rebirth of change

Chapter 1437 The Umbrella of Warmth

As the saying goes, some people are happy while others are sad.

The situation took an unpredictable turn, and finally the airport staff on the scene were panicked. They jumped out one by one to maintain order and clean up the mess.But now that the scene is in a mess, who will listen to them?Moreover, there are only fifteen of them at full strength. For more than 1000 people, they are like a flat boat in the sea.

There were more than [-] airport staff coming from the periphery, but they were blocked in the periphery, unable to reach the core at all, and could only stare and worry.

The staff of the Olympic bid committee were like ants on a hot pot at this time, running around in a hurry.

I really don't know what they think?What's the use of rushing now if you didn't notify the relevant parties to strengthen order and security just now?Don't say that Chen Kangjie didn't show his true face to others. In such a situation, even if Chen Kangjie didn't disguise himself and faced everyone with his true face, he probably wouldn't get any good. They also couldn't complete their reception tasks.

The chaotic situation not only brought destructive power to Chen Kangjie and the others, in fact, it would not be of any benefit to everyone present. The swarming crowd and unscrupulous actions had already put everyone in danger.

Several staff members of the Olympic Bidding Committee, the greeting card held in their hands has disappeared at some point, and a staff member wearing black-rimmed glasses, his glasses have been squeezed out, and he was trampled into pieces by various shoes .

Next to the airport exit, there is a mobile communication VIP lounge, surrounded by transparent glass, with comfortable sofas and various magazines inside, and attentive service staff providing various drinks. This is Prepared for large customers who use mobile communication services.

Normally, the number of people in this kind of VIP lounge is not too many, after all, there are very few people who can enjoy this kind of preferential service.However, the [-]-odd square meter VIP lounge is not only crowded with people, but the glass next to it was kicked and broken at some point, and as for the tidy furnishings inside, it is a mess.Two staff members, dressed in short-sleeved shirts and black skirts, were also missing.Presumably, even if the two of them can stick to their posts, it won't play much role. The crowd has already become chaotic as a whole, especially the role played by the rebellious youth mixed in it is even more devastating.

As for the passengers who got off the plane with Chen Kangjie, some of them had no time to take care of their luggage at this time, and ran back quickly, trying to hide back on the plane and avoid this unsafe place.

With one shot, all kinds of luggage began to fly all over the sky.Maybe some thoughtful people want to fish in troubled waters and get some benefits, but no one gave him a chance to be quiet.The luggage may not be fully opened and will be crowded everywhere...

Under the four large square pillars at the exit, there are illuminated billboards and advertising pillars of KFC and several other restaurants.Now, these advertising signs can no longer perform their normal functions, and have been smashed into debris.

Several nearby restaurants did not fare well, not to mention that the crowds spread to their venues, affecting their normal business.Just talking about the chaos caused a large number of diners to run away without paying the bill, and they lost a small amount of money.What is even more unacceptable to them is that the crowd was in chaos, and their restaurant was also in chaos. Some people ran in to hide, and some people stepped on seats and chairs to watch the excitement. In the process, broken vases, lamps, plates and plates were broken The table and the broken glass door are what really hurt them.

That's not to say no one is happy.Those "well-informed" journalists were smiling, but they weren't exactly a sad crowd.They didn't catch the news about Chen Kangjie, and they were all a little downcast. However, the chaos at the scene allowed them to get a piece of news.One by one, they started to work in the struggle with a fearless spirit.I don't know what they would think if they knew that the news that many of them risked getting hurt would never make it to the media.

At this time, Chen Kangjie, who was under the attack of the crowd, was fine. Although he was attacked a few times, he was generally stable.Fortunately, Alyosha and the three of them were not squeezed away, and the three of them fanned out around Chen Kangjie. Together with Dong Mingshu and Liu Deyi in front, Chen Kangjie happened to be in a weak security.

We are said to be weak because two fists are no match for four hands.The three of them, Alyosha and Dong Mingshu, are all considered to be Lianjiazi.However, Chen Kangjie had too many fans, and the four of them could only take limited precautions and could not fight back freely, which made the situation a bit bad.

The limited defense of four people, on the one hand, there are too many people and too crowded, no matter how capable they are, they can't use it.On the other hand, these people are not regarded as enemies in the strict sense. They cannot deal heavy blows. If they really want to kill and maim a few, it is really difficult to deal with them.

The result of the limited precautions was that the four of them surrounded Liu Deyi, and when each of them blocked one side, they would also get hit at the same time, either being punched or kicked, or caught and pinched.

Dong Mingshu and the others are very well qualified, and they can bear the intensive punching and kicking for the time being, but Liu Deyi is a bit out of control.In a hurry, his body was on the verge of falling. Looking sideways, Chen Kangjie had already seen a few bloodstains on his face and some bruises at the corners of his mouth.

Chen Kangjie grabbed Liu Deyi and dragged him behind him, while he himself stepped forward. The angry Chen Kangjie grabbed a fist that was coming straight at him, then twisted to the right, and was pinched by him The long-haired young man screamed in pain.At this time, Chen Kangjie lost his compassion and put his foot on his stomach. The long-haired young man slammed backwards, just blocking the two people behind him who were about to attack Chen Kangjie.

When dealing with the long-haired young man, a girl took advantage of his unpreparedness to grab his face with all her teeth and claws.Usually, Chen Kangjie cherishes the fragrance and cherishes the jade, but at this time, in order to protect himself, he has already thrown away the compassion and cherish the jade.

He slapped the girl hard on the back of the hand, and there was a crisp sound of "slap". It was hard to tell whether the back of the girl's hand was swollen by Chen Kangjie, anyway, just this one slap, the girl's arm fell limply, Instead, the girl's tears flowed down in a flash.

Maybe the girl at this time is in unbearable pain, and she is tolerant of humiliation and unwillingness.But if he knew that the one who left a deep imprint on her arm was Chen Kangjie, who had plastered posters all over the bedroom, then maybe she would be very excited instead.At least this can be regarded as an intimate contact, even though it is passive, it is still a skin-to-skin relationship.

"The police are here, the police are here..." I don't know who shouted first.Then came the voices of "Stop, stop, stop..." one after another.

It's time for the damn police to come. If they don't come, Chen Kangjie will die.

Don't think that the situation will calm down when the police come. The scene is too chaotic and there are too many people. The police who come here can only protect the periphery for the time being. Chen Kangjie and the others who are in the core area still have to do something for the time being.

The policemen who came were from the airport police station, plus an armed police squadron stationed at the airport. There were more than 40 people.

"Ah, my foot, oh my god, my foot is broken..." Suddenly, there was a sharp scream.

Chen Kangjie judged from the sound that the sound came from four or five meters away from him, but his sight was blocked by numerous heads and chaotic arms, so he couldn't see clearly what happened.

"Ah, hurts..." Chen Kangjie was still thinking about what happened, when the sharp scream came from the same place again.

Chen Kangjie immediately made a judgment, no, it should be because someone fell to the ground and was stepped on.

At the critical moment, Chen Kangjie abandoned his unbearable anger. At this time, saving people is the most important thing.I saw that he used his mountain hand to push the crowd in front of him unceremoniously to the two sides, some with hard blows, and some with the ingenuity of four or two strokes.Chen Kangjie still knew how to measure, even if he hit hard, he didn't hurt the other party's vitals, at most it made them feel numb or in severe pain, making them temporarily unable to resist and fight.

Of course the reality is not a martial arts movie. Although Chen Kangjie fanned his palms to both sides like a fan to create a channel for him, he still took a few hits when others were scrambling and scratching.It's just that those are not what he considered at this time.

After separating the eleven or twelve people in front, Chen Kangjie came to the place where the screams started.

Consistent with his judgment, the [-]-year-old girl with an oval face, wearing a tight black skirt and high-heeled sandals, fell to the ground. The heel of the high-heeled shoe on her right foot had fallen off, and her feet were curled up on the tiled floor. Above, the ankle of the left foot was already bleeding, and the surrounding area was bruised and swollen.

If she was standing in a shopping mall, this girl would be considered slim.But now her hair is disheveled, her face is covered with rain, her eyes are closed, she bites her lips tightly, her right cheek is red and swollen, bloodshot oozes from the corner of her mouth, her right hand is stretched out, holding her left ankle, looking very painful.

A white gauze coat that was put on the girl had a big tear from the armpit, and she looked as embarrassed as she wanted.

Chen Kangjie had no time to think about other things at this time, and he couldn't even ask the girl where she was hurt at this time.The environment is not right, and the atmosphere does not allow it.

At this time, someone tripped over the girl's waist, reeling, a leather shoe was about to step on the girl's chest.In desperation, Chen Kangjie bowed and rushed over, stretched out his right hand to hold the sole of the man's shoe, and forcibly supported the man who weighed no less than 150 catties.

Holding it does not mean that the danger is lifted. It is also because Chen Kangjie has a strong hand and lifts upwards. While flipping the man forward, Chen Kangjie spread his hands quickly and arched his body under the woman's body in an unrefined manner The child's body temporarily acts as an umbrella.

Chen Kangjie's artificial umbrella was almost finished, and two people who were squeezed sat down.

If there is no Chen Kangjie, one of these two people will sit on the girl's abdomen, and the other will sit on his left thigh.Don't underestimate these two movements. The two people sitting down are not low in weight. If they just rest on his abdomen like this, it may make him suffocate and go into shock.And if the thigh is hit like this, it may also be broken.

Before being reborn, Chen Kangjie had a friend whose thigh was broken when he was joked about like this, and he was hospitalized for more than a month before he recovered.

Moreover, the danger is not just that little.Under the fetters of objects, dense crowds are most likely to fall like dominoes.Immediately afterwards, two more people fell on top of Chen Kangjie.

He was carrying the weight of several people on his back, but Chen Kangjie did not let go, and continued to clenched his teeth and persisted. He knew that if he did not persist, if he fell down, and with his weight, the girl under him would not be crushed. The weight of a few hundred catties will also make her fall into the abyss.

Really, wearing high heels and a tight one-piece dress, why come here to join in the fun?It's all right now, not to mention her injury, and Chen Kangjie had to shield her from the wind and rain and bear the heavy weight.

"Ah", the cry came from Chen Kangjie, it wasn't that he couldn't bear the weight, but that the fingers of his left hand were stepped on, and it hurt so badly.

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