Chapter 150 Nine

Seeing this change, Xiong Ziqiang and the others hurried over to pick up Chen Kangjie, "Jie Shao, Jie Shao, what's wrong with you?" "Jie Shao, what's wrong?" Several big men asked anxiously.

"Hurry up, open the car door and send Master Jie to the hospital." After asking a few times, Chen Kangjie bit his lip and remained silent. Xiong Ziqiang was very worried and ordered Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu.

"Put me down, I won't go," Chen Kangjie's voice was not loud, filled with a kind of icy chill.

"Jie Shao, you have to go to the hospital, you fainted," Xiong Ziqiang urged.Although he was only Chen Kangjie's bodyguard, he also completely regarded Chen Kangjie as a relative. Chen Kangjie usually treated them with the courtesy of a brother.

"Put me down, I won't go, I want to find her", Chen Kangjie's words were still so low and cold, his complexion was frighteningly pale.

"Young Master Jie, you have to go to the hospital. I don't know who you are looking for, but you are in poor health." Xiong Ziqiang increased his volume. There was nothing Xiong Ziqiang could do about Chen Kangjie's stubbornness. Use it strong, it's for Chen Kangjie's benefit,

"Put me down, I won't go, I'm going to find her," Chen Kangjie roared hysterically, and with all his strength, broke free from Xiong Ziqiang's embrace.

"Jie Shao, you have already looked for it just now, but you didn't find it today. Let's go back first. Who are you looking for? We will come with you tomorrow." Xiong Ziqiang and the others now know that Chen Kangjie is looking for someone, and it should be a small Children, but they couldn't figure out when Chen Kangjie knew this elementary school kid.In order for Chen Kangjie to go to the hospital, he used coaxing methods. After all, Chen Kangjie was his boss, so it would be inappropriate to use force completely, so try not to use it if possible.

"I can't find her, I'm not going anywhere!" Chen Kangjie squatted down and yelled again.

"But, but..." Xiong Ziqiang was a little out of control with Chen Kangjie.

"Jie Shao, do you know where the house of the person you are looking for is? We can go to her house." Pang Hui saw that this was not an option, so he came up with an idea.

"Yes, yes, go to her house, go to her house, I know where it is, hurry up, hurry up", Chen Kangjie stood up abruptly, speaking incoherently, dancing with hands and feet.

Chen Kangjie quickly opened the door and got into the car. Xiong Ziqiang and the others had no choice, so they got into the car.

"Drive, drive fast, drive straight ahead," Chen Kangjie ordered anxiously before the car ignited.

This time, it was not Xiong Ziqiang who was driving, but Pang Hui. Xiong Ziqiang wanted to sit in the back to take care of Chen Kangjie. He was very worried about Chen Kangjie's health.When they were soldiers, as members of the first batch of special forces, although they did not have as many comprehensive skills as ten years later, driving is still not a problem.No matter when, driving, shooting, fighting, swimming, reconnaissance, and assassination are all essential subjects for special forces.

Pang Hui drove along this small road until he reached the entrance of a small village with more than a dozen families, which was also the end of the road. The car couldn't get in, so he stopped.

Before the car stopped, Chen Kangjie opened the door and rushed out.Xiong Ziqiang hurriedly asked Dong Mingshu to follow, and Pang Hui parked the car by himself before coming.

Chen Kangjie turned east and west along the alleys of the village until he reached the westernmost corner of the village.There is a row of old houses with adobe brick structure, the roof is covered with slate, and there is a small dirt yard in front of the house. Chen Kangjie is very familiar with this place. This is Li Tingyan’s home in the countryside when she was a child. He accompanied her several times. I lived here until I was a teenager before my family moved to the county seat.Seeing this familiar environment, Chen Kangjie felt relieved a lot. Since the environment has not changed, then she should still be there. However, without seeing him at a glance, Chen Kangjie dare not take it lightly. He can be reborn himself, what else is impossible to happen of it.

But Chen Kangjie ran to the small courtyard and stopped, he was in a dilemma, what identity should he use to find her, classmate?friend?Boy friend?Isn't this nonsense, no identity is suitable, she definitely doesn't know herself now, it will scare her [-]%, how should she answer when her parents ask her, it is very strange for a little boy to go to a little girl for no reason Recklessness is hard to explain.

For a moment, countless thoughts and reasons flashed through Chen Kangjie's mind, but none of them was tenable. No matter how he asked, he couldn't answer.

As a last resort, Chen Kangjie took the most stupid and also the most helpless way, sitting down on the stone under the tree at the gate of the yard.His strategy is to sit back and wait, anyway, this is her home, and she will come out sooner or later.

Chen Kangjie just sat there dumbfounded, staring at those doors intently. He didn't know which book Li Tingyan would come out of suddenly. The nervousness and worrying about gains and losses yesterday had been put aside, and he was looking forward to the excitement at the first sight.Xiong Ziqiang and the others stood more than ten meters away and did not come to disturb Chen Kangjie.

After waiting for a few minutes, the door of the middle room opened, and a middle-aged man came out. Chen Kangjie was excited for a while. She thought it was Li Tingyan's father, so Chen Kangjie would definitely know him.

Regretfully disappointed, this man Che Kangjie didn't know. He was thin, dark-skinned, and full of beards. He didn't look like Li Tingyan's father or her two uncles at all.

The middle-aged man didn't think Chen Kangjie existed at all, didn't even look at him, put on his clothes and left.

Chen Kangjie could only comfort himself, "It might just be a relative or friend who came to his house." Keep waiting, she will definitely come out.

A few minutes later, a middle-aged woman came out from the kitchen, carrying a basin of clothes, which seemed to be washed in the creek at the door.Chen Kangjie scanned the woman from head to toe several times, she didn't look like Li Tingyan's mother or his two aunts at all.

Chen Kangjie was puzzled, this obviously belonged to her house, the color of the house has not changed, and the doors are also those familiar wooden doors, how come I don't know anyone who walked out.

Chen Kangjie stood up and walked to a small peach tree sapling not far from the well. When I came to the countryside with her in 09, there was also a peach tree here, but it had grown up and was full of beautiful peach blossoms. Under the splendid peach blossoms, Chen Kangjie and Li Tingyan even took a group photo.At that time, I heard from her that this peach tree was planted by her when she was a child.Is it the one next to it?Chen Kangjie stroked a small peach leaf, thinking to himself.

Half an hour later, Chen Kangjie saw three children coming out with their schoolbags on their backs. They probably planned to go to school. They were quite a distance from school, and it took a while to walk, so they left earlier.

Chen Kangjie stood up and hurried over to stop them.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?" A little boy with a green schoolbag asked sharply.

It was really inappropriate for Chen Kangjie to block his way like this, but he didn't care about it anymore, he had to get a closer look to see if Li Tingyan was among the three.

Regret followed by regret, none of the three children was Li Tingyan, Chen Kangjie could tell from this point that he didn't care what the boy asked, but looked carefully at each of them.Not only was there no one like Li Tingyan, but there was also no one like her cousins ​​Chen Kangjie knew.

Chen Kangjie was stunned. What happened? Why didn't anyone know him?What exactly is going on?The more Chen Kangjie thought about it, the more frightened he became. Drops of cold sweat remained on his forehead. Did Li Tingyan disappear because of his own rebirth? , which boy asked a few more harsh words, Chen Kangjie didn't hear what he asked at all, didn't say a word, his eyes were dull.He felt like he was in the air, very ethereal.

Although he wouldn't reconnect with Li Tingyan, Chen Kangjie didn't want Li Tingyan to disappear just like that. If that was the case, Chen Kangjie would feel that he had hurt her.

Not only did Li Tingyan disappear, but according to observation and waiting throughout the morning and noon, it can also be judged that several relatives of Li Tingyan also disappeared.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie ignored them, which boy pushed Chen Kangjie and took the two girls behind to go to school. don't care anymore.

At this time, the middle-aged man who went out just now came back, Chen Kangjie seemed to see a glimmer of hope, he strode over to hold the man's hand, he wanted to ask clearly.

"Uncle, I want to ask, is your family name Li?" Chen Kangjie asked urgently, and the middle-aged man was taken aback for a while.

Chen Kangjie thought they were used to Hakka and not Mandarin, so he asked again slowly. This time the man seemed to understand, and it didn't seem to be the reason, but he just reacted from the strangeness.

"My family's surname is not Li, my family's surname is Zhang, what's wrong?" Although the middle-aged man answered, his face was very unfriendly.This middle-aged man also found Xiong Ziqiang and the others more than ten meters away, so he only had a bad face and no bad words.

"Then uncle, has your family always lived here?" Chen Kangjie asked impolitely again, in order to make it clear, Chen Kangjie didn't care about being polite at this time.

"Nonsense, of course I've been living here for more than ten years. What's the matter with you?" The middle-aged man couldn't care less about Xiong Ziqiang and the others next to Chen Kangjie's impoliteness, and his tone became very impatient.

Chen Kangjie asked these two questions, and the two answers were like a bolt from the blue, his heart had completely fallen to the bottom of the valley, his last strength seemed to have been drained, his vision faded away, the muscles on his forehead were sweating, and his body was shaking. "Pfft", a mouthful of blood spewed out from Chen Kangjie's mouth due to the attack of energy and blood.Before Xiong Ziqiang and the others had time to run, Chen Kangjie's body had already collapsed in an instant, and he was unconscious...

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