It was past eleven o'clock at night when Chen Kangjie arrived in the capital.

Originally, it took about three hours to fly from Zhucheng to Beijing.However, Chen Kangjie had a very tight schedule when he came out of school, and after chatting with Ding Xiaoyang for a few minutes, when he arrived at the airport, he had already missed the departure time arranged by the airport.

From the perspective of privileges, Chen Kangjie can also stop, and I believe that there will be no difficulties at the airport.This kind of power is definitely not only derived from his star status, but more importantly, from his entangled relationship with the top political circles in China.Although the airport group is an enterprise, it is state-owned and is greatly influenced by administrative power.It's just that if Chen Kangjie is blocked, it will cause delays for several scheduled flights in the future.

The reason why domestic flights are often delayed is that the punctuality rate is not high.More than half are not affected by natural factors, on the contrary, the impact of human factors is much more serious.

Chen Kangjie remembered a business trip before he was reborn. The flight took off on time at 100:11, but the plane didn't take off when the time came, and it didn't even taxi to the runway.The weather outside the cabin was fine and cloudless, and more than 30 people just sat in their seats and waited.At [-]:[-], the plane still hadn't taken off, and the passengers were dissatisfied. They found the staff to ask the reason and expressed their dissatisfaction. The answer was that the plane was undergoing maintenance.

The flight was delayed for 10 minutes, and it was not until 55:[-] that it was able to embark on its air journey.Later, someone got inside information that the reason why the plane took off was because a deputy ministerial official hadn't boarded the plane yet, and the airport had to adjust the time to wait for him.Knowing the news at the time, Chen Kangjie even yelled at him several times, but the scolding was not just dry scolding, it had no effect at all, no matter how much resentment and anger he had, he could only bear it by himself.

Because of his unpleasant personal experience, Chen Kangjie was unwilling to take advantage of his privileges to take off. His own time was precious, and the time of others was not so cheap.Why forcefully cause trouble to others because of your own fault?He knew that if he stopped, the passengers on the delayed flight for several consecutive times would definitely greet his family badly.Although I couldn't hear this kind of greeting, I still felt uncomfortable thinking about it.As long as he is not facing urgent matters, Chen Kangjie will try his best not to break the rules.

So Chen Kangjie waited at the airport for more than two hours, until there was a time gap, and then he set off smoothly according to the command of the airport tower.It's just that in this way, you can only eat supper when you come to the capital.

When going to the capital this time, Chen Kangjie only brought Xiong Ziqiang and the others with him, and Liu Deyi and the others were all given a holiday by him.The purpose of this is to participate in the National Day celebrations, there is no need to mobilize so many people.Moreover, after arriving in the capital, they will accept the unified arrangement of the government. Xiong Ziqiang and the others will not be able to go to the military parade tomorrow morning.Everyone who accepts the invitation has a special status or has made contributions to the country. As far as Chen Kangjie knows, except for high-level government officials and major diplomats stationed in China, the rest are national model workers. Red-banner bearers, representatives of ethnic minorities, outstanding entrepreneurs, outstanding advanced workers, old revolutionary soldiers, representatives of overseas Chinese with certain influence, representatives of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, etc.

As for security measures, there is nothing to worry about.During the entire National Day period, the security level in the capital should be considered the highest in the world. Not only idlers have been expelled and controlled, but all kinds of transportation have also been controlled.Not only the capital invested more than 10 security forces, but even the provinces and cities around the capital took active actions to remove all peripheral obstacles.Although it cannot be said that the capital is a pure land without criminals these days, at least if there are, the difficulty of illegal and criminal activities will be countless times greater, especially in the central area with ** Square as the core. ascend to heaven.Therefore, there is absolutely no problem with Chen Kangjie's safety.

Stayed at the hotel arranged for one night, before 07:30 the next morning, Chen Kangjie in the guest room received a call from the relevant staff, the staff thought he hadn't woken up, so they reminded him to get up for breakfast, they asked him to get up at eight o'clock The whole will leave on time, and there will be a bus to meet you at the hotel entrance.

Today's highlight is the military parade of the century known as the Grand Ceremony of the Century. Although it starts at ten o'clock, the parade observers have to enter the venue an hour earlier.The whole preparatory activities are in full swing, every detail is very meticulous, and there is no room for any mistakes.

As guests of the ceremony, Chen Kangjie and the others only needed to be an hour early, but as the outstanding representatives of the armed forces who were inspected and the hundreds of thousands of people who participated in the performance, they had already set off.They had to have all the details ready before nine o'clock.

Attending such an important festival today, it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to make any disguise, but must be able to participate in his true colors. This not only shows respect for the mighty and majestic People's Liberation Army, but also shows reverence for the dignity of the motherland.It is a kind of blasphemy to face the fiftieth anniversary of the motherland with a hypocritical face.When the call came, Chen Kangjie had just returned to his room from the hotel gym, so he hurried to take a shower, especially to get rid of the disguise on his face and return to his original innocence.

After taking a refreshing cold shower, looking at the face in the mirror that he hadn't seen for a long time, Chen Kangjie touched his chin and admired it narcissistically, and said to himself in the mirror: "Dude, you are still so handsome. Long time no see, you have become ugly."

Wearing a mask to show people for a long time is a great psychological challenge to a person.If the willpower is not firm enough, over time, the mind will be more or less distorted.Fortunately, Chen Kangjie's mentality has always been relatively stable. After comforting himself, he laughed at himself, left the bathroom gratefully, put on his clothes and went out.

Chen Kangjie lived on the fourth floor of the hotel. The floor was not high, so he didn't plan to take the elevator and chose to walk downstairs through the safe passage.The hotel restaurant is located on the second floor, and it takes only 1 minute to walk down, which is more cost-effective than waiting for the elevator.

Chen Kangjie's fame meant that he couldn't have a peaceful breakfast today as usual.As soon as he came out of the corner of the stairs, he was immediately recognized by two hotel service staff in uniform.

The two waitresses are not very old, they seem to be in their early 20s, their long hair tied up meticulously and their elegant uniforms do not completely hide their youth.It stands to reason that they are used to seeing important people who work in five-star hotels, but for Chen Kangjie's sudden appearance without warning, the two girls were stunned for a moment, and then screamed passionately.No way, Chen Kangjie is not only famous as the top of the list of young people, but also hailed as his idol by countless people. In addition, he has never seen the end of the dragon, and the visual impact of his sudden appearance may be no less than that of a heavyweight National leaders, among young people, perhaps even more so.

"Ah! Chen Kangjie, you are a long, wow!"

When the two waitresses were in a daze, Chen Kangjie hadn't reacted yet. He had been used to being easy-going for a long time, and he was used to the situation where strangers he met treated him as an ordinary person.It wasn't until two girls in the middle grades rushed towards him screaming that he realized that he didn't disguise himself today, but his true colors.

"Hello, hello." After being recognized, Chen Kangjie couldn't dodge any more, so he could only be generous and stand in front of him at close range with little stars in his eyes, so excited that his tear glands almost burst into tears. Female staff say hello.

Anyway, the people staying in this hotel are all the guests attending the National Day military parade, and there are no idlers, so Chen Kangjie doesn't need to avoid it.

"Long, why are you staying in our hotel?"

"I said you are stupid. Chen Kangjie must be an important guest invited to ** to watch the ceremony. Chen Kangjie, are you going to the restaurant for breakfast? This way please, this way please, you are the idol I admire the most."

"Oh... yes, yes, yes, I am so happy and excited today. I never dreamed that I could see you in person. Excuse me... can you sign for me later?"

These two girls are very interesting, one is called Chen Kangjie by his Chinese name, and the other is called by his English stage name.

"Hehe, of course, thank you for liking me." Faced with such an enthusiastic service staff, Chen Kangjie had the nerve to say no.

At the entrance of the restaurant, which was still orderly, after the two waitresses made such an exaggeration, the guests who also came to eat one after another surrounded the ceremony, wanting to see what happened.

Regardless of the fact that the people who participated in the National Day military parade are all people with outstanding achievements in all walks of life, more than 90.00% of them are not young people.But when they walked in, they found that it was Chen Kangjie, and everyone rushed to greet him and exchange greetings.Although middle-aged and elderly people do not regard Chen Kangjie as an idol they admire like young people, most of them still know Chen Kangjie. This is mainly because Chen Kangjie will be in an important position of attention as long as he appears in the domestic media.In addition, many newspapers and TV stations have made special reports on his deeds, highly praised his outstanding contribution to the country's image and his exemplary role in spreading oriental culture.Middle-aged and elderly Chinese people have a high degree of recognition for him.

Even the few people who don't know him will smile kindly at him, and at the same time, they will ask the people around them who this young man is, and why so many successful people who are considered elders are enthusiastic about him.

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