"Ah?" The section chief was stunned by the information that Xiao Zhao revealed. Not only the section chief was surprised, but even Sister Wang, who was weak and stuck in the sofa chair, sat up straight and was very moved.

"Xiao Zhao, are you sure you heard it right?" Such a shocking news made it hard for the section chief to accept. Although he knew that Xiao Zhao would be beaten to death, he didn't dare to joke about such a thing, but he asked one more question out of habit .

It would be shocking enough to ask the district chief to go to the police station to open handcuffs. As a result, not only did the district chief want to do this, but if the district chief did not go, Director Cai and Secretary Mu would be detained, and the secretary of the municipal party committee or the mayor Only by showing up can you get it back. This kind of news made it difficult for the section chief who had seen the big scene to digest for a while.

If both the director of the Public Security Bureau and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee are detained by the military, then Chaoyang District will be ashamed and embarrassing. Sorry.No matter how the matter ends, the municipal party committee will definitely hold them accountable. When that happens, the mayor of Que Weiliang, who was named by someone, may be in trouble.

After more than ten seconds, the head of the section chief, who was a little awake, pushed Xiao Zhao away, took a big step, and trotted out of the office. Don't think about it, the section chief must hurry to notify the district chief.

Mayor Que just had dinner with a guest at noon and drank some wine.In officialdom, if you don't know how to drink, it's hard to move an inch.As the saying goes, if you can drink half a catty and drink eight taels, such cadres can be cultivated, and if you can drink eight taels and a catty, the party can rest assured.After returning to the office from the hotel, Que Weiliang's head was a little heavy, so he lay down on the small bed in the back room of the office, planning to take a rest before getting up to work.The secretary in the outside room has accepted the order of District Chief Que: all the comrades who come to report work will be stopped, and the time will be delayed. As long as the calls to the office are not particularly important, he will handle them by himself without reporting.

After brewing a cup of tea, Yue Mingquan, the secretary of District Mayor Que, sat in the outside room with due diligence, intending to do his best to block all the harassment for the District Chief, so that the District Chief can at least rest for four to ten minutes.The district chief is too tired. He drank almost half a catty of wine just now. If he doesn't take a good rest, how can he cope with the heavy work ahead?

Unexpectedly, District Chief Que had only been lying down for 3 minutes, and Yue Mingquan only took a sip of his cup of tea, when Section Chief Gong of the District Government Office hurried in.

Yue Mingquan grabbed Section Chief Gong without hesitation, pulled him out very bluntly, and criticized very displeasedly: "Section Chief Gong, did you take the wrong medicine today? What's going on? You are frizzy, District Chief Que spent his time with the guests at noon, and now he is about to take a break. Do you want to wake up the district chief or be criticized? You are usually a steady person, why are you now so impetuous and not calm at all..."

Yue Mingquan reprimanded Section Chief Gong for his bad attitude.

To put it bluntly, Yue Mingquan and Section Chief Gong are at the same level, and in terms of qualifications, Yue Mingquan's qualifications are several years behind Section Chief Gong.However, Yue Mingquan is not criticizing Section Chief Gong in his own capacity. As the district chief's secretary, Yue Mingquan can often speak on behalf of District Chief Que.

In the district government, although Yue Mingquan's rank is only at the department level, just because he is Que Weiliang's secretary, not to mention that the department-level cadres below respect him very much, and they are all flattering. Those deputy district chiefs often look up to him.No way, Yue Ming is the ears and eyes of District Chief Que, and he has the closest relationship with District Chief Que. Maybe he can't control those people in terms of power, but if he gives some eye drops to District Chief Que, it's still a good idea. Easy.Maybe if he casually whispered a word in the ear of District Chief Que, the others would have to drink a pot.

Therefore, Yue Mingquan didn't think there was anything wrong with him teaching Section Chief Gong so presumptuously, it was completely natural.This is still afraid of disturbing District Chief Que's rest, otherwise, Yue Mingquan will curse a few times to ensure that Section Chief Gong dare not fart.

Section Chief Gong, whose forehead was sweaty, was stunned by the reprimand. ***, you brat, what a shame, if you hadn't been lucky enough to be chosen as the secretary by District Chief Que, you'd have to give me the role of fucker, how could you show off your power here?It's really a villain's success, with a look of two to five to eighty thousand, he really regards himself as the district chief. *** Don't even think about it, just because you are so ugly, you are still a thousand miles away from the position of the district chief.

Section Chief Gong was dissatisfied and just slandered in his heart. He didn't dare to say what was in his heart. If he really said it, he would simply cause trouble for himself.It might be better to offend District Chief Que, but it may be a tragedy in the future to offend the watchdog.It's really easy to see the king of Hades, but hard to deal with the little devil.

"Secretary Yue, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I came to report to District Chief Que on important matters..." Section Chief Gong apologized and said apologetically.

"Isn't it important for someone to come to Que District Chief? Section Chief Gong, why are you getting more and more regressed?" Yue Mingquan interrupted Section Chief Gong's words angrily and said angrily.

"Secretary Yue... I really have an important matter to find District Chief Que. Think about it, otherwise, would I dare to barge in like this?" Section Chief Gong was suffocated by Yue Mingquan's training, and he was so angry One place, but thinking of the content of that phone call, he could only hold back the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said eagerly.

Section Chief Gong worked so hard, on the one hand, it was due to the production, and more importantly, on the other hand, he wanted to please the Que District Chief. As long as he was approved by the Que District Chief, he would have a good life in the future. Say no One day, I will be able to mention a deputy.

Although Section Chief Gong was very eager, Yue Mingquan still had a casual expression, "What's the big deal? Tell me first. If it's really important business, wait for District Chief Que to rest." Yes, I'll relay it."

Yue Mingquan is learning how to be an official as the head of Que District.District Chief Que once taught him that as a mature cadre, no matter what situation he encounters, he should not be impatient, but keep a calm and indifferent heart. Only in this way can he make correct decisions and find a suitable solution.Otherwise, if you get confused, you will make mistakes.

Yue Mingquan has always kept the words of District Chief Que's education firmly in his heart, and he will train himself according to this requirement whenever he finds an opportunity.It's just that Yue Mingquan may be a bit of a Handan toddler and Dong Shi's imitation. There is a big difference between deliberate and natural reactions.

Yue Mingquan made things so difficult. Apart from the fact that he wanted to show himself to be calmer and calmer on purpose, he also speculated that it was impossible for Section Chief Gong to have any important events.What important event can a small section chief in the office have?If such a thing really happened, he, the first secretary of the district government, should be the first to know about it.

Another point is that Yue Mingquan must seize the initiative.If Section Chief Gong really has something important to do, it is better for him to report to District Chief Que than to Section Chief Gong. At least if he has credit, then he can take the lead.In the officialdom, money is often over-plucked, but in fact, credit and political achievements are also over-plucked.

"My secretary Yue, why don't you believe me? Time waits for no one, hurry up and let me see District Chief Que!" Section Chief Gong sighed several times.

"Huh?" Yue Mingquan's face completely darkened, as if his authority had been greatly challenged.A dull and contemptuous displeasure came out of his nasal cavity.

"Okay, okay, Secretary Yue, then I'll report to you first, it's like this, our office just received a call..." Section Chief Gong was really helpless, he knew that if he didn't To put it bluntly, Secretary Yue, who pretended to be powerful, would not let him in.

After listening to Section Chief Gong's report, Yue Mingquan was also stunned just like Section Chief Gong was a few minutes ago.

How could such a thing happen?If it is true, it is indeed a very important event.Moreover, Yue Mingquan thought more deeply than Section Chief Gong. After he was surprised, he immediately linked this matter with his future.Obviously, if Que District Chief is named by the municipal party committee because of this incident, then the future will be bleak.The future of District Chief Que is worrisome, so as the person who has the closest relationship with District Chief Que, does he still have a good future?

"Secretary Yue, Secretary Yue..." Looking at Yue Mingquan with straight eyes, Section Chief Gong knew that he was startled, so he quickly woke him up.


"Secretary Yue, should we report this matter to District Chief Que immediately? Time waits for no one. If the other party really takes the person away, things will be difficult." Yue Mingquan said hastily.

"Yes, yes, Section Chief Gong, you wait here first, I'll go in and wake District Chief Que." Yue Mingquan finally came to his senses, he casually ordered Section Chief Gong, turned around and opened the door to enter Que Weiliang's office.

"Bah, what a fucking bastard." As soon as Yue Mingquan entered the back room, Section Chief Gong spat and cursed harshly.

It was obvious that Section Chief Gong wanted to go in with Yue Mingquan to meet the District Chief, but who knew, he was blocked by Yue Mingquan's light words.No need to think about it, Yue Mingquan will definitely report the situation to Que Weiliang when he wakes him up.His report means that 80.00% of the credit has been taken away by him. He has worked so hard to come up, and at most only 20.00% may let District Chief Que remember his goodness.

Being robbed of the credit, it is understandable for Section Chief Gong to scold his mother in anger.

In less than 2 minutes, the door of District Chief Que's office opened with a "squeak".The plump head of Que frowned deeply, shaking his thick belly, and stepped out with heavy steps. Under his eagerness, the top of his jacket was not fully buttoned...

When Section Chief Gong asked Que Weiliang to report, Sister Wang and Xiao Zhao also passed this important news to the people who were close to them.

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