary comfort, and the long-term will be torture.

In the case of capital withdrawal jams, the production and operation of major manufacturers will naturally be affected, especially in the part of scientific research and innovation.In any company or any industry, scientific research and innovation is a very expensive job. Faced with the competitive pressure from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea after the market opens, most domestic electrical appliance companies hope to invest and invest in product research and development and upgrading. breakthrough.But there is no way, they don't have ample funds, and the funds are in other people's pockets---although they belong to them in name.

For the country, there is food in the hand and no panic in the heart.For enterprises, if there is no money in hand, everything is out of the question.In order to maintain basic production and operation, most enterprises can only reduce research funding, which makes it difficult for our already advantageous home appliance enterprises to become world-class companies.So Chen Kangjie said that their rise is a nightmare for home appliance companies.

So how does it relate to real estate?That's because funds must be invested, and if they are not used for investment, it is no different from a pile of waste paper and a boring number.

In order to seize the market, the two major chain companies are lowering prices and promoting sales every day. As a result, the company's profit margin is quite low.As far as Chen Kangjie knows, the profits of the two major chain companies are not more than 1000%. In other words, if you sell a 20 yuan electrical product, the profit may be only [-] yuan.With such a low profit, it is difficult to maintain the normal operation of the enterprise, let alone make a lot of money.

A businessman will not do business at a loss. A businessman is not a living Lei Feng. Lei Feng still keeps a diary when he does a good deed. How can a businessman do a good deed without leaving his name?The real society does not exist, which violates the rules of the market where companies are chasing profits.

After 2000, the profit of sales of electrical products was very thin, but the profit of another emerging industry was very thick, and it was shockingly thick---the real estate industry.

The real estate industry is a capital-intensive industry. As long as there is a huge amount of capital investment, profits will roll in.It just so happens that the profits of the two major chain companies are thin, but they have a lot of money in their hands. The boss wants to earn high profits and make himself a rich man, what should he do?The method they adopted was to save the country with curves and invest huge sums of money in real estate companies. As a result, the funds that major electrical appliance manufacturers should have used for business expansion and product upgrading were all transferred to real estate field.

It can be said that these two major home appliance retail companies are both home appliance sellers and real estate developers. Their real profits do not come from home appliance sales, but from the real estate industry.All they have to do is to tightly lock in the major electrical appliance manufacturers. If they do this, they won't worry that their funds will run out.And it is more favorable than other real estate developers, at least it does not need to pay high bank interest.

The boss of Guomei used to be the richest man in China. As for whether the rapid increase in wealth he said has a direct relationship with ordinary people who cannot afford houses, the beholder has a different opinion.

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