rebirth of change

Chapter 1458 Beat the dog without looking at the owner

By the time Que Weiliang brought section chief Gong and secretary Yue Mingquan to the capital airport police station in his Audi, the pick-up hall at the airport had been cleaned up. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't be able to tell that the incident involving thousands of people happened just now. riot.

Que Weiliang didn't communicate with the busy airport group, so he turned directly to the direction of the police station.

From the outside, the capital airport police station looked nothing unusual, it was still so quiet, but after Que Weiliang stepped into the gate of the courtyard, he realized that the place had been taken over by the military, and all the gates of the offices were armed with armed soldiers. There are also soldiers on duty at the gate and wall of the village.

"Stop, may I ask which unit you belong to?" Que Weiliang had just stepped into the arch of the courtyard when two tall and straight soldiers appeared from both sides to block his way.

Although the soldiers who asked the questions maintained basic politeness, but from their resolute expressions, it can be seen that they have a business-like attitude. If the answer is inappropriate, it will become logical to be kicked out immediately.As for yelling and using power to suppress people, I'm afraid it won't work well for these big soldiers who only recognize orders and superiors.

Although Que Weiliang came here with the intention of resolving conflicts, he still felt extremely uncomfortable when he was blocked in such a rough way, and his brows immediately frowned.

It's time for Secretary Yue to play a role. He stepped forward and introduced boldly: "This is the Que District Chief of our Chaoyang District. You called to invite him here."

As expected of serving the leaders, Yue Mingquan still knows the art of speaking very well.Obviously Que Weiliang was forced to come here, but he said that he was invited here, imperceptibly he meant to overthrow Que Weiliang.

Who knew that the two soldiers wouldn't appreciate his language performance at all. They stared at the three for three seconds, and the soldier who took the lead said, "Wait a minute, I'll report to the chief."

Que Weiliang, who had a big belly, felt like the thick fat in his abdominal cavity was burning, and anger and anger spread through his veins.

Ever since he became the district chief at the departmental level, Que Weiliang has never encountered such contemptuous treatment without losing face.The soldier who spoke turned around, but the other soldier was still standing straight in front of them, and there were several soldiers not far away who were watching the three of them warily.That feeling is to completely treat them as hostile elements. If they are not careful, they seem to pounce on them at any time and take them down unceremoniously.

However, no matter how dissatisfied he was, Que Weiliang could only endure it.Today's matter is already difficult. If he loses his temper, it will be difficult to solve it.What's more, getting angry with these low-level top soldiers will not solve the problem, and it will also affect his glorious image as a senior leading cadre.

In ancient times, it was said that the emperor humiliated his ministers to death, and seeing the district chief of Que being so disrespectful, Yue Mingquan wanted to show it.But the soldier who spoke didn't pay attention to him at all, didn't give him a chance to express himself, turned around and left after speaking, without delaying at all.Yue Mingquan turned his head and glanced at District Chief Que. Seeing District Chief Que's cheeks twitch a few times, his eyes dimmed instantly from being about to breathe fire.He knew that he shouldn't be troublesome anymore, and don't cause trouble for the boss.

As for Section Chief Gong who followed, he could only stand behind feeling weird, not daring to move.Section Chief Gong was very excited. It was a good thing to be followed by District Chief Que today, but it was not a good thing to see the leader deflated.No leader wants his embarrassment to be seen by his subordinates and affect his Wei Zhengguang image. That is to say, people who know more secrets are actually more dangerous. It has always been the case.Unless the will is firm enough, the mouth is strict enough, and the loyalty is high enough.Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

Que Weiliang led two of his men to stand at the door for a minute before seeing the soldier come out of an office on the first floor.

"District Chief Que, please, our chief is inside." The soldier came to Que Weiliang, said something indifferently, and stepped aside with his comrades, allowing Que Weiliang and the others to go in on their own.

Que Weiliang has nowhere to vent his anger now.Yue Mingquan and Section Chief Gong complained in their hearts, these soldiers are really too defiant, even the district chief came, and no one came out to greet them, even if they were just pretending.They still say "military and civilian families are close" all day long. How can you tell that they are close?During the New Year holidays, the district committee and the district government often sent supplies to the military camps, carried out condolences and military support activities.

In fact, Yue Mingquan and Section Chief Gong also randomly assigned credit.Their district party committee and district government go to the local armed police garrison and fire brigade every year for their military support activities. The capital garrison area goes to the municipal party committee and government, so it has nothing to do with them.In terms of rank, they are not qualified to go to the capital garrison to condolences.

No matter how upset he felt and how much he wanted to scold his mother, Que Weiliang could only walk towards that room with a sullen face.Now his mind is no longer on the two big soldiers, but he keeps thinking about how to face the next situation.

When the soldier came out just now, he took the door behind him, so District Chief Que couldn't see clearly what was going on inside when he got to the door.

Taking a deep breath at the door, District Chief Qu pushed away Yue Mingquan who was about to open the door for him, and raised his right hand and pushed it on the doorknob.

At this time, Yue Mingquan was still flattering, and he didn't even think about it. He didn't welcome District Chief Que at all. If he continued to act like that, would he have a good start in dealing with difficulties?

As soon as the door was pushed open, Que Weiliang was shocked by what he saw.In this interrogation room, about twenty people were stuffed, and most of them were soldiers.The chief of public security was detained in the corner of the wall on the left like a prostitute, with a gun barrel pointed at his chest and forehead, looking as messy as he could be.The treatment Mu Feng received was much better, he just stood by the wall, and a soldier stood by his side to accompany him.By the wall on the right, by the entrance door and the door of the iron cage, there are soldiers with guns standing guard.On the railing of the iron cage, three people were handcuffed to it. Behind the three of them, there were several policemen and a shivering young man lying or sitting.

In the middle of the room, there were three chairs, and a gallant military officer was sitting on one of them.When Que Weiliang stepped in, the heroic officer stood up leisurely. Of course, this officer was Nie Hai.As for Yue Mingquan and Section Chief Gong, they were blocked by the soldiers at the door.

"Que District Chief, hello." Nie Hai greeted Que Weiliang with no emotion in his tone, but he didn't intend to reach out his hand to shake him.

"Hello, I would like to ask, you are..." Que Weiliang took a look at Nie Hai calmly, his eyes fell on Cai Mingzhi and Mu Feng, and asked in a deep voice.

Before coming, the information Que Weiliang could obtain was very limited, only what Nie Hai said on the phone as relayed by Section Chief Gong and Yue Mingquan.When he came to the scene, he felt that the situation was more difficult than he had imagined. Therefore, he had to understand the situation clearly before making an appropriate decision.

"Major Que, we are acting under orders, and our purpose is to protect this Mr. Chen Wen." Nie Hai pointed to Chen Kangjie, who was looking at Que Weiliang, "It's just a pity that the person we want to protect has been taken care of by you." His subordinates were wronged, and they were arrested and locked up like this, oh, I almost forgot, when we came, Director Cai was holding a gun in his hand, and wanted to use force against our protected objects, no, no If there is no way, I can only invite you here."

Nie Hai's speech was light and light, neither harsh nor serious, but his tone was a bit cold.Although there are not many words, the basic situation is still clearly introduced in a few words.Of course, Nie Hai made a definition of the premise first, Chen Kangjie was wronged, and Cai Mingzhi was extorting a confession by force.

"Que District Chief, no, no... I am wronged... Que District Chief saved me, they... they used violence against me..." Seeing Que Weiliang coming, Cai Mingzhi seemed to have found an organization and a backer , regained some confidence.Hearing Nie Hai's extremely unfavorable words for him, Cai Mingzhi immediately rebounded, said loudly, and wanted to stand up.

Cai Mingzhi's rebound did not achieve the desired effect, nor did it bring him sympathy. Instead, he added another hardship to himself.The two soldiers smashed down the two gun butts without mercy, and immediately smashed Cai Mingzhi to the ground. They sat down on the ground in a state of embarrassment, and a big bump suddenly bulged on their foreheads. There were fine bloodstains flowing out.

Cai Mingzhi's miserable screams deeply stimulated Que Weiliang.This big dog still looks after its master. These soldiers are too arrogant and lawless. In front of their own faces, they beat their own public security chief so mercilessly. It is really hateful and hateful.

Que Weiliang was about to vent a few words, but in a blink of an eye, the wooden wind standing by the wall made him startled, and he swallowed back the words that were about to get angry.

District Chief Que became a little clearer. He didn't come here to support Cai Mingzhi's whole shit, but to turn big things into small things.If he just supports Cai Mingzhi like this, how can he resolve the conflict?

That bastard Cai Mingzhi is really a **** bastard, he has done more than failed, I have only had a few days of leisure, and I have caused such a big mess for me.It's not good for you to provoke anyone, but you want to provoke this group of unreasonable soldiers. Isn't this the **** who fell by the latrine --- looking for death (shit)?Take a ten thousand step back and say, you can provoke me if you want to, and wipe your own ass, why do you want to involve me?

The furious Que Weiliang made up his mind that when this happened, he would teach this bastard a big lesson.

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