rebirth of change

Chapter 1433 The key lies in value

Ma Fangqin didn't know how Chen Kangjie persuaded her brother. Anyway, three days after Chen Kangjie came home, Ma Fangqin received a call from her eldest son, expressing her willingness to get married and moving the company's headquarters to Pengcheng.Only in terms of time, it will not be possible until the twelfth lunar month.

It's only a few months late, what does it matter.If Chen Yuchang said to get married right now, Ma Fangqin and Chen Qigang might not do it, the time is too rushed, and there is no time to prepare well.This wedding banquet must be handled as a major family matter, and there is no room for carelessness.

"Son, you can do it. Your brother will let go so soon. Tell me what delicious food you want to eat today, and mom will make it for you." Ma Fangqin, who is about to be promoted to mother-in-law, is in a very happy mood, with a happy smile, and plans to reward her and make great contributions Chen Kangjie.

In fact, in the past few days when he came back, Chen Kangjie was full of food every day. His mother added vegetables every day, and they were all his favorite food since he was a child, such as braised pig's trotters, thick fish soup, pork ribs and potatoes, wild celery sauerkraut, deep-fried Potato chips, twice-cooked pork, Kung Pao diced meat and so on.If it is in a big restaurant, these dishes are home-cooked dishes that are difficult to get your hands on.However, just because it is home-cooked food, especially from the hands of his mother, there is a strong taste of hometown love, warm, Chen Kangjie eats every meal, and eats to the full.Especially the wild celery sauerkraut, which is quite ordinary, but rare.Because it is difficult to find wild celery in Pengcheng, Chen Kangjie sent someone to bring it from Qianzhou. Counting the air ticket price, the small amount of wild celery costs about 100 yuan a catty, and the price has almost doubled.

"Mom, you can't feed me like this. Even if you don't want me to perform anymore, you don't have to raise me fat in vain. I'm almost catching up with pigs. Look, I've gained four or five pounds these days. Jin, if I get fatter, I won’t be able to go out..." Chen Kangjie leaned on the sofa in the living room and said with a smile, "As for the matter of the third brother, it is completely as it should be, in fact! It is mainly because you used to treat my sister-in-law I have some opinions, otherwise, maybe they have already intended to get married."

"You child, how do you talk? Is my old lady so bad?" Ma Fangqin scolded with a smile, and then her smile faded, "Which old man would not feel uncomfortable about your brother's matter?"

"How can mom be bad? Haha, you are the best." Chen Kangjie coquettishly pulled his mother to sit next to him, "Look, isn't everything all right now? Isn't it? Children and grandchildren have their own blessings , you should put your old heart in your stomach safely, and wait for my brother to give you a big fat grandson soon, then you will be happy enough, hehehe."

"Silly boy, I would be really happy if you gave me a grandson sooner." Ma Fangqin poked Chen Kangjie's forehead with her finger.

"Mom, you don't want to think like this. I'm still in school, and I'm still far from your requirements. You're encouraging me to make mistakes, no, no..." Chen Kangjie also knew that what his mother said was half-truth, half-false, But there was still a little tension in my heart.

The emperor loves the eldest son, and the people love the youngest son.

Ma Fangqin is not completely so anxious about Chen Kangjie's marriage, after all, Chen Kangjie is only 20 years old.The main reason is that the elderly have a kind of sustenance in their hearts, that is, they hope that their children can get married and live happily.Chen Kangjie is the youngest. If he is married and has children, it means that the children have their own belongings. This is the good thing that parents would like to see most.

Chen Kangjie defended his mouth, but he was flustered in his heart.marry?It's still early.The point is, who will you marry?This is an unsolvable question that is still difficult to find an answer to.

"Who made a thought mistake?" Ma Fangqin wanted to scold Chen Kangjie with a smile, but with the sound of brakes outside, Chen Qigang walked in with his head held high.

"It's none of your business who makes mistakes? Don't bring home what you did at work, but no one will eat it..." Outside, Chen Qigang is the top leader, but at home, his status is mediocre Ma Fangqin almost choked him with a word.

Chen Kangjie sniggered from the sidelines, not at all determined to make peace.

"Okay, okay, why don't I just ask casually, why go online?" Chen Qigang surrendered while changing his shoes.

As soon as Chen Qigang got off work, Ma Fangqin should go to the kitchen to get busy, while Chen Kangjie followed Chen Qigang into the study on the second floor to talk about men.Except for the general cleaning of the house, the housework has not been done by the cleaners provided by the municipal party committee.

"Father, is work going well?" Chen Kangjie asked with concern as he served a cup of hot tea.

"The situation has been opened, and everything is going well." Chen Qigang blew on the tea leaves and took a sip of the tea in comfort, "How are you? Are you not busy this summer vacation?"

"Why aren't you busy? I have to go to the capital in a few days. The capital holds a concert to promote the Olympic bid. I can't push it away. I have to show my face." Chen Kangjie sat next to Chen Qigang and replied casually.

"As an ambassador for the Olympic bid, these are all obligations you should fulfill. When you are in charge of the government, you must either not do things or do your best. The Olympic bid is a major event for our country and our nation. You must not have A perfunctory mentality. For good things that benefit the country and the people, we must do our best within the scope of our ability. The Beijing Olympic bid has already failed once, and this time we must succeed no matter what. Otherwise, the face of our country will often Where to put it? You must take this matter to heart..." With the improvement of his position, Chen Qigang's awareness and vision have broadened a lot, and he has begun to think about the problem from the perspective of the overall situation, and is no longer limited to a moment. land.

Usually, Chen Kangjie would refute Chen Qigang's education to some extent, but this time, he didn't. He nodded seriously and completely accepted it.

"I will definitely accept the arrangement of the Olympic bid committee and do my job well." Chen Kangjie said after being taught.

"Your godfather's job doesn't seem to be going well recently. Do you know why? I can't ask him on the phone, and he's also vague." Seeing Chen Kangjie being honest, Chen Qigang changed the subject.

Chen Qigang and He Baoguo have always had a close relationship. Even if they are not in the same place, they often communicate on the phone.It's just that the level of each other is no longer what it used to be, and they can't say anything, so Chen Kangjie acts as a good intermediary bridge.

Of course Chen Kangjie knew a little bit of the reason.He thought that the reason why his godfather was unwilling to speak out might have something to do with Chen Qigang's rapid ascent.

Back then, in terms of rank, He Baoguo was three ranks higher than Chen Qigang. However, with the passage of more than ten years, Chen Qigang has not only caught up with him in terms of work, but also has even surpassed him in the level of administrative treatment. Take a small step.Although it is impossible for He Baoguo to feel uncomfortable or have a grudge because of this, he cannot be that kind of person.But it is a little difficult for him to confide his troubles at work to Chen Qigang in turn.It's as if the subordinates are reporting and seeking support from the superiors. He Baoguo will still maintain this face.

Perhaps Chen Qigang was also aware of this subtle change, so instead of asking He Baoguo on the phone, he inquired from Chen Kangjie in a roundabout way.Chen Kangjie went to school in Qianzhou, and he often went to He Baoguo for dental festivals on weekends, so he should know something about it.

"Maybe it has something to do with the new secretary of the provincial party committee." Chen Kangjie didn't finish his sentence until one point.

Recently, due to his busy affairs in the United States, Chen Kangjie did not pay much attention to the situation in Qianzhou Province, and his communication with He Baoguo was also less.He planned to communicate again after school started.

In fact, He Baoguo's life is much more comfortable in comparison, at least he is only the executive deputy governor, and there is a Governor Sima on top of him.However, Sima Kuo's life was really not good. He was constrained by Liu Hongjun, secretary of the provincial party committee, and had to help his subordinates share the pressure.The secretary of the provincial party committee is the top leader and has the overall situation in control. Originally, according to the relevant regulations, the government had great autonomy in its work.But if you really want to meet a secretary who likes to grab power, it will be difficult.

The so-called leader is the so-called grasp of the overall situation.It means that it is possible to intervene in everything, and to issue instructions in everything.As for who to listen to in the end, it depends on the consciousness and political skills of the secretary and the governor. If the consciousness is high, the secretary will respect the suggestion of the governor, and the governor will also maintain the authority of the secretary. Strength and a lot of money in one's sleeves.

In fact, according to Sima Kuo's work in the province for so many years, he is familiar with all the jobs in the province, and his network should not be comparable to that of Liu Hongjun, who has just arrived.It stands to reason that he should have the upper hand, and at the very least he could join forces with He Baoguo to overthrow the provincial government, but in the end it was Liu Hongjun dictating everywhere.

It may seem strange to outsiders, but in fact it is because the eyes are not far enough or the inner situation is not familiar enough to make such a biased judgment.Even Chen Kangjie, he still doesn't see the deep inner situation clearly.After everything went back, he had an in-depth discussion with He Baoguo before he could clear up his doubts.

Next, Chen Kangjie chatted with his father a lot about his work, until the sun was setting, and the sound of his mother calling for dinner downstairs.

Chen Kangjie followed his father out of the study door. His father's tall figure walked in front, and he walked behind.Standing behind him, Chen Kangjie saw that his father had lost a little weight, and felt melancholy for a while.

To put it bluntly, as the secretary of the municipal party committee of a large city with a population of tens of millions, he has a lot of work in all aspects and needs to worry about everything.For a moment, Chen Kangjie had a conflict in his heart, and he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing for his father to climb to a high position step by step after his rebirth.If my father is still just a small staff member, he will never think about those troublesome national affairs and people's livelihood. He is probably planning how to retire and how to live after retirement.

Holding the wooden stairs going downstairs and shaking his head, Chen Kangjie tried his best to shake off the "ridiculous" thoughts in his heart.Everyone has a manifestation of their value. It may be easy for my father not to be afraid of living in a high position, but his value has shrunk.Just like Chen Kangjie himself, even if he is lying at home and eating all day, his wealth will not be exhausted.But if he really does that, then his value will be reduced from a vast sea to a trickle, and the stream is not very clear, facing the danger of stagnation at any time.

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