rebirth of change

Chapter 1577 Which one is going to subdue the law?

"You instigated it? Has nothing to do with him?" Chen Kangjie was really confused. This was the first time he met someone who was willing to take the initiative to resist the crime.

Just now this brother Xi was still very tough, but now there is such an abnormal scene, which is not only in line with his style, but also beyond Chen Kangjie's expectations.

"No, no, no, brother Xi, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't take the blame for me, comrade policeman, don't listen to him..." The third child who was limp a few minutes ago is not submissive now He even became a man.

"Sir, shut up." Brother Xi roared, preventing the third from finishing his sentence, "What did I tell you before? Shut up, what are you doing?"

"Shut up both of you." Chen Kangjie pointed at the two guys who were fighting for the front and the back, and reprimanded angrily, "Make it clear, the initiative is not in your hands now. What are you fighting for? Fighting for a long time What a fart, you want to pretend to be a hero, don’t you? Then it’s up to me to do it, have you asked my opinion? Cut.”

After Chen Kangjie reprimanded them, both of them shut up, and all four eyes looked at Chen Kangjie complicatedly.Just like what Chen Kangjie said, the initiative is not in their hands at all, they can't do whatever they want, Chen Kangjie says it.

Neither of them dared to provoke Chen Kangjie now, otherwise, if Chen Kangjie was unhappy, they would have to suffer together.Judging from the behavior of the two of them scrambling to be the first, this result is something they don't want to see, and they all hope to report the next one.

"Take them to your car first, and wait until I'm done." Chen Kangjie glared at Brother Xi and the third child again, and waved to Pang Hui.

Chen Kangjie returned halfway with Su Yu's small bag, and happened to meet Ding Xiaoyang and Su Yu looking for it along the way.

"Are you really being chased back? Are you okay? They didn't do anything to you, did they?" Seeing the small white bag in Chen Kangjie's hand, Su Yu was excited but also worried.

"Yeah, we are all worried about you, how is it? Okay?" Ding Xiaoyang also looked worried, "Look, your clothes are all dirty, and there is a hole in your pocket."

Chen Kangjie looked down and saw that his clothes and pants were covered with dust, and there was a very small hole under the left chest purse of the casual jacket.

Chen Kangjie patted casually, and said with a nonchalant smile, "It's a small thing, it should have been accidentally scratched by something when he pounced on the motorcycle just now, it's not a big problem, it's not a big problem."

"Actually, you don't need to work so hard. It's not a big deal if your bag is robbed. At most, it's just that you lose some money outside your body, but... if something happens to you, it's not worth the loss." Su Yu stroked his small bag, but The concern for Chen Kangjie is beyond words.

Some people have said that being brave in front of girls is the easiest way to win favor, so whether it is ancient times or modern times, there will always be people who pick up girls and put on a heroic posture to save the beauty.Those ignorant young people like to yell and shout in front of girls, and they even regard fighting in front of girls as a matter of dignity.If there is an opportunity to fight for the girl he likes, he will never let it go.Therefore, this irrational impulse often leads to some tragic results.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't do this on purpose to perform in front of Ding Xiaoyang and Su Yu. If he wanted to win the favor of the two of them, he didn't need to do this.He was able to do this because of instinct, or to some extent a heroic complex.In short, Chen Kangjie had no unsophisticated purpose.

"Don't worry, I have self-knowledge. If I can't do it, I won't force myself to do it, haha." Chen Kangjie touched his chin and said with a smile.

"By the way, how did you recover your mistake? What about the two robbers?" Ding Xiaoyang thought of a key question.

"Well, this..." Chen Kangjie scratched his head. He just wanted to come back quickly so that the two of you wouldn't worry, but he forgot about this question. For a while, he didn't know what to worry about.It's just that this matter has already been asked, and there must be an excuse.

As soon as he thought about it, Chen Kangjie came up with an excuse, "It's my luck. I chased, but there was a traffic jam in front, and all the vehicles couldn't move. Of course, the two robbers were also blocked, because they were impatient. When I turned around, I managed to get there. After a lot of grabbing, they probably didn’t want to cause trouble, so they threw your bag aside. When I picked up the bag and got it back, the two hair The thief disappeared in a flash."

"Wow, thank God." Chen Kangjie's understatement still made Ding Xiaoyang feel lingering fear, and he repeatedly patted his bulging chest with his right hand, "You are too risky. You are alone, but they are two. What if they have weapons, such as knives and daggers?" What, the consequences... are really unimaginable."

"Damn, if you have any troubles, I won't be at ease." Su Yu echoed, "The purpose of coming out today was to thank you, but now it's a good thing, and I owe you a big favor."

"Hehe, 'Give three times without retribution', I only give twice." Chen Kangjie was still in the mood to make a joke, he bent down and patted the dust on his pants, and said nonchalantly: "When will you give three times?" , no matter how well you repay him, it’s the same.”

"Don't be crowed, we don't want to encounter any bad things again." Su Yu said coquettishly with his mouth curled up.

"Yes, yes, yes." Chen Kangjie slapped himself several times, "I said the wrong thing, I said the wrong thing, in the future, you will turn bad luck into good fortune, and disaster will turn into good fortune, and all poisons will not invade. This is the head office, right?" ?”

"Look at you, all good things are said like this, what is fierce, difficult, and poisonous, can't we encounter some good things?" Ding Xiaoyang cast a sideways glance at Chen Kangjie, and said dumbfoundingly.

"Hey, you women, it's true." Chen Kangjie couldn't help laughing, "Let me tell you, women, don't be too serious. If you are too serious, you will be in trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Ding Xiaoyang asked.

Before Chen Kangjie could answer, Su Yu yelled "Ah", completely changing the topic.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Su Yu who opened the handbag, Chen Kangjie was at a loss.

Su Yu pouted and opened the handbag and handed it to Chen Kangjie and Ding Xiaoyang. Chen Kangjie took a look, only to find that the small mirror, perfume, and lipstick in her bag were all broken, and the inside of the bag was filthy.

Chen Kangjie slapped his head, he must have done it himself, he hit the third child with this bag just now, and eight or nine out of ten it was broken by that blow.

"Well, this, I'm sorry, I... didn't expect... so, why don't I accompany you." Chen Kangjie was a little embarrassed. He did a good deed by himself, but the good deed was still unsatisfactory.

Why did I use her bag as a weapon just now?Just one punch and it's over.Oops, Jingzhou was really careless.Chen Kangjie was secretly annoyed.

"How can I do that? Your clothes are still torn to get it back for me. It's not your fault, how can I make you pay for it? It must be those two scoundrels, huh, they are really bad." Immediately, Su Yu's angry face softened again, "Hehe, it's okay, the money is not lost, and it can still be used. Let's go, let's go buy some clothes first."

"Buying clothes? What kind of clothes to buy? Aren't we here for dinner?" Chen Kangjie didn't turn the corner all of a sudden, because Su Yu's flamboyance was a little too big.

"That's right, Su Yu, why do you suddenly want to buy clothes?" Ding Xiaoyang was also a little dazed.

Su Yu took out the hundreds of dollars soaked in perfume in the bag, then walked to the trash can on the side of the road, and dumped the sundries into the trash can as garbage.She walked back and took Ding Xiaoyang's arm, smiled and said to Chen Kangjie: "Of course I went to buy you a dress to compensate you. Your clothes are all torn. Could it be that you are showing off in a rotten dress?"

"Cut, what am I thinking. No need, I want you to pay me for the clothes, haha, what are you talking about?" Chen Kangjie shrugged, "You don't need to buy it, your money is still reserved for you to buy your girls." Necessities for children. I said I would compensate you for those things, but you didn’t want me to compensate, so how could I have the nerve to ask you to compensate me for clothes instead, hehe, we don’t like this.”

"That's the bad guy's fault, and it has nothing to do with you, but you are doing it for me, so you have a different interest." Su Yu insisted.

"I said I don't need it, so I really don't need it. It's a big deal to make a small cut. I don't believe that people will not let me eat or go shopping when I am wearing clothes. Is this good? How about not paying anyone else?" Chen Kangjie would definitely not accept it.

It's not that Chen Kangjie's clothes can't be afforded by Su Yu's hundreds of dollars, the main reason is that he feels worthy of it.In addition, he is somewhat machismo, let alone the clothes he bought under such an excuse.

"Okay, okay, don't argue. Su Yu, I don't think Chen Wen will want it, so don't force him. You are all victims today. Let me treat you alone. , let's go to eat." Ding Xiaoyang said together.

In the end, follow Ding Xiaoyang's thinking.No one compensated anyone or anything, and Ding Xiaoyang paid for the meal alone.

After eating, Chen Kangjie sent Ding Xiaoyang and Su Yu back to school first. After changing a piece of clothes, Chen Kangjie went out to find Pang Hui and the others.

Because they didn't know what Chen Kangjie planned to do with Brother Xi and the others, Pang Hui and the others didn't take them back to their residence off-campus, let alone release them, they sat with them in the car not far from the school gate and waited.

Chen Kangjie opened the door and sat in the co-pilot, "Tell me, what's going on? Which one of you is going to punish me?"



Brother Xi and the third child said in unison.

"Yeah, it's quite united." Chen Kangjie sneered, "Actually, both of you should obey the law. There's nothing to say about it. What I care about is why you robbed?"

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