Chen Kangjie's words made Brother Xi and the third child feel a little gloomy. They thought that Chen Kangjie would give the Internet a chance if he didn't send them to the police station immediately. They didn't know that Chen Kangjie would block their extravagant hopes as soon as he opened his mouth. up.

The reason why Chen Kangjie is like this is that he really doesn't like the speeding gang, which often causes great disasters to the victims.Without him this time, Su Yu's lost property would not have caused such an irreparable loss to Su Yu.But Chen Kangjie remembered that the bike gangs in the eastern Guangdong province he saw before his rebirth were really abominable. Many of the victims were foreigners who went to work in eastern Guangdong.This is a tragedy. They came here to work, so they are not very rich, their luggage is gone, their money is gone, and most of the victims are girls.Living in a foreign country where you are not familiar with life is completely conceivable.How hopeless and miserable it must be for the victims of this.

Therefore, although Chen Kangjie kept them temporarily, he had no intention of letting them go.This kind of person, without a good education for a few years, will not understand the vicious harm of illegal crimes at all.

Brother Xi and the third child both lowered their heads and remained silent. Brother Xi was a little better. Although he was in a low mood, he still managed to hold his breath.The third child really looked like a rookie at first glance, and he felt that he was suffering from great pain and suffering as he kept rubbing his face with his hands after Chen Kangjie said a word.

"Master Jie, we have already asked why they robbed." Pang Hui, who was sitting in the driving seat, turned his head to look at the two people who were silent, lit a cigarette and said to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie looked at the road outside the window, didn't speak, just nodded, no one knew what he was thinking at all.

"Actually, their robbery was a last resort..." Pang Hui said slowly after taking a puff of cigarette.

After Pang Hui told him from the sidelines, Chen Kangjie finally understood what was going on.

The brother Xi was named Bai Xigui, and the third child was named Bai Xibin, and they were cousins.Bai Shubin is the third child at home, so everyone in the family calls him that.

Bai Xigui and Bai Xibin are from Yunzi County, Qianzhou.Yunzi County is a remote and impoverished county near Xichuan in the northeast of Qianzhou, with high mountains and long rivers, relatively backward local transportation, and lack of effective economic drive, so the degree of poverty is relatively serious.In the local area, 70.00% of the schools are in remote villages, with old school buildings, lack of teachers, and poor environment.Two years ago, the Huatang Foundation, together with the Yunzi County Government, promoted a comprehensive renovation plan for 5000 primary and middle schools at a cost of 20 million.Lamei Primary School in Lamei Village, where the Bai family brothers live, has not been repaired for [-] years, and Lamei Village is a large village, so Lamei Primary School was selected as one of the twenty schools that need to be renovated.

According to the plan, this transformation is relatively thorough.In addition to the original tile-roofed school building will be transformed into a four-story teaching building, a cement playground, a student dormitory, a toilet, and an office building where teachers' offices and dormitories are connected will also be built, plus water and electricity. Involvement and so on, the budget is 800 million yuan.

With such a project appearing in the village, many people are envious, hoping to get a share of it and make their lives richer.The parents of the Bai family brothers are no exception.Bai Xigui and Bai Xibin's fathers are brothers, and both of them have done this kind of bricklaying and digging work for others before. The two brothers even built the office buildings of the Justice Bureau and the Industry and Commerce Bureau in the county town, so they have some knowledge and experience.

So Bai Xigui's father, Bai Shuqiang, and Bai Xibin's father, Bai Shuhua, joined forces, and after a lot of effort, they finally got the job of building student dormitories and school toilets from the county construction company.According to their expectation, as long as this job is done smoothly, the two families can earn at least 30 to [-] yuan, which is considered a wealthy family in the village.

But people are not as good as heaven, the two brothers have done this job, but not only did they not turn their backs and become rich, but they were pushed into the abyss of trouble.

The reason is that the county construction company only gave the two brothers half of the project funds at the beginning of the construction, and the remaining half can only be paid after the project acceptance.This is also a common means for engineering companies to control risks.

The project has already been completed, so we can't just wait and see that the money won't be earned.Next, in order to complete the project, the two brothers Bai Shuqiang and Bai Shuhua worked together from east to west, borrowing from the east and the west, and even mortgaged the house and land of the family.People around also know that the Bai brothers will be able to pay back the money after completing the project, and the government's project is unlikely to be in vain.Therefore, although it was difficult, the two brothers still borrowed hundreds of thousands from dozens of families for three to five thousand or one to twenty thousand. In addition, the workers they hired were all from the same township, and their wages were owed first.So reluctantly completed the contracted project.

It should have been a perfect ending.But things did not end as expected, the project was completed, the county education bureau also organized acceptance, and the students also used the brand new school.However, the remaining project funds of the Bai brothers have not been received for a long time.

The two brothers went to the county seat to urge them no less than ten times. Each time, the county construction company used various excuses to delay, either because the finances were absent, or the boss was on a business trip, or the bank did not do business.In short, after coming down more than ten times, the Bai brothers' mouths were worn out, and their hearts were almost dried up. They just didn't get the money.

The county construction company can find random reasons to prevaricate the Bai brothers, but the Bai brothers cannot just evade in front of those relatives and friends.The two of them have creditors who come to their door to demand accounts almost every day.

In the beginning, the two brothers were able to persuade those creditors to go back, and promised to repay their money, and they would never play rogues.However, as time went on, those relatives and friends who could see each other often quit, not only them, but also the No. 20 neighbors who worked for their two brothers and did not get paid.

No matter how nice this saying is, it is only true if you have the money in your hands.It is not easy for anyone to earn such a little money through hard work. Who would like to see their money go to waste?Even if you are from the village, when encountering money, everyone will not show much mercy, and they are afraid that they will not get their money back.

Thus, the miserable days of the Bai family came.If you move quickly, you can move quickly, and the food, furniture, livestock, etc. of the two families will be taken away quickly.Not long after, the houses of the two families were also taken over with an IOU. As for the land, they did not hide.But even if they don't take their land, the two families don't have the time to plant it.

In less than a week, the Bai brothers and their families didn't even have a place to live, so they could only borrow at their cousin's house.Bai Xibin, who was in the third year of high school in the county, couldn't finish his studies. His two older sisters were already married, and he couldn't do anything to help.Bai Xigui used to work outside. In order to help his father and uncle with this project, he resigned and came back to help. Of course, he ended up penniless, like a lost dog.Repaying debts is a matter of course, no matter how unwilling he is in Bai Xigui's heart, it will be useless.

Don't think that the matter is over here, the two brothers are not paying off the debt for robbery.

Last week, the two brothers Bai Shuqiang and Bai Shuhua, who had nothing and nowhere to go, went to the county construction company again to ask for money.This time they made up their minds that if they don't have money, they won't leave.

As a result, instead of asking for money, Bai Shuqiang and Bai Shuhua clashed with the county construction workers and were beaten severely by them.It is indeed a bit ironic that those who ask for money are beaten by those who owe money.But it just happened.

Bai Shuqiang and Bai Shuhua were seriously injured. One had a broken head and the other had multiple fractures.After Bai Xigui and Bai Xibin learned of the situation, they rushed them to the hospital in the area.The problem came again, the hospital did not treat patients without money, and Bai Xibin's two older sisters secretly sold a lot of things to collect some money to be admitted to the hospital.But to heal the injuries of the two of them, at least tens of thousands would be needed.Surgery and pedicure are needed in the hospital. If it is delayed, the consequences are unimaginable, and the disability and paralysis may be mild.

Filled with righteous indignation, Bai Xigui and Bai Xibin went to the county government to petition, hoping that the government could help uphold justice, at least to spend some money to pay for medical expenses.

Although we often say that we are the people's government, unfortunately, the people's government often does things but not for the people.The petitions of the brothers Bai Xigui and Bai Xibin not only had no effect at all, they were even taken to the police station and locked up overnight.In the end, it was the people from the police station who sympathized with them and released them at their begging. Otherwise, it would not be surprising to detain them for ten and a half months.

When they came out of the police station, Bai Xigui and Bai Xibin scratched their heads and were clueless. The most important thing was that their father was still lying in the corridor of the hospital, waiting for money to save his life.

Right now, for Bai Xigui and Bai Xibin, the most important thing is to get the money as quickly as possible, other things can only be discussed later.

After much deliberation, he was more courageous, and Bai Xigui, who had seen some of the world, came up with an idea.He used to work in eastern Guangdong. Not only had he heard of the Speeding Gang, but he had also witnessed their crimes with his own eyes.He heard over there that there were countless cases of such cases every day, but there were not many people who were actually arrested, and the relative safety factor was relatively high.Even sometimes these speeding gangs commit crimes in broad daylight, and no one cares about them at all.

It is too late to go to eastern Guangdong to do this now.So Bai Xigui proposed a bold plan, the two brothers went to the provincial capital to vote.The provincial capital is a big city with a large population, many roads and alleys, and many rich people, so it is easier to commit crimes.Moreover, speeding gangs are only popular in the coastal areas, and they are still rare in the mainland. I believe that committing crimes a few times will not attract the attention of the police.

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