rebirth of change

Chapter 160 The whole county is looking for Li Tingyan

When Chen Kangjie woke up, it was already two days later.

Chen Kangjie, who was lying in the high-ranking ward of Deying County People's Hospital, slowly opened his eyes and found that not only Dong Siying and Xiong Ziqiang were beside the bed, but Ouyang Zhenhua from Hong Kong was also here.

"Young Master Jie, you finally woke up, you're so worried about me," Ouyang Zhenhua excitedly said loudly, holding Chen Kangjie's hand when he woke up.

"Why are you here?" Chen Kangjie's voice was still low.

"Can I not come? Xiong Ziqiang called me the day before yesterday and said that you vomited blood and fainted, which scared me half to death. I came here that night." Although Chen Kangjie woke up, Ouyang Zhenhua still had some Scared.Rebirth: Changing the World 160

Chen Kangjie is Ouyang Zhenhua's boss, his backbone, and his benefactor. If there is no Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua would not be where he is today, so Ouyang Zhenhua completely revealed his true feelings and did not cheat at all.

"Thank you, thank you for your hard work, Sister Siying, I'm sorry to cause you trouble," Chen Kangjie said in a low voice to Ouyang Zhenhua, turned his gaze to Dong Siying who had just opened his brows, and apologized to her.

Indeed, Chen Kangjie originally promised her to come to eat by himself at noon the next day, but at noon, Dong Siying did not wait for Chen Kangjie and the others. As a last resort, Dong Siying went to the guest house to ask, saying that they were early in the morning out.

Dong Siying was both complaining and worried in her heart. She complained that Chen Kangjie had lied, but she was also very worried. She was afraid that something would happen to Chen Kangjie. Although she had three bodyguards with her, it didn't mean that there would be no accidents. It's really worrying that people who are familiar with each other can't speak clearly.

She searched around the town, but couldn't find Chen Kangjie and the others, so she had to go home and wait.But at night, Dong Mingshu came back and told her that Chen Kangjie vomited blood and fainted. He had been sent to the County People's Hospital and hadn't woken up yet.

Dong Siying was taken aback. Her first reaction was that if something happened to Chen Kangjie, how would she explain it to Ouyang Zhenhua and He Wanrong?She promised that He Wanrong would take good care of Chen Kangjie.He hurriedly grabbed a coat, and rushed to the County People's Hospital with Dong Mingshu overnight.

After several hours of rescue, the doctor said that he was out of danger, but he never woke up. As for when he will wake up, the doctor is not sure.

The doctor's unclear information made Xiong Ziqiang and Dong Siying stay up all night in the ward. Ouyang Zhenhua came from Hong Kong overnight when he got the news, and it was already twilight when they arrived in Deying.

Ouyang Zhenhua grabbed Xiong Ziqiang as soon as they met: "Why did this happen, what happened?".

In fact, Xiong Ziqiang didn't understand it very well. He faltered and mumbled about the events of that day from beginning to end without missing a single point. However, Ouyang Zhenhua couldn't understand. Of course he couldn't understand the reason unless Chen Kangjie told him that he was reborn. back.

"Just wake up, don't think about anything else, and have a good rest." Seeing Chen Kang's pale face, Dong Siying also comforted her distressedly.

"Did you tell my family about this?" Chen Kangjie turned to Xiong Ziqiang and asked.

"No, after you fainted, we called President Ouyang first, and he said that we don't need to tell your family, wait... If you really can't wake up... then tell them," Xiong Ziqiang replied with his head down road.

"Good job, so they don't worry." Chen Kangjie patted Ouyang Zhenhua's hand, and looked at Xiong Ziqiang and his three bodyguards.

After saying this, Chen Kangjie stared at the ceiling with a dull expression, without saying a word, but soon the tears kept coming from the corners of his eyes, which wet the pillow.

"Mr. Jie, if there is anything we need to do, you can tell us, and we will help you." Ouyang Zhenhua knew that Chen Kangjie was sad and in pain. Through Xiong Ziqiang's telling, he understood that Chen Kangjie was looking for someone. As for who it is, it is unknown, but Jie Shao can vomit blood because of this, which shows that this person is extremely important to Jie Shao.

Ouyang Zhenhua also wanted to find out what kind of person Jie Shao was looking for, so that he could prescribe the right medicine.Chen Kangjie's tears showed that he was in a bad mood now, and he had just woken up. If he was hurt again, what should he do?

In fact, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others knew who Chen Kangjie was looking for, because during the two days of coma, Chen Kangjie kept calling a name "Li Tingyan" in a daze, but it was useless to hear it, because he didn't know the name "Li Tingyan" at all. "Who is it?"

For this reason, Ouyang Zhenhua and Dong Siying went to Dushan to inquire about the whereabouts of "Li Tingyan", and also went to the small mountain village where Chen Kangjie died, but to his disappointment, the villagers said that there was no such person.Rebirth: Changing the World 160

So now it's not easy for Ouyang Zhenhua to ask directly. He can only ask Chen Kangjie cryptically, and he can leave the matter to them.

"Li Tingyan disappeared." Chen Kangjie didn't look at Ouyang Zhenhua, but just replied in a low voice with a blank expression.

Chen Kangjie's eyes lacked a gleam of brilliance, they were dark, and his voice was cold, making one feel as if he was being pulled into an abyss of infinite despair.

"Young Master Jie, if you can't find it by yourself, you can consider looking for it through the power of the 'government'. For the local area, the 'government' is always the most familiar." Ouyang Zhenhua knelt down and whispered to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie's body trembled suddenly, "Yes, yes, yes, look for it through the "government". In this way, you go and call the county magistrate. As long as you can find it, I am willing to donate [-] million, no, [-] billion." Chen Kangjie shouted excitedly Said, it seems that this is already the ultimate of all his strength.

Ouyang Zhenhua and Xiong Ziqiang were not too surprised. One billion to eight hundred million was really not a big sum to Chen Kangjie, but Pang Hui and Dong Siying were shocked, their mouths and eyes wide open.They didn't expect Chen Kangjie to be so rich, and he was willing to spend one billion to find someone. That's one billion, not ten.At this time, Deying County's output value in two years is estimated to not be one billion.

Ouyang Zhenhua won't be surprised, it's easy to understand, Chen Kangjie is the richest man in the world, and the money Chen Kangjie donated has already reached billions, donating one billion to find an important person is completely in line with Chen Kangjie's mentality.Xiong Ziqiang went to the Soviet Union with Chen Kangjie, and he heard with his own eyes that after completing the mission, each person can get at least 1000 million US dollars. Now even Xiong Ziqiang has tens of millions of dollars in deposits overseas.So he knew very well that Chen Kangjie was definitely much richer than everyone imagined.

"Okay, Master Jie, don't get excited, lie down and rest, I'll go to the county magistrate right away." Ouyang Zhenhua comforted Chen Kangjie who was sitting up, and then turned and went out.

"Ouyang, you really...he...", Dong Siying chased out, grabbed Ouyang Zhenhua, pointed to Chen Kangjie's ward, stared and stammered, but didn't get what he wanted to say clearly.

Ouyang Zhenhua understood what she was going to say, but he couldn't explain it. He just nodded to her and went to negotiate with the "government".

After more than an hour, Ouyang Zhenhua brought a few people over.

"Jie Shao, this is County Magistrate Li Huanwen from Deying, and this is Director Ma Gang of the County Public Security Bureau," Ouyang Zhenhua introduced to the two leaders in front.

Chen Kangjie forced his face to exchange pleasantries with them.

"Mr. Chen, please tell us the details of the person you are looking for. We will mobilize the police and grassroots organizations throughout the county to conduct a blanket search. As long as the person is in our Deying County, we are confident that you can find it." Seeing that Chen Kangjie's expression was extremely bad, County Magistrate Li Huanwen didn't want to waste time, and went directly to the topic.

"The little girl's name is Li Tingyan. She was born on March 84 of the lunar calendar in 3. There is..." Chen Kangjie said softly what he knew about Li Tingyan's family. You must do your best to help, Mr. Ouyang has already told you that if you find it, I will personally donate 12 billion to the county as a reward, please." Ouyang Zhenhua stopped it.

Chen Kangjie is now the God of Wealth to County Magistrate Li and the others. How could he accept Chen Kangjie's compliments? What's more, the matter has not been completed yet, let alone Ouyang Zhenhua. In his eyes, the current county magistrate is not worth it. Chen Kangjie is like this.

After receiving the necessary information, County Mayor Li took Director Ma and his group and left. Before leaving, he told the hospital to take good care of Chen Kangjie and follow the highest standards.

At noon, Ouyang Zhenhua went to the county government to find Li Huanwen. After listening to Ouyang Zhenhua's request and conditions, Li Huanwen's jaw almost dropped. At first, his first reaction was to be a prank or a liar, but since ancient times, it seems that such a joke has never happened live.After verifying the documents that Ouyang Zhenhua handed him, Li Huanwen believed it. A huge golden pie fell from the sky and hit Deying on his head. One billion yuan was more than Deying's annual gdp Almost twice as high.

Almost on the same day, the police from the township police stations and the chief secretaries of all the villages in the county received urgent notices, asking them to put down their work and do everything possible to find Li Tingyan's family.The notice clearly stated that which unit finds it will receive a reward of 100 million yuan, and the county "government" will reward 10 yuan if an individual finds it.

The County Public Security Bureau also released all police forces, and carried out a blanket search in the county.

Many people who don't know the reason thought that there was a big case in Deying County. Otherwise, the police force and grassroots organizations in the whole county were mobilized to find someone. Moreover, everyone seemed to be full of enthusiasm.

Two days later, County Mayor Li and Director Ma came to Chen Kangjie's ward dejectedly.Rebirth: Changing the World 160

Chen Kangjie originally had a glimmer of hope, thinking that Li Tingyan would be in another town.Seeing the expressions of the two, Chen Kangjie also fully understood that this glimmer of hope was gone.

"Sorry, Mr. Chen, we did not find Li Tingyan's family based on the information you provided. Moreover, we expanded the scope to include similar families, and we did not find the little girl you described, nor did we find a similar family." Director Ma was disappointed. reported to Chen Kangjie.

If the task was not completed, the county magistrate Li couldn't speak, so he asked Ma Gang to do it for him.

After listening to the report, Chen Kangjie's eyes were fixed, and he didn't say a word for 3 minutes.His mood at the moment felt a little bit burned by the fire.

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