rebirth of change

Chapter 1434 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

Four days later, Chen Kangjie, who had lived at home for a whole week, set off for the capital.

The concert to support China's Olympic bid was held at the Capital Workers' Stadium. The original arrangement was at the adjacent Capital Workers' Stadium.The Workers' Stadium was completed two years later than the Workers' Stadium. The reason why the organizers first arranged the performance venue was the Workers' Stadium, because at that time they did not intend to make it too large, and only some artists in the capital participated.After all, to participate in this kind of event, unlike commercial performances, there are generous appearance fees, so there are not too many celebrities who respond.The maximum capacity of the Workers' Gymnasium is 5000 people, which is enough.

But later it was confirmed that Chen Kangjie was willing to attend the event for free, which played a very good leading role. Almost none of the celebrities who received the invitation declined.This makes the event must be warm and grand, creating a strong influence.In this case, the Workers' Stadium will appear narrow, and it has to be held in the Workers' Stadium, which can accommodate [-] spectators.

The Workers Stadium is located on Workers Stadium North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City, covering an area of ​​35 hectares with a construction area of ​​8 square meters.The Workers Stadium was completed on August 1959, 8. It was one of the top ten famous buildings in the capital, and it was also the largest comprehensive stadium in the country at that time. The opening and closing ceremonies of the No.31 Asian Games in 90 were held here.Before the construction of the Bird's Nest, the main venue of the Beijing Olympic Games, it was the largest venue for sports competitions and performances in the capital, and even the largest in the country.

The concert will start in two days. The reason why Chen Kangjie arrived early is to participate in the rehearsal.Without Chen Qigang's education, it would be very unlikely for Chen Kangjie to arrive in advance. It would be nice to be able to go to the scene to see the environment in advance on the day of the performance.Although Chen Kangjie doesn't like playing big names, he has always maintained a low-key style.However, the reputation resounding all over the world still made him consciously or unconsciously produce an aura that is different from others.

In fact, many famous stars didn't think that they would play big names one day, or that they would be aggressive one day.This is actually what the media and fans are used to.When all you hear are praises every day, and all you receive are the media and fans, after a while, people with the best concentration will gradually become ecstatic.If a person is smug, he is basically not far from playing big cards.

Chen Kangjie feels that he is far from being flattered, which is more due to the fact that most of the time, he is in a state of isolation from the media and fans.Throughout the year, Chen Kangjie seldom has direct face-to-face contact with the media and fans for a few days.But there will still be a lot of indirect contacts. Feiyang Entertainment will receive interviews with Chen Kangjie almost every day, applications to invite him to participate in the program, and letters from fans around the world, there are countless.No matter how calm Chen Kangjie is, he is also an ordinary person, a young man who looks very youthful.When I read too much information transferred from Feiyang Entertainment, even though I am not in a high mood, I will feel a little proud.

A proud person, a person who feels that he is different from other people, will demand some special treatment.But after being educated by Chen Qigang at home, Chen Kangjie came to his senses. If he wants to be respected forever, he must first respect other people. Only by keeping a low profile and being pragmatic in this way can he win the lasting favor of others.Especially when doing things for the country, we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity.Although the sentence "my achievements are closely related to the support of the motherland" is a bit clichéd, it is undeniable that there is a certain truth in this sentence.If it hadn't been for the reform and opening up and the good time for the country to turn from poverty to prosperity, it would be difficult for Chen Kangjie to achieve what he is today. This is unquestionable to a certain extent.No one can exist independently of the surrounding environment.

Just like if a person has a super luxurious palace villa, but if the surrounding of the palace villa is dirty and smelly, the environment is a mess.Then he lives in it, no matter how magnificent the facilities are, no matter how luxurious and luxurious, in fact it is not much different from a cage.Because he can't get out unless he is willing to use his wealth and intelligence to participate in changing the surrounding environment.

After getting off the plane, before stepping into the pick-up hall, Chen Kangjie saw a dense crowd of people outside.Although there will always be crowds of people picking up relatives and friends whether it is the train exit or the airport pick-up hall, but it is not yet crowded.But Chen Kangjie looked around, and there were indeed crowds of people in the pick-up hall of the Capital Airport, and there might be more than a thousand people around the exit.

Chen Kangjie and the others took a flight with a maximum capacity of more than 200 people, and more than 1000 people actually picked up the plane. What's the matter?Could it be that each passenger has seven or eight people to greet him?It is simply impossible.

"Young master Jie, there seems to be something wrong. Those people seem to be here to pick you up." Pang Hui, who was walking ahead to open the way, gradually slowed down, and said in a low voice, which was equal to Chen Kangjie's body.

Although Chen Kangjie was wearing sunglasses, his clothes were ordinary and he didn't look like a big star.In fact, even if he didn't wear sunglasses, no one would recognize him, he was disguised.

"I saw it too." Chen Kangjie replied with a suppressed voice.

Leaping over the heads of the pedestrians in front, Chen Kangjie had already seen someone holding up a banner to greet him, and someone erected a welcome sign in front of him, with his name written on it in a big way.

There is no doubt that the banners at the back were spontaneously displayed by the fans. As for the greeting card, it should be the staff from the Olympic bid committee.

In the past, when Chen Kangjie came to the capital, instead of taking his own private jet, if he took a normal flight, he would also go through the VIP channel.However, having just been educated, he decided to go low-key this time as an ordinary guest, so he didn't go through the VIP passage, let alone take his own private plane in a high-profile way.I didn't expect him to keep a low profile, but some people were reluctant.

Those passengers who had already gone out saw the eye-catching greeting banner and greeting card, and they all stayed behind. They not only stopped to watch, but also asked each other if they saw Chen Kangjie on the plane just now.The airport staff who were supposed to maintain order were also absent-minded, and all their eyes were locked on the exit, eagerly anticipating Chen Kangjie's appearance. In the meantime, there were also many reporters carrying long guns and taking short shots.If you look down from the top, you can see that more and more people are gathering.

"Jie Shao, what should we do then?" Liu Deyi asked a little nervously.

Although Dong Mingshu, Liu Deyi and Alyosha accompanied Chen Kangjie to Beijing this time.However, only Dong Mingshu and Liu Deyi were close to him, while Alyosha and the others pretended to be ordinary passengers and kept a certain distance.

Knowing that Chen Kangjie was going to Beijing, Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun asked to be discharged from the hospital to go together, but Chen Kangjie firmly stopped them.Their injuries were not considered serious, but Chen Kangjie still asked them to recuperate at ease, and they could not be discharged from the hospital until they recovered.It's not a big deal to go to Beijing to attend a concert, and it's not going abroad to fight in the battlefield, so there is no need to mobilize the crowd.What's more, during the period in the capital, everything was arranged by the Olympic bid committee, there is no possibility of something happening, and there is absolutely no problem with safety.

Chen Kangjie's dominance made other brothers with fists anxious and had no choice but to follow Chen Kangjie's "orders" in the end.

"What to do? We are just ordinary passengers." Chen Kangjie said with a deadpan expression.

His voice was not loud, but both Liu Deyi and Dong Mingshu happened to hear it.

After getting the hint, the two stopped asking questions. Liu Deyi dragged the suitcase, Dong Mingshu carried the luggage bag, and walked towards the dense crowd as if nothing had happened.

Although Chen Kangjie is confident that no one can recognize him, but to walk towards the crowded crowd like an ostrich without changing his face, especially when many people's eyes are sweeping over him, it still makes him feel a little bit uncomfortable. A little unsteady.It is indeed uncomfortable to be looked at as a strange object.

The people who got off the plane, seeing such a big scene, few of them could remain indifferent. Most of them crowded in front of the pick-up staff, serving as part of the pick-up crew, and they all wanted to wait for Chen Kangjie to appear. Look. Its true face, if you can see it, it will not be in vain this trip.But Chen Kangjie and the others acted nonchalantly, as if they hadn't seen the big battle in front of them, how could this not be surprising?

Fortunately, after those anxious eyes swept over him, they would leave and look back.At such an exciting moment, who would pay attention to a few little people?Don't waste your expression.

"Excuse me, can you give me a way?" Chen Kangjie walked up to the crowd. Since the road was blocked, he had to ask someone to excuse him if he wanted to go out.

Standing opposite Chen Kangjie was a handsome young man in a dark blue suit with a briefcase on his shoulder.Hearing Chen Kangjie's voice, the young man gave him a dissatisfied glance, without saying a word, raised his head again and looked behind Chen Kangjie.

"Sir, can you excuse me and let us go out for a while." Dong Mingshu stepped in front of Chen Kangjie at the right time, and asked the young man politely again.

"You don't have eyes? You don't look at the current environment." The young man glared at Dong Mingshu and said angrily.

"What are you talking about? You blocked the way, so let me take it politely. Is there someone like you? What kind of quality?" Dong Mingshu was not easy to get angry in front of so many people, but the words he said were still full of anger.

"What's wrong with me? What is quality? You don't have quality. Don't you know how to read? Do you see? Everyone is welcoming Long, but you want to sabotage me. How can I give you my excellent position in the first row? ? You have no quality. Do you really want to leave? You don’t even think about it, even if I get out of the way, can you get out? Are your eyes okay? Look, there are people behind..."

It's really flooding the Dragon King Temple.

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