rebirth of change

Chapter 1438 Annoyed the police

The human finger is not exactly a vulnerable place on the human body, but that is when it is used as part of a fist.It's not so tough when the fingers are split apart, especially if it's being attacked from the back.

Chen Kangjie lay down to form a protective umbrella for the human body. In order to bear the weight of his own body, his two palms must be completely split and propped on the floor.At this time, not only can he not move, he has no defense ability, and when he is hurt, he can't take the instinctive self-protection measures as usual, and can only endure it submissively.

The four fingers of Chen Kangjie's left hand were trampled on by the big foot. While enduring the excruciating pain, the only thing Chen Kangjie could do was to express his protest through his mouth.

Lying under Chen Kangjie, the girl who was lovingly protected by him was awakened by Chen Kangjie's cry.She slowly opened her slender eyes, and saw an ordinary man's face only a dozen centimeters away from her, which immediately gave her a burst of panic, and her little heart was beating wildly.This man, with his eyes wide open, gritted his teeth, and the warm breath he exhaled sprayed on her face one after another, with a few large beads of sweat hanging on his cheeks.

The girl's first thought was that Chen Kangjie had bad intentions, no wonder she had such absurd thoughts, it was because Chen Kangjie's action was too ambiguous.

The girl wanted to raise her hand to give Chen Kangjie a slap in the face, but when she was about to raise her palm, she noticed something strange.

The light in front of me was very dark, it seemed to be blocked by many objects, and there were objects flickering beside me. When I looked closely, it was a pair of legs and feet wearing different shoes, and the pain transmitted from the legs also caused the scene. reflected in her brain.

Looking at the man in front of her at this time, the girl found that his eyes were so clear, like a verdant banyan tree.Although his appearance is ordinary, his demeanor is so resolute, like a piece of blue sky.The air exhaled from his mouth is so gentle, like the fragrance of a sunflower.The fine sweat on his forehead and cheeks was like bright pearls, emitting a moving luster.

Naturally, Chen Kangjie could see everything that was happening right now, even the girl's initial misunderstanding of him, Chen Kangjie was keenly aware of it.Face to face, looking at each other, at such a close distance, the two of them could not speak a word.

The girl was speechless. On the one hand, her throat was a little congested because she was moved, and she didn't know what to say.On the other hand, the surrounding environment and physical pain made her feel a little more fearful, and her mind was almost blank.

It is normal for Chen Kangjie to be speechless.At this time, he was the least discouraged. Although his fingers were stepped on and he screamed, the weight on his body forced him to continue to hold his breath and grit his teeth.Talking creates discouragement, and discouragement leads to lack of strength.If Chen Kangjie's willpower were to loosen now, then his hands with bruised veins would most likely become weak, and the consequence would be that the protective umbrella would collapse, and the consequences for the girl would be disastrous.In addition, Chen Kangjie consciously didn't know the delicate woman in front of him, so he had nothing to communicate with.

Chen Kangjie saved people entirely out of instinct.In essence, Chen Kangjie has a heroism complex in his bones.People with a heroic complex will always act fearlessly forward at critical moments.The factor that prompts them to do so is neither fame nor profit, but a purely natural instinct.

We often see this kind of scene in the media, the reporter holds up the microphone and asks the hero who went into the water or rushed into the fire to save people, what did you think when you stepped forward?Have you ever thought of something?

I don't know whether these reporters are stupid or they have some kind of purpose. It seems that they just want to get the brilliance of humanity they need through this kind of temptation.However, in Chen Kangjie's view, if the interviewed so-called hero expresses a lot of feelings and insights, then if it is not that they have made up dialogues with each other, the so-called hero is hypocritical.

I don't even think about it, who the hell still thinks so much at such a critical moment of crisis.If you really think about it so much, what you bring to this person should not be courage, but fear.In the face of raging floods and blazing fires, if you really think about the cause and effect and all kinds of things, you will think that if you go, you may not come back.A rational person's behavior at this time must be self-interested.Only those who answered that they didn't have time to think about anything at that time were simple and true heroes, because at that time, such people only had eyes on the other party to be rescued, and they would not have themselves.

When Chen Kangjie used the platooning hand to make a bow and rush forward to save people, none of his bodyguards noticed anything unusual.Each of them was wantonly besieged by countless people, and they couldn't separate God.After waiting for a while, they found that Jie Shao had disappeared, and the few people were anxious.

In the extraordinary period, several people no longer cared so much, resisting the pain on their bodies, and each of them increased their shots.They had to quickly get rid of these difficult fans before they could find Chen Kangjie's whereabouts.

Just when Dong Mingshu and the others were imposing heavy hands, the increased police and armed police also adopted the strategy of assault with sharp knives.The periphery has been cleared for the time being, and it can be handed over to the twenty or thirty staff members at the airport to maintain stability.They opened their bows left and right, and with the cooperation of twenty armed police soldiers, four policemen entered from both sides.The central position is the most chaotic, they must be quick and decisive, so as not to cause evil incidents.Moreover, under the call for help, more police and armed police soldiers are already arriving, which can relieve their worries to a certain extent.

At this time, the police and armed police soldiers were not as gentle as usual. They all knew that it was impossible to stabilize the chaos at the scene by relying on gentleness alone.So they almost all yelled and shouted. It's okay to stop if you obey, but if you don't obey, you will be greeted by rubber batons immediately.

The decisive measures taken by the belated police did make a big difference, and stopped the further unforeseen downward slide of the situation.

It was his own bodyguard who rescued Chen Kangjie first.Liu Deyi was the first to discover the situation. Under the guidance of his call for help, Dong Mingshu and Alyosha quickly came to the front, picked up the people who were pressing on Chen Kangjie one by one, and threw them to the side without any politeness.

"Master Jie, how are you?" Chen Kangjie lost all the weight on his body, but his body was still straight. Dong Mingshu knelt down on one knee and asked with concern while supporting his shoulder.

"Ah... hands and feet are numb, I can't get up, help me..." Chen Kangjie replied with difficulty.The whole movement and expression were very funny. Dong Mingshu saw the protected girl under Chen Kangjie, but he pretended not to see it. At this time, Chen Kangjie was the most important thing in his eyes.

"Oh, ok, ok, ok, I don't care, please help me."

Dong Mingshu and Liu Deyi shot at the same time, and only then did Chen Kangjie, who was like a zombie, be lifted from the ground.

"Squat down, squat down, all of you squat down, you guys...squat down." Chen Kangjie just stood up, when the police who broke in came to him, pointing at them with rubber batons unceremoniously, and gave successive orders to squat down .

However, at this time, others could squat down, but Chen Kangjie could not.Chen Kangjie, who is usually physically strong, has his hands and feet stretched straight after bearing hundreds of kilograms of weight just now. Now his feet are numb and cramped, and he can't squat at all.

Chen Kangjie looked around, and saw a large group of people squatting or lying down in front of him, densely packed, spreading in a fan shape from near to far.As far as the eyes could see, there was no blank ground, and the wide aisles extending to both sides of the reception hall were tightly packed.Outside the airport, sirens sounded one after another, forming a chaotic swarm.Through the glass curtain wall, you can still see the overhead lights of several ambulances jumping and flashing.And a large number of police and medical staff poured in through several gates.

Chen Kangjie stands still, which makes people feel that he is stubborn and arrogant.However, Dong Mingshu and the others only cared about investigating Chen Kangjie's physical condition, which was considered a disregard for the power of the police.

Chen Kangjie's obstinacy and Dong Mingshu's disregard annoyed the approaching policemen, and someone raised a rubber baton and swung them down.

The target of the rubber baton was Dong Mingshu's shoulder. Chen Kangjie saw it, but the numbness of his body made him unable to rescue him. He could only give a verbal warning and shouted, "You are so brave, stop."

Dong Mingshu's attention was all on Chen Kangjie, completely unaware of the approaching danger.Although Chen Kangjie's warning made him aware that something was wrong, the surrounding ground was full of people, which affected his defensive actions.

Fortunately, they have others.Just when Dong Mingshu was about to be hit by the black rubber baton, a suitcase flew from the side and slammed into the fierce policeman's chest.

The policeman was knocked down immediately, and knocked down an armed police soldier behind him.This suitcase must belong to a certain lady. When the policeman fell to the ground, the zipper of the suitcase was opened, and the bright clothes and some cosmetics inside were scattered like flowers, and one of the red bras fell off. On top of this policeman's forehead.

Hey, this policeman is very lucky, he can fall down so coquettishly, it's really hard for him.In fact, the situation is now completely under control, and he doesn't have to be so aggressive anymore.

Chen Kangjie looked away, and the rescuer was Lowski.Chen Kangjie gave him an appreciative and encouraging look.

"F*ck, it's wrong, it's wrong, I'm so pissed off..." The policeman who fell to the ground scratched at his head and other people beside him, and shouted loudly.

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